..:-~,- ... ' ..' - -. :~,,, ., " :You Must Be' Registered " If You Want to Vote rl oj' , ,II , .. • • • Don't Delay; Regtster Now VOLUME' I.~O. 27,'..•. Fully Paid Circulation '. HEADLINES. New Officers Inst~lled by Pointe Rotary Club , :.x.~ .,,,- .•.•• ~L_ •• _~.~~ ••• - •• _. _ ,,_. 1Stragglers oj lb. Fire~orks Display WEEK ne'quested to A$ CompIl.tl 6, ,11. WOII. PoifJI. N~I .To Climax Woods' Get in Line Thursday, JUDt 21 latest Figures Reveal that, ALLIED INFANTRYMEN cap- Jubilee Program 27.892 of Poter.tiel 30,300 ture Communist-held hUl with Have Registered flame throwers and air support fierce five and a hall' hour Six;.day anniversary celebration started last Sunday in: A month ag~e municipal battle on western front in Korea. with big parade and:address by Mayor Paul Rowe . • • • offices in each of the five IKE HEADQUARTERS' somcc ' Crowds jammed a two-mile s.tretch along Mack avenue Pointe communities augment- hillts general will leave Denver last Sunday. afternoon to watc,h the pageantry of a parade ed their facilities to accept for Chicago to personally direct stream by that marked the opening .~f Grosse Pointe Woods' the registrations of residents July convention fight for ,the six-day silver anniversarY celebration. Clowns, Detroit not qualified to vote in the' GOP presidential nomination. MouIited Police. lines of bannered cars, and the city's fire August :> primar~es' and the * ... • trucks with .sirens blaring followed the 10th Air Squadron November election. Bv the be- Friday, June n Band of Selfridge Field.from Moross road past the reviewing ginning of this week 27;892 ACHESON APOLOGIZES to stands next to the municipal building. persons of the more than. 30,'" British Parliament in private ... From a sound car in front' of • I 300 potential in the Grosse SiOllfor keeping them in the dark the stands Woods Mayor. Paul Pointe area were reported as about plans to - bomb Korean Rowe gave a short opening speech registered voters. power plants along the Yalu on a hot day. He Cited' the tre- Park Grants river. Originally. the final day of reg- mendous growth .ofthe city dur- istration had been scheduled as HOUSE RIPS Administration's ing the 25 years since its incor- controls bill. passing measures Pay Boosts .Saturday, July 5, but because of poration as '" village with a f.ew the July 4 holiday falling this that would remove price ceil- hundred ~residents .and a vast ings on nearly all consumer year during the week, the dead": expense of undeveloped land. To Employes line date was extended through goods and Federal rent control ,; He credited'" ... the develop- in many areas. the following Monday, July 7. ... .ers and builders ..to whose broad All municipal offices will be .. ~sion aredtie the 'streetS, homes Hospital Plan and. Life Insur- open that day to receive the last Saturday, June :88 . " ,-P1etur. by ,Paui Gach and' commercial buildings that ance Policies Substituted of the ~egistrants, from 8 o'clock CIRCUIT JUDGE VINCENT M. Nt;w ..officers elected s7v~ral monthsago:'by the Grosse Pointe br~ch. of the international service organiza- have come since and to the suc- For Former Bond Bouns in the morning to 8 o'clock that BRENNAN, of Detroit, unleashed bon were mstalled at ceremo.mes held M9nday.at the club~s luncheonmeetmg in the War M~morial Center. Pictured cession of' elected and appointed evening. a bitter counter attack on the above are,-front row, left. t? nght:-:-ALLAN WAJ"I~ER,tre~surer; WILLIAM WAHL, second vice-president; new presi~ city officials who •.• patterned At a meeting Tuesday, June Michigan Supreme Court for ita . The most recent breakdown In. dent C~IL PAYE, receIvmg the ~avelc~r'?mretirmg pres1dent-ERNES'-rGRAHAM who re~ains a director. Rear row Grosse Pointe Woods into th~ the Labor and "illegal activity" after it had 24, Public each community as reported by left to rlght:-FRAN,K CHUM, ~lrector;' REM1NGTON>PURDYidirector;,}~DWARD PONGRACZ' diredoro.DR: East Side's most. desirable res i- Relations Committee of the the League of Women Voters handed down a .evere reprimand, dential community." ROBERT O'NEILL, fIrst v!ce-pres1dent;,'CASS PIOTROWSKI, past district"governoi who presided at the instaUktion' shows that- of the potential J1l.tmo charging him with. "disgraceful and GLENN. PRATT, 8ecret~ry. ' ~. " , Mayor Rowe'continued with a City of Grosse Pointe Park conduct and official neglect of ber of registered voters (accord .. descripti<?nof the improved riet- made recommendations al- ing to last year's school census) his judicial dutie •." work of streets. the lake-front lowing municipal employes • in the Park, 10,220, about 8.90D • • are registered; in the City, 4,648, STEEL FAMINE would force ~~rin~~:if;' d~~~l~~:~~~S ~:~a~~in~~cbe::~ts:ay rates Launch Plans Minor Easterly Puff Show,s l'ern B.., ailey 3,797 have completed registra .. the Ford Motor Company to .hut . He remarked about the school All permanent. full-time. 5al- down 18 assembly plants across tion; in the Farms, 7.138, 6,775 the nation by Monday night, com- For A nnual What. Could Happen If Lake Takes Over ~~~"'~~dt".J,:.=;~~::~.imc":r.~li:h,~::; ..: 745. 700 residents are registered pany officials declare, 745; 700 residents are registertd ... Fe h R d I S b· too R I BI . good citizens (who)' have given of $200. An increase of 9 cents voters; in th~ Woods, 7,619, bt!- NEW RIOT breaks out at Ken- IS 0 ~~I~~~~U~~m~o~e~~~~.~to~~~ :ur~~u~a;:r e~~r=e~~; ;: cause of the growth- in the put tucky State Penitentiary after eo s ..U lee ~o ea ow Woods Post year since the census, 7,720 per. approximately 300 mutinous con- '- _end: and that o.ur children may permanent,' working' full-time. sons have. been reported as reg. Organizational Meeting Held Park's Pool and City's. ,Wad.in,g Area Jiill With Refuse Assumes.' Duties . in>,: New'y': ~~~'_;he ~d ~eric~ll'biti,~Bond BoDus Sto~d ... vicu were brouBht 10 order end- istered voters., ' ..' ing eight-hour rioting yesterday. ..t NeighJ:,orhod. Club; Eventc~.~ ..- _;",As)Z!p~y;~"toll::WaX.j,Ov..er",~W.Jls$;~;'~c~,-,.j .-c Crejit~~:()"Hf~~::;cj'f~:Oiie~;':"~~e~~"c~~e'7:de(i?:i~ ~t1:~roc~~- The '$5{r~GQvermhent Bond. Abo~t 2,500 peop1e ba~e Yet to .. register in the few remaining SUNDAY, JUNE 2. Set for August 23 Lakefront ':L«Iwns 'Inundated tor' of. pubr ••c' Safety' mationthat officially opened the previously presented to Park 1 employes as an annual bonus, days. Much of the credit for the KEFAUVER NOSES OUT The Grosse Pointe Floo~ Comittee met last Tuesday to week- ong celebration, which will, has been discontinued. In its showing to date should go to Tft..Ft in Gallup, poll final. pre- A t a meeting last ~eek hear. a. resume of 'the flood threat that has lapped .at the Early. Tuesday morning be cliJria~eJi by a fireworks dis- stead, the Committee recom- Roland Gray, Dave Beauvais, . V B'l.' ' play FrIday, at the Parcells . th the members of the campaign convention matching. Attributes Pointe shoreline since the heavy storm damage during the . ern a1 ey, .untll recently a!1 School. The Grosse Pointe Ki- mended increased ben~lts at committee of the Women's Re- Kefauver's lead by small margin and Del Page, representing the last weekend of March. ~. ' Inspector w1th the Detro1t wanis Club is sponsoring the would 1) provide for all em- publican Club of Grosse Pointe, to his popularity amon, Inde- Farms, Park and City. formu- The Lake Survey Office had ira, mthe e""'t showed that danger P 0 1.1 C e D epar tmen,t . was elaborate Fourth of July program ployes a single hospital and sur-0 officials stated. pendent voters. • lated preliminary plans for .... b f b ~ gical plan; 2) provide a $2,00. • • III rep?rted .the average elevation is for from past. The waves whip- sworn m e ore mem ers of which will include all kinds of Group Ter:m Life Insurance the Grosse Pointe Boys and dturmg .the latter partot ,June to ped ~ome more of:f the dilapi- the Grosse Pointe Woods city gamea and contests. All are in- Plan on the basis of a $1,200 FOLLOWING SENATE AP- Girls Fishing Rodeo in conw PROV AL, the House passed com- have been'"677.4feet, a very slight " council, and police and fire vitedto attend. .policy for the first year of ser- Load of Bricks junction with the Boy and promise 10-month extension of increase over the May average dated CIty pIer. The la~efront departments as. the Director .------' vice and $200 for each succeeding price and wage controls that were Girl National Better Fishing of 577.38 feet. •. property owner~ saw a bIt more of Public, Safety of the ci'ty.' B.uslnes8 Group ye.ar, until. the completion of Ties Up Traffic Program. ..._ W _I chewed off theIr lawns by the due to expire at midnight, .Mon- .-ue auungsurging waters. The new office had been cre- Pl .. V t D. five years service. At that time. day. Regarded as victory for Pres- Letters have be~n sent out to M~re than a ~oot under the OnJy Slight Breeze ated by the .council at'the regular ans 0 e rIve the employe would receive a Traffic was held up on J effer .. ident Truman despite fact that all various Pointe organizations re- pr~dIctedrecord hIgh of 578.8,the. meeting on June 16. The council --- $2,000 policy.
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