just received information from him that the primary ar­ rangements are completed. The date will be Sunday, June 5, and the place, Charles Lee Tilden Regional Park, lo­ Powwow Plaudits cated in the Oakland Hills a few miles in back of the University of California campus. Entrance to the park may • be made via Broadway Tunnel Road, Claremont Avenue TO: The Bay Area Alumni groztp, for progressive and or via Grizzly Peak Blvd. ('n- their-toes oganization. Recently Ken Gallagher was ap ­ There is plenty of room for everyone and relaxation for pointed as Publicity Representative for the group, and we all. Facilities of the park provide for golfing, swimming, C;;.( publishing his release to POWWOW below. This is hiking, and there is ample play area for the children, in­ the type of stuff we want from each alumni gro tt p-we can c:uding merry-go-rounds, pony rides, etc. The Caves picnic tell 5,000 Cougars all abottt it, if you tell ItS. Ken is also area has been reserved exclUSively for the Cougs on Sun­ sending itS photos, too, and that warms the cockles of our day, June 5. If you plan to attend and are not exactly cer­ coll'ective hearts. Ken sends it like this: tain as to the location of the park from the aforementioned instructions, which is possible, please drop a card to Jim • Parma lee, at 2300 Bywood Drive, Oakland 2, California. SA Y AREA ALUMNI GROUP ACTIVITIES fl. map with detailed instructions will be sent to you. Phil lighty, '40 was elected President of the Bay Area We have received several inquiries about a possible Alumni group at a recent meeting held in San Francisco at charter flight from either San Francisco or Oakland to the Marine Memorial Club. Other officers for the com­ Spokane this fall. Tentative figures indicate that the round ing year are: Bruce Barrett, '38, Vice President, Doris Orr, trip would cost about $83 (tax included) per person pro­ Secretary, Leigh Knoblacuh, '40, Treasurer. In his accep­ vided enough people were interested to fill a DC-3, twenty­ tonce speech, Phil asked the group to assist him in ex­ one passenger United Air lines Mainliner. Based on the panding the WSC Bay Area Organization and urged all present fare, the charter rate would be $33 less than the members to bring a new recruit to the next meeting. It regular round trip rate. The departure could be set up for was also pointed out that we should be on the lookout Friday night around 6:00 p.m., and the return departure for prospective Cougars as many of the high school seniors could be set up for Sunday afternoon following the game, are now making their college plans for next year. and the flight time each way would be in the neighbor­ hood of 5 hours. Alumni who are interested should get in Plans for the 1949 Alumni Picnic were discussed and touch with K. E. Gallagher, Assistant to the Manager of it was decided to hold the picnic in the East Bay. As usual, Flight Operations, United Air lines, Inc., Box 3000, South invitations are extended to all WSC Alumni in the state as Scn Francisco, California. well as to all visitors in the area. Jim Parmelee was ap­ pointed Committee Chairman to select a site, and I have ITEMS OF INTEREST Stan Curlette, '39 Vice President of the Paddock En­ gineering Company, has recently been elected President • of the Peninsula Builders Exchange. Stan and Mrs. Curlette (Dorothy Castle), make their home in San Mateo. Weldon B. "Hoot" Gibson, '38, is now Chairman of the Department of Business and Industrial Economics at the Stanford Research Institute, Stanford University. He is aiso a member of the faculty at the Graduate School of Business of the UniverSity and will receive his Ph.D. degree from Stanford University in June of this year. Rod Bankson, '37, has recently reported for active cvty at the Presidio in San Francisco and is on definite orders. Rod and Mrs. Bankson (Eleanor Peterson '38) and their two children are making their home in Daly City, California, which is located a few miles from downtown Scn Francisco. Mary Hurd Dahl, '38, is also in the Bay Area. Her hus­ oand, Brick, has a permanent commission in the Army, and IS stationed at the Presidio . • Ken Devine, '40, recently opened an ultra­ modern veterinary hospital in San Jose, Cali­ fornia,. and is shown here examining om of his canine patients. Dr. Devine is making quite a name for himself as an ear specialist; people bring ailing pets to him from as far away as San Francisco for his expert attention. Ken and wife, the former Betty Sailing, live in San Jose; their two husky som complete the family . Page Two POWWOW, May, 1949 AD LIB 1IJ~tO#e State /I~ • HEERFUL EARFUL: remember 'P~~ Ted Christoffersen, the blond C Volu~IX May, 1949 Number 9 Adonis from Hawaii, who played slashing, beautiful football for the Cougm around '35? Christy's many '7~ 7M4 '744fa friends were saddened several years POWWOW PLAUDITS _______ ___ __ _____ ____________________ ______ __ _______ _____ _______________ Page 2 ago, when the popular young man, AD LIB ______________________ __ _____ ____ ___ ___ __ __ _______ _.. __ ___ _______ ___ ________ ______ _____ ___ _____________ Page 3 after an accident, was confined to a SUPER SUMMER SESSION ____ ____ __ ____ _______ ___ ____ ______ __ _______ ____ ______ ___ _________ _Page 4 wheelchair. Last week, in a letter to SULTAN PEPPER ____ _____ __ _____ _______ ___ ______ ___ ____ __ _____________ __ ___ _____ __ _____ ___ ________ Page 7 Coach Phil Sarboe, things looked bet­ ter: Ted wrote that he is out of the SPORTS SHOTS ___ _~ _________ _ _ _________ ____ __ _ ______ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _____ __ ___ ___ __ __ ___________ ______ ___Page 8 wheelchair, and is walking around, OH, GOVERNOR _______________________ _________ _____ ___ ___ __ ___ ______ ----------- -------------------- Page 9 and feels so good he figures on walk­ ANNUAL AFFAIR ____ _____________ ______ __ _____________________________________________________ Page 10 ing right into the Colosseum this fall BUTCH REPORTS __ ___ __________________________________________ _________________________________ Page 14 • when WSC tangles with Cal foes! Which again proves that a good Cou­ THE COVER gar may be down, but never licked. How about dropping a line to Ted? Hilarity on this month's cover was promoted at the !'"ecent His address: 1243 River St., Honolulu, Spokane annual alumni banquet when Governor Langlie became Hawaii. an honorary Cougar, an honorary member of the Spokane Cham­ ber of Commerce, and an honorary member of the WSC alumni association. Such generosity of bestowment prompted hizzoner to remark that he would wear the Crimson and Gray WSC neck­ <) tie at the next Washington- WSC football debacle. See page 9. O. H. JONES -------------------------------------------------___ ________________ _EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MIKE CLARY ______ __ ____________ ______ _________ _____ ________ ____ ____ __ _____ ___ ___ ___ ______ _______ ______ EDITOR LOIS MAXWELL ________________ ___ ________ ____ _____ __ ____________ __ _______ _______ __OFFICE MANAGER FRANCES BARNES _______ __ _________________ ___ ___ ________ _____ ____ ________ _EDITORIAL ASSISTANT­ BOB BERRY, RALPH SUMMERS _______________ ______________ _________ __ ___ ____ _____ __FEATURES DALE STEDMAN __ ____ ________ ___ ______ ___ _______ __ _____ ____ __ ___ ______ ___ _____ ____ ________ ___ __ ____ SpORTS DON JACOBSON ______________________________ ____ _____ _________ ___________ ________ __ ______ ______________ART NONA RUDD _______________________________________________________________ _ADVERTISING MANAGER DIRECTORS ()~4, 1948'-49 Claude Irwin, District 406 Derby Harold Myers, President Pullman, Washington City Ramp Garage Fred Talley, District II WITCH HUNTING, hackneyed Spokane, Washington Old National Bank Bldg. practice of tagging everybody who does Al Ayars, 1st Vice-President Spokane, Washington Omak Public Schools Larry Broom, District III not agree with you with a commie Omak, Washington Waitsburg, Washington label, took a deserved set-back in Spok­ Dick Dunning, Second Vice-President Albert Ayars, District IV ane recently, when Jack Friel, WSC Radio Station KHQ Omak, Washington Spokane, Washington Henry DeYoung, District V hoop coach, had a democratic oppor­ Vancouver High School C. L. Hix, Treasurer Vancouver, Washington tunity to explain his politics before Comptroller's Office Pullman, Washington Helen Peterson Uppman, District VI the QUlrterbacks Club. Friel has been 4032 Pacific • unjustly targeted and labeled by many Tacoma, Washington Irwin Davis, District VII who have misunderstood his objectives. EX OFFICIO 4118 McGilvra Friel made it clear that he was nev­ Joe Caraher Seattle, Washinlton er, and never will be, a Communist; 2111 East 53rd Earle Gibb, District VI II Seattle, Washington 523 Herald Building that his politics are pure American, Bellingham, Washington wnsistent with democratic principles, Dave Troy, District IX ATHLETIC COUNCIL 1224 Third Street and that his interest in social sciences Lewiston, Idaho Joe Caraher have been misconstrued. The Spokane 2111 East 53rd Bruce Doherty, District X Seattle, Washington 3811 S. E. Woodward Quarterbacks Club gave Jack a sincere Portland, Oregon vote of confidence, and we think he Huntley Gordon Marjory P. Locke, District XI 312 South lOth 1241! Mohawk is entitled to the same vote from all Mt. Vernon, Washington Los Angeles 26, California alumni! Jerry Camp Richard O. Dunning, District XII 2411 Summit Blvd. Radio Station KHQ Spokane, Washington ACHIEVEMENT:• Hugh Macaulay Spokane, Washinlton '39 was recently named "Young Man The \Vashington State Alumni Powwow, published monthly except in July and August. Established of the Year" by the POrt Angeles Jun­ 1910, the magazine is a digest of news devoted to The State College of Washington and its ior Chamber of Commerce-He was Alumni.
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