ALAIssueALA 2 CognotesNew Orleans Sunday, June 25, 2006 Today's Yellow Swarm Invades New Orleans By Caroline Labbe, Project sites on Friday includ- One of the pleasures of the astated ninth ward, Holy Cross Highlights Student Volunteer,Catholic ed the Algiers, Alvar, Hubbell, day was seeing what a difference High School in Orleans Parish, University of America and Nix branches of the New a few hours and a group of mo- 15 ALA volunteers, along with Bookcart Drill Team Orleans Public Library, the Chil- tivated volunteers could make. a few community volunteers, World Championship! ive hundred eager librar- dren’s Resource Center, Delgado At one project site in the dev- Continued on page 3 1:30-3:30 p.m. ians dressed in bright Community College, Common Morial Convention Fyellow t-shirts poured Ground, Habitat for Humanity, Center Hall F out of the convention center Operation Helping Hands, Jef- Friday morning to board 14 ferson Parish West, Jefferson ALA President’s busses bound for 19 project Parish East, Resurrection, Sec- sites throughout the New Or- ond Harvest, Ben Franklin High Program Reading: The leans area. These “Libraries School, Southern University, St. Essential Skill Build Community” participants Mary’s, Holy Cross High School, 3:30-5:30 p.m. volunteered their time, skills, and Prompt Succor Church. Morial Convention and labor to New Orleans area Tasks varied by site, ranging Center Auditorium libraries and community orga- from construction, painting, and nizations needing help recover- gardening to shelving, weeding, Sneak Peek of a New ing from Katrina. and packing books. Documentary – The Hollywood Scholar Kevin Starr Discusses Librarian: Librarians in Cinema and Society “Reading: The Essential Skill” 9:00 p.m. Morial Convention at President’s Program Today New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, left, and Louisiana Lt. Governor Mitch Landrieu greet Madeleine Albright before the Opening Center Auditorium oted scholar and li- Dr. Starr is a self-described brarian Kevin Starr evangelist for the central General Session yesterday. Nwill discuss the en- importance of reading and during importance of reading literacy to society and the life Two Campaign For America’s Monday's and literacy at the American of the mind. The author of nu- Library Association (ALA) merous newspaper and maga- Libraries Programs Today Highlights President’s Program today zine articles, he has written he Campaign for Ameri- The program is geared to- from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the 10 books, seven of which are ca’s Libraries is pleased ward library public relations School Libraries Morial Convention Center part of his Americans and Tto offer two programs, and marketing professionals Work: Rebuilding for Auditorium. Continued on page 14 “Shades of Glory: The Negro but is open to any ALA mem- Learning:A National Leagues and the Story of Af- ber wishing to attend. This Town Hall Meeting rican-American Baseball” and can’t-miss event will feature Featuring Keynote “PR Forum: Marketing is Ev- an expert panel offering tips Address by eryone’s Job @ your library®.” and strategies for making the Mrs. Laura Bush “The PR Forum: Market- most out of your word-of-mouth 12:30-3:30 p.m. ing is Everyone’s Job @ your efforts. It will also include an ® (Doors will open at library ,” will take place today update on The Campaign for 11:30 a.m. - no entry from 8:00-10:00 a.m. in the Mo- America’s Libraries and recog- rial Convention Center, Room nition of the Maricopa County after 12:30 p.m.) 352. Library District, winner of the Morial Convention “Word-of-mouth marketing” 2006 Scholastic Library Pub- Center Auditorium is the latest buzz word when it lishing National Library Week comes to promoting your library, Grant. PLA President’s but what does it really mean? The “word-of-mouth market- Plan to attend the annual PR ing” panelists include: Peggy Program & Awards FORUM during the ALA Annual Barber and Linda Wallace, Prin- Presentation Conference in New Orleans, and cipals, Library Communication Featuring you will learn what it is, why it Strategies, Inc.; Camila Alire, Anderson Cooper Jared de Seife, left, and other members of Boy Scouts of America works and how you can use it Dean, University Libraries, Uni- 5:00-6:30 p.m. Troop 33, Dekalb, Illinois, present ALA President Michael Gorman to engage every staff member, versity of New Mexico; ACRL Morial Convention a $3,000 check for the ALA Hurricane Katrina Library Relief Fund trustee, Friend, faculty member President; Donna Dziedzic, Center Auditorium at the Exhibits Ribbon Cutting. The scouts rode bicycles from and student in spreading your Executive Director, Naperville Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleans to raise the funds. library’s message. Continued on page 3 AquaBrowser Library can be used with any integrated automation system. Booth #3030 Join TLC at the Vendor Product Spotlight presentation: Sunday, June 25 10:00-10:30 a.m. Royal St. Theater- (on the exhibit floor) Solutions that Deliver 1.800.325.7759 • www.TLCdelivers.com Page 2 • Cognotes Sunday, June 25, 2006 NEW ORLEANS Futurists Challenge Opening OCLC Symposium Participants By Frederick J. Augustyn, Jr. using a non-linear systems-based ap- comfort in discomfort.” Humans use information. Schultz said futures are The Library of Congress proach, engaged the audience. all their senses at once rather than multiple in nature—there are the pos- Derek Woodgate, President of the singularly, a pattern increasingly evi- sible, the probable, and the preferable CLC’s traditional commence- Futures Lab, is at home in seven lan- dent in newer technology. Librarians varieties. Futures-based people rely ment symposium “Preserving guages and was equally so at this fo- should recognize this as the preferred on sources in libraries to work toward OLibrary Core Value and Envi- rum. He described the future as being method of searching for and receiving their desired goals and the custodians sioning the Future” was anything but about “accelerated and discontinuous information among newer users. Fu- of those institutions are tasked to as- ordinary. It was instead a passageway change, uncertainties and emerging ture “books” will encompass even more sist them. to further grappling with the issue issues.” Woodgate and his colleagues interactive electronic experiences. Schultz distinguished between that all librarians confront—how best focus on these incipient topics even A copy of Woodgate’s presentation “mediacy” (adeptness with the new to serve and engage changing clien- before they become trends. He offered can be accessed at www.futures-lab. non-linear media) and literacy (more teles in an increasingly technology- the Disney Company as an example of com/ala.pdf. traditional, print-based, linear learn- enhanced world. Individual “audience a futurist organization that success- Wendy Schultz, Director of Infinite ing). The new media is “adaptive, open- response pads” allowing attendees to fully anticipates change. Futurists Futures, described future studies sourced, co-created, and immersive.” choose answers to questions posed work with chaos and the unknown; as “about coping with uncertainty.” The future is about transformation about the future and libraries facili- create new visions and contexts; sub- Three possible methods of doing this rather than the creation of something tated participation. Futurists, those vert assumptions; knit together data are: to ignore it and gamble; to invoke new. Many current library users have trained to discern what will happen using pattern recognition; and “find faith or pray; and to look for strategic “layered identities” and “nomadic careers” being representatives of a “participative generation.” They have shown a preference for “folksonomies” or open communities creating their own taxonomies. Stacey Aldrich, Assistant Director of the Omaha Public Library, stated that when it comes to the future there are those who let it happen, make it happen, and wonder what happened. She asserted that knowledge-vend- ing organizations such as libraries should foster passionate creative problem-solving and formalized team learning characterized by the sharing of experiences by those “scouting” at non-library, computer and technology oriented conferences. Aldrich agreed that folksonomies allowing users to have a voice in how information is organized are in the near future, if not already here. Dynamic Posters, Great Gifts, and Dazzling Digital Product @ the ALA Store ALA Graphics has the newest posters and gifts for you, your staff and your library. Special sale prices throughout the store mean great sav- ings as you peruse the newest and best in library-themed products from the ALA. Be sure to check out the cam- paign materials for Teen Read Week™ 2006 including the official poster, mini poster, bookmark, and various incen- tives. Also available, the latest celeb- rity READ poster featuring Danica Patrick and the new Superman poster and bookmark just in time for the big summer movie release. Check out the READ CD 2, the fol- low-up to the popular READ CD, and learn how to use both CDs at the READ Studio located in the ALA Store. Free tutorials will be held today. Check the ALA Store for times. All digital prod- ucts will be available at the ALA Store at deeply discounted prices. The ALA Store is open today and Monday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. NEW ORLEANS Sunday, June 25, 2006 Cognotes • Page 3 Marriott Hotel, Ile de France I. Part @ your library of the national Step Up to the Plate @ ALA President-Elect Seeks Continued from page 1 your library® initiative, the program will (Ill.) Public Library feature James L. Gates, library director Transformation Stories The PR FORUM will be moderated at the National Baseball Hall of Fame would like to enlist your help for send in your transformation stories by Kathleen Imhoff, Executive Direc- and Museum in Cooperstown, N.Y.
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