FORDS Woodbridge, Avenel, Coionia, Fords,- Hope selin, Koasbey, Port Rending, Sewiren and Edison I,VI —No. 23 Published Weekly lotfrtd u tnd Clw U«i) On Thuraday Wood! J., Thursday, August~13, 1964 At P.O.. Woodbrldi*. R J. PRICE TEN CENTS )Oth Anniversary: fE. ]Q Bands Already Entered LMain St. Building $dr Tercentenary Parade Set For o be Demolished loir Police >; Report Schools Udlding to "Somehow. I "will get the money First in Ming budget to pay (> Dedicated ik'ns for a third I Colonia". Vincent u;K Sundav. Sep. |l n( the Board of Renewal .,, been set as llio Ining Elan last to ;i question as ili'ihmlion of Board's plans were Project Imililiiu' |nled that sum*1 time \ In the d had applied for] i WOODBIHDCE - A l00-yeai> to pay for prrlim- old structure that has been an Itmh WtA. ind surveys "hut that ]eyesore on Main Street for sever> .lulin Koyli1. not forthcoming." nl years is about to be demolished is been reached, he and thus will start the rehabili- .,,rniiin I'oluv l)i take the money out ation of Main Street. ii.ii.i-si is.in charge ,ng budnet. The announcement, made today .mi Ni he |Vesc-i)ted hold a conference on by Mary E. Tappen, head of the •iiiti .ugust 18". Mr. Hera; Division of Buildings, said that nil \i".ui<la> there entire time lo be de- the demolition could be a "major ,, • in II.IIKK in I ho third high school." i breakthrough on our attempts to in tinted thai with thej upgrade and revitalize the Main the John F. Kennedy Street area." UJI JU\ The Eh/nlwllv, High School in Iselin Mrs. Tappen praised the owners I he school system Bund of of the building, Mrs. Herman double session for the I • nil Mines National IHMTSS PARADK PLANS; .lithB Rnylc. Jr., left, chairman of the Tercentenary Parade Is Stern and Mrs. Arthur Brown since the early 1930's. who through the firm of Stern and slim diner* of Nep- shown discussing hk plnns with Police Director Joseph (ialnssl, who It chnirman of the dedi- third high school is not' I .urn's. 11ie lucal Mu- ration program lor the new polire building. Dragoset, gave their cooperation Elan commented,; 'to the Division of Buildings in li: which states it in possibly he back on ! first condemning the structure, ,.,\f M MaiHMUi from n in September, j :, stale in the , ,.. e need another referen-j evacuating the tenants and mak- • AH bands, Crescerit the Fall" ! ing preparations for the struc- ,;.' of Trenton ^Closed TV Circuit Aids ture's demolition. port «D New School j ,. it Bagpipers which According to John Zennario of i.jiu.illv at the Shriners' William Bihler. public rela-: tions chairman, reported to thtf jStern and Dragoset, work in tear- <ini' m San Francisco ing down the structure will begin Mi^cd for the parade ipeople that the John F. Kennedy) Town in Sewer Repairs [Memorial High School, the Ave- within three weeks. High WOODBKILKiK When most nel Junior High School and Col - SOON TO BE NO MORE: This structure at 73 Main Street, owned by Mrs. Herman Stern Although no present plans were li;md Fords V.F.W., onia School 27 will be open on announced as to use of the soon- \ I-W, Carfcret Ameri-W1*1 and Mrs. Arthur Brown, will be torn down within the next lew weeks — the first step toward f Bo ?il Of the September 9. the rehabilitation of Main Street. to-bc-vacant land, Mr. Zennario v,n Band. Marcher! Am-*™ " ,, " T. , ,,, , Youth Registration Corps said he assumed the owners • ,*„.,, Band, feenel Firei^" *w l«l wh«n (harl«: WoodbridgJl e Director of! A Compromise? 'would put it to its best use." According to S. Buddy Harris, ttrk8 thinks or television,;! )««««!r//i,/-| \n The Board of Education an- the first thing that pops into his V71 galUAlAl 111 nounced, lMt night that a spe- director of the Department of tog and Development, whidi mind is sanitary sewers. cial meethMj, will be held August Attorney in Iselin is undertaking pretttiptkitrfor .the it may sound, Mr.:. WOODBRIDGE- Youog 2ft at whJ&fene it hopes that an appoftuQjjipl fcifl be made rehafciHlihiQfeijMr life MjuVStreyt ,- to Ui tke'Wfiacy on the Board. areaVthi'flemoMtic* M 73 Mm K !trt«; I* only an interim plan fir IfaS "£ tdwbta roupled 'withfW<»db'idge Youth Registrarlonj Seat Board memben said after the Busy Schedule as Mayor 1 (cr 1 (: r undel the session they had no compro- the development of Main Street. inew mrer "delunf?Tquipmentl ° l*l*' under th edirectio directionn o fo fMar- Mar!i COLONIA - Woodbridge has lu mise candidate as yet, but the Visited Willlansbwg KKADIMi - Funeral!has enabled him to begin a badly| > WeLsman. Menlo Park re.-! two mayors! Sounds funny? KADIMi - Puneralihas enabled him to begin a badly| , , . subject will be debated at a Mr. Harris, who returned Mon- Still Empty Seem illegal?' Not really, be- ll.wa.tl A. Kuchtyaky , | needed uin.tary sewer mail,u,n,race a pdmcal science major al caucui the night before the Board Agrees day from his vacation, said he ()llll) De awarfl ohl cause the one mayor — the true riunll Str«iSti. whh o waijancj e program «hichihh to date hahass ^^ ' - ° WCJODBRIDGE - If the Board special meeting. took a "busman's holiday" and uesday morning resulted in savings of tuj Mr. Weisman who will enter bis mayor of Woodbridge, Walter Zir- >ih Tuesday morning resulted in savings of thousandsj of Education cannot agree before! visited in Williamsburg, Va., en- struck'truck'a tree oniof dollars andd thh e eliminatioliii n of|sophomorf| e year next month, said In his report Mr. Bihlw noted polo resides in the Colonia Sec- the end of the month on a re- tion, while the second mayor, where he spent a considerable \\.-nui- Scwaren. will be.sewer backups in many sectionslhe has "always been interested in furniture has already been de- On Clinics amount of time with members of mornini g at 9:00,o900ff thh e community. politics" and has twice served asjplat.ement for clifford j. Hand^Iivered and is ready to be pland' Herbert Barnes, an attorney, withi , . New Jersey Senator in the Student ^ ^ ^^^ J, V offices in Iselin, is mayor of his; WOODBRIDGE. - The Wood- he restoration committee of the (ireiner Funeral Home.j According to Mr. Beagle, insti-ti j h w|)osc u was & Williamsburg Restoration Cor- sponsored by the! books an[l hometown, Roselle Park. bridge Board of Education offered Mrtrt, Woodbridge. fo!-1tution of the new maintenance! icepted June 29, the members mayi supplies and janitorial -oli'inn requism Mass poration. 'equipment will be delivered in Both gentlemen have something the use of the Medical Depart "I brought back a great deal of St Elias Byzantine dfcyine of sanila|.v ,ewer pit*.'™»n«™» »™ u* *c.uiu ume n,,™- —-«"""""-a ne"w •""-twmem- o weeks Grading besides their high office in com- munis ut both senior high schools :TeXM rhe fl 1 he and land- visual material aud technioal '.If Church, eartem.|)ems wnich p,^ Woodhridgc - . " , ''"* . ««*;ber appointed by County Supernv scaping is to slart mon — they are at the beck and for the Township Health Program material as well as several boob Medvigy will beij .„„ ;named president of the "senate ilendcnt of Schools Robert Blunt. ca tne r an black-topping were! " °f ' constituents and Dr. Antoine Attalla, head of the which will be extremely bene- the Mass Burial ^ " ' & the second "the Senator ofJThe law provides that when a night. dance to the tune of their tele- Division of Health, asked for perficial to us in the rehabilitation of Cpme. Mr. Beagle explained thatjtne Year." imember resigns a replacement! "At a liaison meeting of the phone bells. closed-circuit television has en- -I feel youth should take an ef-must be provided within 65 days, mission to use old School #6 foi Main Street," Mr. Harris said. colla s 1 Board and the Council", Mr.! Admitted to practice in Sep- the program. The Board pointed "The Williamsburg concept for f.iM'd «a> a. life- abled him lo locate P ™jfeclive part in government, Mr.jotherwise, the County Superin- tember of 1959, Barnes' law of- sections precisel tcnc ent nas tnc Bihler continued, "we were out that the facilities were lack Main Street would be an extreme- Port Heading and said. There has becn ' authority to makejf . walks will be fice at 1385 Oak Tree Road, was has led l0 in time and ie appointment. ing at that location for healtl ly dramatic approach for our re- from -Woodhridge| too much talk about the apathy of on Lake Avenue and a path paved opened in February of 1962. treatment and for parking. storation of the Woodbridge busi- <ist of u "because we , I am genuinely interested The Board met in caucus for :h School in 1962. *' , l* 0U , ... pleading from Lake Avenue to Since then, he has specialized in Dr. Atalla after visiting both ness area." ()on ! have to do as much diR-^ two hours Tuesday night, but , gi J are his parents, Mr. ' in government." cleve and Avenue (0 ve sa(e three areas, real estate law, auto sites acceptep d the offer to use The survey and planning appli- Andrew Kuchtvak; a B">E" , ... t0 reach an negligence cases and divorce u Tomorroo w nightg, Mr. Weismanl'a'leo agreement. jaccess t() tnp schoo| We wish t0 Woodbridgd e Senior High School. cation for Main Street renewal s Ciwrfie Kurta and, "Television has also enabled us has called a meeting of 60 young j Support is divided as follows: point out that from actual start icases HERBERT BARNES (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) Itichard all of Port'1" loc'ale huuse latt'r:lls vv'uch have been illegally tied into our people.
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