[1998] 1 R.C.S. VRIEND c. ALBERTA 493 Delwin Vriend, Gala-Gay and Lesbian Delwin Vriend, Gala-Gay and Lesbian Awareness Society of Edmonton, Gay and Awareness Society of Edmonton, le Gay and Lesbian Community Centre of Edmonton Lesbian Community Centre of Edmonton Society and Dignity Canada Dignit´e for Gay Society et Dignity Canada Dignit´e for Gay Catholics and Supporters Appellants Catholics and Supporters Appelants v. c. Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Alberta Sa Majest´e la Reine du chef de l’Alberta et and Her Majesty’s Attorney General in and le procureur g´en´eral de la province de for the Province of Alberta Respondents l’Alberta Intim´es and et The Attorney General of Canada, the Le procureur g´en´eral du Canada, le Attorney General for Ontario, the Alberta procureur g´en´eral de l’Ontario, l’Alberta Civil Liberties Association, Equality for Civil Liberties Association, Egalit´´ e pour les Gays and Lesbians Everywhere (EGALE), gais et les lesbiennes (EGALE), le Fonds the Women’s Legal Education and Action d’action et d’´education juridiques pour les Fund (LEAF), the Foundation for Equal femmes (FAEJ), la Foundation for Equal Families, the Canadian Human Rights Families, la Commission canadienne des Commission, the Canadian Labour droits de la personne, le Congr`es du travail Congress, the Canadian Bar Association — du Canada, l’Association du Barreau Alberta Branch, the Canadian Association canadien — Division de l’Alberta, of Statutory Human Rights Agencies l’Association canadienne des commissions et (CASHRA), the Canadian AIDS Society, the conseils des droits de la personne (ACCDP), Alberta and Northwest Conference of the la Soci´et´e canadienne du SIDA, l’Alberta United Church of Canada, the Canadian and Northwest Conference of the United Jewish Congress, the Christian Legal Church of Canada, le Congr`es juif Fellowship, the Alberta Federation of canadien, le Christian Legal Fellowship, Women United for Families, the Evangelical l’Alberta Federation of Women United for Fellowship of Canada and Focus on the Families, l’Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Family (Canada) Association Interveners et la Focus on the Family (Canada) Association Intervenants INDEXED AS: VRIEND v. ALBERTA REPERTORI´ E´: VRIEND c. ALBERTA File No.: 25285. No du greffe: 25285. 1997: November 4; 1998: April 2. 1997: 4 novembre; 1998: 2 avril. Present: Lamer C.J. and L’Heureux-Dub´e, Sopinka,* Pr´esents: Le juge en chef Lamer et les juges L’Heureux- Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin, Iacobucci, Major and Dub´e, Sopinka*, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin, Iacobucci, Bastarache JJ. Major et Bastarache. * Sopinka J. took no part in the judgment. * Le juge Sopinka n’a pas pris part au jugement. 494 VRIEND v. ALBERTA [1998] 1 S.C.R. ON APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF APPEAL FOR EN APPEL DE LA COUR D’APPEL DE L’ALBERTA ALBERTA Practice — Standing — Charter challenge — Teach- Pratique — Qualite´ pour agir — Contestation fondee´ er’s employment at college terminated because of his sur la Charte — Professeur congedi´ e´ par un coll`ege en homosexuality — Provincial human rights legislation raison de son homosexualite´ — Orientation sexuelle non not including sexual orientation as prohibited ground of incluse dans les motifs de distinction interdits par la discrimination — Whether appellants have standing to legislation´ provinciale sur les droits de la personne — challenge legislative provisions other than those relat- Les appelants ont-ils la qualite´ pour contester les dispo- ing to employment — Canadian Charter of Rights and sitions legislatives´ ne portant pas sur l’emploi? — Freedoms, ss. 1, 15(1) — Individual’s Rights Protection Charte canadienne des droits et libertes,´ art. 1, 15(1) — Act, R.S.A. 1980, c. I-2, preamble, ss. 2(1), 3, 4, 7(1), Individual’s Rights Protection Act, R.S.A. 1980, ch. I-2, 8(1), 10, 16(1). preambule,´ art. 2(1), 3, 4, 7(1), 8(1), 10, 16(1). Constitutional law — Charter of Rights — Applica- Droit constitutionnel — Charte des droits — Applica- tion — Legislative omission — Provincial human rights tion — Omission du legislateur´ — Orientation sexuelle legislation not including sexual orientation as prohib- non incluse dans les motifs de distinction interdits par la ited ground of discrimination — Whether Charter legislation´ provinciale sur les droits de la personne — applies to legislation — Canadian Charter of Rights and La Charte s’applique-t-elle a` la legislation?´ — Charte Freedoms, s. 32(1) — Individual’s Rights Protection canadienne des droits et libertes,´ art. 32(1) — Indivi- Act, R.S.A. 1980, c. I-2. dual’s Rights Protection Act, R.S.A. 1980, ch. I-2. Constitutional law — Charter of Rights — Equality Droit constitutionnel — Charte des droits — Droits a` rights — Provincial human rights legislation not includ- l’´egalite´ — Orientation sexuelle non incluse dans les ing sexual orientation as prohibited ground of discrimi- motifs de distinction interdits par la legislation´ provin- nation — Whether non-inclusion of sexual orientation ciale sur les droits de la personne — La non-inclusion infringes right to equality — If so, whether infringement de l’orientation sexuelle porte-t-elle atteinte au droit a` justified — Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, l’´egalite?´ — Dans l’affirmative, l’atteinte est-elle justi- ss. 1, 15(1) — Individual’s Rights Protection Act, R.S.A. fiee?´ — Charte canadienne des droits et libertes,´ art. 1, 1980, c. I-2, preamble, ss. 2(1), 3, 4, 7(1), 8(1), 10, 15(1) — Individual’s Rights Protection Act, R.S.A. 1980, 16(1). ch. I-2, preambule,´ art. 2(1), 3, 4, 7(1), 8(1), 10, 16(1). Constitutional law — Charter of Rights — Remedies Droit constitutionnel — Charte des droits — Repara-´ — Reading in — Non-inclusion of sexual orientation in tion — Interpretation´ large — La non-inclusion de provincial human rights legislation infringing right to l’orientation sexuelle dans la legislation´ provinciale sur equality — Whether sexual orientation should be read les droits de la personne porte atteinte au droit a` l’´ega- into legislation — Constitution Act, 1982, s. 52 — Indi- lite´ — L’orientation sexuelle devrait-elle etreˆ tenue pour vidual’s Rights Protection Act, R.S.A. 1980, c. I-2, pre- incluse dans la legislation?´ — Loi constitutionnelle de amble, ss. 2(1), 3, 4, 7(1), 8(1), 10, 16(1). 1982, art. 52 — Individual’s Rights Protection Act, R.S.A. 1980, ch. I-2, preambule,´ art. 2(1), 3, 4, 7(1), 8(1), 10, 16(1). The appellant V was employed as a laboratory coor- L’appelant V a et´ e´ engage´ comme coordonnateur de dinator by a college in Alberta, and was given a perma- laboratoire par un coll`ege albertain, et il a obtenu un nent, full-time position in 1988. Throughout his term of poste permanent a` temps plein en 1988. Pendant toute la employment he received positive evaluations, salary duree´ de son emploi, son travail a et´ e´ evalu´ e´ favorable- increases and promotions for his work performance. In ment, et son rendement lui a valu des augmentations de 1990, in response to an inquiry by the president of the salaire et de l’avancement. En 1990, en reponse´ a` une college, V disclosed that he was homosexual. In early demande formulee´ par le president´ de l’´etablissement, V 1991, the college’s board of governors adopted a posi- a rev´ el´ e´ qu’il etait´ homosexuel. Au debut´ de 1991, le tion statement on homosexuality, and shortly thereafter, conseil des gouverneurs du coll`ege a adopte´ un enonc´ e´ the president of the college requested V’s resignation. V de principe sur l’homosexualite´ et, peu apr`es, le presi-´ declined to resign, and his employment was terminated dent de l’´etablissement a demande´ a` V de demissionner.´ by the college. The sole reason given was his non-com- Ce dernier a refuse,´ et il a et´ e´ congedi´ e´ par le coll`ege. pliance with the college’s policy on homosexual prac- Le seul motif donne´ pour justifier le congediement´ etait´ [1998] 1 R.C.S. VRIEND c. ALBERTA 495 tice. V appealed the termination and applied for rein- le non-respect de la politique du coll`ege en mati`ere statement, but was refused. He attempted to file a d’homosexualite.´ V en a appele´ du congediement´ et a complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission demande´ sa reint´ egration,´ ce qui lui a et´ e´ refuse.´ Il a on the grounds that his employer had discriminated tente´ de saisir l’Alberta Human Rights Commission against him because of his sexual orientation, but the d’une plainte dans laquelle il soutenait que son Commission advised V that he could not make a com- employeur avait fait preuve de discrimination a` son plaint under the Individual’s Rights Protection Act egard´ en raison de son orientation sexuelle mais la com- (IRPA), because it did not include sexual orientation as a mission a informe´ V qu’il ne pouvait formuler une protected ground. V and the other appellants filed a plainte en application de l’Individual’s Rights Protec- motion in the Court of Queen’s Bench for declaratory tion Act (l’IRPA) parce que l’orientation sexuelle ne relief. The trial judge found that the omission of protec- figurait pas au nombre des motifs de distinction illicites. tion against discrimination on the basis of sexual orien- V et les autres appelants ont present´ e´ une requeteˆ a` la tation was an unjustified violation of s. 15 of the Cana- Cour du Banc de la Reine de l’Alberta en vue d’obtenir dian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. She ordered that un jugement declaratoire.´ Le juge de premi`ere instance a the words “sexual orientation” be read into ss.
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