E16333 OF (Published by Authority at 3 .30 p.m.) No, 33) PERTH : FRIDAY, 3rd JUNE [1977 Liquor Act Amendment Act, 1976 . Superannuation and Family Benefits Act, PROCLAMATION Amendment Act, 1976. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, jBy His Excellency Air Chief Marshal Sir Wallace To Wit: jKyle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable PROCLAMATION WALLACE KYLE, Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the Governor. Royal Victorian Order, Commander of the Most WESTERN AUSTRALIA, )By His Excellency Air Chief Marshal Sir Wallace [L.S .] Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion To Wit: Kyle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable of the Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished WALLACE KYLE, Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the Flying Cross, Knight of Grace of the Most Governor . Royal Victorian Order, Commander of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of CL.S .7 Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of of the Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished Western Australia and its dependencies in the Flying Cross, Knight of Grace of the Most Commonwealth of Australia. Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of WHEREAS it is enacted by subsection (3) of Western Australia and its dependencies in the section 2 of the Liquor Act Amendment Act, 1976, Commonwealth of Australia. that the provisions of that Act, other than sections 5 and 33, shall come into operation on such date WHEREAS it is enacted by subsection (2) of or dates as is or are, respectively, fixed by pro- section 2 of the Superannuation and Family clamation : Now, therefore, I, the Governor acting Benefits Act Amendment Act, 1976, that the pro- with the advice and consent of the Executive visions of that Act therein specified shall come Council do hereby fix the 17th day of June, 1977, into operation on such date or dates as is or are, as the day on which all the provisions of the respectively, fixed by proclamation : Now, therefore, Liquor Act Amendment Act, 1976, other than- I, the Governor, acting with the advice and con- (a) paragraph (c) of section 3 ; sent of the Executive Council, do hereby fix the (b) paragraph (b) of section 4 ; date on which this proclamation is published in (c) section 5 ; the Government Gazette as the date on which the (d) section 11 ; provisions, therein specified in subsection (2) of (e) paragraph (a) of section 15 ; section 2 of the Superannuation and Family (f) section 33 ; and Benefits Act Amendment Act, 1976, shall come into (g)sections 35 to 38 (both inclusive), operation. shall come into operation . Given under my hand and the Public Seal of Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 25th day of the said State, at Perth, this 25th day of May, 1977 . May, 1977 . By His Excellency's Command, By His Excellency's Command, D. H. O'NEIL, CHARLES COURT, Chief Secretary. Treasurer. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! 1684 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A. t3 June, 1977. Supreme Court Act, 1935-1976 . Land Act, 1933-1972 . Juries Act, 1957-1976 . PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, jBy His Excellency Air Chief Marshal Sir Wallace PROCLAMATION To Wit: JKyle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable WALLACE KYLE, Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the Governor . Royal Victorian Order, Commander of the Most WESTERN AUSTRALIA, tBy His Excellency Air Chief Marshal Sir Wallace .] Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion To Wit : JKyle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable [L.S WALLACE KYLE, Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the of the Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished Flying Cross, Knight of Grace of the Most Governor. Royal Victorian Order, Commander of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of CL .S.7 Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of of the Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State Western Australia and its dependencies in the Flying Cross, Knight of Grace of the Most Commonwealth of Australia . Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its dependencies in the File No. 1452/70 . Commonwealth of Australia . WHEREAS by section 31 of the Land Act, 1933- 1972, the Governor may by Proclamation and WHEREAS by a proclamation published in the subject to such conditions as may be expressed Government Gazette on the 22nd October, 1976, therein, classify as of Class A any lands of the the place known as Wyndham was declared a Crown reserved to Her Majesty for any of the pur- circuit town and the jury district for the circuit poses specified in the said section ; and whereas court of that circuit town was determined and it is deemed expedient that the addition to Class declared to be the jury district as specified in "A" Reserve No . 31809 for the purpose of "Badgin- column two of the Second Schedule of that procla- garra National Park" as described hereunder, mation opposite and corresponding to that circuit should be classified as of Class A: Now, therefore, town : Now, therefore, I, the Governor, acting with I, the Governor with the advice of Executive the advice and consent of the Executive Council Council do by this my Proclamation classify as of and acting pursuant to the provisions of section Class A the lands described hereunder . 46 of the Supreme Court Act, 1935-1976 and section Given under my hand and the Public Seal of 12 of the Juries Act, 1957-1976, do hereby- Western Australia, at Perth, this 25th day (a) cancel Wyndham as a circuit town ; and of May, 1977 . (b) abolish the Wyndham Jury District as By His Excellency's Command, determined and declared in the above- JUNE CRAIG, mentioned proclamation . Minister for Lands . Given under my hand and the Public Seal of GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! the said State, at Perth, this 25th day of May, 1977. Schedule . By His Excellency's Command, Melbourne Locations 3808 and 3843 containing IAN MEDCALF, a total area of 2835 .772 0 hectares . (Plan Wongon- Attorney General. derrah 1 :50 000 .) GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! Land Act, 1933-1972. PROCLAMATION Local Courts Act, 1904-1976 . (Resumption) PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 'By His Excellency Air Chief Marshal Sir Wallace To Wit : IKyle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable of the Bath, Knight Commander of the WESTERN AUSTRALIA, His ExcellencExcAir ChfMarsha MarSir WalleT To Wi WALLACE KYLE, Order I113y Most :Kyle lKyle, KGrand Cross of the Most Honourable Governor. Royal Victorian Order, Commander of the WALLACE KYLE, Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the CL.S .7 Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished Governor . Royal Victorian Order, Commander of the Most CL.S .J Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion Flying Cross, Knight of Grace of the Most of the Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of Jerusalem, Flying Cross, Knight of Grace of the Most Governor in and over the State of Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of Western Australia and its dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia . Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia. Corres . 3609/64 . WHEREAS by a Proclamation dated 13th day of WHEREAS it is enacted (inter alia) by section 5 April, 1977, that portion of the land comprised of the Local Courts Act, 1904-1976, that the Gov- in Pastoral Lease 3114/1056 described in the first ernor may, by proclamation, order that courts to schedule hereto was in exercise of the power con- be called Local Courts shall be held in such places ferred by section 109 of the Land Act, 1933-1972, as he thinks fit ; and whereas it is further enacted resumed for the purpose of "Addition to National (inter alia) by section 10 of the Act that the Court Park Reserve No . "B" 32853" ; and whereas it is shall be held in the place appointed by the Gov- desirable that the portion of land comprised in ernor once at least in such period of time as the the said lease described in the second schedule Governor directs by proclamation : Now, therefore, hereto should be resumed for the said purpose in I, the Governor, acting with the advice and con- lieu of the land described in the first schedule : sent of the Executive Council and in exercise of Now, therefore, I, the Governor as aforesaid, with the powers conferred upon me, by the Act, do the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby order that a Local Court shall be held at do hereby revoke the recited Proclamation of the Kununurra and further I direct that such Court 13th day of April, 1977, and do by this my Pro- shall be held once at least in each period of three clamation, resume that portion of the said Pastoral months after the 13th June, 1977 . Lease 3114/1056, which is described in the second Given under my hand and the Public Seal of schedule hereto for the purpose aforesaid . the said State, at Perth, this 25th day of Given under my hand and the Public Seal of May, 1977 . the said State at Perth this 25th day of May, 1977 . By His Excellency's Command, By His Excellency's Command, IAN MEDCALF, JUNE CRAIG, Attorney General. Minister for Lands. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! I 3 June, 1977.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A.
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