\mm FO BBC AIT TEMPERATURES Fair Tuesdir, cloudy tonliht: normal at SARTA Heme* temperature; moderate northwest winds. Rith 70 • tm at OCEAN TIDE! TOMOBBOW tt OTHER CTOES -IS High 'I tow Denver — [Ww* jte> _____ _« 1:51 sm.; 7:47 p.m.I 3:2! s.m: 1:14 p.m. Oes Moines _-_76|Plttsbursh ____ _» SUN BISS8 SVB SETS Chlesso as Belt Lake City Jtt iilS o'clock 7:07 o'eloek LOOK Loe Anseles ——-M'Kew Orleans _ EVE .M Devoted to Developing Ae Great Bay District Member Associated Press—Established Oct. 13, 1875 Boston _72i Ksnsss City _ VOLUME LV NUMBER 186 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY. JULY 7, 1930 PRICE TWO CENTS BOULDER DAM CONSTRUCTION GETS UNDER WAY 'A'.-tl Cab Driver Takes Himself 'For Ride9 In Spirit World Senate Convenes Rapid Growth of .aeeeeeeee Riders Guiding Staking Out Rail iti Hoover Order Santa Monica Bus But Note Prevents Dire Conclusion Against Another Line, Roads and CHICAGO. July 7 (.T)—George secretly went literary. Bs wrote Richardson, a taxicab driver, a note, whlcb he dropped onto i never waa- a literary man, but be the highway. wrote one gem yesterday that "I am taking myself for B ride, On Naval Treaty System Outlined saved btl life. - but I car.'t help it," te wrote. Main Invasion TownFirstWork By CALVIN COOLIDGE Richardson's cab bid been com­ "We're headed for Indiana point, Former President of ttl. United State. mandeered by a robber. He com­ Tea lake. Help, help." Roll Call Shows Quorum Nearly 4,000,000 Persons pelled Richardson to drive him Men, Armed With Clubs, Project Characterized as NORTHAMPTON, Mass., from one filling station to another, A farmer found the note and Present as Special July 7.—It Is estimated that Carried in Two Yean robbing tbem. telephoned ahead ta a deputy Ordered to Beat Off Start of New Era by our tourists will spend about "When we get through," the •theriff, who watched the road and Beach Squatters Session Opens of City Operation robber told Richardson, "I'm go­ stopped, tte cab. Secretary Wilbur $500,000,000 ln Europe this ing to kill you." He arrested Richardson's pas­ WASHINOTON, July 7 CW—tte season. That money would Observing its second anni­ So Richardson, with perspira­ senger, who said he waa Jdhn LOB ANOELES, July 7 WASHINGTON, July 7 (AP) senate adjourned today soon alter tion streaming down his neck, Sullivan. (CNS)—Determined to pre­ tha formality of reading the Lon­ employ half a million people versary of municipal opera­ —Announcing commencement don naval treaty was over. - at tha rate of $1,000 per year. tion today, the Santa Monica vent further attempted Inva­ Of construction et the $165,- bus line claimed a record of sion by squatters of tbt 19-mile 000,000 Boulder canyon dam WASHINGTON. July 7 (AP) It is about twice the amount beach tront ot the Maiibu- project today, Lyman D. Wil­ Europe Is paying oor govern­ having transported close to Rindge ranch, fifty rough riders, bur, secretary of the interior, char­ —The senate was called to 4,000,000 passengers, and traveled Helton Predicts School Concert order at noon today for the ment on the debt settlement. 1,707,816 miles since JUly 7, 1928. armed with stubs, today established acterised tte work as signalizing "our national conquest over the special session convened by Some of these travelers may The exact number ef passengers, camps along the property line. President Hoover for consider­ not give a correct Impression BBS counting those carried yester­ Tba riders, evidently warned great American desert." ation of ttM London naval treaty. against tte use of firearms, woe Sir Arthur Coaaa Doyle, The Interior secretary said Walker of our country. day, was given by Commissioner School Tax Jump Funds Provided reported to bave been supplied with creator of that famous literaty Vice President Curtl! turned over fo Frank A. Helton as 3,960,000, with R. Young, tte engineer ta charge, the probability that 6 500 or 7,000 heavy bludgeons, with which they character, Sherlock Holmes, and was waiting on tte ground for the reading clerk. John Crockett, Tet on the whole this will intend tB beat off Bay persons at­ noted throughout the world as a the proclamation of President would bs added to this figure after telegraphic instructions when Presi­ have to be considered a good Sunday's traffic bad been checked. Board Secretary Claims Council, However, Unable tempting to force entrance on the spiritualist, died today ln Win- dent Hoover signed tts deficiency Hoover oderlng tbe special session. property. dlesham, his English home. Sir bill, containing aa tten of 810,660,- investment. It Is difficult to Friday Biggest liar Accurate Forecast to Appropriate $1,000 Arthur waa 71 years old. Quorum Praia nt say that the advantages which Helton reported that the biggest Deputies Patrol Highway 000 for beginning this work. There was not quite a quorum ln single day's business In the history Not Possible for Public Program IB ttie meantime, Capt. William Start of New bB BIB chamber as Crockett read the accrue to international trade of the bus line waa transacted last Hanby ef tte sheriff's Fairfax sub­ "With dollars, men and engineer* proclamation. and finance do not balance Friday, when approximately 9,000 Predictions made by Commissioner With tte explanation that the station maintained a patrol tt ing brains," Secretary Wilbur said, Curtis ordered a roll call and lt passengers were carried. Frank A. Helton that tte Santa city was not ta B Bcattton te assu.ne deputies along the Roosevelt high­ "we will build a great natural tm* the benefits that would be de­ many addec responsibilities at tte showed a quorum present. Indicative of tbe ever-increasing Monica school tax rate would show way through the property. Sir Arthur Called source. We will make new geogra­ TbS roll call showed fifty-eight rived from the same expendi­ popularity af the city's bus service BB Increase of 35 or 36 cents this present time. Commissioner Frank "I Intend to see to it ttat tte phy, and start a new era In tte members present, nine more than a year because of the decrease Bl A Helton today Informed members laws are enforced, no matter what southwestern part of the United ture at home. Travel is a was Helton's report thst la the first valuations and BB increase ln tte quorum, and advocates of the pact year of operation tha line carried of the Philharmonic orchestrp com­ the Marblehead Land Oo. employes Statee.** won their first skirmish great civilizer. school budget were held premature mittee ttet $1,000 would be avail­ Dr. Elwood Mead, commissioner ef only 1,766,971 passengers, compared today by T. H. Schoenwetter, secre­ and the squatters do." said Hanby. There had been fears of Inability with approximately 2,200.000 during able tor twa free concerts il ven for "Of course, should any of my men Into Spirit World reclamation, received • telegram If few Europeans know tary of the board of education. Tte tte high school students, but that from Young today, saying the first to get tbs necessary quorum to tbe fiscal year which ended yester­ present rate is $1.89 per $100 witness the beating of another, they transact business. much about the United States day. the request tot an additional $1,000, wUl be privileged, under the law. construction was under way. Wait Message Schoenwetter declared that lt was to finance a free concert ta ttie mu­ to make an arrest on felony charges. Secretary Wilbur said the flrat tt Is Of all the more benefit to "This is a gain of 433,058 passen­ Conan Doyle, Creator of day's work would be tte staking out Senator Watson, republican lead­ gers, or 24.5 per cent over the year impossible to estimate the tax rate nicipal auditorium would hava ta However, If these squatters merely er, obtained a fifteen minute recess us that so many of our people until alter tte assessment role tot be denied. enter tte Rindge property, our men Sherlock Holmes* Dies of a railroad and a construction to await the receipt of a message previous," Helton pointed out. road, surveys of which have been are gaining a wide acquain­ Nine Bosses Fint Year the current year tea been made up In stating the city's position, llel are powerless to BBt unless warrants After Long Illness from President Hoover. and the budget for tte school sys­ ton declared that lt would try to first have been sworn to." completed, and tte laying out of Vice President Curtis named Sen­ tance with them. While our "During the first year we had only tem is approved by the county board 12 Awaiting Trial streets tar a permanent townaite. ators Watson and Walsh of Mon­ nine busses. While we have thirteen of supervisors. keep up tte activities which have CROWBOROUGH, 8USSEX. Eng . Make Water giiBJ* tana, the assistant democratic lead­ tourists will find many things in service today, a check of the rec­ been started. Twelve men and women, compris­ The ' supervisors, Schoenwetter Geoffrey Morgan, member of tbe ing a band ef would-be squatters, July 7 BU0—Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Work also will be continued, he er, Ba a committee to Inform Mr. to admire and some to emu­ ords shows we averaged only eleven said, must pass oa the Santa Mon­ creator of Sherlock Holmes, died to­ aald, on surveys tar tte water sup­ Hoover the senate was in session.
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