Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 7-23-1955 The Ledger and Times, July 23, 1955 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, July 23, 1955" (1955). The Ledger & Times. 2414. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2414 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. a' ' irraa ' . • " • •• • • 1 .`1 Y 22,1955 Selected As A Bed All Rand ientncly Coffillinnity Newipast TITLE'. iRSE cariew ---uTation In 114 Largest 11111. City; Largest Circulation In The Circulation In City; Largest The County Cii-vlation In The County 1 United Press IN OUR 7t,t1r. YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, July 23, 1955 MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 Vol. LXXV-I No. 174 44 This , Caterpillars Take Week's Balance Sheet Over House Project Cordell Hull World Famous -- In The LEVITTOWN, N. Y., July 23 Ut Hot And Cold Wars --Carterpillars swarmed all over Diplomat, Dies Today At 83 this vast Long Island housing By project practically unabated today CHARLES M. McCANN were angry over the wording of United Preen because local officials couldn't WAHSINGTON, July 23 IP - cabinet as secretary of state on Staff Correspondent the agreement, and menaced mem- The agree whose job it is to exter- Cordell Hull, Tennessee-born elder March 4. 1933. He resigned Nov rr-. week's good and bad news bers of the Canadian-Indian-Polish on the minate them. statesthan who rose from a log 1944, after serving in the No. 1 internateenal balance sheet: truce supervisory commission. cabin to be secretary of state cabipet post through nearly 12 India protested formally. The Sai- The THE GOOD villain is hemerocampa leu- tenger than any.. other American. trouble - tossed years of American gon situation veal so serious that costogma, .1. The Big Four heads of gov- a hungry little varmint died today at Bethesda Naval history. including most of World the United States. British and ernment met in the long - awaited that is eating just about every bit Hospital. He was 83 Oct. 2. War French delegations in Geneva con- II. ; "summit" conference in Geneva in of greenery ir sight, especially represent- sidered it in special meertingh. Soldier, lawyer. judge, queens gathered in ' an encouragingly friendly atmos- tree leaves and shrubbery. The world Friends ,sitid Mars fatal illness 3 Grave riots continued in Cas- ative, senator and - respect- is Universe contest phere. The United States, British caterpillars also have a habit of succumbed at developed soon after his wife died ablanca, capital of French Mor- ed djplornat. Hull Rosa Morello; Min and French delegates on one side getting into houses and crawling unexpectedly ore March 21f. 1964. occo in North Attica, between 9 a.m. EDI', following a long ill- Del Rosario lidolina. and the Russian delegates on the na- all over everything. Her passing as a great shock to tives and Frechrnen who ness. He had been in generally (International' other conferred, lunched arid dined oppose To top things off, they are con- Hull, who was in semi - invalid home rule French Resident Gen- poor health during the entire 10 not as enemies in a ccld water but stantly falling out of trees and condition at the time arid was ersal Gilbert Gr-andval expelled 15 years of his retirement from public as political colleagues earestly landing on people's heads pr in- unable to attend her funeral. The Frenchmen as service. os seeking to trouble makers. rethge world ensions. side their open-necked shirts' and Hull joined President Roosevelt's devoted couple had lived for many President Eisenhower had a cor- blouses. years at a local hotel. dial getetogether with his wartime Graceful Swede One mother contplatned that she - Hospitalized Last May oily Marshal Georgi Zhukov, now Is Most Beautiful had to put mosquito netting over Hull entered Bethesda Naval Soviet deden.se minister. At the her child's crib to keep the cater- Some Progress Hospital lael May when his con- outset of the conference, the Girl In The pillar away Another resident said dition grew worse from years of Russians announced World they would he was thinking of doing the same These six outstanding campers won Silver Medal Camper Awards at Dawson mnde At strokes, stomach ailments. respir- contribute to Mr. tisenhower's in- thing with his bed. Young story infections. and hears attacks. idacy LONG BEACH, Calif. July 23 lovere Springs 4-H Camp No. 4. With them is Lynwood Schrader, (left), Kentucky a ternational atoms-for-peace pool. complained One phySlraan had said that Hull, - Hillivi Rombin, a graceful that the caterpillars ties Company farm service adviser and instructor in electrical classes at the camp. 2._ The Italian Chamber of De-p- were Who was in and out of the hospital blonde college graduate from Swe- raising coin With outdoor The campers are (from left, front) Donna Elliott, Graves County; June Story, ubes voted confidence by 293 to courting Mar- C f many times, was the only man he den, captured the Miss Universe shall County, and Mary Nell Myers, Callo-way 295 in the new pro-Western, Middle County, and (back) Wayne Harrell, on erence had ever known who had "a est-s contest Friday night before a Things got so bad this wee-k that Marshall County; ee of the road government of Pre- Ronald McCage, Calloway County, and Jimmy Herndon, Graves nine lives." cheering crowd and was named sonie of the town's residents went mier Antonio Segni. The Senate County.* A decision was made by advisers the most beautiful girl in the to Dr. Earle Brown, Nasseu County aan was expected to give By MERRIMAN SMITH and hospital officials to keep Hull's Segni final world health commissioner Brown agreed confirmation this week-end. The the situation was serious indeed Paving Contracts Negro Committee Revival United Press White House Writer final illness as quiet as possible. 64-year-old lawyer-eduoator, who For the fourth year of the an- but said he couldn't do a thing, Planned GENEVA ke -The Big Four He as able to read. listen to the Rey August 6 is both a landowner and the nual beauty pagent. the 11 judges the caterpillars don't hurt anyone's Let In County For Combs To At Poplar Springs heads of government reported "en- radio and watch television almost leader of the Italian land reform chose a fresh-faced Nordic "Grace health and thus the problem is not couraging progrees" in their ef- to the end. They felt news of his 'RECIATED movement, succeeds Mario Scelba, type. Present Speakers forts to break therr conference condition might have increased the Kelly" that of the Health Department. Frankfort. Ky. -A contract fOr Revival services at the Poplar who resigned June 22. Segni The deadlo..k this morning and then strain on the aged statesman. But told 21-year old beauty. a favor- Then the self-appointed delega- construction on the Hkzel-Crerie- Spring Baptist Church will begin the chamber he would work for ite to win the pearl-studded land -Lynn Grove -Browns Attorney James Crurnlin and met in a second secret session they had not expected him to re- crown tion went to Howard M Camp- Store Monday night, July the North Atlantic Treaty alliance 25 and con- The afternoon meeting, which cover despite several previous un- from the beginning of the 11-3ay bell, head of the Nassau County road in Calloway County has been Rep Felix Anderson will speak ggigmeglimiggRIMMIgr tinue through July 31 Servises EDT) and for internal genial reform. contest nosed out 14 other semi- awarded the McDade & McDade began at 2 p.m i9 a m expected recoveries by the wiry Agricultural Society. Campbell ape. et tte Court House Tuesday night will be held at 7:31 each night. • 3. Jawaharlal Nehru, the "neu- finalists from arourid the may well be the last of the Geneva Tennessean. globe in logetically pointed out that he's of Fulton, Ky., according to an at ?.00 in behalf al Judge Bert The public is cordiarly invited to tralist" prime minister of India, the last leg Surrane conference. Hull's activities Were further of the judging. concerned only with the destrac- announcement by .Mitchell W. Combs' caneidacy for governor. a:eend all of these services. predicted in a pros conference in Still coneronting the Big Four curtailed east July when he suffer- Second place went to a bosomy tion of pests m public property Tinder, Commissioner of Highways. This speech will be in behalf of New Delhi that Russia may dis- were "frar or five" knotty prob- ed a light stroke. tn the ,hespitae blonde from El Salvador, Maribel and the caterpillars are invading The company zubmitted a low the Negro Democratic Organiza- Brother Norman Culpepper, pas- band its notorious Corninform, orie the-aniiar-isatrea-constch, ut ne-neveitheleas kept fighting Arrieta, who had been dubbed the private homers in the cave of the bid of $22.809.11. The contract calls tion and is sponsore b, _ tho tee ..eXe the Sugav Creek Bapt:st of the duel agencies of world ered. to live to see his dream of lasting "Marilyn Monroe::_cif ,the._ affair by.ocomplamersee- -- for-- latttmunons surface tlilT.iway County Negro Commit- Church will be the evangelist Communist subversion, Nehru.
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