Monograph 10 THE CORINTHIAN, ATTIC, AND LAKONIAN POTTERY FROM SARDIS Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Sponsored by The Harvard University Art Museums Cornell University The Corning Museum of Glass The American Schools of Oriental Research Editors Andrew Ramage Jane Ayer Scott Katherine Kiefer Monograph 10 THE CORINTHIAN, ATTIC, AND LAKONIAN POTTERY FROM SARDIS Judith Snyder Schaeffer, Nancy H. Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr. Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England 1997 Volumes in this Series Reports 1. A Survey ofSardis and the Major Monuments outside the City Walls, by George M. A. Hanfmann and Jane C. Wald- baum (1975) 2. Sculpture from Sardis: The Finds through 1975, by George M. A. Hanfmann and Nancy H. Ramage (1978) 3. The Bath-Gymnasium Complex at Sardis, by Fikret K. Yegiil (1986) Monographs 1. Byzantine Coins, by George E. Bates (1971) 2. Ancient Literary Sources on Sardis, by John G. Pedley (1972) 3. Neue epichorische Schriftzeugnisse aus Sardis, by Roberto Gusmani (1975) 4. Byzantine and Turkish Sardis, by Clive Foss (1976) 5. Lydian Houses and Architectural Terracottas, by Andrew Ramage (1978) 6. Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis, by Axel von Saldern (1980), published jointly as A Corning Museum of Glass Monograph 7. Greek, Roman, and Islamic Coins from Sardis, by T. V. Buttrey, Ann Johnston, Kenneth M. MacKenzie, and Michael L. Bates (1981) 8. Metalwork from Sardis: The Finds through 1974, by Jane C. Waldbaum (1983) 9. The Byzantine Shops at Sardis, by J. Stephens Crawford (1990) 10. The Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery from Sardis, by Judith Snyder Schaeffer, Nancy H. Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr. (1997) Designed by Peter Der Manuelian © 1997 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America by The Henry N. Sawyer Company, Charlestown, MA Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Schaeffer, Judith Snyder, 1937- The Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery from Sardis / Judith Snyder Schaeffer, Nancy H. Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr. p. cm. - (Monograph: 10) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-674-17160-8 (hardcover) I. Pottery, Greek-Turkey-Sardis (Extinct city)-Catalogs. 2. Sardis (Extinct city)-Catalogs. 3. Excavations (Archaeology)-Turkey-Sardis (Extinct city). I. Ramage, Nancy H., 1942- II. Greenewalt, Crawford H. (Crawford Hallock), 1937- III. Title. IV. Series: Monograph (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis (1958- )); 10. DS156.S3S33 1997 939'.22-dc21 97-5660 CONTENTS EDITOR'S PREFACE ix AUTHORS' PREFACE xiii ABBREVIATIONS xv I THE CORINTHIAN POTTERY by Judith Snyder Schaeffer 1 INTRODUCTION 3 Chronology 4 Distribution of the Finds at Sardis 5 Stratigraphy 5 Shapes 7 Kotylai with Linear Decoration 8 CATALOGUE 16 Use of the Catalogue 16 Corinthian Geometric: Cor 1-Cor 3 17 Early Protocorinthian: Cor 4-Cor 9 20 Middle Protocorinthian: Cor 10-Cor 25 22 Late Protocorinthian: Cor 26-Cor 51 27 Transitional: Cor 52-Cor 79 33 Early Corinthian: Cor 80-Cor 114 40 Middle Corinthian: Cor 115-Cor 138 50 Late Corinthian: Cor 139-Cor 143 57 Corinthianizing: Cor 144-Cor 148 58 APPENDIX: Corinthian Pottery from Sardis Found by the Butler Expedition 61 II THE ATTIC POTTERY by Nancy H. Ramage 63 INTRODUCTION 65 Imports and Trade Relations 65 The Painters 68 Condition, Findspots, and Stratigraphy 69 vi CONTENTS Graffiti and Dipinti 71 Shapes 71 Reuse of Attic Fragments 72 CATALOGUE 74 Use of the Catalogue 74 ATTIC BLACK FIGURE 74 Amphorai: Att 1-Att 17 74 Hydria: Att 18 76 Olpai: Att 19-Att 20 77 Lekythoi: Att 21-Att 34 77 Dinoi: Att 35-Att 39 79 Column-kraters: Att 40-Att 43 80 Lekanides: Att 44-Att 45 81 Cups: Att 46-Att 78 81 Skyphoi: Att 79-Att 87 87 Plate: Att 88 89 Indeterminable Shapes: Att 89-Att 90 89 ATTIC BLACK PATTERN 89 Floral Band Cups: Att 91-Att 107 89 ATTIC RED FIGURE 91 Pelike: Att 108 91 Oinochoe (?): Att 109 91 Lekythoi: Att 110-Att 112 91 Askoi: Att 113-114 92 Head Vases: Att 115-Att 116 92 Closed Shape: Att 117 92 Kraters: Att 118-Att 123 92 Lekanides: Att 124-Att 125 93 Cups: Att 126-Att 129 94 Skyphoi: Att 130-Att 135 94 Fish-plate: Att 136 95 ATTIC BLACK GLAZE 95 Amphorai: Att 137-Att 139 95 Hydriai or Other Large, Closed Vessels: Att 140-Att 143 95 Oinochoai (?): Att 144-Att 148 95 Mug: Att 149 96 Lekythoi: Att 150-Att 157 96 Amphoriskoi: Att 158-Att 160 96 Kraters: Att 161-Att 166 96 Lekanides: Att 167-Att 170 97 CONTENTS Stemmed Dishes: Att 171-Att 177 97 Cups: Att 178-Att 299 98 Stemless Cups: Att 300-Att 321 103 Skyphoi: Att 322-Att 336 105 Cup-skyphoi: Att 337-Att 344 106 Kantharoi: Att 345-Att 357 106 Cup-kantharoi: Att 358-Att 377 107 Bolsals: Att 378-Att 392 108 Phialai: Att 393-Att 394 110 Bowls: Att 395-Att 537 110 Bowls or Other Open Shapes: Att 538-Att 546 117 Plates: Att 547-Att 559 117 Fish-plates: Att 560-Att 569 118 Small Bowls: Att 570-Att 576 118 Saltcellars: Att 577-Att 584 119 Miniature Kothon: Att 585 119 Kothon: Att 586 120 APPENDIX 1: Attic Pottery from Sardis Found by the Butler Expedition 121 APPENDIX 2: Chemical Analysis of Some Pottery from Sardis by R.E. Jones 128 III THE LAKONIAN POTTERY by Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr. 131 INTRODUCTION 133 CATALOGUE 136 Lakonian II Cups: Lak 1-Lak 4 136 Black-figure Cups: Lak 5-Lak 8 137 Kraters: Lak 9-Lak 15 138 APPENDIX: Lakonian Pottery from Sardis Found by the Butler Expedition 140 CONCORDANCE 141 INDEX 147 PLATES EDITOR'S PREFACE With the publication of this volume we welcome most of the final prints. The index was compiled by Katherine Kiefer as editor for the Sardis Publication Barbara E. Cohen. Series. She succeeds Jane Ayer Scott, who served as We should also like to record our grateful thanks to General Editor from 1978 until her retirement in 1995. many individuals, foundations, and government agen­ We are much in her debt for starting to realize this cies for their general support of the excavations that project many years ago and for carrying it on through produced the finds published here, and for their partic­ a number of delays and complications. Katherine ular support of this volume. For the volume itself we Kiefer now serves as editor and has indeed put her are especially indebted to the George M. A. and Ilse own mark upon the final stages of this volume. Hanfmann Publication Fund of Harvard University, Special thanks are due to Michael A. O'Grady for his the CERAMICA-Stiftung of Basel, Switzerland, and work in coordinating the three texts and shepherding Mrs. Guy Smallwood. The Samuel H. Kress Founda­ them through the later phases of the editorial process. tion deserves special mention for supporting the train­ Laura M. Gadbery is owed much gratitude for her ing of our conservators, who painstakingly mended generous help to Andrew Ramage during the period many of the elegant pieces described in this mono­ of transition between editors. Both Michael O'Grady graph. Over the years the following individuals and and Laura Gadbery also deserve thanks for their foundations, as well as some who wish to remain patient assistance to Katherine Kiefer during her first anonymous, have contributed vital resources and months at the Sardis office in Cambridge. enthusiasm for our excavation and research: the Several generations of office staff (both students Bollingen Foundation, the Ruth Covo Family Founda­ and professionals) with a multiplicity of skills and tion, the Ford Foundation, Dr. and Mrs. David titles also deserve our thanks for dealing with points of Greenewalt, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the late format and production for three authors with quite Dr. Edwin H. Land and Mrs. Land, Mr. Thomas B. distinct styles and requirements; among others, we Lemann, the Loeb Classical Library Foundation of thank research assistants Eleni Argy, Bradford Kirke- Harvard University, the Charles E. Merrill Trust, the gaard, Andrew Rasanen, Lucinda Scanlon, Michael Old Dominion Foundation, the John and Emma Quint Weishan, and Deborah Zeidenberg. Additional help Memorial Fund, Mr. John J. Roche, the Billy Rose was provided by the following students: Carrie BeneS, Foundation, the Rowland Foundation, and the Vila B. Benjamin Birnie, Tracey Bohannon, Colette Czapski, Webber Charitable Trust. Georgia Frank, Jennifer Krug, Francie Lin, Richard Much of the work at Sardis from which this study Neer, Elijah Owens, Albert Prieto, Alison Sandman, is derived has been made possible by a series of grants Alan Shaw, David Smart, Sonia Tron, and Jariya to Harvard University from the Department of State be­ Wanapun. We hope that we have included all the tween 1962 and 1965, and the National Endowment for 1 students who have worked on this volume and made the Humanities, a federal agency, from 1966 to 1990. valuable contributions behind the scenes, but apolo­ 1 Department of State grants in Turkish funds to Harvard under gize if we have missed anyone. The drawings for the the Mutual Educational and Cultural Act Public Law 87-256 and Attic section were originally prepared by that author, Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act, Public Law and Catherine S. Alexander has been responsible for 480 as amended (SCC 29-543). National Endowment for the Humanities grants to Harvard for inking the drawings made over the years; Elizabeth work at Sardis and general publication work in the Cambridge Gombosi and Steve Shipps took many of the photo­ office: H67-0-56, H68-0-61, H69-0-23, RO-111-70-3966, RCM999-71- 171, RO-6435-72-264, RO-8359-73-217, RO-10405-74-319, RO-20047- graphs, and they and Michael Hamilton produced 81-0230, RO-20607-84, RO-21414-87.
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