Thomas Jefferson University Jefferson Digital Commons Nursing Alumni Bulletins Jefferson Nursing 6-1964 Nurses' Alumnae Association Bulletin, June 1964 Mary Ann Stauffer Mabel C. Prevost Barbara Lenker John R. Busick Margaret Summers See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/nursing_alumni_bulletin Part of the Nursing Commons Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Recommended Citation Stauffer, Mary Ann; Prevost, Mabel C.; Lenker, Barbara; Busick, John R.; Summers, Margaret; Sierant, Constance; Prendergast, Catherine C.; Scott, E. Nancy; Piersol, Betty; Baxter, Louise; Werstler, Sara L.; McCracken, Julia Tyler; Frazier, Evelyn Wilson; Sierant, Constance; Curran, Evelyn R.; Cossman, Margaret; Spruance, Henrietta F.; Smeck, Emma Maus; Hampton, Elaine Gover; and Robson, Theresa, "Nurses' Alumnae Association Bulletin, June 1964" (1964). Nursing Alumni Bulletins. Paper 30. https://jdc.jefferson.edu/nursing_alumni_bulletin/30 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Jefferson Digital Commons. The Jefferson Digital Commons is a service of Thomas Jefferson University's Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). The Commons is a showcase for Jefferson books and journals, peer-reviewed scholarly publications, unique historical collections from the University archives, and teaching tools. The Jefferson Digital Commons allows researchers and interested readers anywhere in the world to learn about and keep up to date with Jefferson scholarship. This article has been accepted for inclusion in Nursing Alumni Bulletins by an authorized administrator of the Jefferson Digital Commons. For more information, please contact: [email protected]. Authors Mary Ann Stauffer, Mabel C. Prevost, Barbara Lenker, John R. Busick, Margaret Summers, Constance Sierant, Catherine C. Prendergast, E. Nancy Scott, Betty Piersol, Louise Baxter, Sara L. Werstler, Julia Tyler McCracken, Evelyn Wilson Frazier, Constance Sierant, Evelyn R. Curran, Margaret Cossman, Henrietta F. Spruance, Emma Maus Smeck, Elaine Gover Hampton, and Theresa Robson This newsletter is available at Jefferson Digital Commons: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/nursing_alumni_bulletin/30 NURSES' ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION BULLETIN 1891 1964 School of Nursing of the Jefferson Medical College Hospital JUNE 1964 NURSES' ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Alumnae Day JUNE 1964 First Saturday in May Every Year IN THIS ISSUE PagP Presiden t's Message . ... .. .. .. l Officers and Committee Chainnen . .. 2 Financial Report . 2 Hospital and School of N m sing Heport . 3 Stud ent Activities . 5 Jefferson Expansion P rogram . 7 THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Resume of Alumnae Meetings . 10 Staff N urses .. .. .. .. .. 13 Alumnae Members, 14 Private Duty . .. · As your newly elected president of the Jefferson Nurses' Alumnae Asso­ Social Commi ttee Heports . .... .. .. ... 14 P rogram . 15 ciation, I welcome the opportunity to extend greetings and best wishes to you. I consider it a privilege and an honor to serve our fine organization. Scholarship . 15 Bull eti n Committee Report . 15 Your active support is necessary for the continued expansion and growth of Annual Luncheon Notes . 16 our organization. The Officers, Board of Directors, Committee Chairmen and Membet·ship and Dues . 16 participating members deserve many thanks for their efforts during the past year. U nits in Jcff et·son E xpansion P rogram . Cen ter Last year we pledged $25,000.00 to the Hospital Building Fund. This Annual Givi ng Dri\'e 1963 . .. .. .. .. .. .. IS amount is payable over a five year period. We are now in our second year. Your Report of \V ays and Means Committee 22 participation is solicited in helping us to achieve this GOAL Jefferson Building Fund Contributi ons . 23 It is our hope you will read the Bull etin so that you may be brought up to Annual Giving Contributions 1964 . 23 elate on your Alumnae Activities. Je ffcrson Building F und Report . 24 Sincerely yours, H elp the Building F und Committee ! . .. 24 Vital Statistics . 25 Jl![ary Ann Stanffcr, Prest:dent Class News . 26 Notices . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 JEFFERSON NURSES' ALUMNAE FINANCIAL REPORT HOSPITAl AND SCHOOl OF NURSING REPORT ASSOCIATION BULLETIN DECEMBER 31, 1963 Dear J efferson Alumnae : Published Annually T he year of 1963-64 has marked further progress in the School of Nursing, RECEll'TS : both in its facilities, and in its educational program . Dues and Rein statements . $ 4,406.00 Through a generous gift of an anonymous donor, we have constructed a OFFICERS Sal es of cook books 164.00 ho?by r~ o m on the top fl oor of the residence. In this room are two sewing ma­ 162. 00 Sales of blue books . .. .. .. chmes g1ven to the students by the classes of 1960 and 1963, tables for cutting President Sales of bulletins .. .... .. 97.00 dress patterns, cabinets and work counters, easels for the painters, a typewriter ?vL'\R Y ANN ST AUFFER Annual Giving Con tributions .. 2,5 18.50 Coll ccte< l for an nual luncheon .. 1.35 1.00 and table for the newspaper club, and a small library of books concerning various F irst Vice-P resio cnt Miscellan eous . .... .. .. 363.30 arts and crafts. T he room has been air-conditioned, and glass doors have been _T Al\ET H IN DSON Interest on savin gs accoun ts .. 374.1 8 CoNTRillU TIONS: erected at its entrance. We hope this will stimulate interest in extracurricular Second Vi ce-President Relief F und .. .. .... 106.00 activities among the students since it will give them more to do, at no cost, on F. NANCY SCOTT Schobrshi p F und . ..... .... 81.00 their off duty time. W e believe it will also foster better relationship between the Thomas A. Shall ow Memori al . i OO classes when they work and play together. Hccording Secretary _'\dele Lewis Memori al 2.00 :'v[ARCAHET SUMMEHS Buildin g Fund . 1,752.00 The class of 1957 has purchased for the residence a beautiful silver punch bowl, and silver punch cups. The pattern is the same as that of the silver tea and Srcrda ry-1' rca !'u rcr Total receipts .. ... $11 ,381.98 coffee service purchased by the School of Nursing Department of the W omen's ALMA MILLER Board, so that tables set with this silver, highlight the gracious living provided D I SB U RSEM ENT S: for our student nurses. Bonrd of Di·rectors Sick benefi ts ..... ... $ U ~2 75 W e have made forward strides also in the educational program. Some of the EVELYN DUT E Graduati on class dinner FLORE NCE KAUFFMAN and prizes ... .. .l9.l .93 major problems in relation to the program have centered around limited dass­ CAT H LEEN KEATING .'\lumnae Day luncheon room space, and in employing and maintaining a qualifie d faculty, sufficient in and expenses .... .... 1,353.90 PERMA DAVI S number for our large student body. According to the report of the Surgeon Convention expenses ... 550.00 General's consultant group, by 1970, the nation will need a minimum of 680,000 (ex officio) Scholarship awards . .... 1,000.00 HE NIUE TTA SPRUANCE Contt·ibutions-Uni ted F und, nurses. This is an increase of 170,000 over the number available now. J effe rson C!-\llWU NE MASU DA Cancer Research and Medical Center, as a large teaching insti tution has an obligation of helping to T.B . Association .. .. .. 85.00 meet this need. Also, in looking ahead to an increased bed capacity, we must pre­ ~f a t ·c h buffet supper and pare more nurses for additional positions. Our goal for the class entering in 21865 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Cht·i stm as party expenses P RI N TING AND MAILING: September 1964 is 140 - 20 more than we usually accept for a class. T his will 263.81 mean that we must arrange an additional section for laboratory hours. A happy Social Annual giving ....... Bull etins .... ..... 984.48 solution of this problem was found when another generous gift of $5,000 from the BETTY P IE RSOL Bl ue books circul ars ... , .. 9.26 Scholler F oundation made possible the purchase of some basic closed circuit tele­ 42.90 P rogt·am Cook book inserts . H ospi tali zation Group 34.32 vision equipment. Funds remaining from the construction of the Hobby Room LOUISE BAXTER Operating expenses .. .. 1,339.20 have been added to purchase a second television camera, monitors, and a two-way 181.1 7 Membership Buildin g F und expenses communication system. 1onitors and communications to the camera room will be in every classroom on the three fl oors of the school. W ith an instructor in each CONSTANCE STE R ANT Total di sbursements . .. $ 7,8 11.3 7 room, students will be able to see demonstrated, procedures performed in the Scholarship laboratory, ask questions of instructors who will communicate with the instructor SAR A L. vVERSTLER E xcess of receipts over disbursements ... $ 3,570.61 in charge, for the benefit of the entire class. As the school grows, however, we \,Yays and Means Cash balance, J anua ry I, 1963 . .. 11,832.58 will need more and larger classrooms in the educational department and in the MARGA RE T M. COSSMAN clinical areas. Television helps, but it isn't the only answer to the problem. Nominating Cash ba lance, J anuary 1, 1963: T he School of Nursing has been conducting a television program on the FLORENCE ROCHE General F und . .. $ 3,807.69 U ni versity of the Air. In a seventeen week program, instructors have presented Rel ief F und . 3,955 .60 lectures using various visual aids on the subject, "Healthful Living in the Com­ Sick and \~l e lf ar e Scholarship F und 2,615. 10 munity." This has been an excellent program and our faculty deserves a great J EA NE TTE P L AS T F J~ E R Thomas A.
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