PERFORAMANCE SHAGYA - A R A B I A N Shagya News REGISTRY MARCH, 2014 PRIDE THROUGH P ERFORMANCE From the PShR President I N S I D E THIS ISSUE: Dear Members, Friends and membership fees, which information about who President’s 1 Message Volunteers, makes it necessary to wants to go to Babolna; we know how many horses do have to inform the ISG as Registrar’s 2 We all hope that spring is are coming to determine soon as possible. Report coming in big steps in your our expenses. ISG Learner 2 part of the continent. It is We hope you enjoy the Judge time, at least for us in the YOU are asked now to Newsletter, we wish you a Program North, to clean up the commit!!! There are volun- wonderful spring. PShR Letter 3 leather, taking care for foals teers and enthusiastic peo- to ASAV Let us hear from you, we are and enjoying the first long ple ready to start to organ- Horse thankful for any input. Owners rides outside. ize the inspection. Judges have to be selected, invit- Yours truly and in the name We the board members 2014 ISG 3 ed, flights and locations to of the board members - Hol- Meeting and volunteers were not be booked to make it a ly, Julie, Kathy, Libby and idle during the winter. Our second time a successful Linda. Shagal 4&5 2013 Year End Award win- inspection!!! It is not possi- ners were selected, the ISG Anke Brander Lene 6&7 ble without your commit- meeting needs some prepa- President Moellgaard ment. Please contact Steve ration and the website was Svetlo 8&9 at: [email protected] as refreshed Kastchiev soon as possible or the Thank you to all involved. Board 10 summer is gone and Minutes We are thinking to have an another year without inspection this year. Steve inspection. It’s up to 2013 PShR 11 you to let us get start- Awards Boles is so helpful and will- ing to start the process. If ed!!!! Contact & 13 you plan on attending We also have the ISG TidBits please send an application meeting in Babolna, for your horse you want to 11.-13.July 2014. Are have inspected or complete you interested to be a a performance test. We learner judge and par- don’t have the finances to ticipate at the seminar Shagya Stallion Murad do the inspection out of the there? We need the Shagya News Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry 1 P A G E 2 Registrar’sInside Story Headline Report One of the goals of the 2- Copy of DNA results verify parentage. PShR is to welcome past a- If the horse does not 3- Four identification pho- owners, members and have a DNA test results tos taken from all 4 angles horses who have not been please submit hair samples of the horse or have left the ISG umbrel- to Texas A&M. la to the PShR registry for a - If the horse has an unu- the future of the Shagya b - DNA results from Texas sual marking extra pictures breed in the US and Cana- A&M will come to the PShR are appreciated. These A link to the PShR DNA da. Congratulations to the registrar for the permanent photos will remain the form for a hair submission ASAV BOD members who registry horse files. PShR PShR registry individual to Texas A&M can be contacted the PShR about will provide the current horse file. If the horse found on the PShR web- the possibility of joining the owner of the horse with a ever needs identification in site: PShR and aligning with the copy of the DNA results the future these photos are http:// ISG standards. The PShR is with the correct pedigree of great importance. printed on the back for the performanceshagyaregis- excited to have these lovely 4- Owner of the horse must owner's files. It is im- try.org/wp-content/ horses in the registry and be a current member of portant for all horse own- uploads/2012/01/ looks forward to working PShR. DNAForm.pdf with the new members. ers to have a copy of their horse DNA results, the 5- If the horse has been To register an ASAV horse PShR helps make this possi- approved for Shagya breed- with the PShR by June 1, ble by providing a copy and ing by an ISG member reg- 2014 not adding a surcharge. istry, please enclose a copy Please send the following of the inspection results. c - The only fee is $25 to to the PShR Registrar: Texas A&M. 6- Any other information 1- ASAV registration certifi- that is important for the d- Geldings are being asked cate horse file may be request- to submit DNA results to ed. ISG Learner Judge Program PShR members wanting to and their name submitted required to participate as enroll in the ISG as an apprentice judge. an apprentice judge with a Judges Training This is an excellent oppor- mentor. For more infor- program July 11, tunity to not only receive mation visit the ISG web- 2014 at the Ba- training but to also learn site at: bolna Stud in Hun- more about the Shagya- http://shagya-isg.comFor gary need to con- Arabian standards. This information about the his- tact Anke Brander . seminar was last held sev- toric Babolna State Stud go Members must be en (7) years ago. recommended by To complete your certifica- to: http:// their ISG registry tion an individual is also www.babolnamenes.hu Shagya News Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry 2 MARCH, 2014 P A G E 3 PShR Letter to ASAV Horse Owners January 12, 2014 Dear Friends, The Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry Board of Directors wishes the ASAV the best for the New Year 2014. After many discussions with concerned ASAV members, it is agreed that only together we are strong. Alone or in little groups not affiliated with the ISG the horses are only a whisper in the wind. We have spoken with several Shagya-Arabian and part-bred Shagya-Arabian owners, mostly ASAV members, about the need to have their horses registered and recognized by the ISG. We listened to their concerns and questions and tried to find a solution within our bylaws. Unanimously, the PShR has decided the following: *To offer to register any horse with an ASAV registration for free until the 1. July 2014. *To waive the registration fee, but the horse owner must pay a Membership fee of $35(Year) *Purebred Shagya-Arabians will be registered in the internationally accepted Books, conforming to international standards. *Owners of part-bred Shagya-Arabians will be eligible for our Sport horse register. To promote the future of the Shagya in the US and Canada, we want to extend to you the opportunity to register your Purebred Shagya-Arabians and Part-bred Shagya-Arabians with PShR. The PShR invites you to add yourself and your wonderful horses into the ISG registry to strengthen and promote this precious Breed. We all hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely in the name of all PShR Board of Directors. Yours truly, Anke Brander PShR President European Championships 2014 and ISG-Meeting in National Stud Bábolna The 2014 European Shagya-Arabian tional Stud and ISG European Champi- Championships will be held in Hungary onship for Shagya Arabs, the ECAHO at the beautiful National Stud farm in (European Conference of Arab Horse Bábolna, Hungary for three days : July Organizations) exhibition for Pure Ara- 11th, 12th & 13th, 2014. During this bian Horses will be held. event the ISG delegates meeting and For more information check:http:// also ISG training for judging Shagya- shagyaworld.com/events/european- Arabians will take place on Friday, championships-2014-and-isg-meeting- July 11th, 2014. In addition to the 225 in-national-stud-babolna/ year celebration of the Babolna Na- Shagya News Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry 3 P A G E 4 ShagalInside Story Headline [2906 Shagya III, Babolna] Bred by Ulla Nyegaard, Germany. Shagal was class. The judge Dr. Daniel Shagal was the scrambled Denmark. Born 1976 named ‘Champion, Best in Antunovits, a former director horse name quiz in the Show’ in 1979 and the Eu- in Babolna, commented Sha- last PShR newsletter. Shagya I (DK) [5433 ropean Champion Shagya gal was the “best stallion in Our winner of the PShR Shagya XXXVI-11] x 48 Stallion in 1986. In 1985, the last 20 years”. Shagal was approved for mug was Siglavy Bagdady VI In 1990 Shagal returned to Trakehner breeding by the Lene Moellgaard Denmark. Dr. Huber heard Sire line: Shagya db, Trakehner Verband in Mun- positive stories about Shagal’s of Denmark. ster Handor, Germany. It 1830 Dam line: 215 Mol- breeding prowess, but under took several years of nego- dauerin, 1782 saddle, things did not go so tiations with the owner of well. Shagal required a rider By Dr. Walter Huber, Shagal in Denmark before who would accept his strong he could finally welcome Nonnenhorn, Germany personality. But this special the stal- In Babolna the stallions Edited by Anke Brander lion to have a pedigree tablet his home hanging above their (Editor’s Note: Dr. Walter Hu- in Janu- individual stall . Below is ber is an esteemed member of ary of a picture of the tablet for the Board of Directors of the 1987 . Shagya VI (Shagya III-1). ISG (International Being named Shagya III-1 Shagya Araber Gesellschaft) From Dr. means this is the first colt and dear friend of the PShR. Huber: by Shagya III (Shagal) to He submitted the story of his “Riding be used as a stallion.
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