Eight area coiiege and eeHege-fcsound students 3d schoi' Front buxterf -fes vo native p'ants, ihe Sanibei-Capttva arships for their work in the arts. Conservation has a variety of educa- tional events to iasl ell summer lonci. 1 1 I " I m o Soivc o". artisis c:\rc o BIG A-V , . COS ship meres the arts. .-'.<: OS Iege-bc:. rd 0 were ;•••..•;: •/ ; the dirccio •-> ;':id se v. r • O member, re :g.-:.:..-\..\ artists. "' V; see :' '••. '•.' d ' Feel gcr/ r •.••... ' ••.-. '. ; • i / ' * .^ . .' the wkc d: cs'ly ;•.-. _• cxpkJpc.. Out c'2"7 "^;':e- /r..- narrowed '.'.v.v.- r:. •;<.•' of i"7 -.v:-.: e^--e \ --r, from there:; r. ,-v:. •:;'.'- difficu! . "!':::' ;• ".v; ••"•: ••' (money)." <\:Lc '.::r ••;.••'• The AW /-:•<' •• -.\. • o 1 o schoiars'":;" -. ;: s;.-..rr..- artistic ". c"-'1-'. ".'•'; "c-: -a young ;.eo;:- r '•>.•''.: :-s • arc as cr.rrrd.'.ed Andeisor*. James Milne, an-J Lydia t-raui; cxplaire; eer'.r-'/ve c Chair Ar! C??f5Sir?H; Kfinc-i' "It's a ••ev.T.-dlr.i e ..\'.r":. 9S Director Lee niton iiavdm'; rl Ch*'-'i; h.aifer>en meet tl'osc '.-ids. """-cy " (\ is Klcboles • ft nal." BIG A.".;""" •;:—..;" iake J-ngh Scioo! Ccncr for i'',c /AS ycn." "ccinie':ts, r-cn;!'s ,vo,x /<f,s Ellen I-xrdc- C~\T;\*'-:- 1 : - graduate Kisi' i;, Sir<*«t was also "icri-'x. Jcd tc cvo .'c. """hit. yer_,; roe 'vus fcf- of dcvc!o;v",i ~e r' r.i s- 'Tm very excised," she sr«d. "' d'di lu.'oo <i two studciu shcws \ F.oria.i Gulf artists. Kc--e-;i se'-e r^ Ihirk I would get u.'" Const Un^'crsi.y. "ifs beer a good year." s Seach c-;-sses ;•. d~e T-C Milne scored to SJT ro ihc :xpc>""- s.io srJc. : camp <:s \N-:.. rr s :ov. e: ence for the g'"ouo. '"7'iicn yoir ?,• a'tirt, "Ar1 scl'oo! is s drcan^ r"d C'C^ schol- the ?h::'.'-:s Grd:"- ': it's nice to be reassured or of'".'me;'. r.fjhio helps," :-i>x Sanib;i vjl" 'c °r ohic "Findirg re- • \K-O'\ :;',:/ Affirmation is great. Ji's ar honor." re oesigrci' r.nc! scno'arsftip 'vi,;a;r Jrmcs kinds c:" '/••••!us." s ~.e s:\-.. explained. Hc'ly. "I did t< lo. o,"!'carc|i;>ig (for scho'a- "We v,;z^ g--;.c-; The excitement among <"c ycjrg spins) and w:-s cxciicJ. (G i.^i^y >o a :oca) Rausche--.oere"s s; -v.-.;••'. artists was rcsriy rs palpable as 'r-c 'icai ; : p "It's exe t:r.g to «c;. :' : froiti the ".^d-iiiorning sui\ FhSL-iirc to see ;'~er- r,r ••?-.-. s. 73'o I.- 0": Sc.:lr- rio.'icfr./~a!~ips Fo' r,[ icLS' t!"*e last 2! ycf.."s She ofG recipient Lydi-". Frantz, aocensed in.o be /vRTS'Robert Knu.scheiibe-g sc'iolarsh'p great." dance prog/am at the University o-" Sooih '43 Artis; ./.irr.es ;'/' :c " i"as r-cest providing aid o :i *i»sis us tbey ft Flo'ida in Tair.pa, was all STHCS. "" n v<i awarded ,."e see- '•.rs'"'." CT,hat"i a id LOiiilmc Ihcir ccjca'.iorrl jour- « to dance my life away." sne said. neys. O'ssd", 'vh", has been 0,1 &>z cci"mi.- "1 go tc \:e A •; •.s'.:.i..c u Christine ^caueL awarded i>c sc'io.r*- MC tc cnosc jic sc.T.">!irSii'p vir ici's fo" .be the sere- r, Vd.; '•• s >-''? ship for a second lirpc, k.no-^ '. "s vdic. Y ; t pasl iwo yen!",-,, sf'o "They ix/'Si 'cn*3<"k- do that," x '•r d. ''Money for ait :s always a gcoc ihi ig. * *s always helpful," s>c saic. Ard like ai; J^e CM SJis'.i the ( ^ance of times age... staniished ;n VVhere 'riosolialiiv,l Never S Due to popuittr deir.and, Chef Christopher Hynes and staff ha ex to ad i'heir season with us. It is with great pride that we ann< first time in our 112-yesr history, Traditions Dining Room will diroighoui Spring & Summer. Join us for Fatlier/s Day Bt "fe on Sunday, June 17Ul Sc rvine fi 10 a.m.. until Fee taring Roasted Sirloin Steak & $2200 per perso Kes-zreeiiiotts fsr 'Dinner &' Branch Please. ettsan's Dinncf." 'Dress Cede Skhrf: <£•" JDress Fattis Nc leans, Sneckc.rs, crlhukTops. Arr....Ra! y up me ror a.1 cprfy star! ,imc yoi: con ncartics. Road Roliy lime is ore-register aaJ. rccjucsi inc The Ganihcl Crpfv:: O-c--\ 3oeie,y ;~as arnou.iccd nevv r'T'ocrs frr "? upon us. The 28th annaa: '.'••"c yoi-'C iikc. Wo will get as I -<j i-'oi.'ih of jmy island Road close as we can lTuUcy. The 2007-2008 scaso.'i. Ron- ^o'vey •/! RaHy ir gcarea up and first request g^ 'heir lime. be pres'deni, Nasinc.ic ,'XT V'CC firesi- ready to set sail. The ,'3[n _:nni;al Su.iib-v AI! ciHran's will be abie to cicr>i nnct Marilyn 'Or;>torr".n sccrc- Snrhbcl-Capiiva Oplimisl •'.'?p!p a v.)p:inii'<J'-!.'.; sec the p->radc. airy-trcasjrer. Ms --y .•".:• ,->ks .o otugc- Cub is a local charily Please make your check ing ofilccrs Ansia 3r"!ovc, presiacnt •;HS and Rorn Downey, vice prcs'Ccit 'or working to aid in children's payable 10 the Sr.nibci- r education "rvf oilier neces- Captiva Optiniis' Oitb lhci efforts at provici ig r-r- irsf.v.r.at"*": lineup of speakers ds wc'! as s.xcia' sities within our coinnuni- KK)\' 4 Rood BfP/ Fourrdoiion and -nail to: ! jy. With your sponsorsnip Canibci-Capliva Optimist prograirs such as the 1c d v'-i c 'TCIS of $!00, ycir name W'l! •Club; P.O. Box 1370; Sanibci, Orchid Nursc-y and tlie '-'oiic'ay Oaniivi Luncheon at Doc >';ord's. The rcxt appear in ,ii» the locai FL 33957- i 370. r Will f '5p</ilts«ii'** e meeting o tr.c Crcfiic' Society «/)!• V papers pjus 1 banner with i or your convenience, you Monies cc!ii">c': n bv Mon.. 6ci. 5. your name on it will be dis- !•• '0 CiU'.i S'dS i,lay a "range for your check or played en ore of the Read ' hitdrer.'s v6 ic:->lio" goodie bag i'ero to bo picked CITS. Rally We also invile C&M, vp [v calling Dar.i Howard at sponsors to provide us with ^72-0836 or Daa Alton i\\ items or if formation on •t-72-5861 •.">'" yoi' cap c-r.iail your company for the driv- ^«e]kof ers' goody bags. cast.net. *• If you'r; iookipg tv see "Fee " ^" H\>" ;CKOIS r-,u info>"v:i'<.ior., '- case The >reasarc is walling appoo in fo;:ol The Board of Directors * Groovy'1 on a wcelond, ..lis ?w re: y : 00" -J.-,> Or>"icc ,ni 472-r iO be found by you. You .•rapes"'-* 3a" <A"9i' at* a i.ncl a!! lite pirates on the ccn- ° wih be yoi-" last jrnr.ee. O-i Snt. '&•'}; -. ""re" 3~x D'~'"cc .".01 -'s ur^ ^ucs. 1 don't have to have knowl- Mc-tu fi.T!" r,:{, uiidee say, "Arr...lnanks fcr o June '6th, "Get Doivi Trri^ht ', T^c Tr.;r?cc,ft "v J?' .'.xays s'.v.m 2-7 edge of our .slarsds to join yyou r ggc'icro'js consideration # Schooliiojsc Tncaicr's i^/T's rvsij c'.pcci: i ^- v.-;- ;'cke prices :tr in i!ie fun. We pirates nun rcvi.c, w:*l <;nc>:. C'".ce ooc1"., you e..""" ~c ra . ,is a u< tf C "(•••" z'r' t'rer ,6 a of .his ."alter." i oat the directions and give SapibcS-Captiva Oplin^isi "Fcclin" Groovy" cr> Wednesdays "S.u \,r •.');c. )"i ->g ii"'>"irr.i-o.], co: you 'art' lucocrs questions Clah 2C07 Road R.ally Pirati e * Thursdays, as -.veil as ''Gz v/1 0 ;-o:-. is oiu on ••'-VVJ^CSJ to answer ar>ng (he route. i-'.O. Box t -•'- Committee: o Tonight" on Tuesdays *jrc.a. 1 rcays. 'j •;'rs;'"c;lCx7iu Why, it's as easy as watch- ?8if.hel, FL Daii Howard. (Xaiiy o show Umcs a'"C a. 7 p.m. ing me crew hoist the sails. 3305"'' 13""O Master), Sun Howard As always we iavile mem- (Century Door Co.), Ban bers of the business com- Ait-xi (Bailey's), Randy munity, you and your fami- : V.'tirnis* C-lub Carson (American Legion). ly to join is* in this "t'l Kark Stcgcr (San'bcl 'siaixl tradit'on. Show us iiOi& I':"«V.Wf Screens). Frances Stcgcr your pirate side! (Ally's Over Easy Cafe). \ We start our joir'ney at Keg McCurry (Grspariiias) the Schoolhonsc Thcalc" on pno R'chard McCurry Periwinkle 4"/ay. Tnc >!?>,! (3apioci Care-Bark of car ships out at noon. Avast, Amer'ca, Sanibd). 1 M Islander Peter Blaze Corcoran visits Mexican President Felipe Calderon Mexican Mexico to ensure President Felipe "that every child Calderon recently "For years we've learned to destroy learns to care for the the environment... Today we will start 00 invited long-time Earth." He said, "For Sanibel resident to learn — and teach — how to con- years we've learned and FGCU serve the environment." to destroy the envi- Professor of ronment. .. Today we Environmental will start to learn — es Studies Peter ^^^^____^____— s-resiaent cf Me^jc and teach — how to Blaze Corcoran to conserve the envi- participate in a major Earth Day event in ronment." Mexico City.
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