UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 71 Date 15/06/2006 Time 9:27:37 AM S-0903-0004-04-00001 Expanded Number S-0903-0004-04-00001 Title items-in-Cyprus - country files - Greece Date Created 21/07/1975 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0903-0004: Peackeeping - Cyprus 1971-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit 393 LONDON 119 19 16. 15 GMT £ I!il KOMMIPRESS K £•' tv- -, s-.r- ,/fM^^t- (-i ,v - ,-• il UNLONo393 AKATANI POWELL GALENOVICH HO CHANG PRZYLUCKI ROCHA IHFO"USGS GUYER URQUHART REPEATED TO YACOU3 UNFICYP FROM FOPOVIC» RE PRZYLUCKI 635 QUESTION OF ANY NEW UK CYPRUS INITIATIVES RAISED IN COMMONS 17 DECEMBER. FOREIGN SECRETARY . - ' . * =• i= CALLAGHAN REPLIED HE HAD DISCUSSED AT LENGTH CYPRUS PROBLEM • WITH GREEK-TURKISH MINISTERS IN BRUSSELS PREVIOUS WEEK. " IN COURSE DISCUSSIONS QUOTE CERTAIN PROPOSALS WERE AGREED AS BASIS FOR RESUMPTION OF IHTERCOMMUMAL TALKS BETWEEN CLERIDES-DENKTASH, THESE TALKS WILL BEGIN AGAIN IN HEU YEAR .'.... EYE ADH£RE_TO MY VIEW ..» THAT BEST PROGRESS WILL BE ACHIEVED BETWEEN THE LEADERS OF GREEK CYPRIOT p»3/ '?'.,• "' '••V;., : '.:'•'.- }\-' •:••• '• ' '•• ' ' COMMUNITY AND TURKISH CYPRIOT COMMUNITY WITH DR. WALDHEIM ALSO IN ATTENDANCE AT THE DISCUSSIONS. UNQUOTE= LONOMNIPRESS-H- -»3). 393 635 17 ^ '.••";;.V"''£-i--'•"•'• 'j;*^.'•;*.!'"•;'••'• -i-^f •"."•;••» ".-.'.N v-^. :'•.. v •' '.-IV ;"••:••''••'''.'•*.- ...'•'-'•.•".•>'•: /••i'7 ^•- • • ' ' • -•• '• -••••••• • •••• '•.'-•••'••.•'•••• '-•- I -.•" ^:;r.^;^k? •:'.'••",;;- -d.:-^ *V.:.; .y^ ;•• ;'i:•',::•'•'• ':'<-'^:;;"iV •'y:;^'':;,;.;: ••.•;'' /;v-:-^ ."rrfifiir'V. v v n •-• j « - .•i Q ;"r £J EPfl443 'J r V' ut rpr-'-piis=-• ;v w ;_ U sji j ri ST 5T i f *; i f - ?1 TrnS T — vEC ''i 3 f, i?P;;TFR H P I^NfiRY'.S'GREEHENT.- Wfi t-:::" l':i: ~ i i ~ f: -1 r ~: rt T T i*j ii "- fi :~ T : t i~ . i i Vi T T 7 'r; ii -. -: r-'n r- -r ;.•• r •- ~ ? i; p r^ V i i iTf • i :-: :- I i r* ;• TT ^ J : • ? • J . • : ! ** ' f^ ^ : ; :V * • ' :• r r= .-• r -r r, •. r :\ =•!- fs : !?it : ; r^-^ TrJ i i -"A " "*i .UsKibHrVf'rtiu" J "* J/ " r"- i •"• 1 1 ="• H. "i fT 'i' T», .. :TH?JTNU•• s y !•: A u ; t T; * /THE TUKKlSH-CVPRIOT LERDtR? .ON BEHRLF OF THE UNiLfiTERRLLV-DECLHRED ^ i i n :/ 7 "• : r s*« : I *"; P- T :"' T t"- T ": T i™ i"i j: \: 0" *Ji/—^r* f" ^' " "J ^ ' D ^'r *" V' :™' U r": • i ^ "*" * ' iT ' : *"" 0 D :~ C "T-^HR^DENKTfiSH'HRbvEfiRLIER SBJ,D THE FORCE WOULD ;HftVE VTO 'HITHDRflH t . .^.jspa' J ? oy^nrniPT?f": -T?yP TTHPV ^ KITH ^Tur PIIPPP& ?nrj? S^-^SPSTT^IJ •- 6• w P. ;.*, i. %,- : ; >• v. V V -' * — *f i ™ f '.»*,- r W ; \ i . i M I *W r ' » t- - —• -• -' : — *"• f™ W J T i. 1^ -.. i s ; : *. [ i J i 5^ V : . TURKISH-OCCUPIED J^RMTORV TNTO ^HE 'BUFFER .zoHE-'SEPfiRfiTiNG^u ;BND GREEK CV^lfT-FgRCB UNLESS :ftN fiGREEHENT WHS SIGNED/' .'• H :A i )wi s »i *.! * / cistrQisQuv t A 3» v : : : t I, ? upi^/ : : a- :\p - . .rnMrn?i?icv •-' ) T : ^ : <h i ±n s» v TMS: t i :T .- ,ijuft» -17^:;;T: .- u>: J t* Tp'vMPf •«•:•-> rn a« v SM* •' • \ 1 t i 11 ys a™ "•. .-"i -* .V. j: r* •• i: /•.". a i ; ; .~. r*. • r-.. j— i" 11 p r" 't". ,". i * ?•" ?. ?•. ?• f i •. ?* ^" v: .*r f J r* • I I • i: • ?T i"i ?"j t"** ?* ':*•:": ?-•: r,4 r""» 2 i UlD?L£b!hNLfiNt3-- HHi) SfctS-KtHlHti) bi!sci:f? ^j he. U.^« .^UIXL-C f vunrtna ; 1 :: :: »s&irt I* V; TM! : ; ^ P T',ipVT«iH-rvpPTnT.-.': w [*-. :v A w i; w . : :*. J. w : i u^kPftncpQut. :; v w-^ v •• iP ^ • * ^••^r' ...-. '----^^v.',;-•.•.'-••-••,•• :••^-••••. ''•-.'•. : :^ ' TU~ H ^ :Qfr:i!?TTy rnii^rTi of^nnp-T ;A ^PPT J J TODRw V :TU-Rr^x WT 7T •' . — v * :? i y-* *- w w A - : T 'W.w w *t w * W A v ^ i»- a- ' > * "— — ,."* : *•***..,* *^ ,' •**' — -rn w? * \ s5[yrs f • T v i7Hi:?''C:TyI " =- ; \ V A l J. jinfJTMQ'.TH) i w »t s :.**-• i ::P a - r4s^i}STs ! ; I M l/ i P: J >PHI. • «? . wTU :'. Pi I IPPSf>kTEPIM ^» ; u. : J V J— f \ w »G- - p AFHRH i r w tF --• . ^ v — ^|4ir|j EMPIRES;/ON NONDSV/'^-^'V"-?;V^^- '"'•';:;';:"/• % :-':vi•:; "-'/"^^:--:'.'"\";' "•"' ••••^:..'."' r; '^"sECRETfiRV-GEHERBL -KURpyBL&HEIriRRLIER 'REP.QRIED;fiGREE|lENT;;-%;? 13 Dec. 1975 H. Gleicsner 3519 5363 PSCA. O59 (LIST ATTACHED) ETflTPaiPRITS I HAVE "THE EOHOUR TO TRN3SHIT HEREWITH, FOR THE ATTEHTICN- OF YOUR GOVEBHKEHT, TH3 TEXT 0? RESOLUTION 333 (1975) ADOPTED BY 1 TIE SECURITY COUKCIL AT ITS 1853RD IffiETHTG OH 13 DECEMBER 1975, QUOT3 HIGHEST CONSinERRTIQET, KURT WALMIEIM SECEETARY-GS33EEAL A. 17. Shovchcnlro, UndGr-Socrotnry-Gonc-ral for Political and Security Council Affair: ADDRESS PER TELEGRAM PLEASE. JUS EXCELLENCY MR. JOKI CL. <3ffiISTOBffi)SS MIHISIEa FOR FOBEIGH AFFAIRS 1HHISERZ OF FOREIGII AFFAIRS HJCOSIA (CXHiUS) HIS B MR. IHSA1J S. CAG1A2AJJGIL MUCDBOSER FOR POKEH3I' AFFAIRS MBHSTEiT OF FOREIGN AEPAIBS A1IKAEA HIS EXCELLE1TCY MR. DIHHRI 3* BITBIOS Kiiiuiia FOR i-OiSIua Ai OF FOREIGIT AFFAIRS ATHENS (GREECE) UNITSD R SECURITY PROVISIONAL S/11910 COUNCIL 13 December 1975 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Draft resolution The Security Council, Noting from the report of the Secretary-General of 8 December 1975 (S/11900 and Add.l) that in existing circumstances the presence of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus is still needed not only to maintain the cease-fire but also to facilitate the continued search for a peaceful settlement, Noting from the report the conditions prevailing in the island, Noting further that, in paragraph 68 of his report, the Secretary-General has expressed the view that in the present circumstances the best available means of making progress towards a settlement is through continued talks between the representatives of the two communities and that such talks can only be fruitful if .the interlocutors are ready and authorized to engage in meaningful negotiations on all essential aspects of. a settlement of the Cyprus problem, Noting also the concurrence of the parties concerned in the recommendation by the Secretary-General that the Security Council extend the stationing of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus for a further period of six months, Noting that the Government of Cyprus has agreed that in view of the prevailing conditions in the island it is necessary to keep the Force in Cyprus beyond 15 December 1975, Noting that General Assembly resolution 3395 (XXX) of 20 November 1975 reaffirmed the urgent need for continued efforts for the effective implementation in all its parts of General Assembly resolution 3212 (XXIX) of 1 November 197^ which was endorsed by the Security Council in its resolution 365 (197*0 of 13 December 1971*, 1. Reaffirms the provisions of resolution 186 (196U) of U March 196U, as well as subsequent resolutions and Lucisrons on the establishment and maintenance of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus and on other aspects of the situation in Cyprus; 2. Reaffirms its resolutions 365 (1971*) of 13 December 197U and 367 (1975) of 12 March 1975 and calls for their urgent and effective implementation; 3. Urges the parties concerned to act with the utmost restraint and to continue and accelerate determined co-operative efforts to achieve the objectives of the Security Council; U. Extends once more the stationing in Gyprus of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, established under Security Council resolution 186 (196^), for a further period ending 15 June 1976 in the expectation that by then sufficient progress towards a final solution will make possible a withdrawal or substantial reduction of the Force; 5. Appeals again to all parties concerned to extend their full co-operation to the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in its continuing performance of its duties; 6. Requests the Secretary-General to continue the mission of good offices entrusted to him by paragraph 6 of resolution 367 (1975), to keep the Security Council informed of the progress made and to submit a report not later than 31 March 1976. •> : .'•;:* ;fe,:.ci:;. m •••• .:= -AY:v.^vJ /-i .,, < •*; »-y"v; . V-, "? rr: t r^ ra : : r."?1 i -j - ' i^' ; -. : >. ; -.; 1 w v i-. iw, i*. V.4 J 1 T t" ",."-: i 3 ;^ -^ ^j :~ Mr- :":-•;-»• ^ :" ?" yj- ;". ^-. T- =" T U "' ^ " i"' * ;« T : ' ". =* ^ Ti T' " f " " '^ ?: ". T i i T; V i" i 1 ' i : : i !•*•„ r - ". f'ft: * : ! •"* r? : i i .* ?" "j : -* .-,• : •: !"• t ri "' :-l .1 s i i m } : : t : i r« v« f.* r- r- i — f-i • j -• i i i rr ^, .«* •? ; '-• V . : J *_' ; :•*-.•: -^- '-• i : Xi. : •-.• -,» : ^ .^ :; : *. -u,-. -», :-.;;»*-; ; ,^ ^ : t vr ^, -*.• i/ ^^» . -.A : ^ _«.«*•.••.«• ; : it v : w :•,:•.».. : H f-: i i r"i : L ?-J s« i- >* r-: « *»'. r- r'-i : «•: i • *;' r' i f-i T*i t" i f.?* H --i ; :'; i 3* ;'•? 'j-1 :'4 i H V i i-r f- {- i i V'1 ="' i M M • • - - &-• -.1 •-,T^s.', 4 :*.;«; :•... -w i- :-.:;: i .'- : -o y : : : : « c. ^ - i . '^ : i i -, •„.. .!*»-.-.. •«* i . ; : ^,. ; •„• : •. -*. .-, -^ ;: >;-J i •.«' ,':? ^ F FRIENDSHIP f':."••:•• i f •••• '" ;-• ~ .-i 11 i-!'"'"!?' i~, T '1 ' i •". '' r^ i' f a'. " t~ ! i !i i ~. =-'r i~^ nLUunn^ sn~r;n uiL nnt oi^i'i ruv>^L?a NENT MISSION / .ED NATIONS f y7 New York,/December 6, 1975 Excellency, With reference to your letter of December 4, 1975, I have the honor to enclose herewith the message of His Excellency Mr. Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. liter Turkmen Ambassador Permanent Representative His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General of the United Nations United Nations New York Ankara, December 5, 1975 Excellency, I have received your message dated December 4, 1975. On the subject of your message, I have also seen the report of your conversation with Ambassador Turkmen.
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