INSIDE: 21 VOICES 26,000 COPIES Please Deliver Before FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 Vol. 32 | No. 38 | 2 Sections |40 Pages Making a mark on RALLIS IMPROVES, HAS HIGH HOPES pollution prevention Fundraising BY SCOTT E. KINNEY colorful and attracts attention continues to aid ATLANTIC NEws STAFF WRITER to its message “No Dump- EXETER | Woodsy Owl ing … Drains to River.” The WHS student said it best when he advised, goal is to help the commu- “Give a hoot, don’t pollute.” nity make the connection BY BRENDA SHEPARD In that spirit, vol- between the storm drain in WINNACHRONICLE STAFF unteers from the their neighborhood SPECIAL TO 21 VOICES Exeter Conserva- and local water- s Winnacun- tion Commis- ways used net teachers, sion installed for drinking Cyan Astaff and stu- storm drain water and dents geared up for the m a r k e r s recreation. new school year, not every and place “ W e Magenta member of the senior class door hang- believe that was returning to the hall- ers in neigh- education is ways. borhoods in the the most impor- This summer, Brooke Dearborn Brook tant element in the Yellow Rallis (12) was forced to Watershed to educate Storm Water Program,” test her mind, body and residents on the connection said Phyllis Duffy of the spirit in rehabilitation as between storm drains and Exeter Public Works Depart- Black she combats an injury that water quality on Tuesday. ment. “Many people simply left her almost entirely This watershed, or the do not realize that the water paralyzed. area of land where water that flows into catch basins “This has been the follows the same drainage discharges to local water- hardest thing that I have patterns into rivers, lakes ways without treatment. ever gone through in my and streams, discharges to Once residents and business- life. It is very hard being land that drains to Exeter’s es realize that their everyday away from home, but I reservoir. Project partners in actions impact our rivers have had great support this event include the Exeter and streams, they will want from family, friends and Conservation Commission to keep streets and parking even people that I don’t and Department of Public lots litter free, reduce chemi- know very well. I really Works, Rockingham Plan- cal uses, and make sure that appreciate all of it,” said ning Commission and the automobile fluids and wash Brooke, who is now able New Hampshire Coastal water do not end up in the to walk with the aid of a Program at the Department storm drains.” walker, and moved into a of Environmental Services. Volunteers also passed manual wheelchair. The storm drain marker is MARK Continued on 24A• Now located at the Shriners Hospital for Chil- dren in Philadelphia, PA, Brooke has all the tools, support and the right atti- tude to carry her toward recovery. Like most other high school students, Brooke was working a summer job for the Hampton Rec- reation Department this past summer when she RALLIS Continued on 18A• SEE YOU SOON — Brooke Rallis (pictured) has improved dramatically after suffering a neck injury this summer. She can now walk with assistance. — Atlantic News Photo Courtesy of Allix Rashid/Winnachronicle PAGE 2A | ATLANTIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 | VOL 32, NO 38 ATLANTICNEWS.COM . WEATHER THE WEEKEND FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 POSSIBLY CLOUDY POSSIBLY SUNNY POSSIBLE SUN & CLOUDS POSSIBLE WEATHERY HIGH: 65° LOW: 48° HIGH: 61° LOW: 46° HIGH: 65° LOW: 49° HIGH: 60’S° LOW: 40’S° Cyan Magenta NEWBURYPORT’S HAMPTON HARBOR’S PORTSMOUTH HARBOR’S DOVER POINT’S 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE Tides provided by Yellow DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM www.MaineHarbors.com 29 FRI 4:21 4:30 10:19 11:04 29 FRI 4:15 4:24 10:27 11:12 29 FRI 4:23 4:32 10:12 10:57 29 FRI 5:34 5:43 11:22 - 30 SAT 30 SAT 30 SAT 5:18 5:29 11:07 11:58 30 SAT 6:29 6:40 12:07 12:17 5:16 5:27 11:14 - 5:10 5:21 11:22 - Black 1 SUN 6:18 6:31 12:05 12:16 1 SUN 6:12 6:25 12:13 12:24 1 SUN 6:20 6:33 12:09 12:09 1 SUN 7:31 7:44 1:08 1:19 2 MON 7:23 7:37 1:09 1:23 2 MON 7:17 7:31 1:17 1:31 2 MON 7:25 7:39 1:02 1:16 2 MON 8:36 8:50 2:12 2:26 3 TUE 8:26 8:42 2:13 2:28 3 TUE 8:20 8:36 2:21 2:36 3 TUE 8:28 8:44 2:06 2:21 3 TUE 9:39 9:55 3:16 3:31 4 WED 9:23 9:42 3:12 3:30 4 WED 9:17 9:36 3:20 3:38 FIRST QUARTER 4 WED 9:25 9:44 3:05 3:23 4 WED 10:36 10:55 4:15 4:33 SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 5 THU 10:16 10:38 4:05 4:27 5 THU 10:10 10:32 4:13 4:35 5 THU 10:18 10:40 3:58 4:20 5 THU 11:29 11:51 5:08 5:30 6 FRI 11:05 11:31 4:56 5:20 6 FRI 10:59 11:25 5:04 5:28 FULL MOON 6 FRI 11:07 11:33 4:49 5:13 6 FRI - 12:18 5:59 6:23 FRIDAY, OCT. 7 7 SAT 11:53 - 5:44 6:12 7 SAT 11:47 - 5:52 6:20 7 SAT 11:55 - 5:37 6:05 7 SAT 12:44 1:06 6:47 7:15 8 SUN 12:23 12:41 6:32 7:04 8 SUN 12:17 12:35 6:40 7:12 8 SUN 12:25 12:43 6:25 6:57 8 SUN 1:36 1:54 7:35 8:07 Now Available: Fragrance Jewelry for Of The Autumn Month... 25% & Everyday! Spiced OFF Assorted Pumpkin Gifts While for every Supplies 894 Lafayette Road Last! occasion Seabrook, NH 03874 603-926-1234 Toll Free: Seacoast Shopping Center 877-203-3026 Seabrook, NH • Open at 9am (603) 474-3082 ATLANTICNEWS.COM VOL 32, NO 38 | SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 | ATLANTIC NEWS | PAGE 3A . TOWN NEWS Serv-a-palooza Wishes come true in Kensington BY SCOTT E. KINNEY and project coordinator. ATLANTIC NEws STAFF WRITER “What’s going to get KENSINGTON | The done today would have grounds of Kensington Ele- taken five to 10 years to get mentary School teemed with done,” she said. life last Thursday as a horde Spinosa added she was of volunteers from Tim- thrilled when she found out berland Co. rolled up their that Kensington Elementary sleeves for Serv-a-palooza, School was among the proj- the company’s worldwide ects chosen for this year’s day of community service. Serv-a-palooza. More than 90 work- “We started thinking of ers clad in brown T-shirts things that we always want- built picnic tables, a shed, a ed,” she said. “Things that quarter-mile walking track; were just wishes.” painted a map of the Unit- All three women said it ed States as well as lines was equally great for the for sidewalk games on the children to see the volun- tarmac; spread 70 yards of teers hard at work and giv- “kid safe” mulch around the ing of themselves. playground; replaced an ail- “It’s good for the chil- ing sandbox; and beautified dren to see that,” said Bou- ‘A great, successful the perimeter of the school langer. with the planting of a vari- Marie Twomey, a Tim- ety of trees and shrubs. berland worker whose Night Out’ Jen Boulanger, project daughter is a third grader BY SCOTT E. KINNEY stayed open late in to invite manager for Timberland, at Kensington, played an ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER local residents to visit their said the walking track will important part in getting the HAMPTON | The nor- shops, meet the owners and Cyan be beneficial for community volunteers to the school. mally quiet downtown area enter to win some fabulous members as well as the chil- “I’m just thrilled to be surged to life on Thursday prizes in a variety of raffles, Magenta dren looking for a place to here,” she said. “My daugh- evening thanks to a host of as well as entertainment pro- walk. ter is in the third grade and Hampton businesses par- vided by Jimmy Mac and the “There aren’t any side- she’s had a wonderful expe- ticipating in the inaugural House Rockers. walks here in Kensington,” rience so far. I just wanted to Hampton Night Out. NIGHT Continued on 24A• Yellow she said. “It will make it a be able to give back.” bees at the hive. Hampshire grant, but it Several area businesses lot easier, it’s very accessi- “It’s unbelievable,” she was the manpower of the ble for community members said as she watched the Timberland volunteers that Black and students and the kids schoolyard literally trans- got the necessary changes will have an official track formed before her eyes. underway, said Lili Spinosa, HealtH & Fitness For all to walk around for physical The work was funded physical education teacher fitness.” by a $5,000 Healthy New at Kensington Elementary Boulanger said the two Why Join The new picnic tables will be utilized in the school’s gar- Antique Flea Market Wed.
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