•• MrM SBmdytUm 1-0010 VOLUME LXXXn NO. 1* RED BANK, N. J.. MONDAY, 14, lose 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Fair Haven GOP Moon Shot Gives Krush Muni on Candidate Mayor Minton Visit Bright Backdrop To Fill Council Council Mutts Lunar Bullseye Timed Vacancy Tonight Overriding atof Ike9 Aides FAIR HAVEN-OfBdal Rapub- 9 For Eve of Arrival Here Boaadam hare waa ttght-UppsdMayor 9 Veto Prepare MOSCOW (AP) — Th* Soviet Union today hoisted a spec- M H. Mate* would appoint NEW SHREWSBURY - Bor- tacular backdrop for Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's visit to the tonight to Itn bit vacant cm ough Coaaeu today la muHiag United States with tht announcement it haa landed a historic rocket all ttat aatn January. the poasmfllty af uitnhtiig May- the moon. Mnabtraof the all-Republican or Karl K. Btroo't veto ef • For Visit Timed on the eve of the Soviet chlefa trip, tha announcement •nuralai body and the local toning amtadmtnt which would beamed forth by the Soviet prose OOP Executive Cammltttt said permit a picnic grove to. the and radio said the Sat pound cap. they oouM not ditchiat who tbt southern part of the borough. Red Carpet Out •tele* U. Mayor Bam vetoed tbt metr face at 2 minutes after midnight -I will nalM tha appointment ure Friday on the grounds that For Khrushchev Moscow time. That waa 4:12 •t tonlght't council meeting." "It merited further study" and m. (EST) Sunday-only on* contained "certain Inequalities." () Mr. Minton Mid. "Everybody has Tomorrow Vary9 Nixon minute behind So bean told not to make any an* MAT WINS—An I •-foot Jeney Skiff, built and owned by Peter A. Win«ortor, He returned th* amendment, Tha which waa unanimously adopted IAI le*chwo«d Dr., Shrewsbury, burnt in the Neveilnk River off tho M*nmouth l«at MM. Gladys C. Huater, chair- by th* council, to the borough Club. Gat fumot in the bilge caused lira yettorday. Mr. Wingartar and a two-man MOSCOW (AP)-Sevtet Pro- Is Dubious man of tfet RapabHeaa ExecuUv* clerk aibr NUdta S. Khraahchev aad WASHINGTON (AP) — The Committee, Mid her groap met crow wara returning from a predicted log race in Raritan lay. The boat, "Never Us party wiU leave for the Russians ftiled three times in Council mutt mutter a t Homo." to«k three, months to build, Mr. Wingerter said. Ha had used the boat "late Utt weak" and tetod thirds vote to make the a United State* by Jet alritoer at we pest two weeks in attempts the tame penoa the mayor win change law. about three months. Mr. Robinson tald ho almost had tho fire under control whan a 7 a. m. tomorrow (inidaisbt hit the moon with a rocket, appoint to run in November lor tonight, EST.) Vice President Richsrd M. Nix. It It the tint time In the CO2 "bomb" ha wat using ran out. A pasting boat picked up Mr. Wingerter and ne unexpired portion of Mr. Ha b scaadtlsd to arrive at on Mid today. The fourth try The rocket carried Maton't term. It ends In HM. short history of the borough tha hit companiom. No one wa* injured. Andrews Air Force Base, U this week-end apparently suc- a mayor hat used Mi veto ring the Soviet hammer-and- miles outside Washington, at ceeded. tickle emblem aad aa kaacripttoa N:M a. m., EST. tomorrow. Nixon told newsmen early to- "Union of Soviet SodaUat Repub- Mn. Hunter said earlier latt The amendment would permit 13 Killed, 11 •y in New York there still Was Ics. September, l*J»." week the would ditlete the Ex- the setting up of a Uacre pic- Monmouth-Elberon no official proof that the Soviet The Soviet new* agency Tana nic grove at Hamilton and Jump- WASHINGTON (AP)—President Eisenhower summoned his roket hit the moon yesterday as tald special aooa aa the person wtt selected. ing Brook Rdt. The grove net On Highways* « Rimians announced. But last night the tald It wat been proposed by Benjamin Har- foreign policy advisen to decided to let Mr. Mtaton make vey, Otkhurtt Show a Success White House today to check over But American scientists did not FORT MONMOUTH - The final pltna for hia historic talks question the success of the moon the announcement tonight James D. Carton, Jr., Asbury In New Jersey The Moamouth-Elberon Horti- officially opened the show Friday Tht mayor aaid both the gov- with Soviet Premier Nikiu S. shoot. They congratulated the edby Park attorney, alto objected to By The Associated Preea cultural Society, with the co-op- night, presented the borough's Khrushchev. Russians but discounted any mill' erning body and Executive Com- the plan on the grounds met it eration of the borough of Red trophy to George B. Juska, El- mittee worked together to max NEWARK. (APHIhirteea per- The stocky, voluble. Communist tary significance of the shot. One aaV*m«tn# **m*e»aWaWe> nffmrnaV amt g it spot mini. The lawyer own* Bank, added another year to its beron Park florist, for his dis- said It would be easier for the A ••nVtJl tTvQeHVMSf vKVal SB ing the tetocUoa. sons lost their lives in New Jer- chieftain, packing the prestige tht Signal Cerpf E.aaa area. property adjacent to the picnic sey over the week-end. Eleven record for having the oldest con- play, Judged "Best Exhibit for the of a new space triumph in Rus- Ruttitnt to hit tho moon thin to Mr. Minton had tald lttt site. tinual fall flower show in the First Day." Wafl Tewaahto, month the pemon he appoints to of the fatalities occurred oa the sia's week-end moonshoot, ar- hit New York. He asked council to include East when the 62d annual event Mr. Juska used for hit display rives tomorrow. He will get a Hck up a aerve until January wonld be the highways. Nixon tald he could not reveal day at S:M one who would get the commit- hie land In the proposal, main- There were no Monmouth coun- opened Friday for a week-end run a small garden terrace, staged red carpet. 21-gun reception and the sources of his information tae'a nod to ma in November. taining mat the land is better ty fatalities reported. to Red Bank's Armory. at one end of the armory. Be- the protection of the toughest se- on the three recent failures, The Democrats announced latt suited for commercial uses than It wat the first time in 20 yean tides numerous shrubs, ivy plants curity measures ever taken In was the first word from any residential uses. The victim*: that the society has staged its and grasses, there were pots this country for a foreign visitor. eat. tha Army taM. week Jamee J. Farley would be Wayne—Two women killed yes- source that the Russians had at- their candidate In the general Mayor Baron aaid he favors show in Red Bank. Heretofore, filled with golden and coral col- White tempted recent moon shots, al- Th* tracking atottoa first terday when their car struck a shows were held along the shore. ored chrysanthemums. A focal election seeking to fill Mr. Min extension of the new residential utility pole on Rt. a. They were toagrstolattd Russia en tts aa» though there had been specula- Isn't council term. Zone to Include three other prop- Beeidet prim given by thaao- point of the design wat a foun- Saturday at «t« p. m. Mn. Mary Dmteavy. «. and dety. Red leak organization tain. tion tome apace venture wu A chain of events waa aet off ertiet adjacent to the picnic Mn. Lo Pasta Ketehaa, 21, b likely. Nixon added the new ven- Tbt atgaal tame to toad aad here in May whoa Edgar V. site. came to the Tri-Catsr of Wayne. front and gave a number of tre- ture wa* "nothing to get hysteri- Denite resigned at mayor oa tbt The Planning Board Is sched- Bridgetan-Two men killed to But it waa in the arrangements cal about" advice of hie phyatdana. uled to dttcaaa the matter Wtd- Deerfield classes on Saturday that the event. A Gray. «|e Saturday, after die Russians taken to auk* am the eartyj utotaujebea a ear Ma Judge* selected the winner for the launching of their bearing tht atwMom remained to- parked aunt. SSmtd wan RmV the tri-color award. The winner toon rocket, White tact despite Aa terrific Impact Mr. en the eve ef ert Lee Morris and Robert Lee wat Mr*. Saul J. Shapiro of At Houee Press Secretary Jamea C. tht moon landtag. Williams, 47. both of Elmer. WU- 'Kiddieprint' lanticHlghUndt.amemberottht Hagerty Mid: Iht fcimirli that. Gross Gtes llama had parked Ha car oa Car- Shore Garden dab of ~' Nevertheteet thte new "tint" d 'It haa been kntwn tar to m tx Soviet ecteate to tbt apace •Mi cleat for Padtreted Gordon Cam certaia to get aome time that bom (ht Sevtato and to end in IN*. Hit race the United State* have had th* Dtmocrttk opponent wU URLS. SILVER - "Opsre- member* only. Mlllt wat traatti aad ratoaaad at Uoa nStaprlat" sets under way Th* TriCotor award, highest ing with Seootaf_y af . Mfltoa Kaaaae. Out The appointment of Mr. Min- n Culture the here the last week in September attainable to a flower show, is Christian A. Herter ad Under- Nswa at tat Sight waa baited ton than created the council va- PRINCETON —Dr. Mason W. aad wiU run through the tint given on a point system. In order secretary Dtugju DUtoa on plant i of the Iron Cur.
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