2013 Annual Report They’ve Got Something to Talk About Table of contents VISION: “To be a world-class bank anchored on service excellence in our 2-3 About EastWest Bank chosen markets.” 4-5 How We Did BRAND PILLARS: Conversation with the Chairman • Insightful expertise directed 6-9 towards your priorities The President Speaks • We are dedicated to making 10-13 banking easier • Our entrepreneurial spirit to realize best potential 14-23 Operational Highlights 24-29 Risk Management 30-33 Corporate Governance THEY’VE GOT SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT. From our conspicuous magenta and green stores to our innovative 34 - 37 Board of Directors products and services. In our 2013 Annual Report, we go beyond the 38 - 39 Senior Management numbers and let the numbers speak for our performance, as well as the steady patronage that we continue to enjoy from our clients. 40 List of Senior Offi cers 41 EastWest Rural Bank 42 - 43 Products and Services List 44 - 56 Store Directory 57 Audited Financial Statements Shareholder Information 2 2013 ANNUAL REPORT They’ve Got Something to Talk About 1 TheTh bank is focused on the consumer segments and the corporate middle-market.m It is the fi fth-biggest credit card issuer and one of About EastWest Bank theth largest auto credit providers in the country. EEastast WWestest BBankinganking CCorporationorporation ((PSE:PSE: EEW)W) iiss tthehe bankingbanking armarm ofof FilinvestFilinvest DDevelopmentevelopment CorporationCorporation ((PSE:PSE: FFDC),DC), oonene AAss ooff eend-2013,nd-2013, EastWestEastWest hashas a ttotalotal ooff 334747 bbranchranch stores,stores, ooff tthehe country’scountry’s leadingleading conglomerates,conglomerates, withwith iincludingncluding thosethose ofof itsits ruralrural bankingbanking bbusinessusiness interestinterest inin banking,banking, realreal estate,estate, aarm,rm, EEastWestastWest RRuralural BBank.ank. hhospitality/tourism,ospitality/tourism, ppowerower ggenerationeneration aandnd ssugar.ugar. TThehe bankbank offersoffers productsproducts aandnd servicesservices throughthrough ttraditionalraditional aandnd aalternativelternative ddeliveryelivery cchannelshannels forfor thethe variousvarious fi nnancialancial needsneeds ofof itsits cclients.lients. EastWest Bank Milestones JJulyuly AAugustugust MMarcharch AAugustugust NNovemberovember FFebruaryebruary MMayay JJuneune JJulyuly NNovemberovember JJulyuly SSeptembereptember OOctoberctober NNovemberovember 11994994 22003003 22009009 22011011 22011011 22012012 22012012 22012012 22012012 22012012 22013013 22013013 22013013 22013013 AAcquiredcquired AAcquiredcquired EEcologycology GGreenreen BBankank SSavingsavings ooff CCaraga,araga, BBank,ank, IInc.nc. IInc.nc. RReceivedeceived BBestest CCommercialommercial BBankank iinn tthehe TTravelravel MMoney,oney, PPhilippineshilippines SSoutheastoutheast Asia’sAsia’s RReceivedeceived AAwardward ffromrom tthehe RReceivedeceived uuniversalniversal fi rrstst mmulti-currencyulti-currency ccommercialommercial GGloballobal BBankinganking AAcquiredcquired pprepaidrepaid cardcard bbankinganking RReceivedeceived tthehe BSPBSP bbankinganking & FFinanceinance FFinmaninman RRuralural llicenseicense RRevieweview CCertiertifi ccateate ooff AAuthorityuthority llicenseicense AAcquiredcquired AAIGIG BBank,ank, IInc.nc. aass a uuniversalniversal bbankank ffromrom tthehe PPhilAmhilAm SSavingsavings BBangkoangko BBankank SSentralentral nngg PPilipinasilipinas NNominatedominated ((BSP)BSP) iinn tthehe AsianAsian EEarnedarned fi vvee BBusinessusiness HHeldeld aann iinitialnitial ppublicublic ddistinctionsistinctions fromfrom LLeaderseaders oofferingffering ((IPO),IPO), tthehe fi rrstst LListedisted oonn tthehe MorganMorgan tthehe 20122012 VisaVisa AAwardswards ((ABLA)ABLA) bbyy a PPhilippinehilippine bankbank inin SStanleytanley CCapitalapital IInternationalnternational PPerformanceerformance AwardsAwards eeightight yyearsears GGloballobal SSmallmall CCapap IIndex,ndex, wwhichhich mmeasureseasures tthehe eequityquity pperformanceerformance ofof smallsmall RRankedanked aamongmong tthehe world’sworld’s toptop 1,0001,000 ccapitalizedapitalized sstockstocks iinn bbanksanks bbyy LLondon-basedondon-based publication,publication, ddevelopedeveloped aandnd eemergingmerging TThehe BankerBanker mmarketsarkets 2 220130 1 3 AANNUALN N U A L RREPORTE P O R T TThey’veh e y ’ v e GotG o t SomethingS o m e t h i n g tot o TalkT a l k AboutA b o u t 3 How We Did IInn 2013,2013, EastWestEastWest grewgrew iitsts nnetet proprofi t bbyy 113.2%3.2% ttoo ttoo PPhp48.9hp48.9 billion,billion, asas creditcredit cards,cards, aauto,uto, mmortgageortgage ttoo PPhp142.3hp142.3 bbillionillion ffromrom tthehe 20122012 level.level. ItsIts PPhp2.1hp2.1 bbillionillion ffromrom tthehe year-agoyear-ago level.level. aandnd personalpersonal loansloans bbusinessesusinesses allall expandedexpanded atat a CCapitalapital AAdequacydequacy RRatioatio ((CAR)CAR) aandnd TierTier 1 RatioRatio ddouble-digitouble-digit ppaceace ffromrom tthehe previousprevious yyear.ear. CCorporateorporate sstoodtood aatt 117.0%7.0% aandnd 13.8%,13.8%, respectively,respectively, aass ooff EEastWestastWest recordedrecorded aann iindustry-leadingndustry-leading NetNet InterestInterest llending,ending, whichwhich largelylargely ffocusedocused onon thethe middlemiddle marketmarket eend-2013.nd-2013. MMarginargin ooff 88.4%.4% - mmoreore tthanhan ddoubleouble tthehe iindustryndustry ssegment,egment, alsoalso jjumpedumped 335.1%5.1% ttoo eendnd tthehe yearyear atat aaverageverage - tthathat rresultedesulted iinn a nnetet iinterestnterest iincomencome PPhp46.7hp46.7 bbillion.illion. PPROFITABILITY.ROFITABILITY. TThehe Bank’sBank’s netnet proprofi t iincreasencrease ofof 37.9%37.9% year-on-year,year-on-year, asas itit reapedreaped tthehe ttranslatedranslated toto a returnreturn oonn eequityquity ((ROE)ROE) ooff 111.1%1.1% bbeneenefi ttss ooff ffocusingocusing oonn tthehe cconsumeronsumer andand middle-middle- DDEPOSITS.EPOSITS. DDepositseposits iincreasedncreased byby 21.9%21.9% toto aandnd returnreturn oonn aassetsssets (ROA)(ROA) ofof 1.6%.1.6%. ThisThis mmarketarket ssegmentsegments aandnd generatinggenerating low-costlow-cost fundsfunds fromfrom PPhp111.2hp111.2 bbillion,illion, bbutut iinterestnterest eexpensexpense wwentent ddownown wwasas despitedespite thethe costcost ofof itsits aggressiveaggressive storestore a wwiderider sstoretore nnetwork.etwork. bbyy 115.3%.5.3%. TThehe expansionexpansion inin storestore nnetworketwork ffurtherurther eexpansion.xpansion. iimprovedmproved tthehe BBank’sank’s ffundingunding mix,mix, withwith low-costlow-cost ddepositseposits growinggrowing bbyy 227.9%.7.9%. NNETWORKETWORK RREACH.EACH. EEastWestastWest oopenedpened a LLOANSOANS. TThehe BankBank recordedrecorded aabove-industrybove-industry lloanoan ttotalotal ooff 117878 nnewew storesstores iinn tthehe lastlast twotwo years,years, ggrowthrowth wwhichhich ggrewrew bbyy 332.1%2.1% ttoo PPhp95.6hp95.6 bbillion.illion. TThishis wwhichhich bbringsrings tthehe consolidatedconsolidated storestore nnetworketwork ofof wwasas ddrivenriven bbyy cconsumeronsumer loans,loans, whichwhich roserose 29.4%29.4% SSIZEIZE AANDND SSTRENGTH.TRENGTH. TTotalotal aassetsssets roserose byby 17.2%17.2% EEastWestastWest UUnibanknibank aandnd EastWestEastWest RuralRural BankBank toto 334747 aass ooff eend-2013.nd-2013. Total Resources in billion Php Total Deposits in billion Php Net Income in billion Php Total Capital in billion Php 142.3 111.2 2.1 19.4 121.4 91.2 1.8 17.3 1.8 1.7 11.2 96.0 76.7 66.5 9.8 83.8 59.8 75.0 8.1 0.6 Total Loans - Net in billion Php Total No. of Stores 94.0 347 292 71.2 168 48.1 40.3 33.1 113 89 4 2013 ANNUAL REPORT They’ve Got Something to Talk About 5 2013 was generally marked by market volatility. Why is the Bank focusing on the consumer and How does EastWest Bank continue to pull off an middle-market? impressive performance amid these challenges? We believe focusing on the consumer and middle- We have managed to sustain our aggressive growth market segments is an appropriate strategy for the and outstanding performance in the last fi ve years domestic market. through painstaking and deliberate actions. Conversation It is worth mentioning that our country is the 12th First, we are backed by a strong Senior Leadership biggest nation in terms of population. There is Team — one that can inspire and steer the entire strength in numbers of nearly 100 million Filipinos. organization towards achieving our “Big Dream.” Our median age is only 22 years with nearly half of the population still in school. We have a growing middle- with the Chairman We also invested in progressive IT systems, including class and the number of bankable Filipinos will likely those for our credit cards business, treasury, fi nance, grow faster than ever before. We must be ready to take advantage of these big opportunities. risk management, call center operations, and collections, among others. In 2013, the Philippines posted the highest GDP growth in Asia, second to China. This was largely f EastWest Bank Chairman Jonathan T. Gotianun In addition, we have intensifi ed our store network walks with a steady and confi dent stride, it is for a driven by strong domestic consumption, which now expansion, people development, as well as our sales accounts for one-third of our GDP. The sustained Igood reason. EastWest Bank, one of the fastest- and marketing efforts. And yet, we still consider volumes of OFW remittances and BPO revenues have growing banks in the country, continues to deliver strong all these as “work in progress.” We need
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