Really Good Antibodies Primary Antibodies Over 5,800 primary antibodies targeting over 2,700 proteins bethyl.com Bethyl Laboratories, Inc. has been dedicated to supporting scientific discovery through its qualified antibody products and custom antibody services since its founding in 1972. Currently, Bethyl’s portfolio consists of over 7,150 catalog products; offering close to 5,800 primary antibodies targeting over 2,700 proteins and 1,450 secondary antibodies raised against immunoglobulins from over 25 species. With over 40 years of experience, Bethyl is also a leading provider of custom antibody production services. Bethyl offers complete packages from initial peptide synthesis to affinity purification of custom antibodies from an antigen-specific immunosorbent. Every antibody that Bethyl sells has been manufactured to exacting standards at its sole location in Montgomery, Texas, and has been validated in-house by Bethyl’s team of scientists. From the veterinary facilities to the development, production and validation labs, the entire Bethyl team focuses on delivering quality products. What does it take for an antibody to pass Bethyl’s validation and quality control? In other words, what makes a really good antibody? First and foremost, an antibody must be shown to recognize the intended protein target. An antibody must also show high sensitivity with minimal cross-reactivity. To achieve these goals, Bethyl has devised a unique process for validating the specificity of its antibody products. While many companies settle on using data from a single antibody, Bethyl utilizes a reciprocal testing system that incorporates multiple antibodies raised to different regions of same protein target. Only after an antibody has been validated for specificity in immunoprecipitation and/or Western blot is it then tested in additional applications such as immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, ChIP, and proximity ligation assay. Because of its rigorous validation process and high standards, Bethyl does not sell every antibody it makes. Bethyl serves to advance science by concentrating its resources on developing qualified antibodies, including many to emerging and underserved protein targets. To learn more about Bethyl’s validation process and its products, please visit bethyl.com. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF PRODUCTS ABBREVIATIONS Primary Antibodies .................................2-115 Applications: Epitope Tag Antibodies ......................116-119 ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation IF: Immunofluorescence ChIP-chip: ChIP-on-chip IHC-P: Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin ChIP-PCR: ChIP-Polymerase Chain Reaction IP: Immunoprecipitation ChIP-Seq: ChIP-Sequencing PLA: Proximity Ligation Assay F: Flow cytomerty WB: Western blot ICC: Immunocytochemistry bethyl.com Really Good Antibodies PRIMARY ANTIBODIES TARGET GENE ID HOST VALIDATED REACTIVITY APPLICATIONS QUANTITY CATALOG # 14-3-3 Sigma 2810 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF, PLA 100 µl A301-648A 14-3-3 Sigma 2810 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00346 14-3-3 theta 10971 Rabbit Human IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A303-145A 14-3-3 theta 10971 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A303-146A 3pK 7867 Rabbit Human WB 100 µl A304-305A 4EBP1 1978 Rabbit Human, Mouse, Rat, Pig WB, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A300-501A 4EBP1 1978 Rabbit Human, Mouse IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00133 4E-T/eIF4E-T 56478 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A300-706A 4E-T/eIF4E-T 56478 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00127 53BP1 7158 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A300-272A 53BP1 7158 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, PLA 100 µl A300-273A 53BP1 7158 Goat Human IP, IHC-P, IF, PLA 100 µl A303-906A 53BP1 7158 Rabbit Human, Mouse IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00001 53BP1, Phospho (S25) 7158 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP, IHC-P, IF, F, PLA 100 µl A300-652A 53BP1, Phospho (S25) 7158 Rabbit Human, Mouse IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00053 5-HT6 3362 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A304-401A A20 7128 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A302-633A AAK1 22848 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A302-145A AAK1 22848 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A302-146A AARS 16 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A303-473A AARS 16 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A303-474A AARS 16 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A303-475A AATF/Che-1 26574 Rabbit Human WB, IP, PLA 100 µl A301-031A AATF/Che-1 26574 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A301-032A ABC2 55181 Rabbit Human IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A301-471A ABC2 55181 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00555 ABC50 23 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A301-999A ABC50 23 Rabbit Human WB, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-000A ABC50 23 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00588 ABCA2 20 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A302-560A ABCA2 20 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A302-561A ABCA7 10347 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB 100 µl A304-427A ABCB9 23457 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A301-997A ABCB9 23457 Rabbit Human, Mouse IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00398 ABCC2 1244 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A304-420A ABCF2 10061 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-004A ABCF2 10061 Rabbit Human IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-005A ABCF2 10061 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-006A ABCF2 10061 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00425 ABCF3 55324 Rabbit Human WB 100 µl A302-495A ABCF3 55324 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A302-496A ABI1 10006 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A301-195A ABI1 10006 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A301-196A ABI1 10006 Rabbit Human WB, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A301-197A ABI1 10006 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00240 ABI2 10152 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A302-499A ABLIM1 3983 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A302-237A 2 All products available in bulk quantities • Trial sizes available upon request bethyl.com PRIMARY ANTIBODIES TARGET GENE ID HOST VALIDATED REACTIVITY APPLICATIONS QUANTITY CATALOG # ABLIM1 3983 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A302-238A Abraxas 84142 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A302-180A Abraxas 84142 Rabbit Human IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-181A Abraxas 84142 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00630 ABRO 23172 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-255A ABRO 23172 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A301-256A ABT1 29777 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A304-044A ABT1 29777 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A304-045A ABTAP 51575 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A303-165A AC9 115 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A304-465A ACAA1 30 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A304-285A ACAT2 39 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB 100 µl A304-293A ACBD5 91452 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A303-296A ACBD5 91452 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A303-297A ACC1/ACC-alpha 31 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A300-986A ACC1/ACC-alpha 31 Rabbit Human WB 100 µl A300-987A ACF1/BAZ1A 11177 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-318A ACF1/BAZ1A 11177 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-319A ACINUS/ACN1 22985 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A300-999A ACINUS/ACN1 22985 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00215 ACL 47 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A303-866A ACL 47 Rabbit Human WB 100 µl A303-867A ADAM9 8754 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A304-382A ADAMTS13 11093 Goat Human WB 100 µl A300-391A ADAMTS13 11093 Goat Human IP 100 µl A301-000A ADAMTS13 11093 Goat Human IP 100 µl A301-001A ADAMTS13 11093 Goat Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-002A ADAMTS13 11093 Goat Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-003A ADAR1 103 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A303-883A ADAR1 103 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A303-884A ADE2 10606 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A304-546A ADE2 10606 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB 100 µl A304-547A ADK 132 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A304-280A ADNP 23394 Rabbit Human WB, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A300-104A ADNP 23394 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00118 ADRM1 11047 Rabbit Human, Mouse IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-554A ADRM1 11047 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-555A ADRM1 11047 Rabbit Human, Mouse IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00708 AE2 6522 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A304-502A AE2 6522 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A304-503A AEG1 92140 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A303-142A AEG1 92140 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A303-143A AEG1 92140 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A303-144A AF17 4302 Rabbit Human, Mouse WB, IP 100 µl A302-198A AF4 4299 Rabbit Human WB, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-344A AF4 4299 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A302-345A AF6 4301 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A302-199A bethyl.com • 800-338-9579 (tel) • 866-597-6105 (fax) 3 Really Good Antibodies PRIMARY ANTIBODIES TARGET GENE ID HOST VALIDATED REACTIVITY APPLICATIONS QUANTITY CATALOG # AF6 4301 Rabbit Human WB 100 µl A302-200A AF9 4300 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A300-595A AF9 4300 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A300-596A AF9 4300 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A300-597A AF9 4300 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00125 AGGF1 55109 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A303-633A AGGF1 55109 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A303-634A AGS3 26086 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A303-767A AHI1 54806 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A303-300A AHI1 54806 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A303-301A AIDA 64853 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A303-302A AIF 9131 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-782A AIF 9131 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A302-783A AIP 9049 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A303-536A AKAP1 8165 Rabbit Human WB, IP,IHC-P, IF 100 µl A301-379A AKAP1 8165 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A301-380A AKAP1 8165 Rabbit Human IHC-P, IF 100 µl IHC-00281 AKAP12/Gravin 9590 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-401A AKAP12/Gravin 9590 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-402A AKAP13/AKAP-Lbc 11214 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A301-403A AKAP13/AKAP-Lbc 11214 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-404A AKAP2 11217 Rabbit Human WB, IP 100 µl A301-363A AKAP2 11217 Rabbit Human IP 100 µl A301-364A AKAP8/AKAP95 10270 Rabbit Human WB, IP, IHC-P, IF 100 µl A301-061A AKAP8/AKAP95 10270 Rabbit Human, Mouse
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