DIRECTORY. 81 HANNINGPIELD. (ESSEX.] West Ham. Reynolds Mrs Ion Robert Augustine, ' White Swan,' GENTRY. Rhodes .John Gibbons, esq. Forest gate West Ham abbey Adams Frederick, esq. Plaistow lane Richards Mrs. Church street Kent George, beer retailer, Church st Attfield Henry, esq. Eagle cotta~e Ryan John, esq. M.D. Forest gate King Miss, mistress of Mrs. Bonnell's Barry Thomas, eeq. 20 Upton place Sheppartf James, esq. Upton free school :Barsham Wm. Jas. esq. 9 Upton place Sprouli William,esq. West Ham abbey Lamb Eliza (1\frs.), haberdasher :Bear- esq. 27 Upton place Stericker Waiter, esq LeesRuth(.Mrs.).mistress ofinfanis'schl :Beecroft John, esq Stocker John, esq. 4 Upton place LevickChristr. Kenny ,surgeon, Ham la. :Bell Samuel A. e3q. Epping villa Stubbing Benjamin, esq. Elgin lodg-e Lock wood FloraAnn(l\Iiss),shopkeeper, :Berry- esq. 29 Upton place Swinford Hen. Herbert, esq. 8Upton pi Church street :Biehl Mrs. U pton place Tanner Charles William, esq . Lorking Wm. shopkeeper, Plaistow lane :Biehl Thomas, esq. Upton place Tebb Richard, esq i Loudon James, road surveyor • Eoyle Richard, esq. 3 Upton villas Tucker John, esq. West Ham abbey Lowe Nathaniel, beer retailer :Boadbent Willi11m, esq. Forest gate Van Kempen Peter, esq Mace George, smith & farrier :Brrgess James, esq. 17 Upton place Wag-staff Mrs. West Ham abbey Martin Elizabeth (Miss), mistress of Carpenter Thomas, esq. Upton place Waiter James, esq. 13 Upton place British school, Union row Carson Frederick, esq. Blm cottage, West Joseph, esq. I Upton villas Mears William, tailor, Plaistow lane Upton place White Thoma!!, esq. Upton Moore Geo. 'L()rd Gough,' Plaistow la Catterton George, esq. 10 Upton place Youl John Robert, esq. 6 Upton place Mugliston Geo.J. W. surgeon, Ham lane Colman Samuel, esq. 1 Upton place TRADERS. Mure Philip William & Co. distillers, Cooke Thomas, esq A.dams William, fanner & market Three mills "Crew William, esq. 6 Upton place gardener, West Ham New1and8am.cornchandler,Plaistow la CufHey Thomas N. esq. Up ton place Ambrose Mary (1\Iiss),straw hat maker, NewlandThs.boot &shoema.Plaistow la. Dames Charles Richd. esq. Forest gate Plaistow lane Newman John, linendraper Davis Rev. Frederick W Arnold John, carpenter Norton William,' Greyhound' De Levante George Riches, esq Ashforth Charles, chemist Palmer Joseph, baker, Plaistow lane Dewsnap Mrs. !9 U pton place Baldock Abijah, grocer, 1 Pavement Perfect Geo, plumber, painter & glazier Dimsdale Joseph C. esq. Upton Banks Joseph, surgeon, 24 Upton place Purkis George, butcher Dodson Thomas, esq. 28 Upton place Barker William, baker, Plaistow grove Rand John, shopkeeper, Forest gate Duncan Richard, esq. Forest gate Bri1rgs Sarah (Mrs.), haberdasher, Raven John, cow keeper, Church street Ferdinando Thomas, esq PJaistow lane Reed Thomas & Co. brickmakers, God lee Rickman, esq. the Lillie3, Up ton B1uton William, farmer Abbey fields Grew 1\frs. Church street Bushnell Richard, carrier Rivett George, builder & undertaker, Grew N athaniel, esq . Cannon Thos. fishmonger, Plaistow lane Church street Gurney Edmund, esq. Upton Carter Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Rivett Williarn, house agent & under- Gurnf>y Saml. esq. Ham house, Upton Plaistow lane taker, Church street Hadden George H. esq. 7 Upton place Castle James, baker & brewer Roberts Wm. beer retlr. Vicarage lane Basluck Robert, esq. 2 U pton villas Choat Samuel, farrier Rout Leabon, 'Crown' Hireson Mrs. Upton Clipton John, • Angel' Rowley Esau, baker Houchin Richard, esq. 23 Upton place Cole John, tailor, Plaistow lane Sale George, wheelwright, Ham lane .Jewitt James Watson, esq Coles Mary (1\frs.), dyer Samuels DavidArthur, builder,Plaistow Kenny Cbristopber, esq Cooper John, miller, Abbey mills lane King Frederick, esq. 16 Upton place Croxford Arthur, grocer & postmaster, Self Jeremiah, master ofNationalschool Levick Cltristopher Kenny, esq. Ham la 12 U pton place Sholl Ruyter, earlier Lister Joseph Jackson, esq. Upton Davidson & Gorden, di'ltillers Smith Charles & Jameg, bricklayers ·Lupton Mrs. 11 Upton place De Levante Rachael Ann (Mrs.), pro- Spencer Miss, mistress of Infant school, 1\leredith Ricbd. esq. 25 Upton place fessor of music Upton Merrett J olm, esq. 3 U pton place Dickinson J oseph, hairdrf'sser Stevens Ed win Henry, agent to Alliance M inter William~ esq. 22 U pton place Duncumb Edmund, 'King's Head' assurance eo. West Ham & Stratford Moore Jolm, esq. 4 Upton villas Eapps John, boot & shoe maker,Ham la Taylor Richard, shopkeeper Moore William, esq. 18 Upton place Evennett Chas.corn chandler,Cilurch st Tucker John, silk printer, West Ham 'Mugliston George Thomas William, Field Thomas N. shopkeeper abbey esq. Ham lane FletcherSam.pa.wnbroker&auctioneer, Tyler Edward, butcher Murphy James, esq Pavement Tyler John, tailor Murphy l\frs. Church street Frost Giles, baker Ul:finddl Ephraim, 'A.dam ~ Eve,' Nixon William, esq. 2 Upton place Gilvrav Alfred, hairdresser West Ham abbey Oliver 1\-Irs. Bath cottage, U pton place Gynn David, grocer & pork butcher Vause William, 'Spotted Dog,' Up ton Oliver Thomas, esq. Ham lane Hancock & Co. gutta percha manufctrs Wagstaff Robert & Thomas, farmers&; Ord Robert, esq. Forest lane Harmer George, bookbinder & printer, market gardeners Pedley Joshua, esq. Forest gate Upton lane . West Ilmn Gutta Percha Co. John Pelly Dowager Lady Hendebourck George, ·beer retailer, Branscombe, manager Plater Charles, esq. 15 Upton place Plaistow lane Woolston Ruth (Mrs.),' Unicorn' Plaxton William Wells, esq Hills Geor~re, grocer Wortbington David, grocer Pryor Samuel, esq. Forest gate Hollamby Charles, tailor, Plaistow lane Canning- New Town. Purssord Frederick,esq. 21 Upton _place HumphreysJno. carpenter, 6 Pavement Gibbs Thomas, baker Ram Rev. Abel John, M.A. [vicarj Homan Henry Bent, superintendent of Guerrier Mathew, butcher Ray John Robert, esq. Forest gate :Middlesex & Essex tolls Stoatt Thomas, 'Durham Arms' PosT 0PFICE.-Mrs. Mary Coles, receiver. Letters dis- 1 Baptist Chapel, ministers various patched ! before 9, l before 1 a.m. & 20 minutes past 4 p.m. I Independent Chapel, Union row, ministers various Artbur Croxford, receiver, 12 Upton place. Letters •lis-: Independent Chapel, Forest gate, Rev.Jabez Legg,minister patched i before 9, l before I, 4, & ~ past 7 p.m. The : PuBLIC ScHOOLs:- nearest money order office is at Stratford · National, Jeremiah Self, master INsURANCE AGENTS:- British (for girls), Miss Elizabeth Martin, mistress Alliance, Edwin Henry Stevens Infant, Forest gate, Miss Louisa Daltou, mistress Legal §I Commercial, William Rivett, Caurch street Infant, Upton, Miss Spencer, mistress Excise Office, Ham lane Infant, West Ham, Mrs. Ruth Lee!'l, mi~tress PLACES OF WoRSHIP:- Mrs. Sarah Bonnell's {for girls), 1\Iiss King, mistress .Parish Church, Rev. Abel John Ram, M.A. vicar; Rev. 1 Whitechapel Industrial School, Forest lane . Frederick W. Davi>~, curate ~ CoNVEYANCE TO LONDON, see Stratford :Emanuel Church, Upton, Rev. Thomas L. Ramsden, M.A. CARRIERS TO LoNDON-Richard Busbnell & Ruyter Sholl incumbent from their own houses dai1y EAST, 'WEST, and SOUTH HANN:ENGE'J:ELD. EAsT HANNINGFIELD has a church, with a nave, These are three contiguous parishes, 6 mi!es south-east of chancel, chapel on the north side of the chancel, steeple, Chelmsford, and 7 west of lngatestone station, in Chelms­ and 3 bells. In the windows are some coats of arms. ford Hundred and Union, intersected by the high road The living is a rectory, value .£420, in the gift of the Rey~ from Chelmsford to Rochford, and known as early as the J. Nottidge, who is also rector. time of King Edward the Confessor by the name of HANNINGFIELD TYE is a little to the north. Hanningfield. CLA.YDON lies to the north-we~t. F .
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