Fauna of New Zealand Eioia Aisoy Gou Memes a Eomoogy iisio eame o Scieiic a Iusia eseac Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa Ex ff ieco - M ogwo Gou eae Sysemaics Secio - G W amsay C-opted from within Systematics Section K Cosy A ooway Uiesiies eeseaie G W Gis ooogy eame icoia Uiesiy o Weigo iae ag Weigo ew eaa Museums eeseaie C Yawy ieco aioa Museum o ew eaa iae ag Weigo ew eaa Oeseas eeseaie awece CSIO iisio o Eomoogy O o 17 Caea Ciy AC 1 Ausaia o a oaioa asis —s— Seies Eio M C ua Sysemaics Secio Eomoogy iisio eame o Scieiic a Iusia eseac Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa aua o ew eaa ume 8 Caioiae (Iseca: iea ames . ea †eame o Eomoogy iis Museum (aua isoy Comwe oa, oo SW , Ega wi ee coiue secios: Immaue sages o ew eaa Caioiae y Β. Α. ooway y sike i ew eaa y Α. C. G. ea 2 eaig Caioiae y iam Sig ese aess: eoo Coages, Mai oa, Sickey, ics ΡΕ22 8ΑΥ, Ega † Coiuio see oug ess y A. C. o, o is aess, o wom coesoece coceig i may e aesse Eomoogy iisio, SI, M Ae eseac Cee, iae ag, Aucka, ew eaa 2 Waaceie Aima eseac Cee, Miisy o Agicuue a iseies, iae ag, Ue u, ew eaa oisiece Calliphora quadrimaculata esemes oe emisee memes o is geus a ye is coie o ew eaa I eiomises e iogeogaica comeiies o e suegio Artist: D. W. Helmore. Caaoguig-i-uicaio ciaio EA ames Caioiae (Iseca iea / ames ea - Weigo SI 195 (aua o ew eaa ISS 111-533; 7 IS -77-7- I ie II Seies UC 595773 Date of publication: see back cover of Number 9 Suggese om o ciaio ea 195 Caioiae (Iseca iea Fauna of New Zealand [number] 8. is uicaio was ouce y ose iogay e auos e was suie as yesci a ae eiig was keyoae o o a wo ocesso Sye coig was ae a e e iiie e was ooyese a e Goeme iig Oice imes ew oma ye is use o mos o e e; mao eaigs a igue aes ae se i Uies; Gaamo a Geea ae use i e ies e Eioia Aisoy Gou a e Seies Eio ackowege e oowig co-oeaio DSIR, Mt Albert Research Centre: M W emoe - isec aius awigs igue aeig Ms S owey - wo ocesso iu M M Iwi - ooeucio o ie igues Ms A Wea - comue oeaio a ie maageme Science Information Publishing Centre, DSIR: awco - sye coig a ooyeseig —- o coe e isec eice is Calliphora quadrimaculata (Sweeus emae © Cow Coyig uise y Sciece Iomaio uisig Cee SI O o 971 Weigo ew eaa ASAC ew eaas Caioiae ae eise Keys ae gie o geea a secies a caaces o iagosic a sysemaic imoace ae iusae A aa ae uy escie a (wee kow eeece is mae o ei ioogy e 7 geea icue coai 5 secies o wic 31 — 7 i Pollenia a i Xenocalliphora — ae ew Huttonophasia Cua 197 is syoymise ue geus Pollenia oi- eau-esoiy 13 Pollenia demissa a minor Maoc 193 is asoe io P. demissa (uo 191 Calliphora rufipalpis Macqua 151 ecomes a uio syoym o Xenocalliphora hortona (Wake 19 wo ew comiaios ae oose Gymnophania pernix uo 191 is asee o Pollenia, a Cal- liphora flavipes am 199 is moe io Xenocalliphora. ee ames — Pollenia atrifemur Maoc 193 Pollenia demissa a cuprea Maoc 193 a Calli- phora nothocalliphoralis Mie 1939 — ae cosiee o e o uceai ieiy ecoyes ae esigae o 1 omia secies Calliphora hilli ao 195; Calliphora dasyphthalma e Guiou 1 (a Macqua 13; Pollenia auro- notata Macqua 155; Sepimentum fumosum uo 191; Calliphora antipodea uo 19; Calliphora eudypti uo 19; Calliphora rufipalpis Macqua 151; a Calliphora aureopunctata Macqua 155 Secios y coiuig auos coe ee oics immaue sages a ie isoy (A ooway; y sike (ACG ea; a eaig (iam Sig A oe y K oges eos e occuece o wo Pollenia secies i e uis-gou aaey ecey iouce om e oe emisee CECKIS O AA (oe e may ames i syoymy ae ise i e aoomic Ie age age Suamiy CAIOIAE 1 fumosa (uo 191 39 Geus Calliphora oieau-esoiy 13 1 hispida ew secies 39 hilli ao 195 immanis ew secies quadrimaculata (Sweeus 177 3 insularis ew secies stygia (aicius 171 lativertex ew secies 1 vicina oieau-esoiy 13 limpida ew secies 1 Geus Hemipyrellia owse 191 7 nigripalpis ew secies 1 ligurriens (Wieema 13 7 nigripes Maoc 193 Geus Lucilia oieau-esoiy 13 7 nigrisquama Maoc 193 cuprina (Wieema 13 7 notialis ew secies 3 sericata (Meige 1 7 opalina ew secies 3 Geus Pollenia oieau-esoiy 13 oreia ew secies 3 advena ew secies 3 pernix (uo 191 ew aerosa ew secies 33 comiaio 44 antipodea ew secies 3 primaeva ew secies astrictifrons ew secies 3 pulverea ew secies 5 atricoma ew secies 3 sandaraca ew secies 5 commensurata ew secies 35 scalena ew secies consanguinea ew secies 35 uniseta ew secies 46 consectata ew secies 35 ew eaa Pollenia o uceai ieiy demissa (uo 191 3 wo oacic secies o Pollenia ecey dysaethria ew secies 37 iouce o ew eaa (oe y K dyscheres ew secies 37 oges 7 enetera ew secies 3 Geus Ptilonesia ei 197 7 eurybregma ew secies 3 auronotata (Macqua 155 7 fulviantenna ew secies 3 —— Genus Xenocalliphora Malloch, 1924 48 This work was originally conceived as a straight- antipodea (Hutton, 1902) 49 forward systematic revision for publication as a clara new species 50 journal paper. I welcome the opportunity to have divaricata new species 51 it remodelled as a Fauna contribution, and am eudyptis (Hutton, 1902) 51 indebted to the authors of the new text sections for flavipes (Lamb, 1909) new their willingness to contribute. Adrian Pont has combination 52 kindly acted on my behalf to see the publication hortona (Walker, 1849) 53 through its processing stages into print, and with neozealandica (Murray, 1954) 54 Beverley Holloway has read the MS. and proofs; solitaria new species 55 their help has been of exceptional value. vetusta new species 56 viridiventris Malloch, 1930 56 "Calliphora nothocalliphoralis" Miller 56 IOUCIO Subfamily CHRYSOMYINAE 57 The dipteran family Calliphoridae, to which belong Genus Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 57 the familiar blowflies, bluebottles, and greenbot- megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) 57 tles, is represented in New Zealand by 52 species. rufifacies (Macquart, 1843) 58 These are contained in 2 subfamilies comprising 7 genera. Six of the genera — Calliphora, Hemipy- rellia, Lucilia, Pollenia, Ptilonesia, and Xenocalli- COES phora — belong to the subfamily Calliphorinae. The Page seventh, Chrysomya, belongs to the Chrysomyinae, Acknowledgments 7 a group represented here by only two species. Two Introduction 7 other subfamilies, the Ameniinae and Rhiniinae, Genus Calliphora 8 have been recorded from New Zealand by early Genus Hemipyrellia 9 workers, but these records are based on erroneous Genus Lucilia 9 locality data (see Miller 1950, pp. 138, 139, and Genus Pollenia 9 142). Genus Ptilonesia 10 In general appearance the New Zealand species Genus Xenocalliphora 11 of Calliphoridae are very much like the other Genus Chrysomya 11 members of this large and cosmopolitan family, Immature stages of New Zealand Calliphor- which are mostly stout, large to moderate in size, idae, by B. A. Holloway 12 and often metallic in appearance, at least on the Fly-strike in New Zealand, by A. C. G. Heath 15 abdomen. They can be distinguished from all other Rearing Calliphoridae, by Pritam Singh 19 calyptrate flies in New Zealand by the presence of Text conventions: abbreviations 21 a row of hypopleural setae, an undeveloped post- Key to genera of Calliphoridae known scutellum, and a haired propleuron (if the propleu- from New Zealand 21 ron is bare then the outer posthumeral sets is Descriptions (see Checklist of taxa) 21 absent). However, in structural details some of the References 59 species differ from the normal calliphorid pattern. Illustrations 62 These anomalies are discussed below under the Taxonomic index 82 genera Pollenia, Ptilonesia, and Xenocalliphora. There is a long history of work on New Zealand's calliphorids. The first species was described by ACKOWEGMES Swederus (1787) from material collected during I am very grateful to the following colleagues who Cook's first voyage to New Zealand. By the early have lent me material for study from the collec- twentieth century a few species had been described tions in their care: Dr R. J. Gagné (USNM); Dr R. by European workers such as Macquart and Walker, A. Harrison (LCNZ); Dr B. A. Holloway (NZAC); and Hutton had recognised species endemic to the Dr R. Contreras-Lichtenberg (NHMW); Dr L. offshore islands. Subsequent workers such as Mal- yeog (MK; Μ Maie (M; K loch (1924, 1927, 1930), Miller (1939b), and Mur- R. Norris (ANIC); and Mr R. A. Savill (CMNZ). ray (1954) continued to describe new species, and I am also grateful to Mr Adrian Pont (BMNH) and in general they had a good eye for valid species, Loic Matile for their help with historical facts about although they often confused the nomenclature the Bigot and Macquart collections, and to Roy because of the inaccessibility of much type material Harrison for the useful suggestions he supplied in European museums at that time. Miller (1939b, while the work was in progress. p. 11) gave a very interesting account of the history – 7 – of blowflies in New Zealand, including their sig- J.S. Pollack in 1838 mentions a "gad fly" or oestrus nificance in Maori lore.
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