32_915904 bindex.qxp 10/3/06 1:39 PM Page 349 Index angels • Symbols and Numerics • characteristics of, 115 1 creation of, 113, 116 9 ⁄2 Mystics: The Kabbalah Today (Weiner), 327 free will, 116 23rd Psalm, 161–162 Gabriel (God’s messenger and defender of 39 prohibited activities, 167–168 the Jewish people), 118 70, significance of the number, 241 karma, 115 Malach HaMavet (Angel of Death), 107, 116, 194, 339 • A • Michael (guardian angel of Israel), 118 negative, 98, 116 Aaron, 67, 331 positive, 98, 116 Abel, 329 prayer about, 118 Abigail, 333 Raphael (healing angel), 118, 122 abortion, 105 spiritual charges, 116 Abraham (Avraham), 38–39, 63, 211, teshuvah, 116–118 299–301, 330 transforming angels, 116–118 Absalom, 332 Uriel (angel who carries knowledge of Abulafia, Rabbi Abraham (Kabbalist), 311 God), 118 accounting of day, 146–147 animal rights, 82 acts of lovingkindness, 127, 134–137 A.R.E. Press (Beyond the Ashes), 104 Adam, 36–37, 297–298, 329 the Ari (Kabbalist), 45–46, 87, 221–222, 304, Adam haRishon, 37, 335 315, 318, 335 Adam Kadmon, 37, 298–299, 335 aron hakodesh, 320 addressing God directly, 251–253 Artscroll Prayer Book, 327 Adonai, 252, 283 aseret hadibrot, 58, 335 Ahasuerus, 333 Asher, 330 Akiva, Rabbi (Jewish sage), 41, 77–78, Ashkenazic pronunciation of Hebrew 301–303, 335 words, 4 alchemy, 30 assiyah (world of action), 96–98, 335 Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal, 25–26 atheists, 21 aliyah, 206 COPYRIGHTEDattaching MATERIAL yourself to God, 85 Alkabetz, Rabbi Shlomo Halevi (Kabbalist), attaining an effective level of prayer, 44, 158–159, 315, 335 247–248 Amalek, 330 atzilut (world of emanation), 96–98 amen, 248, 335 authority on Jewish life, 24 Amidah (“The Prayer”), 266 automatic writing or channeling, 193 Amnon, 332 Avinu Malkaynu, 253, 275 Amos, 332 Avinu Malkaynu prayer, 335 Angel of Death (Malach HaMavet), 107, 116, avodah, 246 194, 339 32_915904 bindex.qxp 10/3/06 1:39 PM Page 350 350 Kabbalah For Dummies Avraham (Abraham), 38–39, 63, 211, Bilhah, 330 299–301, 330, 335 Binah sefirah, 61–62, 70, 94, 336 ayin harah, 295 Birchat Hamazon grace, 164 Birkat HaMazon grace, 336 birth, 105–106, 191–194 • B • birthdays, 189 Baal Ha Tanya, 224 bitachon (trust in God), 84–85, 281, 336 Baal Shem Tov (founder of the Hasidic blessing bees, 145 movement), 24, 48–49, 224, 307–308, blessing (bracha), 336 317, 336 blessing children, 159 ba’al teshuvah, 279, 336 blessings. See also prayer baalei teshuva, 316 Amen, 335 baby-naming, 193–194 amen, 248 Balaam, 331 Artscroll Prayer Book, 327 Balaam’s she-donkey, 331 Baruch Atah Ahdonai, Ehlohaynu, Bamidbar (Book of Numbers), 212, 336 Mehlech Haolam, Dayan HaEhmet, 202 bar mitzvah, 195–197, 336 Baruch Dayan Emet, 83, 108, 336 bar Yochai, Rabbi Shimon (Kabbalist), 23, bathroom, 129 42, 219, 303, 316 defined, 248 Baruch atah, 202, 252 after eating, 145 Baruch dayan emet blessing, 83, 108, 336 before eating, 144 bashert, 87, 336 food, 88–89, 144 bat mitzvah, 195–197, 336 morning blessings, 141–142 bathroom blessing, 129 occasions for, 267–268 Bathsheba, 332 blueprint of the soul, 59 BCE (Before the Common Era), 3 blueprint of the world, 59 bedikat chometz, 184 body bedroom, 320 holiness of, 139 Beggars and Prayers (Steinsaltz), 226 meanings of body parts, 193 Beit HaChayim, 316–317 separation from the soul, 204 beliefs about God, 277 Book of Deuteronomy (Devarim), 21, 337 ben Eliezer, Rabbi Israel (Baal Shem Tov) Book of Esther, 181–183 (founder of Hasidism), 24, 307–308, Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah), 38, 221, 317, 336 236 ben Nachman, Rabbi Moshe (Ramban), 84, Book of Illumination (Sefer Bahir), 220, 236 199, 223, 314, 328 Book of Kabbalah, 11 Benjamin, 331 Book of Life, 174 Ber, Rabbi Dov (Hasidic leader), 50 Book of Numbers (Bamidbar), 212, 336 Bereishit (Genesis), 212, 336 books. See also books by title Bereishit Rabbah, 100 hitting, 228 Berg, Rabbi Philip (founder of the kissing, 228 Kabbalah Centre), 26, 52 bracha (blessing), 336 beriyah (world of creation), 96–98, 336 Bracha Bees, 145 Beyond the Ashes (A.R.E. Press), 104 bread, 155–156, 340 Bezalel, 331 breaking of the vessels (shevirat ha-kelim), Bible. See Holy Scriptures 17, 87–88 Bikkur holim, 134 Breslover Hasidim, 123 32_915904 bindex.qxp 10/3/06 1:39 PM Page 351 Index 351 brit milah (circumcision), 336 cleaving to God (deveikut), 281, 337 Buddhism, 101 clothing burial of the dead, 107–108, 201, 204–205 modesty, 141 business ethics, 82 Sabbath (Shabbat), 154 The Byrds, “Turn! Turn! Turn!”, 196–197 Code of Jewish Law (Shulchan Aruch), 19, 222, 255, 315, 344 commandments, 18 • C • commentaries on Holy Scriptures, 131–132 cabal, 29 Common Era (CE), 3 Cain, 329 communion, 85 Caleb, 331 conceptions of God, 250–251 candles, 154, 157–158 concepts of Kabbalah, 17–18 Cave of the Patriarchs, 317 consciousness. See soul CE (Common Era), 3 Conservative Jews, 24, 51 celebrations contemporary books about Kabbalah, 133 bar mitzvah, 195–197, 336 Contemporary Sages (Finkel), 327 bat mitzvah, 195–197, 336 continuous nature of creation, 57–58 shalom zachor, 106, 191–192, 343 coping with suffering, 121–122 Simchat Bat, 106 Cordovero, Rabbi Moshe (Kabbalist), 45, weddings, 198 222, 310, 337 cemeteries, 316–318 Counting of the Omer, 186 Chabad, 25, 336 creation challah, 156 angels, 113, 116 challah cover, 156 continuous nature of, 57–58 challot, 336 partnership of three in the creation of Chanukah (Festival of Lights), 179–181, 337 human beings, 91–92, 102 Chapters of the Sages (Pirke Avot), 201, reason for, 15 342 secrets in the story of, 240 charity, 135 ten utterances, 17 chart of the ten sefirot, 59 Tikkun (“repair”), 17 Charvonah, 333 tzimtzum, 17 Chavah (Eve), 329, 337 cup (for Sabbath), 154–155 chaya, 99, 337 customs Chesed sefirah, 63, 70, 337 Chanukah, 180–181 cheshbon hanefesh, 337 Counting of the Omer, 186 chevruta, 238–239, 337 deathbed, 202 chidush, 337 New Year, 174 children, blessing, 159 Passover, 184 Children of Israel, 211 Purim, 182–183 Chochmah sefirah, 60–61, 70, 94, 337 red string tied around the wrist, 295 chosen people, 88 Rosh Hashanah, 175 Christian Cabala/Kabbalah, 30, 292 Shavuot, 187 Chumash, 22, 337 Sukkot, 177–179 circumcision (brit milah), 336 Tikkun Leil Shavuot, 187 Classic Artscroll Siddur (Mesorah Yom Kipper (Days of Awe), 176–177 Publications), 257 32_915904 bindex.qxp 10/3/06 1:39 PM Page 352 352 Kabbalah For Dummies dosage of emotions, 197 • D • Drash, 337 Da’at (knowledge of God), 15–16, 100 dreams, 147 Da’at sefirah, 15–16, 62, 100, 337 dress code, 294–295 Daf Yomi, 234 dressing Dah lifnay me attah omed, 138, 250 and awareness of God, 139 daily tasks with modesty, 141 acts of lovingkindness, 127, 134–137 for Sabbath, 154 dressing, 139 Dvar Torah, 337 eating, 143–145 d’veykut (cleaving to God), 85, 281, 337 falling asleep and meditating, 147–148 meditation, 143 • E • nightly accounting of day, 146–147 prayer, 127–130, 262–267 eating, 143–145 putting your shoes on, 140–141 Ecclesiastes (Kohelet), 196–197, 339 repairing the world, 145–146 ecstatic Kabbalah, 311 study, 127, 130–133 Egypt, 184 waking thoughts, 138–139 ehchad, 203 washing your hands, 140 Ehveh, 60 Dan, 330 ehyeh asher ehyeh (“I am that I am”), 283, Dan, Joseph (professor and Kabbalah 337 expert), 12 Ein mukdam u’meuchar b’Torah, 131 Daniel, 333 Ein Sof, 337 dates, 3 El, 63, 283 David, 68, 332 El Shaddai, 68 Days of Awe (Yom Kippur), 111, 176–177, Eli, 332 318, 347 Eliezer, Rabbi (Jewish sage), 78–80, de Leon, Moses (Jewish sage and rabbi), 23 330–331 death, 106–108, 201–203 Elijah, 332 deathbed customs, 202 Elijah the Prophet, 78–80 Deborah, 333 Elisha, 332 depression, 123 Elohim, 62, 64, 283 Derech HaShem (The Way of God) (Rabbi Elohim Tzvaot, 67 Moshe Chaim Luzzatto), 223, 280 Elul, 174–175, 337 descent for the sake of ascension, 94–95 emotional realm of human existence, 97 despair, 123 emotions, 136, 197 destruction of the Holy Temple, 23–24 emunah (faith in God), 83–84, 338 Devarim (Deuteronomy), 212, 337 English, 234–235 devotional poetry, 268 enjoying Sabbath, 164–165 Din, 337 erotic imagery, 200–201 Dinah, 331 Esau, 330 Discourses on Hasidic Thought (Steinsaltz), Esther, 181–183, 333 225 eternality of God, 277 divine assignment, 89–90 ethics, 82 divine presence in marriage, 198 Etz Chayim (Tree of Life), 44, 59, 69–71, 94, divine punishment, 119 221–222 divorce, 201 eulogies, 204–205 divrei Torah, 192 Europe, holy gravesites in, 317 Eve (Chavah), 329, 337 32_915904 bindex.qxp 10/3/06 1:39 PM Page 353 Index 353 everything has meaning, concept of, The Foundation of the Torah, (Yesodei 113–114 HaTorah) (Ramban), 328 everything is for the best four realms of human existence, 97–98 acceptance versus passivity, 82 four worlds of Kabbalah, 95–98 bashert, 87 free will, 56, 86, 116, 273 concept of, 75–77 The Fundamentals of Jewish Mysticism, gam zu l’tovah, 77 (Glotzer), 328 inner activity, 82–84 funerals, 107–108, 201, 204–205 mazal (fate), 86 rules about saying this, 81 stories, 77–81 • G • evil Gabriel (God’s messenger and defender of emotions, 197 the Jewish people), 118 yetzer hara (inclination for evil), 165, 196, Gabriel, Rabbi Jack (musician), 123 346 Gad, 330 evil eye, 295 gam zu l’tova, 77–78, 81, 338 existence of God, 276 Gandhi, Mahatma, 203 Exodus (Sh’mot), 212 gaon, 338 expressing gratitude to God, 128 Garden of Eden (Gan Eden), 57 Ezekiel, 332 gedulah, 338 Ezra, 333 Gemarah, 260, 338 gematria, 296 gemelut chasadim, 134–135 • F • gender equality, 3 fairness in business, 82 genderlessness of God, 277 faith in God (emunah), 83–84, 338 Genesis (Bereishit), 212 falling asleep and meditating, 147–148 Gerondi, Rabbeinu
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