F. No.10-5/2012-Akademies Government of India Ministry of Culture ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… MINUTES Minutes of the Meeting of the Expert Committee held on 18 th & 19 th March, 2013 to consider the applications received under the Scheme of “Financial Assistance to Persons Distinguished in Letters, Arts and such other walks of life who may be in indigent circumstances and their dependents”. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Expert Committee constituted for the Scheme of “Financial Assistance to Persons Distinguished in Letters, Arts and such other walks of life who may be in indigent circumstances and their dependents” met on 18 th & 19 th March, 2013 in the Conference Room, Central Secretariat Library, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Shri Pramod Jain, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture. The list of participants is at Annexure. Apart from the members of the Committee following persons were co-opted for examining the applications from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu: (1) Shri Ankur Betageri, Sahitya Akademi (2) Smt. Satya Sardamani, Ministry of Culture (3) Shri B. Swaminathan, Ministry of Culture (4) Shri T. Matham Raj, Editor (Tamil), NBT, MHRD (5) Ms. R. Meenakshi, CCRT 2. After extending a warm welcome to the Members of Committee, the Chairperson explained the Scheme in brief and mentioned the conventions and practices that had evolved regarding the conduct of the meetings of the Committee. 3. After his introductory remarks, the Chairperson invited the members to give suggestions for improvement in the selection process. Following suggestions were received in this regard:- Page 1 of 35 (i) Zonal Cultural Centres to take steps for time bound verification of the applications sent by the Ministry. (ii) For giving wide publicity to the scheme, the State Academies may be approached by the Ministry. ZCCs may write to the Collectors in this regard. (iii) Since only a few applications are received from various states like Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujrat, J&K, Jharkhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, North Eastern States, West Bengal, Uttrakhand and Uttar Pradesh, concerned ZCCs were asked to take steps to spread awareness about the scheme so that eligible persons apply for financial assistance. (iv) From the year 2013-14 cases of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra may be kept in abeyance for a period of one year and focus may be given to smaller/ ignored/ neglected states. (v) For smaller states and Union Territories a minimum quota can be reserved as under so that all parts of the country benefit from the scheme: (a) Smaller states and UTs - 10 cases (b) Medium states - 15 cases (c) Large states - 20 cases (vi) State Governments should be involved in the process of forwarding & processing applications. (vii) Under the existing procedure, the original certificates are not being checked which should be made obligatory for ZCCs for verification purpose. Page 2 of 35 (viii) Cases where certificates etc. are being attested by persons not authorized, the same may be sent back for further scrutiny/ re-verification by a Gazetted officer 4. Thereafter, the Committee considered the applications listed in the Agenda. A summary of 1921 applications received and considered during the meeting is as under: - State Recommen Recommen Application Considered in Total ded ded s missing the last 2010-11 2011-12 of last meeting but meeting decision was taken to place the same before the next meeting of Expert Committee Andhra Pradesh 154 - - 1 155 Delhi 1 - 2 - 3 Jammu & 1 - - - 1 Kashmir Karnataka 174 - - 1 175 Kerala 24 - - 1 25 Maharashtra 44 92 - - 136 Manipur - 4 - - 4 Orissa - 2 - - 2 Tamil Nadu 21 - - 2 23 Uttar Pradesh 4 - - - 4 TOTAL 423 98 2 5 528 State Not - Not - Total Recommen Recommen ded ded 2010-11 2011-12 Andhra Pradesh 630 - 630 Page 3 of 35 Karnataka 305 - 305 Kerala 19 - 19 Maharashtra 187 174 361 Manipur - 1 1 Orissa - 4 4 Tamil Nadu 73 - 73 TOTAL 1214 179 1393 5. The Committee recommended a total of 282 cases for grant of financial assistance. The State wise breakup of such recommended cases is as under: - S. NO. STATE Central Central TOTAL Quota State Quota 1. Andhra Pradesh 39 3 42 2. Delhi 1 - 1 3. Jammu & Kashmir 1 - 1 4. Karnataka 107 23 130 5. Kerala 8 10 18 6. Maharashtra 70 2 72 7. Manipur 4 - 4 8. Tamil Nadu 10 - 10 9. Uttar Pradesh 4 - 4 TOTAL 244 38 282 Page 4 of 35 6. A list of names and other particulars of the 282 recommended cases for grant of financial assistance w.e.f. 01.04.2013 is as under: - A. Cases recommended for financial assistance under the Central Quota @ Rs. 4000/- per month w.e.f. 01.04.2013: - S. P. STATE FIELD NAME ADDRESS DOB/AGE INCOME NO. CODE 1. 8474 ANDHRA DANCE MODEM S/O KANAKAIAH, 64 35000 PRADESH RAJENDRAM VILL- SIDDHAPURAM, MANDAL- HASANPARTHY, DIST- WARANGAL, AP - 506006 2. 6430 FOLK M. RAMACHANDRA D.NO. 5/191, 73 10000 REDDY RAVINDRA NAGAR, POST& MDL: GALIVEDU, DIST: KADAPA, AP 3. 7231 ROUTHU S/O ANANTHARAMULU, 70 35000 VENKATESWARLU R/O VILL&PO: BURUGGADDA, MDL: HUZURNAGAR, DIST: NALGONDA, AP 4. 7350 SATTU S/O RAMAIAH, 74 30000 VENKATESWARLU VILL: VEPALA MADHAVARAM, PO:MDL: MELLACHERUVU, DIST: NALGONDA, AP – 508246 5. 7234 VEMAVARAPU S/O SOWRI, 19/06/1946 18000 BABU VILL&MDL: PENUGANCHIPROLU, DIST: KRISHNA, AP – 521190 6. 8065 MUSIC DUPPALLI S/O ESHWARAIAH, 23/01/1942 20000 SRIRAMULU H.NO. 5-1, SRI VENKATESHWARA SWAMY TEMPLE QTRS, POST&VILL- PALEM, MANDAL- BIJINEPALLY, DIST- MAHABUBNAGAR, A.P. 7. 8251 MATAM SIDDAIAH VILL- KURKHUNDA, 01/07/1943 10000 SWAMY POST- MUDDANAGERI, TALUK- ALUR, DIST- KURNOOL, A. P. 8. 7451 SMT. SONTINENI D/O ROSAIAH 65 20000 ATCHAYAMMA 4-36, VILLAGE: NANDIGAMA, Page 5 of 35 S. P. STATE FIELD NAME ADDRESS DOB/AGE INCOME NO. CODE MANDAL: SATTENPALLI, DIST: GUNTUR 9. 8868 SUNDARAPALLI 1ST WARD, WEAKERS 65 20000 RAMACHANDRA COLONY, GAYATHRI RAO TEMPLE CENTRE, TADEPALLIGUDEM, DIST- WEST GODAVARI ANDHRA PRADESH. 10. 8534 OTHERS MADURI S/O HAZARAIAH, 74 25000 KUMARASWAMY H. NO. 3-31, VILL- GANAPAVARAM, MANDAL- KODAD, DIST- NALGONDA, A. P. - 508206 11. 1302 TUMMA NARAYANA R/O- ELLANDA, 10/11/1939 11600 REDDY #3-368/1, WARDHANNA PET, DIST. WARAGAL 12. 8870 THEATRE ADAPA D. NO. 267, 09/01/1940 18000 NAGESWARA RAO VILL- DONTAVARAM, MANDAL- UNGUTURU, DIST- W. G. A. P. 13. 8540 ANNEPAKA S/O RAMULU, 10/12/1942 25000 VENAKTESWARLU H. NO. 4-188, VILL- MANGAOLLU, MANDAL- VATSAVAI, DIST- KRISHNA, A. P. - 521178 14. 8879 CHALAMARLA S/O VENKATA RAMAIAH, 70 20000 MADHAVARAO H. NO. 2-18, VILL- SARVARAM, MANDAL- MOTHEY, DIST- NALGONDA, A. P. - 508212 15. 8646 CHEEDELLA S/O RAMAIAH, 64 35000 CHANDRA MOULI VILL- GANAPAVARAM, MANDAL- KODAD, DIST- NALGONDA, A. P. 16. 8101 DARLA S/O MUSALAIAH, 62 28000 NARAYAYANA D. NO. 1-3-40, MAMIDIPALEM, POST/MANDAL- ONGOLE, DIST- PRAKASAM, A. P. - 523001 17. 8635 GUNTUPALLI S/O KRISHNA MURTHY, 15/08/1942 36000 NAGESWARA RAO D.NO. 9-4-2, 15TH WARD, SAVITRU PET, TADEPALLIGUDEM, DIST- GODAVARI, 18. 7592 JAKKI BALASWAMY VILLAGE/POST: 70 24000 NAWABPETA, MANDAL: Page 6 of 35 S. P. STATE FIELD NAME ADDRESS DOB/AGE INCOME NO. CODE PENUGANCHIPROLU, DIST: KRISHNA, 19. 8616 KAGITHAPU S/O LATE RAJA MOULI, 70 30000 SHANKARA CHARY H. NO. 3-4-221/1/8/A, NEW RAYAPURA, HANAMKONDA, DIST- WARANGAL, A. P. -506001 20. 7605 KANNEBOINA POST/VILLAGE: RAMA 10/09/1945 18000 ANJAIAH KRISHNA PURAM, MANDAL: CHINTHAKANI, DIST: KHAMMAM - 507208 21. 8293 KASTALA DASU S/O PRAKASAM, 65 20000 D. NO. 12-114 NETAJI NAGAR, POST/MANDAL- NANDIGAMA, DIST- KRISHNA, A. P. - 521185 22. 7940 KOMMUKURI S/O SATYAM, 05/02/1948 18000 SUNDERRAO H. NO. 2-92, VILL- PATA VEMAVARAM, MANDAL- VATSAVAI, DIST- KRISHNA, A.P. - 521190 23. 8492 KONDAPARTHI 2-72, RAZIPETA, 14/04/1930 15000 LAXMI MANDAL- PARAKAL, DIST- WARANGAL, A. P. 24. 7435 KOTHA BADRAIAH VILLAGE: ALLIPURAM 67 20000 CHARY MANDAL: MATTAMPALLY DIST: NALGONDA 25. 7572 MADDINENI VILLAGE: 65 48000 VENKATESWARA CHANDARLAPADU RAO MANDAL: CHANDARLAPADU DIST: KRISHNA 26. 7662 MANDADI POST: KODAVATIKALLU, 23/07/1949 18000 VENKATESWARA MANDAL: RAO CHANDARLAPADU, DIST: KRISHNA - 521182 27. 7346 MARLA S/O PEDA KOTAIAH, 73 25000 VENKATESWARLU VILL: VEPALAMADHAVARAM, PO: MDL: MELLACHERUVU, DIST: NALGONDA, AP - 508246 28. 8270 MEEGADA RAMULU S/O ROSHAIAH, 72 30000 VILL- MACHAVARAM, POST- BURUGADDA, MANDAL- HUZURNAGAR, Page 7 of 35 S. P. STATE FIELD NAME ADDRESS DOB/AGE INCOME NO. CODE DIST- NALGONDA, A. P. - 508204 29. 7263 PALLELLA S/O LACHEREDDY, 75 18000 SHAMBIREDDY VILL: CHINTALAPALEM, MDL: MELLACHERUVU, DIST: NALGONDA, AP 30. 8378 PASHYA SHAMBI VILL- APPARRAPETE, 10/08/1934 24000 REDDY MANDAL- GARIDEPALLY, DIST- NALGONDA, A. P. 31. 8867 PATNAM RAJYA C/O R. HARANATH, 65 20000 LAXMI PC 109, 16/134, UMANAGAR, OLD TOWN, ANANTHPUR, A. P. 32. 8869 PENUMALLI SURI S/O CHINA KOTAIAH, 06/07/1948 20000 BABU D. No. 11-238, SOUTH B. C. COLONY, MANDAL- TANGUTUR, DIST- PRAKASAM, A. P. - 523274 33. 8506 PILLUTLA S/O SAIDULU, 08/06/1937 35000 VENKATESWARLU VILL/POST-AMARAVARAM, MANDAL- HUZURNAGAR, DIST- NALGONDA, A. P. - 508204 34. 8106 TADIKONDA S/O SUBBAIAH, 68 28000 VEERA VASANTHA D. NO. 5-222 (A), RAO NEAR COMMUNITY HALL, (VINAYAKA TAMPLE), POST/MANDAL- ONGOLE, DIST- PRAKASAM, A. P. 35. 8395 TANIKONDA S/O KONDAIAH, 66 18000 CHANNAIAH VILL- YARRAGUDIPADU, POST- Y. LAKSHMIPURAM, MANDAL- CHIMAKURTHY, DIST- PRAKASAM, A. P. - 523225 36. 8080 TEEDA I D NO. A-WGD 103712, 12/04/1946 18000 JAGADEESWARA WEAKER COLONY, RAO I WARD, D. NO. 4-146-4, MEERA MASTER STREET, TEDEPALLIGUDEM, DIST- WARANGAL, A. P. - 534101 37. 7672 V. B. K. SARMA VILLAGE/POST/MANDAL: 15/01/1950 48000 SRIJAYA VOLETIVARIPALEM, DIST: PRAKASAM, ANDHRA PRADESH - 523116 38.
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