■ t . iKmtdr^atrr Eorttins IfiMralii Averaga Dally Net Press Ran The Weatkgg Far ttw Moath aC Manh, 1S6S I a« 0. e..W«MM ■ r » i Advtaory Board «rf A*. Members o f Washington Orange Tha Faderatlon of Dsmocmtlc know that amongst our buatness ■ A i m V T I •embly No. 15, Onkr o< Rainbow Lodge, No, 117, are requested to Women will hold a county conven­ Local Dealers Give people, there sre such true ex­ . fV lM f U a * viw 1* f „ giria wiu moat M ond^ cvaiilnr meet this evening at 7 o’clock at tion at Hotel Garde in Hartford amples of good clUsens, ready to 9,885 Orange hall, from where they will Monday evening at eight o'clock. help any worthy projeeb with such Vkir and oontinesg IsaigM --------- at 7:80 la tha tbmpta. Tna board 3 Cars to Lions with low and the Rainbow glrla will oboanra proceed to the Watkins Funeral Any member wishing to attend la fine response. On behalf of the a a« the Aedlt . Ih n CMaM aro rMUoatod to Home In tribute to Alexander requested to call Mra. Xathertne AMESiTE DRIVEWAYS lag. aemiy ■M tattba ICamile Tnqilo to- Rainbow Sunday April 16 by at­ Manchester Lions Club, I accept lagl tendance. In a group at the 11:00 Shields, who wss a member of the Bourn, telephone 3-1S06, or Mrs. Through, tha generosity o f three these automobiles with sincere ap­ •REDUCED RATES IHtatehe§ter~—'A City o f VUlago Charm alglit at T:80 la o r M to prooeod lodge. Helen Fitspatrick. telephone 2- local automoblla dealers, the Man­ SD9CB la a b o ^ to pay laat roapecta to a. m. aarrica at- the North Metho- preciation, confident that this club diat church. All membera who plan 2423. chester Lions club has received an will prudently employ the benefits •GRADING FREE 1920 ttair laU brotbar, Alexander automobile from each. Aware that to' attend ahould contact Worthy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wallett received the^rom to the betted WORK VOL^LXIX, NO. 166 (UlaaaUM Advatltalag oa Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1950 (TWELVE P AG ES) Advlaor Virginia Johnaon or Moth­ of 147 Waranoke road will enter­ the club is having an auction for ment of our community." •POWER ROLLER GUARANTEED PRICE FOUR CENTS Washington U O. U No. 117, the beneSt of local welfare needs, er Advlaor Mra. Prad Racava. tain the bridal party for their will hold Its monthly meeting this USED Rot. Stapban Strylawakl. ractor daugIKer’a wedding at a buffet evening at eight o’clock In Orange these clvlc-mtnded dealers prompt­ ly responded to the club’s request o f S t Joiin'a P o w National Mlaa Carol Hanaen, R. N., haa supper prior to the rehearsal this hall, ^ e committee appointed to •FREE ESTIMATES C A L L " • Wing Freedom cbtireb on Gohray atreat, will open returned to Washington. D. C., af­ evening in St. Bridget’s church. have charge of the Twelfth of July for articles for their auction on tha liutnia choir mtnatrel thia eve> ter a apring vacation at her home. Miss Frances E. Wallett and John celebration will make its report. May 20. •TIME PAYMENTS MANCHESTER Sharpest Threats News Tidbits abig with a few remarka In hla A graduate of Manchester High H. Durgin, Jr., of H.opedale, Mass., George DeCOrmler, president of Convict U. S. Soldier 7691 oapAetty of honorary chairman. school, St. Joseph's College and will hr married tomorrow morning DeCormier Motors, led the list by •SAVE 1 0 % FOR CASH CaOqil From (/P) W ires Tha ooeaalen la the repeat per- St. Francis Hospital Training at 11:45. At the morning worship service donating the first car. Immediate­ formanoa of S t Jobn'a aecond an* School for Nurses, she Is at pres- Sunday at 10:46 at the Church of ly follo^ng were two other deal­ S A V E W ITH Bual mtnatrel ahow. In the HoIIlater Mrs. Catherine Polyanchek of the Nazarene, Dr. E. S. Mann, ers, Manchester Motor Sales, and To U. S. Freedoi^ Maryland’s syatsm of segroga- Stroat achoor hall, which waa anc- .ent on the staff of St. Elisabeth's Federal hosplUl in Washington 31 Purnell place will be presented president of the Eastern Nasarene BrOwn and Beaupre. tion In higher education Is being I I I mflilljr preaentad at White Eagle and atudjdng part time at the in ’Town court tomorrow morning College at Wollaston, Mass., will The fine cooperation of these DeMAIO BROTHERS carefully reviewed In wake of court For Trying to Give hall, Sunoay erenlng, March 25. A for breach of the peace. She waa be the guest speaker and music dealers, was acknowledged by Can Now—'We PorsonaDy Supervise AO Work of appeals decision that threatens nurabae of novelty featurea will be Catholic University. Next fall she plans to give full time, working arrested yesterday and released on will be provided by the "Herald- Charles Mather, president of the Are From Within to break It down entirely, . added to the ahow by Iwal and $25 bond. era” quartet of the college. club. "It is indeed gratifying to Read Herald Adva. out of jtewn entertalnara. for her master's degree in nursing. Kalaer-Fraser Oorp^ lost 830,329,- 351 lost year, according to auto­ Vice President Bark- j motive corporation’s annual finan­ Lie Prepares . cial statement . Canadian rnll- Secrets to Russians ley Says Our Foes j wny union demands for higher pay **Sow Rumors and Sus­ and shorter hours are sliced to For Meeting fraction in Federal Conciliation 19 Year Old Corporal picion Among Us*’ ; ^ board findings made public today. Curley GcU Pardon A« He Salle for Europe | » Unofficial reports received by. In­ Of Air Force Is Sen­ Also Touches on Aims | With'Staliiv donesian army eay re4>el troop* Of Soviet Russia Today —— who seized Makassar 10 days ago tenced to Five Yean have returned to their barracks Imprisonment and Dia^ HALE'S APRIL SHOWER OF VALUES! Secretary-General o f UN and city Is now patrolled by regu­ Washington. April 15.—<yP) lar state police .. Bill “Bojnngle*" honorable Discharge; Expects to Sp^nd at — Vice President Barkley Robinson, who earned approxi­ Youth Qaims He Waa said today the sharpest Least 2 Day^ in Par­ mately 12,000,000 during hla tap- threats to American free­ dancing career, left estate of 13,- k Trying to Oitch Soviet leys Wiilj/4ied Leaders 150 . .. Weather bureau’s extended BEAUTIFUL SUITS and TOPPERS doms xome from sources forecast says weather probably Spies; Trial Highlights within this nation which --------- Lake Success, April 16— (JP)—M will continue elillly in eaatem part “ sow rumors and suspicion of nation for at least another he goes;to Moscow on his Save-the- Garmisch - Partenkirehen, among us.” In a speech pre­ month, but not as frigid as It has NEW SPRING and Reduced for this Sale U. Ni campaign, Secretary-Gen­ Germany, Ajiril 16.— pared for the opening of the been. eral Trygve Lie expects to spend Missing sertions of human body U. S. Air Force court martial REG. 13.69 LADY ROBERTA Washington Seaquicentennial cele­ bration, the vice president aald about two days In steady confer­ are hunted by New York police convicted CpI. Gustav Muellfir SUMMER FABRICS ONE CROUP OF DRESSES thlB country now facet ’’the mosjtr ences with the Kremlin leaders. after four bundles of car\'ed-up of St. Paul, Minn., today of Dark Cotton and Wpol* for teens and pre- ^ - r SUITS powerful and aggreaalve foe In Lie hopes to see Prime Minister human flesh Is found on Brooklyn trying to give secret Ameri­ MATTRESS COVERS teen*. Regularly $5.98-$7.98. our history aa a nation.” Joseph Stalin, Deputy Premier V, street . Any agreement in 81- M. Molotov and Foreign Minister day-old Chrysler strike may etlll can military information to at Special Prices! Without mentioning Ruj^a by Regular $45.00 Values name, he said the Sovl^ Union Andrei Y. Vlshlnsky on the ex­ be several days off, it it indicated Russia. The 19-year'-oId air­ Full and Twin Bed Size Now .............................. now la offering, the yr6r\i "the pected flying visit. in Detroit talks . .. Cleveland man was sentenced to flvo s2.99 BLOUSES . $1.00 to $3.00 38.00 counter revolution of tyranny.” These plans were disclosed by Bernard J. Smith, 24, of Fair Haven, holds his certificate o f freedom transit system trackless trolley years Impriaonment and to ba dis­ The eame heavy quality mattrem cover we have carried for “What la hlddei^ln the vest- informed sources here ms Lie at Katland, Vt., after taking a poor debtor’s oath. He hnil served carrying 40 passengers collides with honorably discharged from Um U. REG. 69c FABRICS 59 c yeare. Seama are all carefully bound and with rubber button*. Regularly $2.29 to $5.98 Regular $35.00 Values menta o f an Utopian Marxist worked on details of what may be nM>re than a year In jail for failing to aatlafy a 83,.670 aiilnninhlle fa­ truck hauling 28,000 pounds of 8. Air Force. Mueller teotlflod la W FLOeX DOT VOIUB8 YARD Now ......................... world of peai^^and plenty la a the most important trip he haa tality Judgment. The judgment against him will stand for eight nitroglycerine but there la no ex­ hie own defense that he was ooly gg" ABC PRINTED DmiTDEa 29.00 perverted a ^ gnawing lust for undertaken since he became acc- years daring which time anything he owns worth natre than 620— plosion and no injury .
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