ft CAMPUS NEWS Vol. VI—No. 27 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Friday, April 27,1951 Final run For 'Glass Menagerie' <c< slated For tomorrow evening The two final performances of the heart-warm ing and poignant "Glass Menagerie" take place tonight and Saturday. The play has to do with that ineffectual lone mother, Amanda Wingfield, whose nagging moves her son to exclaim, "You think I'm in love with the wsu-ehouse?" And her PRETTY POLLY Galewick reminds Huskieville of the imjiend- poor pathetic schemings for her crippled daughter seem like "setting a trap." And in the end this ing Daylight Saving time switch Sunday night by setting ahead unhappy family group finds that "things have a way of turning out badly." the ELA sun dial, a gift of last semester's graduating class. In Tickets are still available at the box office from 10 am to 2 pm, ~ j ' !~ a magnanimous gesture, the Campus News staff voted Polly the "girl-we'd-most-like-to-set-our-clocks-an-hour-ahead-for." or phone ANgelus 4070, day or evening. All seats are reserved at rOriTier riUSkl6 ^^______^^^_^_^^^^___________ Photo by Blair Henderson $1.00 general admission, or 50 cents with associated student card Under the guiding hand of Mr. J. R. Bietry, drama coach, this killed in crash ELA hosts IOO play is directed by Anthony Mor­ eno, student exponent of costume over Florida at FTA confab design and the dance. Moreno is Charles Richard Vesper, air ca­ also a member of the cast, together ELA is host to the annual spring det and former ELA student, was with Irene Abbot, Violet Long- conference of the Future Teachers killed when the plane in which he of America in the library today at ulvan and Jack Shubin. 3 pm. More than 100 guests are ex­ Versatile portraist of face and was riding crashed Wednesday, pected from high schools of the verse, ELA's Frederic Koch has April 18, near Pensacola, Florida. g:reater Los Angeles area and the designed the stage sets and ar­ The instructor in the craft with LACC Alpha chapter of Phi Tau ranged a fitting decor for a run­ him also died. •^ down alley apartment. The pro­ Alpha, the national future teachers Their plane went into a spin at society. duction staff of "Glass Menagerie" is as follows: staging: William 300 feet and crashed, giving nei­ The program includes a guest Nienczyk, Ronald Buckles, Fran­ ther a chance to bail out. speaker, Mrs. Dorothy Van Noy cis Dye, Roy Zumwalt, Ed Sar­ Vesper attended Eastmont junior Harsin, who is assistant superin­ kisian, Alice Sellers. tendent of education for the east high and Montebello high schools For lighting: Edwin Pruitt, Frank elementary district, four panel dis­ before graduating from Huskie­ Corral, and John Baldwin. Music: cussion groups, and a reception ville as a pre-med major in June, Ed Sarkisian, and Bud Benzie. tea. Displays: William Niemmezyk, and 1950. Mrs. Harsin will be introduced by Ed Sarkisian. Funeral services were conduc­ Mr. R. H. Keamer Walter, faculty Business: Lupe Tanori, Jessie ted Wednesday, April 20, at Rose adviser to ELA's FTA, after the Tanori, Roxy Sarkisian, Mimi Bor­ Hill by G. Russell Baker of the welcoming address by Mr. Logan roel, Leona Egishian, Mary Ogan- Park Avenue Christian church. Hart, dean of admissions and rec­ asoff, Helen Torres, Evelyn Tru­ Vesper was active in the Demo­ ords. Mrs. Harsin will speak on itt. House: Arthur Hueg. Door: lay of Montebello until he entered "Teaching as a Career." Ron Feederle, and Ed Eisman. the air corps in July, 1950. Subjects for panel discussions Box office: Dorothy Dyer, and Eu­ While at Eland, he compiled over are as follows: "Shall I Become a nice Dorsey. a two point grade average for 65 Teacher?" under the chairmanship SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN, and lest his pack fails units. of Vivian Edwards, FTA treasurer, to hold gifts for a few underprivileged children, Louise Wire, AS delegates travel His father, Orval Vesper, lives and "Future Teachers Ideals and Norman Hirsch and other Elans join in the repairing of unwant­ at 710 Williamson, East Los An­ Purposes," chairman, Mary Kay ed toys. When restored, the dolls and footballs will find their way to JC conference geles, while his mother. Bertha Mae Fenninger. Wallace, resides in San Francisco. into the arms of local youngsters during the yuletide season. Six AS delegates from ELA are Planning "Programs and Pro­ Photo by Jerry Foutr. jects for FTA clubs" will be led by in Long Beach today to continue Eloise Rocha, while "Teaching in their discussions at the annual Famed violinist Junior Colleges," will be under the Clubs work to provide Merry California State Junior College chairmanship of the LACC delega­ association conference which start­ plays May 4 ed yesterday and concludes to­ tion. Mr. Werner Gebauer, distin­ morrow. Christmas for local children guished violinist of two continents, Representing Huskieville at the The men and women of EL.\ are not waiting for December to will present a recital at 8 pm, Men must fill beach city are Andy Griffin, deinoihliall the Christmas spirit. If they have it their way, no Friday, May 4, in the Arena thea­ Doc Inman, Merilyn Fliedner, Bev­ ter. The concert is under the .spon­ out forms for local youngster will go without a present next yuletide because erly Piatt, Joy Laten, and Jim De- sorship of the evening division. grado. of financial difficulties in the family. There will be no charge for the Joy and Jim, as heads of an AS defeirmeni t test event, but tickets must be picked Associated Students President Andy Griffin and two campus council committee, will take to the College men wishing to take the up before the evening of the per­ organizations, the Protestant club and the Huskie Circle, have conference ELA's plans regarding test offered by the government for formance in the admissions office. the deferment of students must see already launched a project that would provide gifts for under- a new public relations set-up for state junior colleges, stemming Mr. Gebaur's numbers include their draft board to fill out an ap- privilege<l children at Christmas time. pieces by Schubert-Friedberg, De lication to be eligible to partici­ from a recent conference at Orange Club members are now working on the first truckload of brok­ Coast jaycee. Ernest Chausson, and one number, pate in the examination. "Valse," which was written by the en bicycles, one-eyed dolls, and other damaged toys collected by Under the conference plan, ELA Since this form must travel to artist himself. Princeton, New Jersey, and back Griffin to initiate the campaign. A headquarters has been set up would be a center for gathering at a church located at 830 S. Herbert street, East Los Angeles, and distributing information con­ Of German birth, Mr. Gebauer before the student will be eligible originally bore the name of Baron to participate in the examination, ar.iund the corner from Whittier Blvd. cerning the ways and means of obtaining better publicity for ju­ Werner Oswald Ludwig von Ge­ Mr. Logan Hart, dean of admis­ bauer, but dropped this for plain sions, urges any persons interes­ Louise Wire and Ray Weinberg, presidents respectively of the nior colleges in local and national Protestant club and Hu.skie Circle, hope the project wil! be taken magazines. "Mister" when he became an Am­ ted to contact their local selec­ erican citizen. tive sei-vice board immediately. up by the entire colleue and have issued the request for addition­ Among the other topics to be in­ vestigated is the role of junior While with a USO outfit, he went The tests will be given at the col­ al damaged toys and volunteer helpers. lego May 26, June 16, and June 30. colleges in the civilian defense set­ overseas playing in such cities as Anyone taking a full-time college up. Munich, Paris, Budapest, and course leading to a degree is elig­ Campus News rated first class Prague. He was widely acclaimed ible to take this exam. Last semester's Campus News editor, and included Ray Cosgrove, Suipervlsoi r speaks by audiences on his tour. Students are warned that they was awarded a first class rating feature editor. Bob Kastenbaum, Mr. Grant Jenkins, who is dis­ The young violinist is described can take this test only once. by the Associated Collegiate Press news editor and this semester's trict recreational supervisor for the by many as musician of remark­ Deferment will then be based on of the University of Minnesota, editor, Hal Roach, sports editor, East Los Angeles district, is giv­ able virtuosity with exceptional in­ this test and the student's grade Minneapolis, Minnesota. and Adora Ulasi, reporter. ing an address on municipal telligence and taste. Besides his point average at the end of the This honor is the sixth "first- Since the beginning of its mem­ parks, playgrounds, and the re­ remarkable dexterity, the outstand­ school year. class" rating, sandwiched in with bership in the ACP in 1946, Cam­ creational facilities and procedures ing feature of Gebauer's playing is Sample copies of the test are two All-Americans. pus News has never received lower pertaining thereto. Monday, April his complete compatibility with his available in Mr. Hart's office and The Campus News staff last se­ than a first class rating. It has 30, 9 a.m. is the time, L-2 the instrument according to his press the counselor's bungalow. mester was headed by Hal Milnes, walked off with two All-Americans.
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