ot GAMMA PHI BETA - :m. STUDENT UNION, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA MAY � I960 COLLEGIATES ON CAMPUS Two Moonlight Girls of Phi Sigma Kappa were Sharon Walker llefll of Nalional Baton Twirling champion is Harlie Judy of Beta Kop Arizona Slate Universily, and Ann Gibson Irighl) of Oregon Stofe College. chapter, Arizona Stale University. J -;''-4f. Lynne Wallers makes il three in a row for Alpha Kappa chapler al Ihe Universily of Manifoba. She is fhe new president of Ihe IVomen's Associafion, known as Wakonda, and Ihe third Gamma Phi Beta in succession Yearbook Oueen of Carla Ewell, Homecoming allendanl at Judy Davis wos selected as Kappa Julie Haile, A, fo hold fhe ofRce. She will organize all Oklahoma Slate University. Sigmo's Sfordusf Oueen of fhe Univer- Universily. .) women's aclivilies on and serve as campus sity of Arizona. one of a seven member executive board of Ihe Student's Union. FRONT COVER Student Union Memorial Building at the University of Arizona, THE CRESCENT where Alpha Epsilon chapter of Gamma Phi Beta was chartered April 29, 1922. of Gamma Phi Beta First of four new buildings to be dedicated during the 75th an niversary year at the University ot Arizona was the new Home Economics building (pictured above), which also houses the school Volume LX May, 1960 Number of nursing. Center of the building is a 3-story patio spanned at the second floor level by a Y-shaped bridge. 2 Frontispiece: Come to Convention 3 A Visit to the University of Arizona Editorial Staff: 4 Nevada Members Assist with 1960 Olympics Ardis McBroom Marek (Mrs. James J.) Editor, Clifton, Illinois. 6 The Annie Oakleys of Boston U. Noreen Linduska Zahour (Mrs. Edward F.) Associate Editor, 3 Jac 8 A Home of Their Own for Alpha Pi queline Drive, Downers Grove, Illinois. 9 The Experiment in International Jeannette B. Naglestad (Mrs. T. R.) Alumnse Associate Editor, Rock Living Rapids, Iowa. 10 The Diamond Chapter�Gamma Gamma Ruth J. Wood, Business Manager, Room 960, 53 W. Jackson Blvd., 12 Grand Council Appointments Chicago 4, Illinois. 13 Dixie-Bell! Last Call to Convention! 14 Land O' Cotton Inspires Convention Program The Crescent is published September 1, December 1, March 1, and 16 Convention Railroad Schedules and Rates May 1, by the George Banta Company, Inc., omcial printers of the fraternity, at Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wisconsin. Subscription price $1.50 a year 18 Convention Reservation and Rates payable in advance, 40^ a single copy. 19 After Take a Mexican Send change of address and correspondence of a business nature to convention, Holiday! Gamma Phi Beta, Room 960, 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, Illinois. Mail ing lists close August 1, November 1, February 1 and April 1. By February 20 Clothes for Convention 25, send Grand President business for consideration at spring council meeting. 23 President's Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to the Editor, Page Mrs. James J. Marek, Clifton, Illinois. Items for publication should be ad 24 Gamma Phi Beta . Her dressed to the editor to arrive not later than Jiuie IS, October 1, January Progress, Projects, Problems 1 and February 20. 35 In Memoriam Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazines Associated, Profiles 1585 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. 36 matter at under the act Entered as second-class Menasha, Wisconsin, 39 Our Alumnae of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage under the Among of Sec. 34-40 Par. (D) provided for in the act of February 28. 1925. provisions 58 Second-class postage paid at Menasha, Wisconsin. Directory Printed in the United States of America. 60 Gamma Phi Beta Chapter List COME TO CONVENTION! June 19 to 25 Edgewater Gulf Hotel Gulfport, Mississippi Located deep in the Old South, on the Mississippi Gulf Coast midway be tween Gulfport and Biloxi, the Edgewater Gulf Hotel is one of the revered resort hotels of the country. And here, from June 19-25, 1960, you can enjoy a glorious vacation with Gamma Phi Betas from everywhere. Start saving your dollars now. Then, come along with us to the Edge- . water Gulf and enjoy ... its fabulous gardens and moss-draped oaks the championship golf course ... a white sand beach with swimming in the Gulf of Mexico . boat rides . sightseeing tours . and fabulous regional who cooking. All this plus a program of gala events planned just for those wear the Crescent. Gulf When your convention committee joins forces with the Edgewater Hotel and the Old South, you'll never find a more hospitable atmosphere us. for a vacation . anywhere, anytime. Do plan to be with The 1960 Convention Committee Eleanor Garm Hemminger, Chairman TKe Crescent pays a visit to tKe University of Arizona wKicK is . .. 75 Years Ota ana Still Growing! In this, its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Year, the University of chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. Arizona is composed of ten colleges, four schools, and fifty-two On April 29, 1922, twenty-two members of Delta Rho, a departments, and includes also twenty-two divisions of re local group for three years, officially became the Alpha Epsilon search and extension. The bachelor's degree is oifered in 126 chapter of Gamma Phi Beta, the fourth sorority chartered at fields, the master's degree in fifty-three and the doctor's degree the University of Arizona. in twenty-seven. The resident enrollment in the first semester Our chapter has grown with the campus, and is now one of of 1959 was 11,772. the largest sororities on campus with 97 active members. we most. rush we The campus is located in the residential district of the his Singing is one of the things enjoy During toric city of Tucson, which was founded in 1776 as a Spanish were known as the "singing house." The rushees literally went presidio and has known allegiance to four flags: Spain, Mexico, back to their dormitories singing our songs after the parties. the Confederacy, and the U. S. The present city is a modern Last year we made a record of the songs we sing at Alpha Ep metropolis with a population of 220,000. The altitude of 2,400 silon of which we are very proud. It has almost made the "top feet, the dryness, and the sunshine unite to provide one of the ten." We have received requests for our record from chapters most healthful climates in the world. all over the United States. Over the years, we have taken many The University Library contains more than 450,000 volumes. first-place honors in the Spring Sing and in the Varsity Show. The College of Engineering operates one of the two largest We don't confine our activities to singing, though. Football atomic reactors on any U. S. campus. Kitt Peak, forty miles season always brings Homecoming and float-building time. This southwest of the University, has been selected as the site for is one of the biggest and most enjoyable events of the year. the National Observatory. During the Christmas season, we have our Christmas formal Forty-one national Greek letter organizations have chartered at which we crown our Gamma Phi Man of the Year and our an groups at Arizona. There are 15 national sororities�and the nual party for underprivileged children. ratio of men to coeds is two to one. Pinning serenades and exchanges with fraternities are always Students at the U. of A. may literally, "ski in the morning lots of fun for us. Quite often our exchanges are in the form and swim outdoors in the afternoon." An excellent highway of "hobo" parties, picnics, and many other casual affairs that leads in just over one hour to the cool pine forest of the Coro break the routine of ordinary exchanges. nado National Park in the Santa Catalina mountains at an Our Alpha Epsilon girls are busy on campus, too. Bobbi altitude of 9,000 feet, and another leads to Nogales in Old Haworth is co-editor of the campus magazine and a member of Mexico, 70 miles to the south. Steeped in the traditions of the Mortar Board. Margot Love is treasurer of the Junior Class, Old West, the University is vigorously pursuing the knowledge and Anne Di Cicco is a member of Chimes. Joan Eckblad is necessary for the future. The motto of the Seventy-Fifth An active in Angel Flight, Air Force honorary for women, and niversary Celebration might well be that suggested by Pro we have three Spurs, Sonya Frampton, Mary Bonnickson, and fessor Arthur Beattie, "Building a better Arizona for tomorrow, Karen Gurley. Jean Dugan is art editor of the Desert, our and a better tomorrow for Arizona." yearbook, and we have two members of Alpha Lambda Delta, Situated in the midst of the University campus and Arizona an honorary for Freshman women. sunshine is the Spanish hacienda style house of Alpha Epsilon Karen Gurley Leaving the house for class on a spring day are Alene Hill, Alice Hall, A new stereophonic record player is fhe center of interest for (from left) and Karen Gurley of Alpha Epsilon, U. of Arizona Judy Davis, Alice Hall, Keiki Payne, and Pat Warren. THE CRESCENT OF GAAAMA PHI BETA / MAY � 1960 3 Blythe Ice Arena at Squaw Valley where the hockey games and figure skating competition was held. Gamma PKi Betas at Nevada U. entertained, translated, decorated, and tKorougKIy enjoyed teing in tKe tKick of tKings as atKIetes and celetrities arrived for The 1960 Winter Olympics As the athletes of all nations filed out of Blythe Arena on other members of the staff of the Sagebrush, the University the closing day of the Eighth Winter Olympics at Squaw Val paper, so that adequate coverage could be obtained right from ley, California, many wonderful feelings and remembrances the source.
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