/ ! ESSEX l / bBACY Btfifit V \ 74 OHATOM SIBEEI IT LOOKS FROM HERE~| [ V ' MEWABB B 3 I A u g u s t 5 , 1 9 4 8 ] . .e..Ljj£V IN TWO SECTIONS aximum Not Minimum PART ON E The recent price rise, of 7/10 of a cent a pack of ciga- charged the distributor by the manufacturer, has re­ ted in a one cent increase to the consumer who must now Cj9 cents instead of the previous minimum of 18 cents y |uly i when the three cent tax went into effect. The M IL L B U R N • increase charged by the manufacturer is apparently the ly reason the State Cigarette Tax Bureau set a new mini- a n d I price of 19 cents. lust why a new minimum price should have been set by ‘ authorities is a mystery to us. A minimum is a minimum ITEM (1 a's far as we know there is no restriction on the amount retailer may charge over that minimum. If most dealers SHORT HILLS [nd jt necessary to pass along the, additional 7/10 of a t to the consumer, they were at perfect liberty to do so. In t if a dealer desired to sell cigarettes for 25 cents there mld be no legal restriction to him doing so. JIXCENTS COFT W e fail to see any need for a minimum price of any sort, Founded 18 8 8 Published every Thursday at,MILLBURN, N. J. her let competition take its natural course or let state law a MAXIMUM price. Certainly a maximum price law ROLAND LEWAN, executive -p, » ,. much more protection to the consumer, not only on aga­ Court Battle vice-president of Investors Sav- 1 tlSS L/lDlf3.1fy te, but on any other commodity. ings and Loan, will leave Friday.i/4 owe * for the University of Indiana Looms on Grosso where he will take a two, week Plan Ordinance mething Wrong Here * - l t course for savings and loan ex- Land Ordinance ecutive*....... ....... Over Objections <ome rather startling figures were shown to us the other ★ L Lou Dayton, market analyst par excellence. He had Another court battle between Despite the verbal opposition of the Township and Pat Grosso Harry Silveratein the Township t completed a survey of the Millburn market in 1947 work- looms over the Township Commit­ Local Board 14 with Department of Commerce and Sales Management tee’s effort to acquire Mr. Gros­ Committee unanimously passed on ures, and discovered that 48c out of every dollar spent in so’s lot on Holmes street at the To Serve Millburn; final reading an ordinance pro­ ail sales by Millburn residents was spent outside of the end of Es*ex street. This was viding for the expenditure pf^up wnship- This in spite of the fact that food, which accounts promised Tuesday by Harry Sil- to $7,500 for the preparation by verstein, Mr. Grosso’s attorney, Members Named architect Fred A. Elsasser of de­ nearly thirty per cent of all purchases, was bought over when interviewed concerning the Millburn will be served by Local per cent in town. ' . ordinance introduced by the Town­ Draft Board No. 14 according to tailed plans and specifications for Of general merchandise, 91 per cent was bought else- ship Committee on Monday night. an announcement by Governor the proposed Memorial Library on ere> apparel 84 per cent, furniture 82 per cent, etc., etc. The ordinance, passed on first Alfred E. Driscoll who also an­ Millburn avenue. reading, provides for the acquisi­ tal purchases made by our residents in retail sales amount- nounced the appointment of the At the time the ordinance was tion of the land in question by local board members and govern­ to $9,837,040, averaging about $3,000 per family, which is purchase or condemnation for the ment appeal agents to serve In introduced on August 2, it was ery high figure as these figures go. sum of $5,700, with $550 additional New Jersey under the Selective stated that the detailed plans and The startling thing about Dayton’s figures, it seems to us, provided for legal and engineering Service Act of 1948. specifications were necessary in die realization that, with the exception of food, Millburn expense. The Township desire* Local Board members on Board order that bids for the construc­ the property as a step toward the 14 are Edward T. Casebolt, 138 rcliants are getting only about 25 per cent out of every proposed extension of Essex Irving avenue. South Orange; tion could be obtained. The War lar spent at retail by our residents. It is not a good situa- street from Holmes street to Bev­ Harry A. Creter, 138 Ellis avenue, Memorial Committee is reported n, and certainly should give the Millburn merchant some- erly road and from Spring street Irvington; Joel P. Martin, 599 Nye to have on hand some $87,000 ng to reflect upon. to Douglas street. The Essex avenue, Irvington; John H. Nelles, raised through contribution* of street extension is designed to re­ 884 Sanford avenue, Irvington; and ★ residents. This sum will be avail­ lieve Millbum avenue traffic Walter H. Wiesmlller, 10 Edge- Wyckoff and Howard wan re­ able towards the construction costs through Millburn center. wood place, Maplewood. Thomas ceived from Civil Service only last although Committeeman Junge t Contract week although they took their ex­ The dispute between the Town­ Ingham of 9 Morse drive, Maple­ ship and Mr. Grosso extends back wood, is Government Appeal who is also a member of the Me­ amination in December, 1947. The morial Committee stated, "The three men have been serving as to February 1947 when Mr. Gros­ Agent. Dr Woodland so applied for a building permit According to Governor Driscoll’s War Memorial Committee will use special police officer* for a con­ their funds to construct the part siderable period of time awaiting for the construction of a garage announcement all appointees are and auto show room. At that time veterans of the Selective Training of the building to be dedicated as 1. Extension the result* of the examination. a war memorial." Gill took his examination in the permit was refused by the and Service Act of 1940. Irvington, contract for the paving of building inspector and the matter Maplewood and South Orange will Although the Township Commit­ September, 1948. and was certified tee has made no commitment as to Woodland road extension from as eligible for appointment in Jan­ came before the Board of Adjust­ be served by the same board a* ;c terrace to Chatham road ment for hearing. This body, act­ Millburn. the amount of money it will con­ uary, 1947. HARRY SILVERSTEIN MANS THE OARS AND ROY ANDERSON ACTS AS CREW of the good ship Under the new Act New Jersey tribute toward* the total cost, Mr. awarded to the firm of Salaries of the new men for the ing on information from the Plan­ "Millburn Kiwanis” at Boy Scout Camp Ken-Etawa-Pec last Wednesday. Standing on the dock are other will have 45 local boards, one per Junge stated at the hearing Mon­ inunzio and Manganello of three month probationary period ning Board, refused a permit as local Kiwanians Norman Marks,, Alfred Young, Robert Faddis, Edward Tidaback, Oscar Hench and A1 county plus one additional per day night that "We are not spend­ nge by the Township Com- will be $2300 plus bonus. At the the property was directly in line Brandes. Peeking over their shoulders arc Larry Albanese, Scout Camp Chairman of the Millburn area 100,000 of population as against ing $250,000 for a library.” The ee Monday night. Coat of the end of three months if they are with the proposed Essex street ex­ and Eric Herud, chairman of the Orange Mountain camping area. The scouts seated on the dock are the 202 in operation under the 1940 Memorial Committee has repeat­ k will be $16,154. Only one appointed regular members of the tension and It felt that it would be more practical to not allow the campers in residence at the camp. The "Millburn Kiwanis" was donated to the camp by the local club. Act. Budgetary reductions, under edly stated that it was aiming for r bid was received in the force their salary will jump to construction of a building there \ ★ the new Act as against the 1940 a $200,000 library. unt of $17,042.50. $2500 plus bonus. which would subsequently have to operation, are the principal reason In explaining the ordinance is expected work on the com- „ be torn down at considerable more Crusade for rv. I „ Monday after- New Regulations for this change, plus the necessity further at the time of its intro­ on of the extension will Mart _ i J • I I / _ expense than to acquire an empty noon utr^en theyav wereiirfiro nnITfi/4called hnto of, In many cases, ( grouping a duction the Committee stated the in a short time. Sewer and l \ O W M l I K O G / 6 lot. the home-dT Harry Burack of 152 number of boards at one location Township needs a new library r lines have already been Attorney Sllverstein applied for Children Tops Myrtle avenue when the house To Govern Oil in highly populated counties. building and It was the Commit­ in the bed of the street, Now Illegal a writ of certiorari which was filled with smoke as the oil burn­ Plans are now being made to tees job to provide such a new me controversy over the granted and the matter was er was being repaired.
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