Intro duction CORBA addresses two challenges of devel- oping distributed systems: Object-Oriented Network 1. Making distributed application development no more Programming dicult than developing centralized programs { Easier said than done due to: . Partial failures Writing CORBA Applications . Impact of latency . Load balancing Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt . Event ordering [email protected] u 2. Providing an infrastructure to integrate application comp onents into a distributed system { i.e., CORBA is an \enabling technology" 1 2 General ORB structure CORBA Interface De nition op(args) IDL OBJECT Language CLIENT IMPL IDL OMG IDL is an object-oriented interface SKELETON de nition language DYNAMIC Used to sp ecify interfaces containing metho ds and IDL ORB OBJECT { INVOCATION ADAPTER STUBS INTERFACE attributes INTERRFACE OBJECT OMG IDL supp ort interface inheritance b oth sin- REQUEST BROKER { gle and multiple inheritance OMG IDL is designed to map onto multiple programming languages Note that an ORB is a logical set of ser- { e.g., C, C++, Smalltalk, COBOL, Mo dula 3, DCE, etc. vices, rather than just a particular pro cess or library 4 3 OMG IDL Compiler OMG IDL Features A OMG IDL compiler generates client stubs OMG IDL is a sup erset of a subset of C++ and server skeletons { Note, it is not a complete programming language, it only de nes interfaces Stubs and skeletons automate the following activities in conjunction with the ORB: { Client proxy factories OMG IDL supp orts the following features: { Parameter marshalling/demarshalling * modules * interfaces * metho ds { Implementation class interface generation * attributes * inheritance { Object registration and activation *arrays * sequence { Object lo cation and binding * struct, enum, union, typedef * consts * exceptions { Per-object/p er-pro cess lters 5 6 A Sample CORBA Application OMG IDL vs. C++ Client DATABASE App. 1: log() SERVER LOGGER 2: send Di erences from C++ Logger request Proxy Logger Object * No data memb ers * No p ointers * No constructors or destructors * No overloaded metho ds int data typ e *No SERVER rameter passing mo des * Contains pa CLIENT NETWORK * Unions require a tag yp e * String t PRINTER * Sequence typ e * Di erent exception interface * No templates * No control constructs Distributed logging facility 7 8 Server-side OMG IDL Sp eci cation De nes the interface of the Logger Behavior of the Distributed // IDL specific at io n Logging Facility interface Logger { // Types of logging message s enum Log_Prio ri ty { LOG_DEBUG , // Debuggi ng message s The logging server collects, formats, and LOG_WARNI NG , // Warning message s outputs logging records forwarded from ap- LOG_ERROR , // Errors LOG_EMERG // A panic conditi on , normally broadcas t plications residing throughout a network or }; internetwork exception Disconn ec te d {}; struct Log_Reco rd { Log_Prior it y type; // Type of logging record. long host_add r; // IP address of the sender. An application interacts with the server log- long time; // Time logging record generate d. long pid; // Process ID of app. generati ng the record. ger via a CORBA interface sequence< ch ar > msg_data ; // Logging record data. }; // Transmit a Log_Rec or d to the logging server void log in Log_Reco rd log_rec raises Disconn ec te d ; attribute boolean verbose ; // Use verbose formatti ng }; 10 9 Creating Server-side OMG IDL Mapping Rules Implementation s The CORBA sp eci cation de nes mappings from CORBA IDL to various programming Running the Logger interface de nition through languages the IDL compiler generates a client stub and a server skeleton { e.g., C++, C, Smalltalk { The client stub acts as a proxy and handles object binding and parameter marshalling Mapping OMG IDL to C++ { The server skeleton handles object registration, activation, and parameter demarshalling { Each interface is mapp ed to a nested C++ class { Each op eration is mapp ed to a C++ metho d with appropriate parameters CORBA de nes two techniques for gener- ating server skeletons: { Each read/write attribute is mapp ed to a pair of get/set metho ds 1. Inheritance-based implementations e.g., Orbix BOAImpl . A read-only attribute is only mapp ed to a single 2. Object comp osition-based implemenations e.g., get metho d Orbix TIE 12 11 Inheritance-bas ed Object Comp osition -b ased Implementation s Implementation s In Orbix, inheritance-based implementations are supp orted by the BOAImpl approach: In Orbix, object comp osition-based imple- mentations are supp orted by the TIE ap- { The drawback with this approach is that the imple- mentation must inherit from the generated skele- proach: ton // Note, there is no use of inheritance and class Logger_i // methods need not be virtual! // Note the use of inheritance from automatically class Logger_i // generated class LoggerBOAImpl { : public virtual LoggerBOAImpl public: { // Start with verbose mode enabled. public: Logger_i bool verb = true: verbose_ verb {} Logger_i bool verb: verbose_ verb {} void log const Log_Record &log_rec, virtual void log const Log_Record &log_rec, CORBA::Environment &; CORBA::Environment &; bool verbose void, virtual bool verbose void, CORBA::Environment &; CORBA::Environment &; void verbose bool enable, virtual void verbose bool enable, CORBA::Environment &; CORBA::Environment &; private: private: bool verbose_; bool verbose_; }; }; 13 14 Writing the Server-side Metho d De nitions Object Comp osition -b ased Implementati on s cont'd Using either the BOAImpl or the TIE ap- proach, a develop er then writes C++ de - Orbix provides a set of macros that tie the nitions for the metho ds in class Logger i: Logger interface together with the Logger i void Logger_i::log const Log_Record &log_rec, implementation CORBA::Environment & { // Formatting and outputting the contents DEF_TIE Logger, Logger_i; // of log_rec omitted... Logger_i *log = new Logger_i; } Logger *logger = new TIE Logger, Logger_i log; bool Logger_i::verbose void, CORBA::Environment &; { This scheme works by placing a p ointer to return this->verbose_; the implementation object within the TIE } class and then delegating metho d calls to void Logger_i::verbose bool enabled, the implementation object CORBA::Environment &; { this->verbose_ = enabled; } 16 15 Exception Handling Writing Main Server Program The preceeding example illustrated how CORBA The main program for the logging server uses C++ exception handling to propagate errors. lo oks like: { However, many C++ compilers don't supp ort ex- // Shared activation ceptions yet int main void { Therefore, CORBA implementations provide an { alternative mechanism for handling errors // BOAImpl instance. Logger_i logger ; // Shared activat io n int main void { try { // Start with verbose mode enabled // Will block forever waiting for incoming Logger_ i logger true; // invocations and dispatching method callbacks TRY { CORBA::Orbix.impl_is_ready "Logger"; // Will block forever waiting for incoming } catch ... { // invocati on s and dispatc hi ng method callback s cerr << "server failed\n"; CORBA:: Or bi x. im pl _is _r ea dy "logge r" , IT_X; return 1; } CATCHAN Y { cerr << "server failed due to " << IT_X << endl; } } ENDTRY; cout << "server terminating\n"; cout << "server terminat in g\ n" ; return 0; return 0; } } 18 17 Object Activation Generated Client-si de Stubs If the service isn't running when a client in- The OMG IDL compiler automatically gen- vokes a metho d on an object it manages, erates a client-side stub used to de ne \proxy the ORB will automatically start the service objects," e.g., typedef Logger *LoggerRef; // Generated by Orbix Services must be registered with the ORB, e.g., class Logger // Base class for all IDL interfaces... putit Logger /usr/svcs/Logger/logger.exe : public virtual CORBA::Object { public: Services may b e installed on any machine static Logger *_bind /* Many binding formats */; virtual void log const Log_Record &log_rec, CORBA::Environment &; virtual void verbose bool enabled, CORBA::Environment &; Clients may bind to a service by using a virtual bool verbose void, CORBA::Environment &; lo cation broker or by explicitly naming the }; server 20 19 Client-sid e Example A client programmer writes the following: Binding a Client to a Target int Object main void { LoggerRef logger; Steps for binding a client to a target object Log_Record log_rec; 1. A CORBA client requestor obtains an \object logger = Logger::_bind ; // Bind to any logger. reference" from a server // Initialize the log_record log_rec.type = Logger::LOG_DEBUG; { May use a name service or lo cator service log_rec.time = ::time 0; log_rec.host_addr = // ... 2. This object reference serves as a lo cal proxy for // ... the remote target object try { { Object references may b e passed as parameters logger->verbose false; // Disable verbose logging. to other remote objects logger->log log_rec; // Xmit logging record. } catch Logger::Disconnected { 3. The client may then invoke metho ds on its proxy cerr << "logger disconnected" << endl; } catch ... { /* ... */ } return 0; } 21 22 Summary CORBA helps to reduce the complexity of developing distributed applications { However, there are many hard issues remaining:: : Other OMG do cuments e.g., COSS sp ec- ify higher level { e.g., transactions, events, naming, security, etc. 23.
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