Accessories & Hardware Toggles Contents Rockers Part Number Page Pushbuttons AT001s .....................................................................Y4 AT100s .....................................................................Y6 Illuminated PB AT200s .....................................................................Y7 Programmable AT400s .....................................................................Y9 Keylocks AT500s ...................................................................Y14 AT600s ...................................................................Y17 Rotaries AT700s ...................................................................Y19 Slides AT2100s .................................................................Y19 AT3000s .................................................................Y20 Tactiles Tilt AT4000s .................................................................Y23 AT4100s .................................................................Y27 Touch AT9000s .................................................................Y34 Indicators Y Accessories Supplement Y2 www.nkk.com Accessories & Hardware Toggles Rockers Color Codes A Black F Green Pushbuttons B White G Blue C Red H Gray D Amber J Clear E S Illuminated PB Yellow Metallic Silver Programmable Hardware Threading Keylocks Many hardware pieces are available in both metric and inch threading, and in such cases M (metric) and H (inch) are noted in the descriptions. The customer must select threading by placing an M or H after the basic AT part number. If the Rotaries hardware is available only in metric or inch, no code is used in the description; threading is designated on the drawing. Slides Tactiles Tilt Touch Indicators Y Accessories Supplement www.nkk.com Y3 Accessories & Hardware * AT016 * AT019 * AT050 Toggles 16mm Hex Mounting Nut 19mm Hex Mounting Nut Knurled Nut AT010s~ Steel Brass with nickel plating Brass with nickel plating AT090s Series: CKM Series: CKL Series: SB40 Rockers M19 P1 M16 P1 15/32-32 NS (15.06) Dia .593 Pushbuttons (2.5) (3.4) .098 .134 (1.68) .066 (19.0) .748 (22.0) .866 * Available in Illuminated PB Americas only * AT055 AT056 AT056T * AT057 Programmable Crossover Guard Dress Cap Nut Threaded Through Dress Nut Mounting Nut Polypropylene Brass with chrome plating Brass with chrome plating Brass with zinc plating, Series: KB Series: M P S Series: M P S chromate finish Series: KB Keylocks (14.0) Dia (12.4) Dia .488 M12 P1 M12 P1 .551 (5.0) M12 P1 (14.0) (14.0) (16.0) Dia .196 (16.0) Dia .551 .551 .630 .630 (17.0) Rotaries .669 (14.0) Dia (4.27) (4.27) .551 .168 .168 Slides * AT062 * AT063 AT064-1 AT064-2 Tactiles .250” Wide Rocker Gasket Panel Frame for Rocker & Panel Frame for Rocker & Polyamide Nitrile butadiene rubber Paddle .365” Wide Paddle .365” Wide Colors: A B C Color: A Polyamide Polyamide Series: A Series: B Threaded Bushing Color: A Color: A Tilt Series: M Series: M (9.9) (2.3) (17.9) .390 .090 .705 (11.4) Touch .448 (6.2) (4.9) .244 .193 (1.3) .051 (15.62) (25.04) .986 (7.0) (6.9) (8.6) .615 .276 (14.73) .339 .580 .272 (6.35) (6.68) .250 .263 Indicators AT064-1 accommodates AT064-2 accommodates panel thickness panel thickness Y 1.2 ~ 2.3mm 1.57 ~ 3.18mm (.047 ~ .090”) (.062 ~ .125”) Accessories Color Codes: A Black B White C Red D Amber E Yellow F Green G Blue H Gray J Clear Supplement Y4 www.nkk.com Accessories & Hardware AT065-1 AT065-2 * AT066 * AT070 Panel Frame for Rocker & Panel Frame for Rocker & .300” Wide Rocker LED for AT208 Bezel Toggles Paddle .450” Wide Paddle .450” Wide Polyamide Colors: C F Polyamide Polyamide Color: A B C Series: EB M MB24 Color: A Color: A Series: A Series: M Series: M Rockers (5.08) Dia .200 (12.0) (2.3) .472 .090 (6.0) Dia (12.8) .236 .504 (7.7) .303 (11.4) .448 Pushbuttons (15.62) .615 (19.43) .765 (7.0) (+) .276 (15.2) (–) (6.68) (7.6) .600 .263 .300 Illuminated PB AT065-1 accommodates AT065-2 accommodates panel thickness panel thickness 1.2 ~ 2.3mm 1.57 ~ 3.18mm (.047 ~ .090”) (.062 ~ .125”) Programmable * AT073 * AT074 * AT075 Mounting Nut Mounting Nut for LB Panel Seal O-ring for LB Panel Seal Brass with nickel plating Brass with chromate Nitrile butadiene rubber Keylocks Series: HB Series: LB Series: LB Rotaries M22 P1 (22.0) Dia .866 (9.0) Dia .354 M8 P0.75 (5.5) (5.0) Slides .197 .217 (25.0) Dia .984 (25.0) Dia (0.5) .984 .020 Tactiles AT080 AT089 * AT092 Tilt Screw Adaptor for AT452 & AT454 O-ring for YB Panel Seal Knurled Mounting Nut Brass Nitrile butadiene rubber Glass fiber reinforced PBT Series: MB20 SCB Series: YB Series: YB YB2 Touch M16 P1 (2.4) (16.0) Dia .094 .630 (4.7) (11.0) .185 .433 Indicators (12.0) Dia (18.0) Dia (9.2) .472 .709 .362 (0.5) M3.5 P0.6 .020 (18.0) Dia .709 Y Accessories Color Codes: A Black B White C Red D Amber E Yellow F Green G Blue H Gray J Clear Supplement www.nkk.com Y5 Accessories & Hardware * AT094 * AT097 Toggles PC Adaptor JST Connector for OLED Rocker Holder: Polypropylene JST Part No. BM12B-SURS Spring: Spring steel with nickel plating PCB Mount PC Pins: Brass with nickel plating Series: SmartSwitch Series: DSA01 Rockers (13.0) .512 (34.93) 1.375 (2.0) (12.7) .079 .500 (11.8) .465 Pushbuttons (11.89) .468 (2.7) (0.78) Dia Typ .106 .031 (29.97) 1.180 Illuminated PB AT105 AT106 Cap Removal Tool Socket Wrench Programmable AT100s Stainless steel Aluminum with black alumite finish Series: HB KB LB UB YB Series: YB YB2 Keylocks (10.0) .394 Rotaries (0.5) .020 (60.0) 2.362 (16.0) Dia (1.0) .630 .039 (57.5) (18.0) Dia 2.264 Slides .709 (60.0) 2.362 Tactiles AT107 AT108 AT109 Lamp Extractor Socket Wrench Cap Extractor Polyvinyl chloride Aluminum with black alumite finish Stainless steel Tilt Series: KB LW MLW YB Series: KB Series: HB KB LB UB YB Touch (14.0) Dia (29.6) .551 1.165 (5.0) Dia .197 (10.0) .394 Indicators (3.8) Dia (20.0) .150 .787 (50.0) 1.97 (25.0) .954 (1.5) Y .059 Accessories Color Codes: A Black B White C Red D Amber E Yellow F Green G Blue H Gray J Clear Supplement Y6 www.nkk.com Accessories & Hardware AT110 AT111 AT112 Socket Wrench Lamping Tool Socket Wrench Toggles Brass Stainless steel Brass with nickel plating Series: HB Series: HB KB YB Series: LB Rockers (10.0) (10.0) (25.0) Dia .394 .394 .984 Pushbuttons (50.0) (50.0) 1.97 1.97 (50.0) 1.97 Illuminated PB AT201 AT202 AT204 ON-OFF Plate for ON-OFF Plate for Bezel AT200s 12mm Threaded Bushing 12mm Threaded Bushing Polycarbonate Programmable Brass with nickel plating Aluminum Colors: A B C D E F G H Series: M P S Colors: Red & black enamel Series: MLW Series: M P S Keylocks (27.0) 1.063 (50.0) (16.4) (17.2) Dia .646 .677 (28.0) Dia 1.969 (2.2) 1.102 .087 Rotaries (16.0) (12.1) Dia (12.2) Dia .630 .476 .480 (20.0) (8.0) .787 (0.5) .315 (25.5) .020 (0.8) 1.004 .031 Slides Tactiles AT206 AT207 AT208 Bezel Bezel Bezel for AT070 LED Polycarbonate Polycarbonate Polycarbonate Tilt Colors: A B C D E F G H Colors: A B C E F G H Color: A Series: LW Series: EB MB24 MB25 Series: EB M MB24 MB25 Touch (11.8) (2.2) (19.4) .465 (28.8) .764 (11.8) (19.0) .087 1.134 .465 .748 (13.5) .531 (2.6) .102 (2.2) .087 (12.0) .472 (12.0) Indicators (15.6) .472 (15.6) (30.2) (41.0) .614 .614 (24.0) 1.614 (21.5) 1.19 .846 .945 (5.4) Dia .213 Y Accessories Color Codes: A Black B White C Red D Amber E Yellow F Green G Blue H Gray J Clear Supplement www.nkk.com Y7 Accessories & Hardware AT209 AT210 AT211 AT212 Toggles ON-OFF Plate for 6mm ON-OFF Plate for 6mm ON-OFF Plate for 6mm Bezel for 2 AT617 LEDs Threaded Bushing Threaded Bushing Threaded Bushing Polycarbonate Brass with nickel plating Aluminum Aluminum Color: A Series: M P Colors: Red & black ink Colors: Red & black enamel Series: EB M MB24 MB25 Series: M P Series: M P Rockers (12.0) (10.0) Dia (18.0) Dia (10.0) Dia (18.0) Dia (10.0) .472 .394 .394 .710 (21.0) .394 .710 .827 (2.2) .087 Pushbuttons (7.8) .307 (6.1) Dia (6.1) Dia (6.1) Dia .240 .240 (11.8) (5.0) .240 (5.0) .465 (21.5) Sq .197 .197 (11.0) (8.0) .846 (0.5) (0.5) .433 .315 (3.0) Dia Typ .020 (0.5) .020 .020 .118 Illuminated PB AT213 AT214 AT215 Bezel for 2 AT618 LEDs ON-OFF Plate for 12mm ON-OFF Plate for 12mm Programmable Polycarbonate Threaded Bushing Threaded Bushing Color: A Aluminum Aluminum Series: EB M MB24 MB25 Colors: Red & black ink Colors: Red & black enamel Series: M P S Series: M P S Keylocks (10.0) (12.0) .394 .472 (17.2) Dia (35.0) .677 (28.0) Dia 1.378 Rotaries 1.102 (2.0) Typ .079 (2.2) .087 (7.8) .307 (12.1) Dia (11.8) (12.1) Dia .465 .476 .476 (8.0) (8.0) (21.0) (21.5) Sq (0.5) .315 .827 .315 (5.0) Typ .846 .020 Slides .197 (0.6) .024 Tactiles AT217 AT218 AT219 Barrier Barrier Barrier Polyamide Tilt Polyamide Polyamide Colors: A B H Colors: A B H Colors: A Series: JWM Series: JWL Series: JWS Touch (29.0) (25.0) 1.142 (19.5) .984 .768 (7.2) (8.15) (7.0) .283 .321 .276 Indicators (30.0) (24.0) (35.0) (20.5) .945 (22.2) 1.181 (27.2) .807 .874 1.071 1.378 Y Accessories Color Codes: A Black B White C Red D Amber E Yellow F Green G Blue H Gray J Clear Supplement Y8 www.nkk.com Accessories & Hardware AT401A/H/S Splashproof Boot Assembly AT401A for Oil Resistance Toggles AT400s Hex Nut Material & Finish: Boot Material: Black nitrile butadiene rubber Nickel plated brass O-ring Material: AT401H for Dust & Ozone Resistance Nitrile butadiene rubber Boot Material: Gray ethylene propylene rubber Series: M P S WT Rockers AT401S for Flexibility, Resilience, and Tensile Strength over Wide (16.0) Dia .630 Temperature Range (14.0) Dia .157 Boot Material: Black silicone rubber (10.0) .394 Pushbuttons (12.1) Dia (17.0) Dia .476 .669 (1.5) .059 For 12mm Bushings in M, P, S and WT Toggles (17.5) Dia M12 P1 .689 Boot Assembly Instructions 1.
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