PARISH COMMEMORATIVE BOOKS Parish Location Descr. Date Box St. Adalbert Chicago 100th 1974 32221.01 St. Adrian Chicago Dedication 1930 32221.01 St. Adrian Chicago 50th 1978 32221.01 St. Adrian Chicago 70th 1998 32221.01 St. Agnes 39th Street 50th 1927 32221.01 St. Agnes 39th Street 65th 1943 32221.01 St. Agnes 39th Street 75th 1953 32221.01 St. Agnes 39th Street 100th 1978 32221.01 St. Agnes 39th Street Dedication 1931 32221.01 St. Agnes 39th Street Mass 1991 32221.01 St. Agnes Chicago Hts. 50th 1948 32229.02 St. Agnes Chicago Hts. 100th 1991 32221.01 St. Ailbe Chicago 75th 1969 32221.02 St. Ailbe Chicago 90th 1984 32221.02 St. Ailbe Chicago 100th 1992 32221.02 St. Albert the Great Burbank 25th 1974 32229.02 St. Alexander Palos Hts. 25th 1984 32221.02 All Saints (Eng. & Lith.) S. State St. 50th 1956 32221.02 All Saints (Eng. & Lith.) S. State St. Dedication 1960 32221.02 All Saints Wallace Ave. 50th 1925 32221.02 All Saints Wallace Ave. 75th 1950 32221.02 All Saints-St. Anthony of Padua Wallace Ave. 100th 1974 32221.02 St. Aloysius (German) Wallace St. 25th 1909 32221.03 St. Aloysius Chicago 75th 1959 32221.03 St. Aloysius (Span. & Eng.) Chicago 100th 1984 32221.03 St. Aloysius Chicago 125th 2009 32229.01 St. Alphonsus Chicago 50th 1943 32221.03 St. Alphonsus Chicago 75th 1957 32221.03 St. Alphonsus Chicago 100th 1982 32221.03 St. Alphonsus Chicago Rel. Ord. Leaving 1999 32221.03 St. Alphonsus Liguori Prospect Hts. Tour n..d. 32228.06 St. Ambrose Chicago Directory 1976 32221.03 St. Ambrose Chicago 75th 1978 32221.03 St. Ambrose Chicago 85th 1988 32221.03 St. Anastasia Waukegan 50th 1976 32221.03 St. Andrew Chicago 100th 1994 32229.01 St. Andrew the Apostle Calumet City 100th(4) 1992 32228.07 St. Angela Chicago Dedication 1952 32221.03 St. Angela Chicago 50th 1966 32221.03 St. Ann Chicago 75th 1978 32221.04 St. Ann Chicago Heights 50th 1957 32221.04 St. Ann Chicago Heights Directory 1978 32221.04 St. Ann Chicago Heights 75th 1981 32221.04 St. Ann Chicago Heights 78th 1985 32221.04 St. Anne Barrington Dedication 1951 32221.04 St. Anne Barrington 100th 1984 32221.04 St. Anne Hazel Crest 25th 1974 32221.04 St. Anne Hazel Crest 50th 1999 32221.04 St. Anne Joliet (while part of Chicago) Dedication 1948 32221.04 Annunciata Chicago Dedication 1970 32221.04 Annunciata Chicago 50th 1991 32221.04 Annunciation Chicago 50th 1916 32221.04 Annunciation Chicago 100th 1966 32221.04 St. Anselm Chicago 100th 2009 32229.01 St. Ansgar Hanover Pk. 25th 1993 32221.04 St. Ansgar Hanover Pk. Brochure 1989 32221.04 St. Ansgar Hanover Pk. Brochure n.d. 32221.04 St. Anthony (Eng. & Lith.) Cicero 50th 1961 32221.04 St. Anthony (Eng. & Lith.) Cicero 75th 1986 32221.04 St. Anthony of Padua 28th Place 75th 1948 32221.04 St. Anthony of Padua Prairie Ave. Dedication 1961 32221.05 St. Anthony of Padua Prairie Ave. 75th 1978 32221.05 Ascension Oak Park Dedication 1930 32221.05 Ascension Oak Park Dedication 1954 32221.05 Ascension Oak Park 50th 1957 32221.05 Ascension Oak Park 50th 1979 32221.05 Ascension of Our Lord Evanston 50th 1962 32221.06 Ascension-St. Susanna Harvey 100th 1994 32221.06 Assumption B.V.M. (Eng. & Slovak) California Ave. 25th 1928 32221.06 Assumption B.V.M. (Eng., Slovak, & Spanish) California Ave. 75th 1977 32221.06 Assumption B.V.M. Illinois St. 75th 1956 32221.06 Assumption B.V.M. Illinois St. 100th 1981 32221.06 Assumption B.V.M. Marshfield Ave. Dedication 1965 32221.06 Assumption B.V.M Marshfield Ave. 75th 1975 32221.06 Assumption Coal City 100th 1989 32228.08 St. Athanasius Evanston Dedication 1937 32221.06 St. Athanasius School Evanston Dedication 1948 32221.06 St. Attracta Cicero Dedication 1963 32221.07 St. Attracta Cicero 75th 1977 32221.07 St. Augustine Chicago 50th 1936 32221.07 St. Augustine Chicago 75th 1954 32221.07 St. Augustine Chicago Dedication 1959 32221.07 St. Augustine Chicago 100th 1979 32221.07 St. Barbara Chicago 50th 1960 32221.07 St. Barbara Chicago 75th 1985 32221.07 St. Barbara Chicago 85th 1995 32221.07 St. Barbara Brookfield 25th 1937 32221.08 St. Barbara Brookfield Dedication 1970 32221.08 St. Barbara Brookfield 75th 1987 32221.08 St. Barnabas Chicago 25th 1949 32221.08 St. Bartholomew Chicago Dedication 1938 32221.08 St. Basil Chicago Int. Dec. 1935 32221.08 St. Basil Chicago 50th 1964 32221.08 St. Basil Chicago 75th 1979 32221.08 St. Basil Chicago History n.d. 32221.08 St. Bede Ingleside 25th 1953 32221.08 St. Bede Ingleside Dedication 1957 32221.08 St. Bede Ingleside 50th 1978 32221.08 St. Benedict Chicago 50th 1952 32221.08 St. Benedict Chicago 75th 1977 32221.08 St. Benedict Blue Island 75th 1936 32221.08 St. Benedict Blue Island Dedication 1970 32221.08 St. Bernard Chicago 50th 1937 32221.08 St. Bernard Chicago 100th 1987 32221.08 St. Bernardine Forest Park 25th 1936 32221.09 St. Bernardine Forest Park Dedication 1940 32221.09 St. Bernardine Forest Park Dedication 1954 32221.09 St. Bernardine Forest Park 50th 1961 32221.09 St. Blase Argo Dedication 1963 32221.09 Blessed Agnes of Bohemia (Czech) Chicago 25th 1929 32221.09 Blessed Agnes of Bohemia Chicago 50th 1954 32221.09 Blessed Agnes of Bohemia Chicago 75th 1979 32221.09 Blessed Sacrament Chicago Dedication 1938 32221.09 Blessed Sacrament Chicago 50th 1940 32221.09 Blessed Sacrament Chicago History 1947 32229.03 Blessed Sacrament Chicago 60th 1965 32221.09 Blessed Sacrament Chicago 85th 1976 32221.09 St. Bonaventure Chicago 50th 1962 32221.09 St. Bonaventure Chicago 75th (2) 1986 32221.09 St. Boniface Chicago History 1926 32222.01 St. Boniface Chicago 75th 1940 32222.01 St. Boniface Youth Center Chicago Grand Opening 1949 32228.08 St. Boniface Chicago 100th 1964 32222.01 St. Boniface Chicago 115th 1979 32222.01 St. Boniface Monee 109th 1977 32228.08 St. Brendan Chicago 75th 1965 32222.01 St. Brendan Chicago 95th 1985 32222.01 St. Bride Chicago 95th 1989 32222.01 St. Bride Chicago 100th 1993 32222.01 St. Bridget Chicago 75th 1925 32222.01 St. Bridget Chicago 125th 1975 32222.01 St. Bronislava Chicago 50th 1978 32222.01 St. Bronislava Chicago 60th 1988 32222.01 St. Bruno Chicago 50th 1975 32222.01 St. Cajetan Chicago 25th 1961 32222.01 St. Callistus School Chicago Dedication 1955 32228.08 St. Callistus Chicago 50th 1969 32222.02 St. Callistus Chicago 25th 1979 32222.02 St. Camillus Chicago 50th 1971 32222.02 St. Casimir (Polish) Chicago 50th 1940 32222.02 St. Casimir (Eng. & Pol.) Chicago 75th 1965 32222.02 St. Catherine of Alexandria Chicago 30th 1987 32222.02 St. Catherine of Alexandria Chicago History 1988 32222.02 St. Catherine of Alexandria Chicago 50th 2007 32229.03 St. Catherine Laboure Glenview 25th 1985 32222.02 St. Catherine of Siena Oak Park Dedication 1934 32222.02 St. Catherine of Siena Oak Park 50th 1939 32222.02 St. Catherine of Siena Oak Park 75th 1964 32222.02 St. Catherine-St. Lucy Oak Park 100th 1989 32222.02 St. Cecilia Chicago 50th 1935 32222.02 St. Celestine Elmwood Park 25th 1955 32222.03 St. Celestine Elmwood Park Dedication 1971 32222.03 St. Celestine Elmwood Park 50th 1980 32222.03 St. Charles Borromeo Chicago 25th 1910 32222.03 St. Charles Borromeo Chicago 50th 1935 32222.03 St. Charles Borromeo Chicago 75th 1960 32222.03 St. Charles Borromeo Melrose Park 50th 1993 32222.03 Christ the King Chicago Dedication 1955 32222.03 Christ the King Chicago 25th 1961 32222.03 Christ the Redeemer (Byzantine Rite) Chicago 10th 1965 32222.03 Christ the Redeemer (Byzantine Rite) Chicago History 1975 32222.03 St. Christina Chicago Dedication 1956 32222.03 St. Christina Chicago 50th 1977 32222.03 St. Christopher Midlothian 50th 1962 32222.03 St. Clara Chicago 50th 1944 32222.04 St. Clare of Montefalco Chicago 75th 1991 32222.04 St. Clement Chicago 75th 1980 32222.04 St. Cletus La Grange 25th 1976 32222.04 St. Cletus La Grange Calendar 1984 32222.04 St. Clotilde Chicago 47th 1976 32222.04 St. Colette Rolling Meadows 40th 1997 32222.04 St. Columba (partial) Chicago 75th 1959 32222.04 St. Columba Chicago 100th 1984 32222.04 St. Columba Chicago Directory 1984 32228.06 St. Columbanus Chicago 75th 1984 32222.04 St. Constance (Eng. & Pol.) Chicago 50th 1966 32222.04 St. Constance Chicago Dedication 1970 32222.04 St. Constance Chicago 65th 1981 32222.04 St. Cornelius Chicago 50th 1975 32222.04 Corpus Christi Chicago Dedication 1916 32228.07 Corpus Christi Chicago 75th 1977 32222.04 St. Cyprian River Grove 50th (2) 1977 32222.04 Sts. Cyril & Methodius (Czech) Hermitage Ave. 25th 1917 32222.05 Sts. Cyril & Methodius Hermitage Ave. History 1976 32222.05 Sts. Cyril & Methodius Lemont 75th 1959 32229.01 Sts. Cyril & Methodius Lemont 100th 1984 32222.05 St. Daniel the Prophet Chicago Dedication 1955 32222.05 St. Daniel the Prophet Chicago 25th 1972 32222.05 St. Daniel the Prophet Chicago 40th 1987 32222.05 St. David Chicago 75th 1979 32222.05 St. Denis Chicago Dedication 1966 32222.05 St. Denis Chicago 25th 1976 32222.05 St. Denis Chicago 40th/Directory 1991 32228.08 St. Dennis Lockport 150th 1996 32228.08 St. Dionysius Cicero 50th 1940 32222.05 St. Dionysius Cicero 75th 1964 32222.05 St. Dionysius Cicero 100th 1989 32222.05 St. Dionysius Cicero Prayer 1989 32222.05 St. Dismas Waukegan 25th 1988 32222.06 Divine Infant Westchester Dedication 1952 32222.06 St. Dominic, Casia Club Chicago Souvenir 1948 32229.04 St. Domitilla Hillside 50th 1970 32222.06 St. Domitilla Hillside 55th 1975 32222.06 St.
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