SECTION ONE REGISTER SECTION ONE yOLUME LXIV, NO. 31. RED BANK, N. I, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 14 . Card Party And Benedictine Monks Cafeteria Serving Dance To Benefit Lower Red Bank Budget AverageOf 50 Pupils Welfare Fund Acquire Large Estate .- • v To Be Introduced Monday; Evening Group "L'ongview Farm" Sold Through 'Junior-Senior P;T. A. Operates Events Friday Night Joseph G. McCue Of Rumson '' Lunchroom At Junior High School and January 21 May Omit Regatta Funds One of the largest farm estates in The now cafeteria lor gtnior and pupils eager to eat at the new cafe- Two social events for welfare work teria. Pupils carry trays acrosa tho Holmdel township, has recently been junior high fobool pupils began lta of the evening group of the Red Demand Guard For sold to the Benedictine Monastery, second week of operation Monday, hall to a small lunchroom, or eat at Bank Woman's dub will be held this Cut of About $17,000 directed and sponsored by the Jun- tables In the sewing room next to Inc., by the Joseph Q. McCue Agency month.. The first, a card party, will of Rumaon. The property, embracing WilliamHMintehnann loWJenlor Parent-Teaoher associa- the kitchen. At present only between be held tomorrow night at the club- Patterson Avenue •~"y - ' Expected to Be Made tion. The n»F lunchroom 1B located ISO and 60 pupils may be served house, and the second a semi-formal 100 acres, belonged to Edward De- In the domestlo science rooms, of the until provisions are made for larger dance, Saturday, January 31. Luca of jlew York, and is situated in Amount to Be Raised junior high school, and an average quarters, The president and com- Mrs.JWa.lter HJDqhrn is chairman Track Crossing on the Centorvllle-Holmdel road, north- of -the Telegraph Jlill Farm es- Sells Three Large Estates j>t tO puplla a day are served." mittee memberg -Tfere of the opinion of the card parly. Assistants Include by-Taxation —- - - The cafeteria was established at a. that a special seating arrangement Mrs. "William'O. BherwoodrMrs. H. tate of David A: Schulte, chain store oosfof more than »100 to the P. T. might be perfected for in the sewing Salton Hall, Mrs. Franklyn Gray, ShrewsburyExpects magnate. A., which obtained the money from room, and thus they could enlarge' Mrs. Irwin D. Campbell, Mrs. Burton The property U known as "Long- . Two In Middletown Township it) student welfare fund, New dishes, on their service. Moore, Mrs. Harold 3. Dowstra, Mrs. Action in View of view Farm," due to the expansive, silverware and cooking utensils were The pupils when questioned on Albert S. Dlelman, Mrs. James view It commands ot Sandy Hook , And One In Shrewsbury Borough Fate of Sweepstakes purchased -by the - association..• with how theyJike the new "cats" all re- Humphreys, Mrs. Mvall. Slngdahlsen, Recent Tragedy bay, Rarltan Bay and tho downtown no outold0 financial help. Lunoheon plied with ah enthusiastic "good." Miss Evelyn Porter and Miss Vir- area of New York city. It is part is.served by P. T. A. mothers, who Those who were unable to be served ginia Chancy. By unanimous vote of the Shrews- of a tract of over 1,000 acres owned Melvln Ford of New York city with his country home. Regatta Undecided volunteer their services. showed disappointment on their The'dance will be held at Old bury mayor and council Thursday by the late Senator William H. Hen- has purchased from the Chase Na- Gustave W. Gehin of Newark has Through. the assistance of the faces. The cafeteria Is run on a Orchard Country club, Eatontown. night, a resolution was adopted de- drickaon, and grandfather of Miss tional bank of New York city, as sold his Navesink River road prop- Farm Commodities bureau, spon- strictly "flret come, first served Mrs. Edward Leddy, chairman, will manding that a guard or a flasher May Hondrickson, who was born on trustee, . the property situated on erty to Mrs. George M, Bodman. sored by the Federal government, basks." Pupils of both the senior and be assisted by Mrs. Donald Needham, the farm and now resides on Leroy the northeast corner of Sycamore The property ha» a frontage on Red Bank will have a lower local signal light be placed at the Central budget this year, with a correspond- the association has been given var- junior high schools are given an op- Mrs. Robert Cadman, Mrs. Philip T. railroad track crossing on* Patterson place, Red Bank. , avenue and Buttonwood Innc, in the Navesink River road' of approxi- ious, kinds oMrult Juice .and. fresh portunity to' secure luncheon tickets Smith, Mrs—Herbert-P. • Schaeffer, ,The.original .farm house was erect- borough ot Shrewsbury. -_.. mately 700 feet, and is bounded on ing reduction in.the local tax'-rate. It- avenue,~where Miss Viola Gorsegner was indicated this week as the may- fruit to'serve free to the children. at recess from either Mr. Sieber or Mrs. R. Theodore Blxlor, Mrs.'Rob- of River Plaza was killed Saturday, od By Senator Hcndrickson's heirs, The property has a frontage on the west by McClees creek and The bureau also, furnishes ' butter £trs. Crandall at a central location in ert Marvin, Mrs. Sherwood and Miss who' came to Monmouth county in Sycamore avenue of 70 feet and a "Woodland, Farm," the estate ,of or and council began the task of eaclw building. After they secure January 10, when her automobile putting Into final shape Its 1042 finan- and eggs for use in cooking. The Chasey. skidded into the path of a train. the early part of the 17th Century. frontage on Buttonwood lane of 332 Amory L. Haskell. On the^east it average meal costs a student be- their tickets they list their prefer- feet. It contains about one-half Is bounded by other land of Mrs. cial program for presentation at an ~l Mayor Alfred N. Beadlestori said This was replaced in 1864 by a large adjourned meeting' Monday night. tweoen ten and IS eentv with 15 ences for the day's menu and lunch residence, and Was rebuilt in 1928 by acre. Bodman, and the country estate of is prepared according to these slips the railroad-in previous years had Slashing here and cutting there) cent* as top prloe. Ignored requests by the borough Mr. DeLuCa's father, when he ac- The residence, which is of frame Mrs. Wilbur Ruthrauff. On the The menu, which has.moat of Its which Indicate. ih«: dishes in ' Lewis Hay Estate quired the place In 1928. construction, contains four master north it is bounded by Cooper road. and scraping and scrimping when- mand. • council to provide oomo protection ever possible, the borough officials dishes priced at five cents easb, con- at the crossing. "It may be putting All the timbers were hewn from bedrooms, two maids' bedrooms, two The property comprises 58 acres of sist* of fruit Juices, hot chocolate baths, reception hall, living room, farm and pasture land, and wood- have been able to effect a reduction Mothers who plan the menus are Of Eight Acres the cart before the horse,»but In the woods on the property, wal|a brick of approximately $17,000 In the and cookies, vegetable soup, spaghet- onrolled In a special nutrition course light of the most recent tragedy, I filled, 12-foot ceilings, beams pegged dining room, butler'a pantry and land and the improvements include ti with cheese and tomato sauce, a fine old colonial farm house built amount to be raised by taxation. The for P. T. A. members, and they ar- feel that we may get some action," together, and It required two years to kitchen. It is equipped with oil- Register has learned from author-; white bread and butter sandwiches range the meals, with the idea of Sold At Rumson build it. It now consists of twelve burning heat. There is a two-car In 1763. and milk. The milk costs . three said the mayor. itatlve sources. Whereas the amount giving the biggest vitamin value for spacious rooms, four tiled baths, tiled garage on the premises. This farm house contains four in question lost year was $170,000, the* cents a bottle. the smallest amount of money. At "The railroad haa. a. checking sys- Mr. and Mrs. Ford expect to oc- bedrooms, three baths, living room, ter whereby it decides which cross- kitchen and pantry, and hot water item for 1942 may be trimmed to Luncheon is served typical care- time goes on the committee plans to "Fairylea" Bought by heating system. In addition there is cupy the property as their perma- dining room and kitchen. Other $156,000. n enlarge the menu and they also hopo Ings should have signal lights and nent home, buildings on the property Include a terla, style,'with each pupil receiv- which should have guards. This sys- a large garage with Improved apart- The borough fathers are serlouslj* ing his tray and silverware wrapped to enlarge or r^-arrango the kitchen Mrs. Violet Glemby, ment above, stable and poultry J. Howard Smith, Inc., has pur- farm barn, garage, corn crib and and lunchroom faoillties. tem is the most outrageous thing I considering tho omission of the eustl in M. napkin, Through the co-opera- 'houses. chased a tract of farm land com- several poultry * houses. There are omary appropriation of $3,600 for the) tion of Mrs, Ada A. Crandall, junior Members of the general organiza- Present Occupant have ever heard of. There Is more prising 51 acres, from Mrs.
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