ROG,CK *w* OORA BERGENS MUSEUM HYDROGRAPHICAL UNO BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN NORWEGIAN FIORDS By 0. NORDGAARD THE PROTEST PLANKTON AND THE DIATOMS IN BOTTOM SAMPLES BY E. J0RGENSEN WITH 21 PLATES AND 10 FIGURES IN THE TEXT BERGEN JOHN GRIEG 1905 a- I MARY DORA ROGICK III. BOTTOM-LIFE. NOTES. taken. So that When dredgings have been made, soundings, both at the start and finish of the haul, have generally been in. where the was thrown when, for instance, 0xsund 450—630 in. is noted, it is to be understood that the depth was 630 dredge out. and 450 m. where the dredging was ended. A. Results of Dredgings. a. Dredging stations. 1899—1900. Temperature Salinity of Dept in of the bottom the bottom Nr. liiii- Name Nature of the bottom Remarks metres layer layer C° °/oo 1899 13 1 /2 Heiiningsvaistionimen 20—40 1.75 33.42 2 Liland, Ostnestjorcl 30—40 3 Langstrand— 50—70 4 Skroven Guldbrandsoerne . 5 Brettesnes — Skroven 350—410 6.3 6 Mouth of Kaftsund 250 31 II I 7 At I >igermulen 100—150 1T 8 2 Oxsund 450—030 6.3 18 SI /o Sagfjord 200 6.4 1(1 I- Mortsund I 230 6.6 11 Mortsund II 12 Btortsund III 100-120 13 Moskenstremmen I 204 6.6 14 Moskenstrommen II 150 5.o 15 ":< Kirkf jord I 108-130 2.7 16 Kirkfjord II 50 2.5 17 Kirkfjord III 70—80 18 Kirkfjord IV 30—50 I l :,i i 19 3 Eeine 6.7 20 % Ure I 230 6.8 21 Henningsvaer I 140 6.2 22 "V. Risvserflaket 150—180 1.6 23 Ogsfjord I 100 2.1 24 Tranodybet 450—530 6.3 25 Tranedybet 607—640 6.3 26 Kanstadfjord, inside the ridge 30—90 1.6 27 Kanstadfjord, outside the ridge 95 4.4 28 Etesthavet 350—500 4.05 24 29 /3 Rast [ 120 4.25 30 Rest II 100 4.85 31 Rust II 150 6.7 32 "/. Tysfjord I 500 6.3 7 33 4 Stene 120—200 6.G 34 Reine 100 4.5 35 Moskenstiommen 90 4.i 3H Gaukvsera 250 5.2 37 Malangenfjord 380 4.i 38 Malangen II 100—200 39 Malangen III 200 3.7 40 „ Stannesbotn 40—80 41 in Kvsenangen II 90 0.75 42 Jokelfjord I 110 1.0 43 Jekelfjord II 80 44 Jekelfjord III 110 1.4 45 Kvaenangen 300—343 2.3 40 Ingohavet 270—315 3.45 47 Troldfjordsund 30—40 48 Breisund 100 1.7 -' ; 19 4 Repvaag harbour 10 50 4 Porsangerfjord 200 0.2 51 Porsangerfjord 70 52 Porsangerfjord 30—50 53 Lyngenfjord II 250 2.85 54 320 3.65 19(10 2.1 fjord I 20—30 56 i Sstnesfjord II 57 0stnesfjord III 58 26/ Balstad 150—180 59 Landego 400 6.2 35.13 60 Arna 300—400 6.55 35.18 HI Sund harbour 62 Morsdalfjord is. Beierfjord) 50—150 L56 0. Nordgaard. Nr. Bottom-Life. 157 Eudendrium insigne, Hincks. Campanularia johnstoni, Alder. Moskenstrommen. Only collected on the Norwegian coast in Balstad (1897); Hammerfest (1894); Mehavn (1894). Moskenstrommen. Campanularia hincksi, Alder. Am, max. Eudendrium tenellum, lialstad (1897). Moskenstrommen. Campanularia calyculata, Hincks. The North Cape (1894); Nordkyn (1894). Halecium halecinum, Lin. Campanularia volubilis, Lin. Napstrommen (1896); the North Cape (1894). Moskenstrommen; Balstad (1897). Halecium labrosum, Alder. Campanularia syringa, Lin. Moskenstrommen; the North Cape (1894). Balstad (1897 Halecium tortile, Bonn. Sertularella polyzonias, Lin. Balstad (1897). Up to the present, only known from Balstad North Hammerfest (1X94); Breisund, loom.; The Cape (1894) ; (Lofoten). Nordkyn (1894). Halecium senium. Clabk. Sertularella tricuspidata, Alder. The North Cape (1S94); Nordkyn (1894). Moskenstrommen; Hammerfest (1894); Ingohavet, 300 in.; Brei- Norman. Halecium sessile, sund; The North Cape (1894). The North Cape (1894). Dynamena pumila, Lin. Halecium schneidcri, Bonn. Malangen. Nordkyn (1894). Dynamena tamarisca, Lin. Hassal. Lafoea serpens, Moskenstrommen; Svolvaer (1894); Hammerfest (1894). The Ingo Sea, 300 m.; Nordkyn (1894). Thuiaria abietina, Lin. Lafoea abietina, M. Sabs. Moskenstrommen; Hammerfest (1894); Nordkyn (1894). Moskenstrommen; Balstad (isu7); The [ngo Sea, 300 m.; The Thuiaria argentea, Ell. & Sol. North Cape (1894). The North Cape (1894). Lafoea gracillima, Alder. Tint ito-ia filicula, Ell. & Sol. Balstad (1897); The Ingo Sea, 300 m.; Malangen 100—200 in. Balstad (1897); Breisund, 100 m.; The North Cape (1894); Flemming. Lafoea dumosa, Nordkyn (1894): Mehavn (1S94). Hammerfest (1894). Thuiaria articulata, Pall. Lafoea fruticosa, M. Sars. Malangen. 100—200 m. Moskenstrommen; Balstad (1897); Malangen, 100—200 m.; Thuiaria thuja, Lin. Hammerfest (1S94); Svserholt (1*94): The Porsanger Fiord, 200 m. Svolvaer (1894); Breisund, 100 m.; The North Cape (1894). Lafoea symmetrica, Bonn. Hydrattmania falcata, Lin. The Ingo Sea, 300 m. This species has been found, in addition Svolvaer The Kanstad Fiord. 20—90 m. to the place here mentioned, at station 313 (The Norw. North. (1894); Atl. Exp.). Aglaophenia integra, (i. 0. Saks. Campanularia verticulata, Lin. IiiL'oliavet. 300 m. Malangen. 100—200 m.; Hammerfest (1894); The North Cape Aglaophenia pourtalesi, Verrill. (1894); The Porsanger Fiord: Nordkyn. Ingohavet, 300 m. The previously known distribution extended Fiord. Campanularia geniculaia, Mull. from Espevaer to the Trondhjem Svolvter (1894); The North Cape (1894); Nordkyn (1894). Antennularia antennina, Lin. ( 1 89 1 1 Breisund. Campanularia dichotoma, Lin. Hammerfefct ; The North Cape (1894). Campanularia hyalina, Hincks Papers about hydroids: Kkistinf. Bonnevie, llydroida. The Balstad (1897); The Porsanger Fiord. 200 m. Up to this time, Norw. North Atl. Exp. a list of the most northerly known limit was The Trondhjem Fiord. On p. 98 et seq. of this work will be found complete papers. 158 0. Noi-dgaard. to 1 Scyphozoa. According Grieg ), this species was known from the Kristiania Fiord to the Trondhjem Fiord. Its northern limit is now Lucernaria quadrieornis, Mull. the Vest Fiord. Hammerfest (1894); Mehavn (1894); The Skjerstad Fiord. detailed 1 Cladiseus gracilis, Dan. & Kor. M. Sars has given a description of this animal. ) He The notes the following places where it has been found: Glesvser, Skjerstad Fiord. 230 m. Okieg Solsvik. Floro. Kinn. all of these being on the Bergen coast. My mentions that the type-specimen was from Slotholmen in Nordland c. IS). The locality in the Skjerstad Fiord (S. XVI) lies just inside Saltstrommen. (1. p. species has also been caught in the Fiord V. Here several specimens of Lucernaria were found on algae at a Trondhjem by Sturm. depth of from in — 20 m. Zoantharia. Anthozoa. James A. Grieg determ. Remarks by the author. Alcyonaria. Uloeyathus areticus, M. Sars. James A. Grieg detenu. Remarks by tke author. The Salten Fiord. 320 m.; Landego, 400 m.; The Folden Fiord, Alcyonium digitatum, Lin. 530 in.; Oxsund, 000 m.; The Sag Fiord, 200 in.; Mortsund, 200 250 m.; 150 The Skjerstad Fiord (S. X), 10—30 m. The locality in the m.; TTre, Koine, m.; The Lyngen Fiord. 300 m. his in the Skjerstad Fiord is the northern limit for this species as far as is During expedition summer of 1849, Michael Ssrs now known. Its distribution, according to Dr. Walter May. is found this peculiar species in the Ox Fiord, and in the account 5 routined to a short was of it. Later it was Norway and Finland. ) description given on, thoroughly described.-) A contribution respecting its anatomy has been made Paraspongcdes fruticosa, M. Saks. Miss 3 by Emily Arnesen. ) The Austro-Hungarian expedition collected The Skjerstad Fiord (S. Ill), 230 m.; the sea NW of Rost, this species at two stations in the Murman Sea. (183 m., 230 m.). 700 m. The ; Porsanger Fiord, 200 m. Pall. The species is common in the Arctic Sea. Lophohelia prolifera, Tnmodybet. 450—530 m.; The Tys Fiord (T. I), 500 in. rosea, Dan. & Kor. Paraspongodes This species was seen in large quantities especially at the place SO m. Balstad, last mentioned. The Ln^linltrl'iit-yy^'i al the mouth of the Tys Fiord is, as far as I know, the most northerly which has hitherto been Paramuricea placomtcs, Lin. observed. Later on in this treatice, 1 will refer somewhat more 300—400 m. Arno, in detail to this interesting formation. The species has not. up the present, been found north of this place. In „Beretning om en zoologisk Reise (1849)" M. Saks mentions the following animals belonging to this group: Primnoa Aetlniaria. Lin., from the Ox Fiord and and Para- lepadifera, Hammerfest, Dr. Carlgren, Stockholm, determ. Remarks by the author. gorgia arborea, Lin. from the 0x Fiord. The last mentioned species has been taken at two stations (183 — 260 m.), in the Murman Sea Protanthea simjjtez, Carlgr. the 3 by Austro-Hungarian Expedition. ) The Tys Fiord (T. I) 500 m. On Lophohelia prolifera, Pall. Carlgren says, in a written communication to me. that Pro- Tsidella hipjjuris, Gunnerus. tanthea is only found in Bohuslen and on the Norwegian coast. The Fiord. 200 in.: 607—640 m.; Oxsund, Sag Tranodyhet, The distribution of this species hitherto known is Bohuslen —Lofoten. odd m.; Brettesnes-Skroven, 350—400 m. Edwardsia Dan. Sturm has caught tills species in the Trondhjem Fiord, accord- andresi, 4 to Grieg and it ing ), Gunnerus mentions from Smolen. Under the, The Lyngen Fiord (L. Ill), 300 m.; The Skjerstad Fiord. 5 name of borealis it is described Mopsea fully by G. 0. Sars ) from 320 m. specimens caugth at the fishing station Skroven in Lofoten. It was caught by the Norw. North Atl. Exp. at St. 253 (The 4 Skjerstad Fiord. 481 m.). ) Pennatula aculeata, Dan. & Kor. At Risvser (Lofoten), 150—180 m. Paraedwardsiu arenarea, Carlge. nov. gen. nov. sp. The Skjerstad Fiord, 320 m. Kophobelemnon stelliferum, < ». F. Mull.
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