\ i ■ I ! ' OPENIN I I Jesse Turner I READ THE MID-WEEK EDITION NEWS c Files Action To WHILE IT IS NEWS \.U. ONLY FIRST F3 6 Cents Gain Full Use \i. IN YOUR * Jesse Turner, cashier at the Trl- MEMPHIS WORLD State Bank of Memphis, has filed PER COPY suit in Federal Court asking that J O U a. N & I Negroes be permitted to use all-pub­ lic library facilities in Memphis. VOLUME 28, NUMBER 17 Jesse Cunningham and the direc­ MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1958 tors of the Memphis Public Libary PRICE SIX CENTS were named defendents. Mr. Tur­ ner said that on June 17, 1957. he was denied use of library facititles at the main library at Peabody and <-•' ---------- --- McLean because of his color.. I Ï&K. Attached sto the complaint is a < -'I letter that Wassell Randolph, li­ wk .. brary president, sent to Mr. Turner’s WM attorney. Atty H. T. Lockard an Oct. 2. 1957, in which Mr. Turner's ■ ’v ■ request to use the main Ubrary’jvaa Wk denied . There is no city or state law re­ Speculate Ouster quiring segregation in public 11- ¿ ; bfarles-policy and custom only, the State Board To suit states. Mr. Lockard said that the NAACP For Son Of Henry i Is financing Mr. Turner’s case, and he is being assisted by Atty. Rus­ sell B. Sugarmon, Jr., and Atty. A. W. Willis. When filing the suit the Cabot Lodge, Jr. local attorneys made this state­ ¥ BY LOUIS LAUTIER ment: WASHINGTON, D. C. (NNPA) — “The necessity of filing any suit MSU 'Pioneers' Informed sources kept mum Fri­ of this type is regrettalbe. And in' Ci, day on the report that J. Ernest & this case, It Is extremely unfortun­ The State Board of Education ber of 1957 that Memphis State S3 Wilkins, a "Little Cabinet”jnember, ate. that court action has been made will meet in special session at is being ousted from his Govern­ necessary by the uncompromising Nashville tomorrow (Wednesday) houid cease bar­ t . ment jobs to make way for George attitude of the library board and to decide whether or riot eight ring students be­ C. Lodge, the son of Ambassador MR. JESSE TURNER ' Mr. Cunningham, the librarian. Memphis Negro students who pass­ cause of their race Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., the Unit­ FILES LIBRARY SUIT OPPORTUNITY CITED ed Memphis . State University’s and admit “all i ■t. ed States Permanent Representa­ “Equal use of the library facltitl- screening examination will be al­ lualifled appli­ I tive at the United Nations. tlcs In Memphis certainly would lowed to attend the school this fall. cants.” However, Rumors have persisted for some­ not result in creation of racial ten­ i recent moie by II , time that. Secretary of Labor James sions or. animosities, and we feel The eight students who passed Jack Millard a P. Mitchell was planning to dump Gl's that the library board has missed the test are James Williams, (pic­ Smith, president 1 -V Mr; Wilkins, who Is the first color­ an outstanding opportunity to pro-, tured) graduate of Manassas High at the university, ed person to hold a “Little Cabinet” mote progess in race relations In Schopl; Theodore Boga and Edward would continue to position since the administration of our city." . Smith of Melrose; Sammle Burnett prevent the ad­ William Howard Taft. In 1011 the Discrimination Mr. Randolph wrote Mr. Lockard of Booker T. Washington; Ralph mission of tlie late William H. Lewis of Boston that "for almost 100 years Mem­ Prater and Eleanor Gandy of Doug­ students. Presi- served as an Assistant Attorney phians of all races have Uved-to- lass: and baVern Kneeland and 5, General. gether In growing peace and har­ ident Smith ask­ In Newfoundland Harriet Robby of Hamilton. Ac­ ed the Board two a Mr. Wilkins has been ill. At the mony. .. sadly, recent events have cording to reliable sources, they ■weeks ago to bar meeting last spring of the Interna­ ' STEPHENVILLE, .NEWFOUND­ opened wounds which we thought passed the test with “flying colors.” J. WILLIAMS tional Labor Organization, Mr. Mit­ LAND , (ANP)—The commander of were healed... .the library directors Negro applicants until the fall of «8 chell exercised his prerogative and Board officials voted In Novern- 1 a U. S. Air Force base here has' are unwilling to Increase the ten­ 1959. “Considerable trouble and replaced Mr. Wilkins as the aid of warned he will deal swiftly and se­ sion or widen the breach now so even violence might occur if they J ». O -, the American Government delega­ verely with any' discrimination painfully apparent” by permitting (the Negro students) are admitted.” tion. against Negro servicemen, "it was Turner to use the library facilities: the president said. As the Assistant Secretary of la­ announced this week. The president stated that library “TENSION" IS BLAMED LEADERS OF THE 74TH ANNUAL SESSION OF bor in charge of International af­ directors have designated the Vance Fisk Gets Two At Rev. Owen's right is Mrs. Bertha Estes, Presi­ The edict came following com­ President Smith allegedly based WEST TENNESSEE BAPTIST MISSIONARY AND fairs. Mr. Wilkins has headed the Avenue library as headquarters for” his appeal for delay on “tension dent of the Women's Auxiliary Convention and plaints from Negro personnel of EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION ARE SEEN IN delegation discrimination and prejudice on Hie distribution of books to Negroes, that has mounted because of the the Rev. A. McEwen Williams, Director and pas­ and that records of that library do FRONT OF ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH where TRIPARTITE ORGANIZATION base in this town of 3,750. Science Professors Little. Rock Integration dispute., the Col. Leon E. Bell issued a mem- not show that Turner has sought a unsuccessful attempt to get Mem­ the week-long meeting was held//Ihe Reverend tor of St. John who served' os Host Pastor, is The International Labor • Organ­ library card there. NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A new ization is a tripartite or^aDizaTloh oiiftndum- to“thisj effect-, am look­ phis buses and libraries' Integrated, S. A. Owen, Moderator of the Association and seen on the extreme right side on the front. plant engineer and two science pro­ and statements made about inte­ representing 70 countries. It Is the ing into this matter and -should I fessors were among the appoint­ gration during the recent political Vice President of the National Baptist Cohven- Others seen on the picture are leaders of the only international organization in find that any member of the rrtili- N. Y. Solon Wants ments announced this week by Dr campaigns.” , tion, is seen the fifth from the left on the front. which the government«, the employ­ tary has used these factors to the ’»• I ' Stephen J. Wright, president^ of Training Courses given last week. ers and the workers of the 70 coun­ detriment of any other member of Fisk University. -lan. convinced.” the president tries are members .’and m^et to­ the military establishment I ^Ti&ll National Lottery i.--- told the Board, “that the proposal gether/ s take' etlWoprlat» action in the mat­ Dr. Edward L.. Maxwell will join of integration is not'.acceptable to The presence of Mr. Wilkins at ter.”-’; " ■ I WASHINGTON (UPI)—Rep. the faculty as.chalrman of the .a large majority of the people." . A spbkesman for Negro airmen Paul A. Fine R-N-Y- announced State Baptists Hold ILO meetings in Geneva lias beeri Tuesday that he was forming a department of "biology. Holder of “ President Smith's appeal for de­ regarded as a good, antidote to Rus­ said Negroes are not given prompt the PhD. degree from the Uni­ lay came only a few, days after sian propaganda. or courteous service at some base new political party to push for a versity of Minnesota, Dr. Maxwell John Kasper, president of the Sea­ dining and recreational centers and Fino said his "governor lottery Freed of Charges Soviet Russia, by virtue of Its party" would' back candidates for has taught at Georgia State and board White Citizens Council who Meeting In Memphis membership in the United Nations, j white airmen have threatened mer­ Alabama State College. He is a was recently released from a Flor­ chants with boycott if they cater to Congress and state legislatures who, LOS ANGELES — (NNBA) Al­ By JEWEL GENTRY Halliburton, President of Laymen; asked for and obtained a seat in like Fino, favor a federal lottery to Morehouse graduate. ida federal penitentiary where he though there were seven women on the conferences. Negroes. >-■ was serving time- for riot-causing, and Mrs. Louise Johnson, President reduce taxes. Coming to Fisk from a year of the jury, Eugene Hawkins, 25, ex­ Members of the-74th Annual Ses­ of Ushers. Appearing with Mr? Wilkins last Girls who have associated with He said his bill to legalize such announced that he was on the boxer and police character, was ac- sion of the West Tennessee Baptist Feb. 3 before the House Appropria­ the Negro airmen have lost their post-doctoral work at Harvard way to Memphis to stop the MSU . The Reverend A. McEwen Wil­ a lottery was "a painless revenue­ University will be Dr. Irvin W. ,quitted on all 12 counts of ex­ Missionary and Educational As- liams, Pastor of St. John, served as tions Committee, Mr. Mitchell testi­ jobs, and the Negro servicemen raising measure which can easily integration by virtue of violence. tortion, assault, grand theft, burg­ sociational came to Memphis last fied that “if we don’t put our best have been refused admittance to, Elliott, Jr., named professor of TWO WON’T ATTEND Director óf fifteen Leadership produce 10 billion dollars a year in chemistry.
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