![Arxiv:2006.05670V5 [Gr-Qc] 2 Apr 2021 on Parity-Violating (PV) Gravity](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Joint Observations of Space-based Gravitational-wave Detectors: Source Localization and Implication for Parity-violating Gravity Qian Hu,1, 2, ∗ Mingzheng Li,1, 2, y Rui Niu,1, 2, z and Wen Zhao1, 2, x 1CAS Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology, Department of Astronomy, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China 2School of Astronomy and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China (Dated: April 5, 2021) Space-based gravitational-wave (GW) detectors, including LISA, Taiji and TianQin, are able to detect mHz GW signals produced by mergers of supermassive black hole binaries, which opens a new window for GW astronomy. In this article, we numerically estimate the potential capabilities of the future networks of multiple space-based detectors using Bayesian analysis. We modify the public package Bilby and employ the sampler PyMultiNest to analyze the simulated data of the space-based detector networks, and investigate their abilities for source localization and testing the parity symmetry of gravity. In comparison with the case of an individual detector, we find detector networks can significantly improve the source localization. While for constraining the parity symmetry of gravity, we find that detector networks and an individual detector follow the similar constraints on the parity-violating energy scale MPV. Similar analysis can be applied to other potential observations of various space-based GW detectors. I. INTRODUCTION network could achieve the significant improvement com- pared with a single detector [7]. In this work, we study While ground-based gravitational-wave (GW) detec- the localization improvement of detector networks LISA- tors are giving decent probes of high-frequency GWs [1], Taiji and LISA-TianQin with a rigorous Bayesian frame- low-frequency GW detection still remains blank. Sev- work as a complement and verification to the previous eral proposed space-based GW detectors with frequency works. bands around millihertz, aiming at sources including In addition to multi-messenger astronomy, GW detec- Super-massive Black Hole Binaries (SMBHBs), Extreme tion also opens a brand new window for testing various Mass Ratio Inspirals (EMRIs), etc, are going to launch in theories of gravity. With the progress in both theoret- early 2030s [2{4]. Their individual properties were well ical and observational researches, Einstein's general rel- studied in previous works, but space-based detector net- ativity (GR) is facing difficulties, such as quantization, work is still a largely under-explored domain. Moreover, dark matter and dark energy problems. Therefore, test- limited by complex response of space-based GW detec- ing GR is still an important topic in physical research. tors and accompanying computation burden, most works Detectable GWs are often produced by the densest ob- on space-based GW detectors are based on Fisher infor- jects with extremely high-energy processes (e.g. the co- mation matrix analysis, which can only give a rough es- alescence of binary black holes), and have weak interac- timation of the parameter uncertainties for the potential tions with matter during propagation [8,9]. Thus, GWs observations, if the signal-to-noise ratio of GW detection could carry strong and clean information from those ex- is high enough. In this paper, we investigate the capabili- treme processes, and provide an excellent opportunity to ties of space-based detector networks with a full Bayesian test the gravitational theories. Space-based GW detec- analysis. We choose two aspects to illustrate capabilities tors are expected to detect gravitational radiations from of detector networks: source localization and constraints SMBHBs, which are significantly different from current stellar-mass binary black holes. Hence, it is worthwhile arXiv:2006.05670v5 [gr-qc] 2 Apr 2021 on parity-violating (PV) gravity. GW source localization is a crucial step in multi- to study the probability of testing gravity theories with messenger astronomy, since the follow-up electromag- space-based GW detectors. In this work, as an exam- netic observations need the guide from GW detection. ple of application, we will investigate this issue from the For ground-based detectors, although rapid sky recon- perspective of parity symmetry of gravity. struction algorithm is used in online searching [5], full Parity symmetry is an important concept in modern Bayesian analysis is still required for further study due physics. It implies the flip in the sign of spatial coordi- to its rigor and reliability [6]. Recent work with Fisher nates does not change physical laws. Since people have information matrix analysis has shown that a LISA-Taiji discovered that weak interaction is not symmetric under parity [10], tests of parity symmetry for other interactions become meaningful and necessary. As for gravity, parity is conserved in GR, but some PV gravitational theories ∗ [email protected] were proposed for different motivations. For example, in y [email protected] string theory and loop quantum gravity, the parity vi- z [email protected] olation in the high-energy regime is inevitable [11{13]. x [email protected] GWs probe physics in the highest energy scale, so it is 2 nature to test parity symmetry with GWs. Parity asym- (localization) andVI (PV gravity). In Sec. VII, we sum- metry in gravity leads to birefringence in gravitational marize our methodology and conclusions. Throughout waves [11, 14{18]: left- and right-hand modes of GW this paper, we set c = ¯h = 1. evolve differently in the universe. Two kinds to bire- fringence, amplitude birefringence and velocity birefrin- gence, and their impact on GW waveforms, are well stud- II. PARITY-VIOLATING GRAVITY ied in previous works [14, 15], which makes it possible to probe asymmetry in gravity. The analysis has been ap- Parity-violating gravitational theories are well-studied plied in the current GW events, detected by LIGO & in previous works [14, 20{25]. In this section, we briefly Virgo Collaborations [19]. In this article, we extend this summarize the results of Ref. [14] that gives GW wave- Bayesian analysis to the space-based GW detection by form with PV modification. Considering a general parity- simulating the future GW signals produced by the merg- violating gravitational theory, the action takes the form ers of SMBHBs. We analysis simulated data and obtain Z the potential constraints of parity asymmetry in gravity 1 4 S = d xpg(LGR + LPV + Lothers); (1) provided by the future space-based detectors. We find 16πG that lower bound of parity-violating energy scale MPV can be limited to (1) eV by the effect of velocity bire- where LGR is the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian density R. fringence and (10O−15) eV by that of amplitude birefrin- LPV is the PV term, which is determined by the gravita- gence. O tional theories. Lothers represents the Lagrangian density of the other matters, the scalar field and the modification terms of gravity, which are not relevant to parity viola- This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we give tion. In the flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) a brief introduction of parity-violating gravity, especially universe, GW is tensorial perturbation of the metric. the GW waveform modifications. In Sec. III the config- We denote spatial perturbation as hij, which satisfies ij uration and response of space-based gravitational-wave the transverse and traceless gauge, i.e. δ hij = 0 and ij detectors are presented. Our method of parameter esti- @ih = 0. hij can be determined by the tensor quadratic mation is shown in Sec.IV and results are given in Sec.V action, which reads [26], Z 1 1 1 2 1 c1 c2 (2) 3 3 _ 2 ijk _ _ ijk 2 S = dtd xa hij 2 (@khij) + hil@jhkl + 3 @ hil@jhkl ; (2) 16πG 4 − 4a 4 aMPV a MPV where a = a(τ) is the conformal scale factor and τ is and αµ are functions of time through their dependence conformal time. A dot means derivative with respect to on scalar field φ, which always acts as dark energy to the cosmic time t, which obeys the relation dt = adτ. c1 explain the cosmic acceleration. From cosmological ob- and c2 are dimensionless coefficients, which are functions servations, dark energy should be close to the cosmolog- of cosmic time in general. MPV is the parity-violating ical constant in the late universe, which indicates that energy scale, above which parity symmetry of gravity is the evolution of φ is small. Therefore, we can approx- broken. Equation of motion of the GW can be derived imately treat them as constants in our calculation. In as follows: this work, we consider they are (1) by absorbing ∼ O 00 0 2 them into MPV. Difference in equation of motion of two h + (2 + νA) h + (1 + µA) k hA = 0; (3) A H A circular polarization modes leads to parity asymmetry in GWs, that is to say, right- and left-hand modes have where A = R; L represents right- and left- modes, re- different behaviors during propagation, which is called spectively. kf is wave-number,g a0=a is the conformal birefringence. It has been proved that ν leads to differ- Hubble parameter. ThroughoutH ≡ this paper, prime de- A ent damping rates of two polarizations in propagation, notes the derivative with respect to the conformal time which induces the different amplitudes of GW signals. τ. The terms ν and µ represent modifications caused A A µ modifies the dispersion relations of GWs, hence two by the PV terms in Lagrangian. In the general PV grav- A polarizations have different velocities. Phenomena men- ity, they take the forms tioned above are called amplitude birefringence and ve- 0 locity birefringence respectively. νA = [ρAαν (τ)(k=aMPV)] = ; H (4) µA = ρAαµ(τ)(k=aMPV) : Here, ρR = 1 and ρL = 1.
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