largest student weekly newspaper in Canada. '------------------------------------------ i..y• c.lep 1111111 Sir G.... Wiliem Ulliverwty, ---------------~ Loyola Suspends Letters of Non-renewal Loyola College announced last government investigator, ex- week that an agreement has been pressed satisfaction with the reached between the Loyola ad­ areas of agreement between the ministration, the Faculty As­ parties involved, and said that sociation, the Association of such co-operation will greatly Loyola Professors and Profes­ facilitate his work. sor Meyer, the government in­ At the same time as the an­ vestigator with regards to the nouncement regarding the new twenty-seven letters of non-re­ Board of Appeals, the adminis­ newal issued December 15,1969. tration announced that it recog­ All sides have agreed that the nizes that the lodging of arreals letters will be suspended pend­ suspends the letters of non-re­ ing the establishment of a new newal un,til such time as the This is the situation.Ju ·t before things got out of hand. Board of Appeals, to take the appeals are decided. They also place of C.A.R. T. expressed a wish that the appeals The Meyer Commission, which be decided as quickly as pos­ has been meeting with various sible, so as not to prejudice members of the Loyola com­ any of the parties involved. Mini~riot Coverage Claiined Unfair munity for the last week, is Although the Inquest has been now studying the make-up of the meeting all week, there is still A group of irate Sir George university send letters of pro­ He went on to say that the new Board of Appeals. The no indication as to what will students, most of whom reported­ test to the media concerned, anti-semitic exhibitions dis­ ly are affiliated with the Jewish existing channels for appeal, the come under its discussion. A and that all outside press be played by Mr. Choucri take place number of factions on campus Defence League, has called for Committee on Appointments, banned from covering events in­ often at Sir George; a state­ would like to see the inquiry the media to retract statements Rank and Tenure, was rejected side the university, an idea which ment to which Sheldon asked by the dissident professors as look over the administrative po­ made concerning last week's Sheldon characterized decisive­ for documented facts. Selinger mini-riot in H-110. an administrative tool, and they licies of the Jesuits over the last ly as "impossible and ridicu­ said he would supply them later twelve months, starting with the Speaking with Michael Sheldon felt that they would not get a lous" . in the week. Santhanam affair. Others feel of the Information Office, Steve fair hearing through it. that the inquiry should only deal Selinger and a number of others Mr. Mulroney, legal council with the immediate crisis. took great exception to the cover­ for the Association of Loyola age accorded by The Montreal Professors, has said that he Professor Meyer, a · professor New Student Union will recommend that the pro­ in the , law department of Mc Star, The Gazette, and the Globe and Mail. fessors he represents lodge an Gill University, met this week The major point of contention appeal with the new body as soon with representatives of the Fa­ as its make-up is determined. was the question of who started Cost in $150,000 Range culty Association, A.L.P., The it all. The papers say that the In a poll of the senators, a Administration, and various stu­ great majority approved of the Arabs were attacked without by Ted Power all the comforts of home. A typ­ dents, in an effort to sort out idea of a new Board of Appeals. warning, but Selinger maintains The cost of the new student ing room is also planned, which the crisis currently facing the Professor Meyer, the appointed that the brouhaha commenced union building acquired last Mon­ for a slight charge will enable administration. when an Arab .responded to a day by the Student Association students to type papers and other request for identification with may reach the $150,000 range. misceilaneous homework. In a shove. Someone shoved back, The building itself comes with a addition, a recreation room, the fight was on, and His Ex­ price tag of $120,000 . and Dan where students can throw darts cellency the ambassador from West, student co-ordinator of the or play .ping-pong will be avail~ the UAR exited fa ster than an deal, expects at least another able as will a central foyer Egyptian tank in reverse. $20,000 to be outlaid for renova­ area to sell tickets and disse­ Mr. Selinger also felt that the tions and furniture. West stated minate information. twenty non-Sir George students that the S.A. had $102,000 in the Special plans include the admitted were there for t he form of the Student Union Fund operation of an outdoor Cafe this sole purpose of causing trouble. in the bank, and had managed to summer. West expected that this Willie Friedman of the Political obtain a $60,000 mortgage in will provide some employment Science Society stated that it order to cover all the necessary opportunities for students. Long was part of this group that began expenses. He said that the money range plans will be put under the chants of "Al Fatah, Al would be recoverable should a the control of a Student Union Fatah" . decision be made to move else-. Director to be hired by next where. September. No names have yet S.A. President Bill Schwartz The two story structure, locat­ been advanced for this position. defended his decision to admit ed on the southwest corner of A questionaire will be circulat­ them, saying, "He wouldn't Crescent and de Maisonneuve, ed shortly by the Student Union speak without them, and I don't formerly was otcupied by a Committee to determine some of blame the man - I wouldn't secretarial school. the specific wants and desires of speak before an ugly crowd like Present renovation plans call the students. Don West hopes that without twenty friends ei­ for a lounge equipped with vend­ ther". that through the questionaire, ing machines, a TV room, and students will be able to enjoy Selinger demanded that the a reading room designed to give the best in services. The new union building THE JOHN BULL PUB -SPECIAL OPEN TO ALL The John Bull Pub LOYOLA AND SIR GEORGE 1201 de Maisonneuve STUDENTS EVENING & DAY + ( between Stanley Sunday to Thursday Only Buy one get one lree NO LIMIT and de Maisonneuve) • 2 I THE PAPER Jmury 26. 1970 N otices should be addressed in writing to Bulletin Board. At Sir George it's Roo m H-639 in the Hall Building. For Loyola, 7308 Sherbrooke St., W. , Room Two. Deadline fo r all BULLETIN BOARD submissions is Thursday evening prior to the M onday of pub­ lication. Garnet Singers: Tuesday, 4: m "Hurry, Hurry" Bert Lahr (except Friday) (God may be ament: Pembroke Pandas vis'it 30 - 6: 00 in H -513. in " No More West", Charlie communicated wi th directly at Loyola Tommies, Friday at 7. SIR GEORGE Folk Music Society: Tues­ Chaplin in "Sparring Partner", any time) Chaplains telephone Also Macdonald versus Queen's day 4-6, H-1070 Science Stu­ and door prizes, Thursday 1:15- number 879- 7205 or Dean of " Golden Gaels" at 9. McGill Channel 9: "Can You All dents: Tuesday, 2:30 - 4, H-620. 2: 15, H-110 for 25¢. Students Office 879-5935. Women's team plays Saturday Hear . At the Back" . Mic hael Biology Club: Films, Tues­ Transcendental Meditation of _ Arts Students Association: at9 a.m. Sheldon asks English profs day, 1-4, H-435. Maharishi Mahesh YOGI: Pub­ Is now accepting applications for Women's Volleyball: Loyo la George Boweri ng and David Hockey: McG ill versus Sir lic Lect ure by teachers trained Course Guide Director. Hono­ visits Carleton at 1 and at 3. McKeen and Fine Arts P rof _ George at McGill, Wednesday by the Maharishi at R istushi, rarium of $150. Interested Ar ts Peter London whet her creativity at8 India, sponsored by Students In­ students please apply im media­ compiled by can be taught, from Monday to Georgian Film Society: Mi­ ternational, Meditation Society, tely at A.S.A. office Room H- Friday at 10, 11, l , 3, 6. ni Film Festival, "Night in Ca­ S.G.W. U. Friday, 8:30, H-610, 347. Frank Howard Channel 4: " Communications sablanca" wit h the Marx Bro­ all welcome and Society" a series of video­ thers and " T arzan Triumphs" . Georgian Snoopies: Profes­ taped lectures by Prof. Charles with Johnny Weissmuller, Wed­ sional ground school fo r licenc­ LOYOLA Siepman, N.Y.U. this week ne~day, 1:05 - 4, H-110, fo r ed pilots, Friday, 7, H-643. Re­ CL ASSIFIED "Mass Communications Effects" 25¢ . gular ground school Friday, 8:15 at 10, 10:30, 2 and 2:30 Monday Fine Arts Department: H-435. Commercial Arts Film Se­ RATES : Classified through Friday in individual car­ Films, "In Search of Media Inter-City United Nations Advertising rotes for re gistered stude nts ore $1.25 ries: Renoirs " La Grande Il ­ 1or one inse'rtion and $2.00 for t wo insertions. RatH rels in H-523. - T he Art of Sylvia Lefkowitz", League: Friday, 8:30-10:30 pm lusion", Monday, 8:30, Smith fo r non-students a re $2.00 for one inse rtion ond $3.SO fo r two insertions.
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