DOCUMENT,RESUNE' BD 113 174 /, SE 019.684 TITLE Research' Teaching and Training in Demography. A Directory of Institutions in the ECAFE Region. Asian Population Studies Series No. 8, Supplement. No. 1. "INSTITUTION United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (Thailand). REPORT ".NO E-01.11-1001-Add.1 . PUB DATE 74 NOTE 152p.; For the 1972 directory, see ED 079 164 . AVAILABLE FROMClearinghouse and Information Section, Population Division, ESCAP, Sala Santitham, Bangkok 2, Thailand/Sales Section, United Nations, New York, ,N.Y. 10017 . - , ; BUS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$8.4 Plus. Postage .. DESCRIPTORS Curriculum; ,*Demography; *Directories;'Environmental Education; *Foreign Countries; *Institutions; *PopulatiOn Educatibn; Professional'Personnel; 'Research Utilization; Teacher Education IDENTIFIERS Asia; Far' East ABSTRACT This. document serves as a supplement tothe 1972 . directory of research, teaching, and training institutions in ,demography'in the region of the Edonomic Commission for Asia and the Far East. Claqsified alphabetically by country, each institution's name address4person in charge, official title, first year of ---'research/teaching in deMography, professional staff, research , projects, cuiricula, and publications are given. Professional staff dat4 include the individual's sex, year of birth, subject profession, Main courses taught, mpther_tongue, and other languages known. The researchprojects are defined by title, director(s), completion data, ..aim and area of research. Publications stemming from the research,are given. The area of curricula specifies the exi ence of an international exchange program, language(s) us d in teaching '' demography, entrace requirements, diploma off itred, related courses and hours..The in roductory index provides an alphabetical listing of the countries and teaching institutions for which information has been provided. Directory reference'numbers beside each institution indicate whereitems have been added or amended. New entries are indicated with 4n asterisk beside the reference numbers. An additiOnal indei provides amendments of institutions for which Sufficient information was not available or whose programs had not begun. (BP) *********************************************************************** Documents-acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished, * * materials not, available from other sources. ERIC makes every.effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC.makes'available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Servite (EDRS). EDRS is not ** * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied 14 EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. **************************************4******************************** S US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONALMISTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 0 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDuC ATI N POSITION OR POLICY A. directory of institutions the ECAFE regiqn 1 ASIAN POPULATION STUDIES SERIES No.r8 Suppiement .140 UNITED NATIONS I 4 ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE FAR EAST Bangkok, Thailand J 4 RESEARCH,TEACHINGand TRAINING in DEMOGRAPHY A DIRECTORY. OF INSTITUTIONS IN THE ECAFE REGION z ASIAN POPULATION STUDIES SERIES No.8 Supplement No.1 UNITED NATIONS 1974 .0 oo r It i POP 90(2)D Dear -Sir, In 1973 the Population Division of the ECAFE secretailat circulated, as an initial publication on the, subjeOt, Resf rch, Teaching .and Training in Demo- graphy - A Directory of Institutions in th ECAFE Region, Asian Population Studies .Series No.8 (United Natidhs publicati n E/CN.11/ 107), which lists the activities of over 200 institutions in 19 countries-0 We now take pleasure in senditig you the first batch of supplementary information sheets,,to euable, you to bring the Directory up to date. Those con- taining revised data bear the indication "(revised 1973)" and those'relating to .institutions included for the first time are marked "(added 1973)". Further material will be forwarded as and when it is received. j Itwillbe seen that over 20 institutions hav started population pko- grammes4 since 1970/71 and that more than 150 new projects are described. r Shouci" you know of other institutions that should included, please send us their names and addresses. Any other suggestions that might increase the Directory's usefulness wouid also be. welcome, Thank you for your kind co-operation. Carl M. Frisen Chief, Population Division .0" ECAFE INSTITUTIONS FOR WHICH INFORMATIONHAS BEEN PROVIDED , Items amended or added Institutions Directory - reference No. AUSTRALIA; Monash University (Melbourne) a Australia 4 Department of Geology Salissbury College of Advanced Education (Salisbury), Australia 4.A* Torrens College of Advanced Education (Torrensville) -Australia University of Adelaide (Adlaide) Australia 5 Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography University of Sydney Sydney.) Australia 12 Department of Mathematical Statistics University of Western Australia (Perth) Australia 13 Department of Economics BANGLADESH2 Bangladesh Institute of _Development Economics (Daesa ) Bangladesh e National Post Partum Family Pinning Programme (Dacca) Bangladesh 4* University or,Dacca (Dacca) Bangladesh 91: Department of Statistics INDIA. Demographic Research Centre (Kerala) India 6 Bureau of Economics and Statistics Council for Social Development (New Delhi) India 8 Indian Institute of Management (Vastrapur) India 14.A* Indian Statistical Institute (Calcutta) Research and Training School, Demography Unit India 15 Family Planning. Research Unit , India 15.A* ' Osmania University (Hyderabad) India 27 Department of Economics Population Council of India (New Delhi) India 32.A* e 1 Newitems are indicated by an asterisk. For further explanatioA please refer to "Introduction" and "Howto use the Directory" (pp. iii-v of E 'C.N.11/1007). 2It is hoped to issue detdils of entries 1. -land 5-8 in a subsequent addendum. Directory Institutions .reference No. Tata Institute of 'Social Sciences (Bombay) India 35 University of Bombay '(Bombay) \India, 40 Department of Economics N.B.It is confirmed that entry India 14 remains unchanged INDONESIA Andalas University (Padang) - Indone ia 1 Faculty of Economic, Institute .for Regional Economic Re- search, Department of Deinogtaphy Airlangga University (Surabaya) Indonesia .1.A* ' Facility of Economics, Department of Science and Research, ographic,Section Bogorgricultural University (Bogor) Indones 1:B* ., Centrefor Rural Sociological Research Gadjah Mada University, Institute of Population Studien Indonesia 5.A, (Yogyakae-ta) Hasanuddin University (South Sulawesi) Indonesia 6.A* National Institute of Public Health (Surabaya) Indonesia '7.A* Universitas Snmaiera Utara, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penili- Indonesia 14* tian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (Medan) o Universitas Syiah Kuala, Fakultas Ekonomi, Project Penilitian Indonesia 15* Demografi (Banda Aceh) JAPAN Asian Statistical Institute (Tokyo) Japan 1.A* Fukushima Medical College, Department of Statistics Japan 7 (Fukushima) Institute of Developing Economics (Tokyo) Japan 11 Meiji University (Tokyo). Japan 21 Department ofolitical Science and Economics National Institute of Genetics (Mishima) Japan 24 0 . Tohoku University, School of Medicine Japan 30 Department of Public Health (Sendai) N.B.It is confirmed that entry Japan 6 remains unchanged KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Korea University (Seoul) Korea, Republic of, 4 Department of Sociology Kyungpook University (Taegu) Department of Sociology Korea, Republic of,8 Directory Institutions ,reference No. The Institute for Industrial andesocial Development Korea, Republic of, 10 Seoul National University (Seoul) Korea, Republic of, 14 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, The Population and Develdpment Studies Center College of Medicine; The Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Korea, Republic of, 15 . Population . Yonsei University (Seoul) Korea, Republic of, 18 Center for Population and Family Planning MALAYSIA Department of Statistics (Kuala Lumpur) Malaysia 1 University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpu) 'Faculty of Economics and Administration, Division of Statistics Malaysia 2 Faculty of Medicine 'Malaysia 3 NEPAL I Ministry of Health, F.P./M.C.H. Project ,(Kathmandu) Nepal 1* NEW ZEALAND University of Auckland (Auckland) Department of Sociology New Zealand 2.A* Post-graduate Schdol of Obstetrics and Gynaecology New Zealand 2.B University of Waikato, Derdrtment of Geography (Hamilton) New Zealand 6 PAKISTAN a Pakistah Institute of Development Statistics (Islamabad) Pakistan 2 Training, Research and Evaluation Centre (Lahore) Paldstaii 3, UniYrersity of Karachi, Department of Statistics es, Pakistan 4 PHIL IPPINES Far Easterh University, Dr. Nic:anor Reyes Medical Foundation, Philippines 2, Department of Community Medicine (Manila) Saint t.ouis University, Sociological Research Institute (Baguio) Philippines 3 University of Nueia Caceso College of pberal Arts (City,of Philippines 7 Naga) F Institutions Directory reference No. University of the Philippines (Manila and Quezon City) College of Arts and Sciences, Department of geology and Geo- Philippines .8 . graphy College of Medicine; Department of Obstetrics 'and Gynecology, Philippines 10 Reproductive Biology
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