9 September 2014 Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Broxtowe Borough Council to be held on Wednesday 17 September 2014 in the New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Beeston commencing at 7:00pm. Yours faithfully Chief Executive To: Members of the Council A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. 3. MINUTES PAGES 1 - 8 To take as read and approve as a correct record the minutes of the Council meeting held on 23 July 2014. 4. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS 6. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 7. MEMBERS’ QUESTIONS 8. PORTFOLIO HOLDERS’ REPORTS Housing and Strategic Planning Portfolio PAGES 9 - 12 Community Safety Portfolio PAGES 13 - 15 Resources Portfolio PAGES 16 - 21 Environment Portfolio PAGES 22 - 25 Bringing People Together Portfolio PAGES 26 - 32 Jobs and Business Growth Portfolio PAGES 33 - 34 9. YOUTH MAYOR’S REPORT ON BROXTOWE YOUTH COUNCIL ACTIVITIES 10. ANNUAL REVIEW OF SCRUTINY In accordance with standing order 52(5) the annual review of scrutiny is circulated separately with the agenda for the Council’s consideration. 11. MEMBERS’ SPEECHES ON WARD ISSUES 12. MEMBERS’ REPORTS ON OUTSIDE BODIES PAGES 35 - 41 To update members on the work of members who represent the Council on outside bodies. 13. EASTWOOD, GREASLEY AND NUTHALL PAGES 42 - 52 APPLICATIONS FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN AREA DESIGNATION The applications seek approval for the designation of the whole of Eastwood Parish, Greasley Parish and Nuthall Parish as appropriate for the respective Town and Parish Councils to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. 14. REPORT ON THE ADOPTION OF THE PAGES 53 - 62 BROXTOWE ALIGNED CORE STRATEGY To request that Council adopt the Greater Nottingham; Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough and Nottingham City Aligned Core Strategy and the amended policies map as part of the statutory development plan for Broxtowe Borough. The following appendices are circulated separately with this agenda: APPENDIX 3 – Full Inspector’s report APPENDIX 4 – Schedule of Main Modifications APPENDIX 5 – Final Core Strategy APPENDIX 6 – Policies Map 15. NOTICE OF MOTION The following notice of motion has been received under standing order 9 from Councillor M Radulovic: "This Council has signed up to the community covenant and continues to support and celebrate the service of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces to the nation. To continue to enable the Council to show this support Council is asked to approve a motion that: delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the leader to allow expenditure up to £5000 in order to engender better relations between the community and the Armed Forces.” 16. COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW PAGES 63 - 65 At the Council meeting held on 11 February 2014 a motion was carried requiring a Community Governance Review to be completed by the end of December 2015. At the Cabinet meeting on 29 July 2014 members were informed that the review will provide an opportunity for the Council to review and make changes to community governance within its area as determined under part 4 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. The objective of the review would be to ensure that local governance continues to be effective and convenient and that it reflects the identities and interests of local communities. Members suggested that as the review was initially the product of a full Council motion the report should be returned to a full Council meeting for further consideration. RESOLVED that the report be referred to a future meeting of Council for consideration. 17 MINOR AMENDMENTS TO THE PAGE 66 CONSTITUTION The report seeks approval for amendments to the constitution to reflect amendments to the portfolios at Cabinet. 18. COMMON SEAL The Council is asked to RESOLVE that the Common Seal be affixed to or the Proper Officer do sign on behalf of the Council, where appropriate, any orders, deeds or documents necessary to give effect to any resolutions of the Council or Cabinet or committee. BROXTOWE BOROUGH COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING 23 JULY 2014 Councillor S Heptinstall MBE, Mayor Councillors: D Bagshaw J W McGrath L A Ball BEM A J Oates S D Barber J M Owen J S Briggs J C Patrick T P Brindley F Prince M Brown M Radulovic MBE D A Burnett K E Rigby S J Carr C E Robb R A Charlesworth R S Robinson R H Darby J S Rowland A F M Ford P D Simpson D Grindell I L Tyler M Handley D K Watts G Harvey I White R I Jackson J Williams E Kerry B Wombwell G Marshall Apologies for absence were received from Councillors E H Atherton, S A Bagshaw, J L Booth, A Cooper, N Green, M Y Hegyi, H G Khaled, L A Lally, P Lally and H Kinoucha, Youth Mayor. The Mayor referred to the recent death of Alderman John White. Members and officers held a minute’s silence as a mark of respect. 24. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor J Williams declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 18 as the Council’s Health Lead and the representative on the Health and Well- Being Board, minute number 40 refers. 25. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2014 were confirmed and signed. 1 26. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor gave a résumé of his engagements since the last Council meeting, which included his attendance at birthdays and wedding anniversaries in addition to attending the Hemlock Happening and other community celebration events. The Mayor showed a short film of his engagements which would be made available on the Council’s website. 27. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE DISCHARGE OF FUNCTIONS Members of the Council noted that Councillor M Radulovic is the Chair of the Budget Advisory Committee with Councillors P Lally and I L Tyler as Vice Chairs. 28. APPOINTMENT OF WORKING GROUPS RESOLVED that the following Working Groups be appointed with the membership to be agreed by party leaders: Bramcote Bereavement Services Joint Committee: 1 Labour, 1 Liberal Democrat and 1 Conservative (Cabinet members only are eligible). Climate Change: 2 Labour, 1 Liberal Democrat and 2 Conservative. Computer: 2 Labour, 1 Liberal Democrat and 2 Conservative. Housing Performance Group: 3 Labour, 2 Liberal Democrat and 3 Conservative. Local Joint Consultative Committee: 4 Labour, 2 Liberal Democrat and 4 Conservative. Member Development and Training Strategy: 3 Labour, 2 Liberal Democrat and 3 Conservative. Planning Policy: 4 Labour, 2 Liberal Democrat and 4 Conservative. 29. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS Councillor C E Robb presented a petition which had been gathered by the residents of Eastwood. The petition called on Nottinghamshire County Council to review on-street waiting time in Eastwood to bring the town into line with the south of Broxtowe. 30. PUBLIC QUESTIONS There were no questions from members of the public. 2 31. MEMBERS’ QUESTIONS There were no questions from members. 32. YOUTH MAYOR’S REPORT ON BROXTOWE YOUTH COUNCIL ACTIVITIES There was no report from the Youth Mayor. 33. LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S VIEWS ON CURRENT ISSUES The Leader advised that he would speak in relation to ward issues rather than on this item. 34. PORTFOLIO HOLDERS’ REPORTS The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Strategic Planning presented his report. Responses to comments included: • Shopmobility – the current location at Cavendish Lodge was not ideal, however a temporary location was necessary following the demolition of the multi-storey car park. A future location for the organisation would need to be considered in proposals for the redevelopment of Beeston Town Centre. • Beeston Bus Station – contractors had been involved in the planning and design of the proposed bus terminal. The turning angles within the current arrangements are liable to lead to accidents. The current station would not close and the Council had done everything possible to consider the safety of the public. The new transport interchange will work well and add to the vibrancy of the redesigned town centre. Nottinghamshire County Council would be asked to provide clarification over a report which stated that a number of buses would not be able to use the new terminal. • Community Café – the Café at Yew Tree Court had been a great success. • Caretaking and cleaning services – the Community Clean-Up events had been very successful. • School playing fields – unofficial proposals to build on green belt site in Bramcote were not part of the Council’s Core Strategy. In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety the Leader presented the report. Responses to comments included: • Crime figures – there had been a marked rise in overall crime in Eastwood South which had increased by over 35%. • Drug and alcohol clinics – there are reservations over how contracts are awarded in this essential field of work. 3 • Fire Service – proposals to reduce the number of fire engines in the Borough wold be submitted to a Cabinet meeting. • ‘Sexting’ – the hysteria regarding ‘sexting’ was leading to the potential criminalisation of all teenagers, which was not in the best interests of young people. The Portfolio Holder for Resources presented his report. Responses to comments included: • Council tax collection – the continued good figures were partly due to the decision not to pass on the council tax reduction. • Profile of Broxtowe – thanks were passed to the Principal Performance & Equalities Manager who had distributed the latest version of the Profile. • Dementia – councillors were encouraged to take part in training to become dementia friends. The Portfolio Holder for Environment presented his report. Responses to comments included: • Glass collection – following feedback on the inefficacy of the previous bag system, the red bins were seen as an improvement.
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