Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 43 12 n.d. Report Section IV: Additional Material. Including: A. Congressional Staffs. 59 Pages Monday, May 14, 2007 Page 1 of 1 SECTION IV - ADDITIONAL MATERIAL CONGRESSIONAL STAFF by function by full committee .STANDING COMMITTEES OF tH~_§E~ATE [Democrats in romnn, Republicans in:italics] • :t.... ,...... ,:. .J .', FOREIGN AFF IRS I I I, Foreign Rclatiors ... (Sui10 422~. phono 4GG I. mcerTuesday) , J. \Y. Fulbriuht, of Arkansas. BOllrkp B. Hickenlooper, of Iowa. John J. Hparkm:m, of Alubama, Gcorq« D. Aiken, of Vermont, Mike Mnusfield, of Mon tnna, Frank! Carlson, of Kansas. \Vnyue Morse, of Oregon. John .'1. Williams, of Delaware, Albert Can', of Tennessee. Karl E. Mundt, of South Dakota, Frank .J. Lauschc, of Ohio. Cliffol!d P. Case, of Ncw Jersey, Frank Church, of Idaho. John Sherman Cooper, of Kentucky, St\l:ll't Symington, of Mis,;olll'i. I Thomas J. Dodd, of Councct.icut, i J oseph S. Clark, of Pcunsvlvania. ! Clnlbornc Pell, of l1hodo Island. 'I Eugene J. McCarthy, of Minnesota, Carl Marcy, Chief <If Staff • i ,·,.l.;Ir<l B. Ru-scll, of Georgia. .~l(l({/a,.ct Chase Smith, of :\\a'nl'. j>.,. ~kllllis, of :-'lif'sissippi. Strom Tliurnuuul, of South Carolina. :" ,.:Ift. :-'ymington, of ;\lissomi. Jack Miller, of Iowa. 111'111"\' :\1. .luckso», of Wushingto», John G. Tower, of Texas. :"'\,., :J. Ervin, Jr., of North Carolina. James B. Pearson, of Kansas. JlO\\'[lI'd \V. Cannon. of Nevada. Peter H. Dominick, of Colorado. Holwrt C. Byrd, of Wcst Virginia. :-;r"phcn 1\1. Young, of Ohio, J):l.llicl K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Thomas J. l\lcIntyre, of New Hamp­ shire. Daniel B. Brewster, of Maryland. Harry F. Byrd, Jr., of Virginia. William H. Darden, Chief 9f Staff .', DOMESTIC AFFAIRS Agriculture and Fore:,try (Suite 3~1. phone 2035, mceta (itst aud t~lird \V'c(h~('..."id.1.YH) A!lPIl J. Ellendcr, of Louislana, George D. Aiken, of Vermont. :-;p('~~ard L. Holland, of Florida. J1fiUon R. Young, of Korth Dakota. J,WH'S O. Eastland, of I\li~~i~sippi. J. Caleb Boggs, of Delaware. Herman E. Tnlmudg«, of Georgia. Jack M'ilicr, of Iowa. B. Everett Jordan, of North Carolina, Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. George S. Me Govern, of ~outh Dakct:•. J oseph J'vI. Montoyn, of New 111 cxico, Walter F, Moudalc, of Minnesota. Harry F. Byrd, Jr., of Virginiu. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina, Cotys M. Mouser, Cl.ief Clerk ,. D,strict of Colu mhia (Sui to G~2.;!. I,huno ·11Gl. nu.'..'Uof 8~rund Fl"itIay) Al:11l flii ,I", of N{·\·:.d:l. \\'ayne ;\lo:'s(', of On·gon. I:'inslnn t.. 1'1'0111./, of Yerlllont. Hobert F. Kellliedy, of N(~\\" York. !,rtC/' II. Dominick, of Colorado. J osoph D. Tydings, of Mnrvlaud. '1 hruston B. loforton, of Kentucky, William 13. Spo.ng, Jr., of Virgillb. • Chester H. Smith, Staff Director Post Oflicc and Civil Service (Suite G~OG, phone 5·151. meets second And fourth Tucnda)'H) A. S. Mike Monronoy, of Oklahoma. Eranl: Carlson, of Kanxa«, Ralph W. Yarborough, of Texas. Hiram L. Fong, of Huwnii, Jcnnings I1:l,ndolph, of West Virginia. J. Calc" Boqqs, of Dclawnrc. Gale W. MeGe0, of Wyomiug. Paul J. Fannin, of Arizona. Daniel B. Brewster, of Maryland. Vance Hnrtko, of Indi:LIU1.. Quentin N. Burdick, of North Dakota. Ernest F. Hollings..of South Carolina. ...... .... John M. Burzio, Stn.IT Director Publie Works (Suite 1.204. phone G17G, meets first and ~hircll'~i<lays) ... J Jennings Randolph, of West Virginia. John Shennan Cooper, of Kentucky. Stephen 1\1. Young, of Ohio. lliram L. Fong, of Hawaii. Edmund S. M uskic, of Maine. J. Caleb BO(JUs, of Dolaware. Ernest Gruelling, of Alaska. IGeorqe Mu.rphy, of California. " B. Everett Jordan, of North Carolina. Len B. Jordan, of Idaho. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Howard II.. Baker, Jr., of Tennessee•. Bireh Bayh, of Indiana. Joseph 1\1. Montoya, of New Mexico. Joseph D. Tydings, of Marvland. William B. Spong, Jr., of Virginia. Richard B. Royce, Chief Clerk Select Committee on Small Business Room 424, Senate omee Duildin;;:. Phone, 22$-517S (Code 180) Chai'f/Ilan.-Gcorr:;c A. Smathers, Senator from Florida. John J. Sparkman, Sen ••tor from Alnbama, Russell B. Long, Sonator from Louisiana. Wuyne :-'101'.'0, Senator from Oregon. Ahu Bible, Senator from N'ovada. Jcnuiugs Ruridolpb Scuutor from West Virginia, Eo L. Bartlett, Sc.iator from A::I~:k::.. 11:IITison A. William", Jr., Senator from New Jersey. <::.y101'(1 Nelson, Senator frem Wisconsin. .!~I,c·Jlh 2\1. Montoya, Senator from New Mexico, I'r"d 1:.. 1Iarris, Scnnt.or from Oklahoma. •1....01, K ..In.vits, Scn.uor from New York. l!lig!.1 ~l'ol,t) Sell~l.t.or £1'orll Pcnnsylvnuia. x urn.' Cot I fill, :-;,'1,:1.1 OJ' from N cw Hampshire. !·.. I,·r II. I )'"liinick, :-;,·n:l.lor irOll1 C0101':l<10• •1c,·.·." fi I II. J:,,1;1'/', .JI'., :-"'/1:1 lOJ' Iroru Teuncsscc. '.1 .•,'., I). ! lalti"lel, 1"'Il,,~or from OI,,·gOIl.. FISCAL AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Banking and Currency (Suite ,)30\1, phone ;~::'1. meets second Tuesday) John J. Spnrkmari, of j\ labaIIIa. n-allace P. Bennett. of Utah. Willinm Proxmirc, of ..., .sconsin. John G. Touter, of Texas. Hnrrlson A. Williams, Jr., of New Bourke B. llickcnloopcr, of Iowa. Jcrscv. Edward W. Brooke, of Massachusetts. Edmund S. Muskic, of 1fainc. Charles H. Percy, of Illinois. Edward V. Long, of l\Ii,,~ouri. Thomas J. Mclntyrc, of Now Hump­ shiro. Walter F. Mondalc, of Minnesota, Gale W. ;\IeGee, of Wyoming. William B. Spong, Jr., of Virginia. Lewis G. Odcm, Jr., Staff Director and General Counsel Commerce (Sui to 5202, phono 511;, mecta first and tilird Tuc~!I(!a}'E:I) . Warren G. IIIngnllson, of Washington, Norris Cotton, of New Hampshire. John O. Pastore, of Rhode Island, Thruslon B. Morton, of Kentucky. , ! A. S. Mike Monroncy, of Oklahoma. Hiujh: Scott, of Pcnnsvlvania. Frnnk J. Lauschc, of Ohio. Winston L. Prouty, of Vermont. E. L. Ban.lett, of· Alaska. James B. Pearson, of Kansas. Vance Hartke, of I ndiana, Robert P. Griffin, of Michigan. II Philip A. Hart, of Michignn. .ll oward W. Cm1l10n, of Nevada. Daniel BvBrcwster, of :\la.ryland. Russel! B. Long, of Louisiana. Frank E. Moss, of Utah.. .El'lle"t F. Hollings, of South Carolina, Frederick J. Lordan, Staff Director \ Finance (Suitc 222i, phono 451•• rnects Wednesday) Russell 13. Loug, of Lonisiana. John J. Williams, of Delaware. George A. Smnthcrs, of Florida. Frank Carlson, of Kansas. ChntouP. Anderson, of New Mexico, Wallace F. Bennett, of Utah. Albert Gore, of Tennessee. ' Carl '1'. Curtis, of Nebraska, Herman E. Tulmadgc, of Goorgta. Thruston. B. Morton, of Kentucky. Eai!;ene J. McCart.hy, of Minnesota, Euereit McKinley, Dirksen, of Illinois. Vallee Hartke, of Indiana. J. \V. Fulbrigut, of Arkansns.. Abraham A. Hibicoff, of Connecticut. Lee Metcalf, of Montana. Fred R. Harris, of Oklahoma. .'. Tom Vail, Chief Counsel Appropriations (Sui to 1235, phono :471, meets upon call of chairman) Carl Hayden, of Arizona. Millon R. Youno, of North Dakota. It icl.ard B. Jt.usscll, of Georgia. Kar; R. Mundt, of f;ollth Dnkota. Allen .J. EJlclld(:r, of LOIli:;i:\Il:I. Afar(/Ul'ct Chase Smith, of Maine. List.cr Il ill, of Abi>:lm:l. Thonuis II. Kuchcl, of Cnlifornia• .John L. McCk-Ilun, of Arkansas. Roman I,. Ilrusku, of Nebraska. Warren C. l\'ia~nllson, of Washington. Gordon. Alloll, of Colorado. Spossn rd L. Holland, of Florida. Norris Colton, of New Ilampshire. John i'iLCllnis, of Mississippi. Clifford P. Case, of New Jer8ey. John O. Pastore, of It.hod« Island. Jacob K. Javits, of New York. A, S. i\'1ikc Monroncy, of Oklahoma. Abu Bible, of Nevada. Robert, C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Gale W. McGcc, of Wyoming. Mike Mansfield, of Moutana. E. L. 13n.I·tlctt, of Alaska, William Proxmirc, of \Vi"consin. ltn.lph W. Yarborough, of 'I'cxas, . Thomas J. Scott, Chief Clerk 2;JO 2 FISCAL AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Labor and Public Welfare (Suite 01230, phono .>375,meets HCrond and fourth Thurs(]a}'s) Lister Hill, of Alubam«, Jacob K. Jaoits, of New York. 'Wayne Morse, of Orczon. iVinslrrn L. Prouiu, of Vermont, Ralph "V. Yurborouuh, of Texas. Peter II. Dominick, of Colorado. Joseph 'So Clark, of l'<)nll~ylV;l,nia. George Murphy, of California. Jcuuings Hanclolph, of West Virginia. Paul J. Pannir., of Arlzonn. Harrison A. Williallls, Jr., of Xew Jersey. Raoul P. Griffin, of Michigan. Claiborne Poll, of Hhodc Island. Edward M. Kennedy, of l\1:1~s:J.chu8ctts. (:aylord Nelson, of Wisconsin. Hobcrt F. Kennedy, of New York. Stewart E. McClure, Chief Clerk Interior and Insular Af':lirs (Suite 3IOij, phono 4571, meets upon tM11of chain'l1an) • 11"llr~' l\r. Juckson, Ui Wnshington. Thomas J1. Kuchcl, of California. ('Jilltllll P. Anderson, of New Mexico. Gordon Allotl, of Colorudo, Al.iu BijJle, of Novadn. Len B. Jordan, of Idaho. , Frank Church, of Idaho. Paul J. Fannin, of Aril.Olll\. El'I1e~t Gruclling, of -Alnska. Clifford P. Hansen, of Wyoming. Frank E. l\loss, of Ut:l.h. Mark O. Haljield, of Oregon. Qllcnt.in N. Burdick, of North Dakota. Carl Hayden, of Arizona. George S, l\lcGovern, of South Dakota. Gaylord Nelson, of Wisconsin. Leo Metcalf, of Montana. JelTY T. Verkle», Staff Director ..·It­ ..... ., JUSTICE, LAW AND ORDER Judiciary (S:Ji L~ ~22h, phone [j:!2~i. meets !Honuny) Jamcs O. Ensl1:l.ild, of Mississippi, Everett Mcl\inlell Dirksen, of Illinois.
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