CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E49 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Brand Board and recognizes Colorado lawmen ‘‘TAKE DOWN THE FLAG’’ whose efforts to uphold the state’s livestock HON. TERRY EVERETT law have benefitted the entire livestock indus- HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN OF ALABAMA try. During his 25 years with Otero County, OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sheriff Eberly has been instrumental in con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 1, 2000 tinuing and improving the livestock law training Mr. EVERETT. Mr. Speaker, on January 31, classes for law enforcement. Working with the Tuesday, February 1, 2000 I was unavoidably detained and missed rollcall National Guard, Sheriff Eberly and his staff co- Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak vote numbers 2 and 3. Had I been present, I ordinated the rescue and helicopter feeding about an issue that is involving my home would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on H. Con. Res. 244, operations for stranded livestock during the State of South Carolina in a national discus- Permitting the Use of the Capitol Rotunda to 1997 blizzard. When floods threatened the Ar- sion. In recent weeks, the discussion over the Commemorate Victims of the Holocaust; and kansas Valley in 1999, his experience and confederate flag flying atop the Statehouse in ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 2130, the Hillory J. Farias Date- knowledge was important to the area’s ranch- Columbia, South Carolina, has moved from a Rape Prevention Drug Act of 1999. ing businesses. State issue to a national debate. Of all of the f It is with this, Mr. Speaker, that I would like opinions that have been shared throughout to congratulate Sheriff John Eberly and also this debate, I find the following letter the most RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL thank him for his tireless commitment to mak- cogent and concise on this very emotional BIOTECHNOLOGY MONTH ing his community a better place. issue. Mr. Speaker, I submit for the RECORD f the following letter written by Michael A. Allen HON. PATRICK J. TOOMEY TRIBUTE TO THE SOUTHWEST which appeared in the Post and Courier of OF PENNSYLVANIA TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY ALL- Charleston, South Carolina, on Tuesday, Jan- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GIRL CHEERLEADING SQUAD uary 25, 2000. Tuesday, February 1, 2000 [From the Post and Courier, Jan. 25, 2000] Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. RON PAUL TAKE DOWN THE FLAG commend workers in the biotechnology indus- OF TEXAS As a promoter and preserver of cultural try for their progress in improving the lives of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES heritage, the South Carolina African Amer- all Americans. We just concluded National Tuesday, February 1, 2000 ican Heritage Council has a keen apprecia- Biotechnology Month, and I would like to take tion and understanding of those who defend a brief moment to highlight the potential that Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- the flying of the Confederate battle flag on biotechnology has for us in 21st century. gratulate the members of the 1999–2000 that basis. The flag in and of itself is indeed Biotechnology companies are developing Southwest Texas State University All-Girl a part of South Carolina’s heritage. Let’s in- treatments and vaccines for devastating dis- Cheerleading Squad. They recently won first deed preserve the flag and its legacy, even place in the All-Girl Cheer Division at the Uni- though that legacy means different things to eases—such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, can- different people. cer, and AIDS—that will improve the lives of versal Cheerleading Association’s 2000 Col- lege Cheerleading and Dance Team National Also in our position as preservers of cul- millions of Americans afflicted with these ail- tural heritage, the council board of directors ments. They are also responsible for devel- Championship. The competition was held dur- recognizes the fact that there are places in- oping treatments for smaller diseases harming ing the Universal Cheerleading Association’s appropriate for the conspicuous display of perhaps just a few hundred people, but none- 2000 Championship at Walt Disney World in historic relics. We defend the right of flag theless just as debilitating. In addition, bio- Orlando, Florida, on January 7, 2000. supporters to defend the banner as a relic of technology is about more than just medical re- Located in the Texas Hill Country city of cultural integrity. search. Scientists are beginning to use bio- San Marcos, Southwest Texas State Univer- However, we contend that it is indeed a technology for other uses, such as environ- sity is justifiably proud of their award winning historic relic and that its position above the Statehouse and in the House and Senate mental remediation. All-Girl Cheerleading Squad; Karla Brown, Charissa Canuelle, Lexi Chaleff, Alexandrea chambers is indefensible. The Confederate Furthermore, the biotechnology industry has battle flag in question never truly held a also had a significant positive impact on our Collie, Krystal Davis, Patricia Goolsby, Ashley place of sovereignty even in the days of the nation’s economy. A recent report by the Joint Harmon, Robyn Kyrish, Sara Martinez, Confederacy in the 19th century, but was Economic Committee stated that the bio- Shavaun Moynahan, Aimee Moyers, Nicki carried by troops in battle. This makes it technology industry spent $10 billion on re- O’Riley, Kristi Oberpriller, April Rheinlaender, reprehensible and even baffling to the impar- search and development in 1998, while em- Jennifer Rogers, and Brandi Wilkie. These tal- tial and reasoning mind that such a relic ploying 150,000 workers nationwide. My home ented young women received outstanding would occupy such a position of sovereignty state of Pennsylvania has helped lead the way leadership and support from their coach, in 21st-century South Carolina. in biotechnology, ranking second in the nation Jason Anderson, and the team’s trainer, Scott Not every South Carolinian is a native Southerner. Not every South Carolinian had in the number of jobs based on biotechnology. Chambers. On January 25, 2000, a ceremony was held ancestors who fought, or fought willingly, Congress needs to continue to work with for the Confederacy in the Civil War. Not all the biotechnology industry for an equitable at the Texas State Capitol Building in Austin, South Carolinians, even native white South public-private sector partnership, and make Texas, in honor of the squad. At one o’clock, Carolinians, believe in the ideas of the Con- sure new technologies are not unnecessarily in the historic chambers of the Texas House federacy fought to uphold. And not every slowed by over-burdensome regulations. I of Representatives, State Representative Rick South Carolinian feels good about a flag congratulate the biotechnology industry on its Green presented each of the young cham- flown by the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and accomplishments and its bright future. pions a copy of a resolution congratulating other racial and ethnic hate groups also hanging in and flying over the halls of gov- f them on their achievement. A Texas flag flown at the request of Representative Green and a ernment of their state, as if to give the im- LAW OFFICER OF THE YEAR, pression, though the impression may be flag of the United States flown at my request false, that this flag is who we all are and SHERIFF JOHN EBERLY were presented to the team. These flags, what we all stand for. flown in recognition of their victory, now frame Therefore, the South Carolina African HON. SCOTT McINNIS the young women’s trophy proudly displayed American Heritage Council now adds its OF COLORADO at their university. voice to the evergrowing chorus of those calling for the removal of the Confederate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The squad’s hard work and dedication to purpose reflects the will that built the great flags from atop the South Carolina State- Tuesday, February 1, 2000 State of Texas and our nation. By continuing house, from the Senate and House chambers, from the front ground foyer of the State- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to this same dedication and work ethic through- house, and for them to be put in a place more take a moment to recognize the Law Officer of out their lives, these young women will suc- fitting for the preservation of cultural herit- the Year recipient, Otero County Sheriff John ceed in all of their future endeavors. It is my age. Eberly of La Junta, Colorado. pleasure to be able to congratulate and recog- MICHAEL A. ALLEN, This award was presented by the Colorado nize these fine young Texans in their achieve- Former Chairman, Cattlemen’s Association and the Colorado ment. S.C. African American Heritage Council. VerDate Mar 15 2010 16:32 Jun 22, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\ERIC\E01FE0.REC E01FE0 gechino on DSK3YST671PROD with REMARKS E50 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 1, 2000 TRUTH IN BUDGETING ACTS nificant reforms in our current transportation dia’s hand may have been behind the recent infrastructure financing policy. Let me assure Air India hijacking. HON. BUD SHUSTER my colleagues, however, this bill is not meant In November 1994, the Hitavada, a well re- OF PENNSYLVANIA as the single solution or response to the many spected newspaper in India, reported that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES issues surrounding the Supreme Court’s Indian government paid Surendra Nath, the March 1998 ruling in U.S. v. U.S. Shoe Cor- late governor of Punjab, one and a half billion Tuesday, February 1, 2000 poration, which invalidated the Harbor Mainte- dollars to foment terrorism in Punjab, Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, with several of nance Tax as applied to exports.
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