S10476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 15, 2009 will not rely only upon the informal cially as it relates to the judiciary, but Staff Sergeant Curtiss was assigned justice sector, or worse, turn in fact to we have had some progress on health to Headquarters and Headquarters the Taliban for justice. and on education. We need to accel- Company, 1st Battalion, 501st Para- There has been noteworthy progress erate and develop that and incentivize chute Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry in some democratic institution build- it and get it right, but we have seen Division, Fort Richardson, AK, in sup- ing within the country. First, by way some good news. port of Operation Enduring Freedom. of example, the Ministries of Defense So I think as we debate this strategy On the day after the September 11 at- and Interior are often recognized for going forward, those of us in the Sen- tacks, Kurt Curtiss enlisted in the their positive efforts. And while consid- ate who have a role to play here and Army. He wanted to protect his coun- erable work remains to be done, each who feel the obligation to get this try and make the world a better place. has made significant strides in recent right have to focus on more than just This call to service led to two tours in years. I can say from somewhat of a security and troops and the military. Iraq and a final tour in Afghanistan. firsthand observation that both De- We have to make sure that we get The sense of patriotism exhibited by fense Minister Wardal and Interior strategies in place to enhance and in- his actions provides a striking example Minister Akmar, two ministers we met crease the governance priority as well to us all. with on our trip in August and sat as development. We will talk more at Early in his youth, Staff Sergeant down with, indicated to me they have a another time about development. Curtiss learned of selflessness and ac- strong sense of where they have to go I thank the Chair and yield the floor. ceptance as he grew up in a home to develop the Afghan army and police f where his mother cared for over 60 fos- force, the security for the country. But ter children. He will be remembered for HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES they still have to demonstrate that his love, devotion, compassion, and over time. No matter who ultimately SERGEANT JOSHUA KIRK humor. Curtiss loved life. He was a car- wins the Presidential election, I hope Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, it is ing man who always placed others be- that the Afghan Government will re- with deep sympathy and a heavy heart fore himself, a characteristic exempli- tain these important ministers, who that I express my condolences to the fied by his final moments. have the institutional knowledge of family of SGT Joshua Kirk who was Staff Sergeant Curtiss left behind a success and of clear plans for continued killed on October 3 in Afghanistan. wife and two young children who I hope development. Joshua was serving his second tour of can find solace in the immense grati- Second, the health sector, in par- duty as part of Operation Enduring tude that our Nation owes for his self- ticular, has seen impressive gains since Freedom. The American people will less service to his countrymen. We are the fall of the Taliban government. forever be grateful for his ultimate sac- forever in his and his family’s debt. Today, in Afghanistan, 82 percent of rifice. Therefore I know that I am joined by the population lives in districts with Sergeant Kirk enlisted in the Army all of my colleagues in the Senate in access to a government-provided in the spring of 2005, joining the 4th In- mourning the loss of SSG Kurt R. Cur- health care package, up from 9 percent fantry Division based out of Fort Car- tiss, our protector and hero. in 2003. That is a bit of good news we son in Colorado Springs, CO. He was f originally from Thomaston, ME and at- don’t often hear about, but I am sure REMEMBERING SENATOR EDWARD tended Southern Maine Community there is progress yet to be made there M. KENNEDY as well in terms of health care. College, where he met his wife Megan Third, the education sector has seen of Exeter, NH, and earned a degree in Mr. KIRK. Mr. President, yesterday improvements as well. In 2001, less construction technology. evening, President Obama delivered an- than 1 million children—probably Joshua believed deeply in his mission other eloquent tribute to Senator Ed- about 10 percent of the school-aged and in the cause of freedom for which ward M. Kennedy. I am sure my col- population—were enrolled in elemen- he and seven of his fellow soldiers sac- leagues will be pleased and touched to tary or secondary education, and al- rificed their lives together. Words will see it, and I ask unanimous consent most none of them were girls at that not assuage the anguish each of these that excerpts from the tribute may be time. Today, more than 6 million chil- soldier’s family will feel, nor the sense printed at this point in the RECORD. I dren are enrolled, 2 million of whom of loss at Fort Carson when these brave also ask unanimous consent that a se- are girls. So there has been measurable men failed to return home, but we hope ries of tributes to Senator Kennedy and significant progress in Afghanistan that one day these families will take from ‘‘The Hill’’ newspaper on August despite the recent deteriorating secu- solace in what President Lincoln de- 29, 2009 may be printed in the RECORD. rity environment. scribed as ‘‘the solemn pride that must There being no objection, the mate- Building on these fragile gains will be yours to have laid so costly a sac- rial was ordered to be printed in the rest in large part on the viability of rifice upon the altar of freedom.’’ RECORD, as follows: the Afghan democratic institutions. Our Nation can never fully repay the EXCERPTS FROM REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT The United States can help in this ef- sacrifice Sergeant Kirk and his family AT AN EVENT CELEBRATING THE EDWARD M. KENNEDY INSTITUTE FOR THE UNITED fort through the continued provision of have made. Through his service, he STATES SENATE development assistance and other helped preserve the safety and security of the American people. It now falls to (Ritz Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC, Oct. 14, forms of diplomatic and political sup- 2009) all of us to take up this responsibility port for Afghanistan’s institutions. The PRESIDENT: Thank you so much. While the security situation is increas- and ensure that the cause Sergeant Thank you, Patrick, for that generous intro- ingly grave, between 79 and 91 percent Kirk gave his life for is won for his wife duction, and for ensuring that the Kennedy of the population remains opposed to and young daughter. family spirit of public service lives on as the Taliban and their brand of violent I ask my colleagues to join me and strong as ever. politics and their brand of justice. I all Americans in honoring the life of And to Vicki and all the members of the hope we can consolidate on the gains SGT Joshua Kirk. Kennedy family—to Ted and Kara, obviously Patrick—there are few who are not inspired STAFF SERGEANT KURT R. CURTISS made in Afghanistan and seriously by the grace and love that all of you have begin to address the severe short- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I rise shown throughout a difficult time. comings that remain in the democratic today to pay tribute to U.S. Army SSG Our friend Ted left us less than two months development of the country. Kurt R. Curtiss of Utah who made the ago. In the days that followed, we gathered In conclusion, I would say that de- ultimate sacrifice for his country on in Boston to celebrate his life—with a joyous spite all the bad news about the secu- August 26, 2009. The staff sergeant died Irish wake of sorts at the John F. Kennedy rity environment, which is news we from injuries sustained from enemy Library, and with heavy hearts on Mission need to hear, we need to put it in the small arms fire in Paktika Province, Hill. We watched as mourners lined the streets of Massachusetts and Washington in context of the two other challenges be- Afghanistan. Staff Sergeant Curtiss the rain to say a final thank you; and as dec- yond security—governance and devel- was leading his unit into a hospital ades’ worth of his colleagues and staff lined opment. I have pointed out some real trying to rescue patients trapped inside the steps of the Capitol to say a final good- problems with the governance, espe- when the attack occurred. bye. We smiled as the Caucus Room in the VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:08 Oct 16, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15OC6.064 S15OCPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with SENATE October 15, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10477 Russell Building, a room where so much leagues to seek out those better angels and an exercise in the Senate’s own vanity—it American history was made, was renamed work collectively to perfect our union, bit by was because there were five empty spaces for the three Kennedy brothers who served bit. And in my time in the Senate, I never designated for portraits in the Senate Recep- there.
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