4000 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1857. James Gray, formerly of Longsight, near Manchester, Henry Goddard, formerly of High-street, Staleybridge, in Commission Agent and Salesman, and Jate of Ardwick, the county of Chester, Beerhouse Keeper, afterwards of Manchester aforesaid, Commission Agent. Currier Hacks, Staleybridge-road, in fhe county of Lan- Joseph Taylor, formerly of the Mechanics' Arms, Walnut- caster, and late of Wellington-road, Ashton-under-Lyne, street, Radnor-street, Hulme, Manchester, Engine Fitter, in the county of Lancaster, Cotton Spinner. Grocer, and Beer Seller, snd late of Saint Stephen-street, Thomas Burnby, formerly of Timperly, near Altrincham, Liverpool, Lancashire, Engine Fitter. in the county of Chester, in no business, afterwards of the George Bone, late of Smithfield-market, Manchester, in the same place, carrying on business at No. 21, New Cannon- county of Lancaster, carrying on business in Copartner- si reef, Manchester, in the county of Lancashire, in co- ship with William Wood, as Eating-house Keepers, under partnership with Erasmus Greaves, as Oil Merchants, the style or firm of William Wood and George Bone. under the firm of E. Greaves and Company, then of No. Richard Orrell, formerly of Georgiana-street, Bury, L-inca- 3, Robert-street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Manchester shire, and late of Oak-street, Bury aforesaid, Labourer. aforesaid, and late. of No. 60. Higher Temple-street, "William Dick, formerly "of Ash'burner-s'treet, Bolton-le- Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Manchester aforesaid, out of 3Ioors, in the county of Lancaster, Beer Seller, and late business. of Berkeley-street, Cheetham, near Manchester, in the said county, out of business. Samuel Deakin Lloyd, formerly of Passbottom-street, Henry Newton, la!e of Stamford-street, Ashton-under- Staleybridge, in the county of Lancaster, Shoe and Lyui?, in'tlfe county of Lancaster, Tailor and Draper. "Leather Dealer, then of No. 4, Walnut-street, Hulme, Hugh Macdonald, formerly of No. 91, and late of No." 12, Manchester, in the said county, in no business, then of Grove-street, Liyerpool, Lancashire, Lodging-house No. S3, Radnor-street; Hulme, Manchester aforesaid, Keeper. Commission Agent, and late of No. 26, Craven-street, James Taylor, formerly a lodger at No. 2, Chapman-street, liulme, Manchester aforesaid, Commercial Traveller, Oldham-road, then of Rydal Mount, Elizabeth-street, and late out of employment. Waterloo road, anil o-ciir-ying Mason-street Saw Mills, MjPMi-stre'rt, all "in 'Manchester, Timber Dealer and Thomas Pomfret, late residing at Saint John's-place, Pres- Sawyer b.y Stc:im Power, i'.ud late a lodger at Marl- ton, in the county of Lancaster, a part of the time occu- , lerjace, Waterlqo-road, Manchester aforesaid, Ware- pying a dwelling-bouse in Preston aforesaid, and another "-• h'ouseinan. ' • - • • • ' part of the time a hrickcroft in Ribb!eton-lane, Preston aforesaid, Marine Store Dealer and Brickmaker. • Jane -Watson (spinster), late of No. 117, Church-street, FresJon, Lancashire, formerly Dealer in Fancy Goods Samuel Timperley, formerly of Higher Brinksway. near and Tobacconist, buUatterly out of business. Stock port, in the county of Chester, then of Caroline- street, Edgeley, near Stockport aforesaid, afterwards of "William Brirnelow, formerly of Bridgewater-street, Farn- Louisa-street, Edgeley, near Stockport aforesaid, then of worth, near Bolton-le-Moors, in the county of Lancaster, Ed ward-street, Stockport aforesaid, afterwards of Castle- Cotton Manufacturer, afterwards of Waterloo-street, street, Edgeley, near Stockport aforesaid, Grocer and Bolton-le-Moors aforesaid,'then of Burch-street, Bury, in Provision Dealer, then in lodgings in Lomas-street, the said county, and late in lodgings in Bridge street, Edgeley. near Stockport aforesaid, and late in lodgings Bolton-le-Moors aforesaid, out of business. in Canal-street, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, • Edward Cleveland Seaman, formerly of No. 4. Camden- Husbandman terrnce, West Carudtui Town, in the county of Middlesex, carrying on business at 'Cateaton-street, in the city of James Morton, formerly residing in Liverpool-street, Sal- London,".then, of No. 12, Pancras-lane.-in the city of ford, in the county of Lancaster, and late in Lord Dun- London',' A{torney-at-Law and Solicitor, then of the same can-street, Salford aforesaid, at the same time carrying on place .in, coparternship with Frederick Lewis Lyne, as business and occupying a Rope Walk in copartnership Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors, and part of the time with John Drummond Morton, in Back Ellor-street, residing at Hampton, in the county of Middlesex, and for Salford aforesaid, as Rope and Twine Manufacturers, a short time Manager of the Mary-le-bone Theatre, tbon under the firm of James Morton and Son (sued with the of Auburn Villa, Rathgar-road, Dublin, Ireland, then of said John Drummond Morton, by the name of John the Victoria Hotel, Sheffield, Yorkshire, then of Auburn Morton). Villa aforesaid, then of No. 4, South-square, Gray's-inn, Lambert Bimson, formerly of King-street, Bury, in the Uolborn, London, and No. 49, Upper Stamford-street, county of Lancaster, Blacksmith, and Bolt and Screw Blackfriars, in the county of- Surrey, then of Auburn Manufacturer, then of Lancaster Castle, in the said Villa aforesaid, out of business, then of No. 10, Fisher- county, a.Prisoner confined for Debt, and late in lodg- gate-hill, Preston, in the county of Lancaster, in copart- ings in King-street, Bury aforesaid, Blacksmith and Bolt nership with William Augustus Burt, as Managers of the and Screw Manufacturer. Preston Theatre, Preston aforesaid, and a part of the time residing at Steward's Temperance Hotel, Wigan, in Thomas Horrahin, late of the Live and Let Live, Green- the said county of Lancaster, in copartnership with the street, Little Bolton, Bolton-le-Moors, in the county of said William Augustus Burt, as Managers of the Wigan Lancaster, Painter, Plasterer, and Beerseller. Theatre. John Cowburn, late of Church-street, Blackburn, in the Thomas Howarth, formerly- of Heywood, near Rochdale, county'of Lancaster^ Hair Dresser, Umbrella Maker, and Lancashire, carrying on business in copartnership with Dealer in Jewellery, Combs, and other articles. James Lomax, James Howarth, and John Entwistle, as Spindle and Fly Makers, under the style or firm of James Thomas Sawdon, formerly residing and occupying a Brewery Lomax and Company, and late of Oldbam, in the said in Bridge-street, afterwards residing at West Bank, and county, Journeyman Spindle and Fly Maker. occupying the said Brewrey in Bridge-street, and a Brewery in All Saints'-street, then residing in and occu- James Howarth, formerly of Heywood, near Rochdale, in pying the said Brewery in Bridge-street aforesaid, all in the county of Lancaster; Draper and Earthenware Dealer, Little Bolton, Bolton-le-Moors, in the county of Lancaster, and also carrying on business in copartnership with James Ale and Porter Brewer, carrying on business as Thomas Lomax, Thomas Hogarth, and John Entwistle, as Lawdon and Company, afterwards in lodgings at Moss- Spindle and Fly Makers, under the style or firm of James terrace, Little Bolton aforesaid, then.at No. 12, Albert- Lomax and Company, and late of Farnworth, near Bol- terrace, Rusholme, Manchester, at late at No. 100, Bel- ton-le-Mcors, in the said county, Journeyman 'Spindle grave-terrace, Longsight, near Manchester, out of business. and Fly Maker, his wife at the latter time following the occupation of a Weaver. James Bentley, formerly of Milk-street, Rochdale, and late of Rochdale-road, Bury, both in Lancashire, Com- Frederick William Wright, formerly of No. 27, Cable- mercial Traveller. street, Lancaster, in the county of Lancaster, out of busi- ness or employment, then of No. 18, Granby-street, William \Vallcroft, formerly of the Brown Cow, Crossley- Hampstead-road, Middlesex, in lodgings, Assistant to a street, Brook-street, Chorlton-upou-Medlock, Manches- Surgeon and Accoucher, then of No. 5, Ponsford- ter, in the county of Lancaster, Grocer, Provision Dealer, terrace, Kentish Town, in the said county of Mid- and Milk and Beer Seller, then of the Orchard New- dlesex, Assistant to a Surgeon, then of No. 9, St. Town, Collyhurst, near Manchester aforesaid, after- Wilfred-street, Preston, in the said county of Lan- wards of Stone-yard-street, Manchester aforesaid, out of caster, Manufacturing Chemist, and late of No. 7, Regent- employment, and late of Henry-street, Oldham - road, street, Preston aforesaid, Manufacturing Chemist. Manchester aforesaid, Smallware Weaver. James O'Connor, formerly of Ringold, Boston, Massachu- setts, America, carrying on business iu copartnership William Crossley, formerly of Astley-bridge, near Bolton- with Henry Cahill, at No. 241, Washington-street, Bos- le-Moors, in the county of Lancaster, and late of Brook- street, Salford, in the said county, Finisher at a Bleach ton aforesaid. Dry Goods Merchants, then of Hig-hhouse- Works. gate, York, Yorkshire, Salesman, then of Newbiggin, Beverley, in the said county of York, and late of Green- George Guill, formerly of Standish, near Wigan, in the street, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, iu lodg- county of Lancaster, and late of Miry-lane, Wigan afore- ings, carrying on no business. said, Collier..
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