- THE HERALU, Sat,, Dec. 19, 1981 GENERSLOIL Yule tree farm in Manchester... page 13 MANCHESTER HEATING OIL QUALITY SERVICE CALL 5 6 8 "3 5 0 0 _ Sleet tonight; Manchester, Conn. HAS m rain Tuesday Mon., Dec. 21, 1981 — See page 2 OMUFFE MITO BODY / 763 25 Cents FYOUTE as TA LCO TTV ILLE, CT. MAIN ST. 43-1191 ^4 IK TOWING 191 MAIN ST. " ^ 3 - 0 0 1 6 FEATURIHG THIS WEEK ... MANCHESTER •COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR •FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CARS PAP AUTO PARTS 643-1900 Boy, 15, Miners defy troops DOORS AWNIN6S HARDWARE charged AAA WINDOWS CANOPIES SHUTTERS SALES—SERVICE—INSTALLATION YANKEE ALUMINUM SERVICES in arson Palish regime resisns, S P E C IA L IS T S IN B L A S S A S C R EEN R EPA IR 20 WARREN STREET 2 )41 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER CONN 0AO40 Police have arrested a 15-year-oId MANCHESTER, CONN. Manchester boy in connection with Mdnchesier Profes5ton.il Parli, Suite A-1 Belly G.illjolier. Prop 649- 110* the arson fire which completely gutted a lumber warehouse at W.G. WE SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND CDMMERCIAL Glenney Co. on North Main Street Complete Auto. Service Tuesday night. AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION jails 40,000 HEATING and SHEET METAL • STARTERS Police said the youth, whose name • COOLING • TUNE-UPS could not be released because of his SYSTEMS • BRAKES age, will be referred to juvenile New England Mechanical Services, Inc. • ALTERNATORS • WIHINO court. By United Press International travelers, diplomatic reports, cen­ Wroclaw is a stadium that was used sored stories and in official Polish for Nazi rallies in the 1930s. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICi Capt. Joseph Brooks, head of the Poland’s m ilitary regim e held as 166 TUNNEL RD. statements:. • As many as 1,300 miners were Police Department’s Detective many as 40,(K)0 people, including WINTERIZE NOW • Church sources in Warsaw said on strik e underground at the VERNON, CT. 06066 Division, said the boy was also in­ priests, in freezing jails and intern­ they have verified a list of 1,100 peo­ Ziemovit coal mine in Katowice in 871-1111 volved In at least one of three other ment camps today but coat miners K-B AUTOmOTIVE ms-bsaa"” ple being detained bflt believe the southern Silesia. They blew up one arson fires which have struck the •in the south defied army troops with true number is as high as 40,000. exit and threatened to blow up a se­ lumber company within the past continued widespread strikes. • Many of the detainees are held cond if troops move in. Up to one CLYDE a MICKEY MILLER'S Srrritifi Mnm’hrsli'r ovvr ."iO >r.i. year. Reports reaching the West in below-zero conditions at large dozen other mines are strikebound. TEL. 649-3528 B l i p AUTO Brooks said the youth was through diplomatic channels also camps in the Mazurian lake district • Authorities have tried to enlist said workers are threatening to PARTS Pentland The Florist working alone. He declined to say if in northeast Poland and close to the “MJTO PARTS FOR LESS” the youth had ever been in trouble blow up a shipyard at Gdansk in the Soviet border. Another camp in ■ Please turn Hi page 8 24 BIRCH ST. north if troops try to take over. HOURS with police before. 8 TO 8 MON.-FRI. TEL. 643-6247 Polish martial law authorities dis­ 8 TO 5 SAT. a SUN. 643-4444 Brooks said the youth became a closed they have rounded up dozens F.T.D. suspect, in the fire when police dis­ of people charged with industrial 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) MASTER CHARGE sabotage and attempts to cause FBI liides envay covered footprints leading from the MANCHESTER AMERICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE mutiny in the armed forces. Some BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY SERVICE lumber warehouse to the street where he lives. 200 strikes were reported in the country and workers dynamited a Santa Claus alive today from 10:00 A.M. to weight only $22.95 a pair. Spare Tirq Covers The fire, which also damaged the coal mine entrance. after his defection CAP -N- CORK PACKAGE STORE 2:00 P.M.I Bring in the little ones to visit San­ $13.00 - Steering Wheel Covers $4.50 - Holley kitchen cabinets stored inside the Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, the 48 9-4 89 No. Main St. ta. It will be worth your while to shop at PAP Water Injection System $59.95. Also PA P Gift shed, was started with the use of reports said, has been moved from a small sticks of dry wood, said government villa to detention at Manchastar, Conn. Auto Parts for all your automotive needs both Certificates with a 107o discount. Buy a $10.00 WASHINGTON (UPI) - Polish to the United States since April 1978, Brooks. military command heaquarters for Ambassador Romuald Spasowski when Arkady Shevchenko — the top- foreign and domestic. PAP carries a complete Gift Certificate for only $9.00. Chilton Repair 649-0591 refusing to cooperate with spoke with quiet resolve to tell the ranking Soviet official in the United l{f‘iiu>deh‘d & Hnlarf{r<l line of high quality Brand Name Auto Parts. If Manuals only $6.95 while they last. He said the other fires at the authorities. world he was defecting to the United Nations — renounced his Soviet To Hollrr Sorre You we won’t use it ourselves we won’t sell it. We at PAP Auto Parts would like to extend lumber yard had been stared in a In Washington, Polish Am­ States. At the end of the long ad­ citizenship. “ similar manner.” bassador Romuald Spasowski dress, his voice finally broke. “ Long LIQUOR - BEER - CORDIALS Check out our Christmas Specials — Sun Super our Best Wishes and Season’s Greetings to all 191 CENTER ST. “ 1 will do everything possible to SPECIAL ORDER MANCHESTER, CONN Herald photo By Pinto sought and received political live Poland," he said. Large Selection ol Tach II only $39.85, Stewart Warner Mini our loyal and faithful customers and Thank CAKE The Tuesday night blaze began assist the people of Poland in their MON.-SAT. 10-S asylum after defecting in protest With that, Spasowski was whisked Imoorted a Dpmeflic Wiries Gauge $59.95 - Sun CP 7995 Triple Gauge Set You for your most valued business. “ (203)646-0228 about 9:30 p.m. and was brought un­ hour of need. 1 have asked the THURS. 10-9 against the “ unprecedented reign of from the State Department podium der control within a half hour, but government of the United States to $24.85 - PSP Car Ramps 6500 lbs. gross vehicle terror” in his homeland. Polish surrounded by FB I agents. He and not before the roof and one wall give shelter and political asylum to Cuddly Christmas.stocking ■ military officials promptly his fam ily were put under FBI MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY. INC. collasped. me and my fam ily," he said. MANCHESTER OVER 45 denounced the envoy, alleging he protection and were living at a HAPPY HOLIDAYS - COME SEE SANTA was suffering from “ depression.” Suftplifru «»/ YEARS No one was injured. Elijah William Caron left Manchester Memorial Hospital today secret location. Mindful of the television audience, E About 75 firefighters frorp the in a bright red stocking made by Mrs. Belle Hawkins of East In New York, the Daily News “ I cannot be silent. I cannot have Spasowski took his appeal directly 307 E. Center St. (Rear) MEMORIAL CO. EXPERIENCE reported the Polish vice-consul has •FOUL WEATHER SUITS Eighth District and Vernon Center Street. This Is a Christmas-time tradition at the hospital. any association ... with the to the American people. been granted asylum’ in the United '. authorities responsible for this PAP AUTO PARTS (behind Lenox Pharmacy) Opp. East Cemelery CALL 649-5807 responded to the blaze. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Caron of 405 N. Main St. “ Don’t be silent Americans.“ he •BOOTS •HOSE States and his fam ily may have been brutality and inhumanity,” He was born Dec. 19 and weighed in at 7 lbs. and 4 oz. Mrs. said. “ To defend freedom is your •GLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS U A U T Y The arson charge, a .class-B given a new identity by the State Spasowski .said Sunday in a state­ tradition. Show your solidarity, HARRISON ST. felony, can bring a sentence of up to Hawkins, a retired school teacher from Maryland, is a member Department. ment televised across the nation. show your support, show your of the Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs. Hawkins made 13 stockings this 5 Glen Rd. • Manchester • 643-5107 MORIALS MANCHESTER 20 years in prison and up to a $10,000 ■These grim d evelop m en ts in Spasowski thus became the first humanitarian support to those who 2 fine. ' year. Poland emerged from returning major Soviet bloc official to defect MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. are in need at this hour." C 6 GLEN ROAD - P.O. BOX B45 MANCHESTER, CT. 06040 EVERYTHING IN GLASS , PHONE (203) 643-5107 "WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT" ' Service MASTER J.A. WHITE GLASS CO. “SUPPLIERS OF SAFETY PROTECTION” Panel to push Cheney referendum passage 64«-73aa Professional Cleaning Servic^ By Nancy Thompson committee which was named today. (M’tH .10 t:xpt:HiEM h: and clarification,” according to improvements in the appearance of . The referendum is the first step On Jan. 7 the League of Women The panel is chaired by former 31 BISSELL ST. MANCHESTER HOME • BUSINESS Herald Reporter Louise Nathan, who heads a referen­ the district, such as new street toward the renovation of two mill Voters will sponsor a debate on the SptM ttlno In wHf, Uoon, upholtinnd himltun, mayor Matthew J.
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