E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2004 No. 10 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 3, 2004, at 12:30 p.m. Senate MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2004 The Senate met at 1 p.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. FRIST. At 3 p.m. the Senate will called to order by the Honorable indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. resume consideration of the motion to WAYNE ALLARD, a Senator from the f proceed to S. 1072, the highway funding State of Colorado. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING bill. Last week we attempted to reach The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE a consent agreement to begin consider- prayer will be offered by guest Chap- ation of the highway bill today. Unfor- lain Reverend Clint W. Decker, Clay The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tunately, there was an objection to Center Wesleyan Church, Clay Center, clerk will please read a communication proceeding; therefore, I filed cloture on KS. to the Senate from the President pro the motion to proceed. That cloture tempore (Mr. STEVENS). vote will occur at 5:45 p.m. today. I PRAYER The legislative clerk read the fol- hope cloture will be invoked and the lowing letter: The guest Chaplain offered the fol- Senate will be able to begin consider- lowing prayer: U.S. SENATE, ation of this important bill this PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Let us pray. evening. This is a major piece of legis- Washington, DC, February 2, 2004. lation which will not only secure Father in heaven, holy is Your name. To the Senate: I seek Your blessings on behalf of our Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, America’s infrastructure but also cre- Nation and its leaders. May our Sen- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby ate jobs. There will be a lot of discus- ators draw near to You and experience appoint the Honorable WAYNE ALLARD, a sion and debate. I anticipate that this Your unconditional love. May each Senator from the State of Colorado, to per- bill will take both this week and next seek Your divine guidance for the hard form the duties of the Chair. week—that is the next 2 weeks—to TED STEVENS, decisions they face today. complete. President pro tempore. Having said that, we need to begin Grant us all a holy desire to study the debate and allow the Senate to scripture, pray, and seek Your plan for Mr. ALLARD thereupon assumed the work its will on the amendments of- our lives. In Your unfolding mercy, Chair as Acting President pro tempore. fered. Several of the committees are strengthen marriages, sustain vital re- f continuing their efforts on their re- lationships, and grant peace to each RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY spective pieces of this highway bill and every home. LEADER today and tomorrow, but that should God, bring a spiritual awakening The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- not delay us from beginning to con- across this land that every citizen of pore. The majority leader is recog- sider this important measure. As I this great country would know Your nized. have said, there will be adequate time love and mercy as it transforms their f to consider this bill on the floor, and lives, heals their wounds, and creates Members will have the opportunity to SCHEDULE hope in hungry hearts. offer amendments. I pray this in the name of Jesus, my Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today the On another subject, last week the Lord. Amen. Senate will be in a period of morning Senate passed the pension rate reform f business until 2 p.m. At this juncture, bill by a large bipartisan vote of 86 to I ask unanimous consent that we ex- 9. The vote in the House on their PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tend morning business, with the time version of the bill was 397 to 2. Now it The Honorable WAYNE ALLARD led equally divided, until 3 p.m. today. is time for us to appoint conferees and the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- to go to conference to reconcile the dif- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the pore. Without objection, it is so or- ferences. The Senate bill has been United States of America, and to the Repub- dered. passed. The House bill has been passed. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S335 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:41 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S02FE4.REC S02FE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 2, 2004 Now we want to appoint conferees so The success of these companies is de- speeds have actually declined since 1997 we can go to conference and reconcile pendent on the quality of our Nation’s as trains are older and we are using those differences. infrastructure. slower rail systems. As daily com- Unfortunately, there has been an ob- Around the Nation, America’s trans- muters can testify, trains are getting jection on the other side of the aisle to portation infrastructure is deterio- more and more crowded as well. proceeding. I again urge the Demo- rating badly and becoming painfully The Department of Transportation cratic leadership to allow us to appoint overcrowded. America’s roads espe- warns that as the Nation’s population conferees so we can begin the process. cially are not keeping up. You can ask continues to increase and more people The large bipartisan vote on passage of any American commuter. There is live in urban areas, the need for invest- this legislation in this body as well as bumper-to-bumper traffic, not just dur- ment in transit infrastructure will con- in the House indicates we are all will- ing rush hour but all day long. Indeed, tinue to grow. ing to work together, and I hope we in our Nation’s urban areas, traffic Finally, the bill we have before us can continue and progress toward a delays have more than tripled over the that we will begin to consider is the re- conference of agreement. past 20 years. That is not just in the sult of a long bipartisan process. It is On another note, I remind my col- larger cities—New York, Atlanta, Los based on more than 2 years of work, in- leagues that on Wednesday of this Angeles. In Raleigh-Durham, com- cluding 13 hearings and testimony from week, President Aznar of Spain will ad- muting time has gone up nearly 25 per- over 100 witnesses. The highway bill is dress a joint meeting of Congress. cent in 10 years. In Charlotte, traffic a fair and comprehensive package that President Aznar will begin his speech congestion has added 39 additional will benefit the entire Nation. From at 11 a.m. Therefore, Members are commuting hours per year, the equiva- highways and bridges to bike paths, asked to gather in the Senate Chamber lent of nearly an entire week stuck in this bill will make our transportation at 10:40 so that we may leave as a body traffic. safer, more efficient, and will stimu- for the House Chamber to hear that ad- In Tennessee, traffic congestion has late job creation. Indeed, it is esti- dress. increased in all our major metropoli- mated that the highway bill under con- f tan areas. In my hometown of Nash- sideration will add a whopping 2 mil- ville, commuters drive an average of 32 IMPORTANCE OF S. 1072 lion jobs to the economy. miles per day. Metropolitan planning Our vast and interconnecting high- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I would organizations are struggling to meet ways are emblematic of our great like to take a few minutes to comment demand. American spirit, our love of adventure, on the importance of proceeding to the It is estimated that Americans suffer and our drive toward the unknown. Our highway bill which will be the focus of through more than 3.6 billion hours in highways, our bridges, our roads, our this institution over the next 2 weeks. delays and waste over 5.7 billion gal- ports, and our trains are in fact very At 5:45 today we will have the cloture lons of fuel per year just sitting in traf- much the physical expression of the vote on the motion to proceed to the fic. These transportation delays ripple very name we bear, uniting the States highway bill. I do hope cloture will be through our Nation’s economic sector of America. I urge my colleagues to invoked and we will be able to begin and result in lost productivity, lost take swift action to pass this legisla- consideration of this vitally important wages, and lost jobs. tion. We must work together to con- bill. We cannot ask our fellow citizens to tinue to move America forward. In the next few moments, I want to join the great American workforce and I yield the floor. share why I believe this bill is so im- then stand idly by while our roads portant to us, to the American people decay and that daily commute to work f and, thus, we need to invoke cloture. stretches from minutes into hours. It is RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME There is broad support for this legisla- a jobs issue.
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