388 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD. JANUARY 6, .Al o the petition of Peter G. Stuart, for compensation for property Also, the petition of 70 ~itizens of Carroll County, Ohio, including ta.k n for Government use in Pacific City, Washington TerritQ:ry. nearly all the postmasters m thu,t county, asking for a law reqni.rino­ Al o, the petition of J. D. Hubmun, for compensation for hotel in tho postage upon newspapers and other perioilicals to be paid at th~ P acific City, Washington Territory, lost by Government reservation. office ;where mailed. Also, several petitions from citizens of Ore~on, California, and Washin9_ton Territory, praying for the construction of a breakwater at Port urford, Oregon. POST-ROUTE BILLS. Dy 1\lr. NILES : T.he petition of B. A. Clark and others, for payment The follov;ing bills were introduced under the rule, and referred to of a claim in favor of the Southern Methodist publishing house at tbe Committee on tlw Post-Office and Post-Roads : Nashville, Tennessee. By Mr. HATCHER : A bill to establish additional post-roads in the By ~lr. O'NEILL : The petition of ·william Wheeler Hubbell, for counties of Saint Francois, Stoddard, Dunklin, Scott, and New Madrid settlement of royalty for his explosive hell-fu e patent, in the naval in the State of llis ouri. ' ervice. By Mr. LUTTRELL: A bill to establish a post-road from Santa lly Ir. ORTH: Memorial from citizens of Posey County, lndiann., Rosa to Calistoga, in Californi..'t. praying for removal of obstructions in the Ohio River opposite Mount A~so, 3: bill to establish a post-road from Chico to Big Meadows, in Vernon. C aliform::L. By Mr. PAGE : A petition from citizens of San Joaquin County, By Mr. WHITTHORl~ : A bill to esta,blish certain post-routes in California, praying for an appropriation for the improvement of the Tennessee. San Joaquin Rlver . .A.l o, joint resolutions from Legislatures of California, asking Con­ gress to grant to the State of California the exclusive right to use and control the unnavigable waters within their State. IN SENATE. By Mr. PHELP~: The memorial of Joshua Y. Butterworth, f9r extension of pat-ent. TUESDAY, Janua1·y 6, 1874. By .Mr. POLAND : The petition of Simeon Farnsworth and 112 other Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON Sm."'DERLAND, D. D. citizens of Danville, Vermont, praying that all post-offices in the The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. United States be made money-order offices, and that the rate of charge be diminished. PETITIONS AND :MEMORIALS. By ~Ir . ROBBINS : Resolutions of the General Assembly of North l\1r. FERRY, of Connecticut, presented the petition of James C. Carolina, in opposition to an ,increase of internal-revenue tax on Cooke, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, praying for an extension of his tobacco. patent for an improvement in the manufacture of webbinO'; which By lli. SAYLER, of Ohio : The petition of William Beard and was referred to the Committee on Patents. ~ other , for permission to prosecute claims for back rents and dn,mages He also presented the petition of Fre<.lerick B. Didier, of Hartford to lands of Camp Dennison, Ohio, before United States Court of Claims. Connecticut, praying to be indemnified for spoliations committed by By nlr. SENER: The petition of James A. Anderson, late of Com­ the French prior to the year 1801; which was referred to the Commit­ pany F, One hundred and twelfth Pennsylvania Volunteers, praying tee on Foreign Relation . for a pension. 1\Ir. FERRY, of Connecticut. I also present the memorial of the Also, a petition of citizens of Northumberland County, Virginia, Chamber of Commerc~ of the city of New Haven, in w~ch they say praying the passage of the civil-rights bill. that the great underlymg cause of the present comrnermal distress is By Mr. SMITH, of Ohio : The petition of 110 citizens of Jefferson­ found in the inevitable operation of an irredeemable paper currency; ville, Fayette County, Ohio, asking such change in the law as will that by its operation the industry of the country has been removed require the prepayment of postage on newspapers. from the control of tho e naturaJ.laws by which both commerce and Also, the petition of 46 citizens of Oregon, Warren County, Ohio, indu t r must be regulated to be sound and pro perous; that they can ru,;king such change in the law as will require the prepayment of see no permanent relief exoept in the adoption of wise measures for a postage on all mail-matter. · return to the permanent and universal standard of value. They By Mr. SMITH, of Virginia : The petition of Benjamin R. Crist, therefore pmy that Consress may take immediate measures to lead of Warren County, Ohio,. asking for a special a,ct granting him a the country ba-ck to speme payments by providing for the redemption pension. of the legal-t-ender Trea-suxy notes. I concur in the views of this peti­ By Mr. SMALL: The petition of Charles H . Ladd, for compensation tion, and move that it be referred to the Committee on Finance. for u e of real estate during the war. The motion was agreed to. Also, the petition of Caroline P . Gerrish, for a pension. Mr. CHANDLER presented two memorials of citizens of Detroit, Also, a petition to establish a post-route from iron-works in T:un- Michigan, remonstrating against the repeal of the banlnnpt law, and worth to dwelling-house of Joshuu,N.Piper,in.A.lbany,New Hampshire. asking for important modifications thereof; which were ordered to Also, the petition of Henry M. Fife, for a pension. lie on the table. Also, the petition of Ruth B. Brown, for a pensi~n. Mr. .A.NTHO:NY. I present the memorial of 1\I. W. Aldrich and Also, the petition of Mrs. Ann Brackett, for a pension. many others, merchants, manufacturers, 1)ankers1 producers, and busi­ Also, :1 petition for the establishment of a mail-route to Leighton's ness men of the city of Providence, r emonstrating again t the abso­ Corner, New Hampshire. lute repeal of the bankrupt act, and asking for uch modifications as By Mr. SWANN: The memoriaJ. of James L . McPhail, Voltaire Ran­ Congre in its wisdom may see fit to make. The memorialist recog­ dall, aml Eaton G. Homer, of Baltimore, Maryland, praying for relief. nize the importance of a uniform rule throughout the country for the By Ir. TYNER: A petition from sundry persons residing in Cass prevention of fraud and preferences among creditors in cases of insolv­ County, State of Indiana, late soldiers in the service of the United ency, and a like rnle by which honest insolvents may be discharged States in the war for the suppression of the rebellion, asking for the from their debfs. pas age of a law to equalize bounties. I have seldom had occasion, Mr. President, to present a paper which lly Mr. \V.A.LLS: A petition of the grangers of Order No. 8, of Ham­ represents so large and general an expres ion of the deliberate and well­ ilton County, Florida, asking that the cotton ta,x of the yea,rs 1865, considered judgment of the intelligent business community which I 1866, 1 67, and 1868 be refunded. have the honor in part to represent. It comes from all classes of the By Mr. WHITTHORNE: A memorial of the president a,nd directors varied industry and production and investments which characterize of Ro e Hill Cemetery, of Columbia., Teune see. _ the State. The opinion which it presents is much more nearly unani­ Also, a petition of H. M. Bugg and others, for post-route from mous than is often reached upon controverted questions, and this Pulaski to Brick Church. unanimity is the more remarkable, because the bankrupt law was Also, a petition of W . G. Boehms and others, for :1 post-route from originally rec eived ~with great doubt and distrust by many of these Columbia to Burns Station, via Lick Creek. memoriali ts, inasmuch as it overrode our insolvent !aws, to which, Also, a petition of W . 0 . Britt and others, for a post-route from Cen­ however objectionable they might have been, the business relations treville to Britt's Landing. of the State had become adapted, and which could not be changed By Mr. WILLARD, of Vermont: A.petitionfortherelief of Willia,m wi+hout serious temporary inconvenience, but which, after experience •To lyn, of Vermont. of both systems, they do not wish to restore. lly .Mr. WILLIAMS, of Indiana: A. petition for the relief of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Judiciary Committee having ecuritie of James S. Collins. reported on the subject, the memorial will be laid on the table. By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Michigan: The petition of Cha,ncy J . Poore, 1\Ir. HAMLIN. I have received and been requested to present a late private in Battery G, First New York Light Artillery, asking thu,t memorial, very numerously signed by merchants of t.he city of Bangor, privu,te act No. 230, approved March 3, 11:;73, granting him a pension, Maine, remonstrating a~ainst the repeuJ. of "the bankrupt law and may be so amended as to authorize pension from the date of his dis­ asking for a proper modification. charge. I have received also another memorial from merchants of the same Hy M.l'. WOODFORD: The petition of John Hogan, late of the Sev­ pla-ce and for the same purpose ; also another memorial signed by enteenth New York Volunteers, for amendment of bounty laws so as legal gentlemen, by Albert W .
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