US 2002O154220A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0154220 A1 Dieterich (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 24, 2002 (54) VIDEO STREAMS FOR CLOSED CAPTION Publication Classification TESTING AND THE LIKE (51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... H04N 17/02 (76) Inventor: Charles B. Dieterich, Kingston, NJ (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 348/184; 348/180 (US) Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT STEVE MENDELSOHN MENDELSOHN & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1515 MARKET STREET, SUITE 715 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19102 (US) A data structure, Such as a digital television Signal, includes (a) a video stream representing a picture and (b) auxiliary (21) Appl. No.: 10/124,337 information, Such as a closed caption Stream. In one embodi ment, the picture has an inset window representative of a (22) Filed: Apr. 17, 2002 reduced version of the picture properly overlaid by the Related U.S. Application Data auxiliary information. In another embodiment, the data Structure has two or more auxiliary information Streams, and (60) Provisional application No. 60/284,600, filed on Apr. the picture is used to independently test the auxiliary infor 18, 2001. Provisional application No. 60/284,601, mation processing of each of the auxiliary information filed on Apr. 18, 2001. StreamS. SARNOFF CCTEST CORPORATION VEOEIA-608TABLE Wif CAP CC TEST CHARACTER UPPERCASE VIDEO W/1 CAPT SE(c) 2002 EIA-608TABLE 1 CHARACTER SET UPPERCASE (c) 2002 SARNOFF CORP 302 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 1 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 108 BITSTREAM SOURCE CEA/WHD-TV DTWCCTEST PROGRAM ITERATION 1 EIA-608 TABLE 1 CHARACTER SET-UPPERCASE: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (CCI) EA-608TABLE CHARACTERSETUPPERCASE ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXMZ FIG. 2A PRIOR ART Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 2 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 CEA/WHD-TV DTWCCTEST PROGRAM ITERATION 1 EIA-608TABLE 1 CHARACTER SET - UPPERCASE: 204 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 202 FIG. 2B PRIOR ART 106 coison 300A EA-608TABLEEscar ccTEST 304 Est" VIDEOW/1 CAPT Sir CORP EIA-608 TABLE 1 CHARACTER SET Allodeelkalnopo UPPERCASE RSTUVWXYZ (c) 2002 SARNOFF CORP 302 EFGHIJKLMNOPQ FIG. 3A Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 3 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 106 SARNOFF ORPORATION CCTEST CORPORATION 300B VIDEO Wifi CAPT EA-608 TABLE CCTEST CHARACTERSE. UPPERCASE VIDEOW/1 CAPT (c) 2002 304 SARNOFF CORP EIA-608 TABLE 1 CHARACTER SET ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ UPPERCASE (c) 2002 SARNOFF CORP FIG. 3B 106 SARNOFF 300C CORPORATION YE CCTEST SES VIDEOW/1 CAPT Eco EIA-608TABLE1 304 CHARACTER SET ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ UPPERCASE (c) 2002 SARNOFF CORP 306 FIG. 3C Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 4 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 SARNOFF SARNOFF CORPORATION VIDEO WCAPT EIA-608ABLE CCTEST SES VIDEO W/1 CAPT SEF corp EIA-608TABLE 1 CHARACTER SET ABCDEFGHIJKLMinopol UPPERCASE RSTUVWXYZ (c) 2002 SARNOFF CORP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPIQ RSTUVWXYZ SARNOFF CCEST CORPORATION VIDEO W. CAPT EIA-608TABLE 1 CCTEST SEES' VIDEO W/1 CAPT SEGE CORP EIA-608 TABLE 1 CHARACTER SET UPPERCASE (c) 2002 SARNOFF CORP Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 7 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 or WW 408E FIG. 4E 106 400F 404F D. 38 883 : 3: ; 38 : 8 , s: : :::::: 388 883 : 3883 : 3 : 383 : 3 is 3: 383 . 83 83 33 406F 383 : 33 3 SX t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t it 3 S : st its 88: 888 883 : 3 s : 888 is 88883 : 3 x 3 888 88s 8: 888 88.8 s : : 888 408F FIG. 4F Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 8 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 9 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 106 400 404 406 408 FIG. 4 106 400 2::::::::/18 - 8 e s > - 8 Ayy 3 : 8 . : .: www.www. 404B YYY - A + · · · affaifa waivetrata Waff wift fift fift attatva watt 406B a feat fit want attitutiff attitt FAA watt affa afe & 8 + 8 + 8 Mawa V 8 s : 8 Afts - 8 s wVyvy -2 Awayaatts - 8 4 wVVVVW VVw V::::::::NF w 408B FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 15 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 106 SARNOFF SARNOFF 500A CORPORATION E" CCTEST 504 SEE corp VIDEO WI2 CAPT SERVICES (c) 2002 CSX:12345 SARNOFF CORP 502A CS1:12345 FIG. 5A 106 SARNOFF SARNOFF 500B CORPORATION E" CCTEST 504 Eco VIDEO W/2 CAPT SERVICES (c) 2002 CSX: 12345 SARNOFF CORP 502B CS2:12345 FIG. 5B Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 16 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 106 SARNOFF SARNOFF CORPORATION 500C E" CCTEST 504 SAGE coRP VIDEO W/2 CAPT SERVICES (c) 2002 CSX:12345 SARNOFF CORP FIG. 5C Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 17 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 SIN88|| (O) SW0 SW98 SW19 (g) SN0 SIN98 SW0 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002. Sheet 18 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 NOldWOSW19 SW0 SW£8 SW00|| SIN88|| SIN/9|| NO||LdWOSW19 SW0 SIN88 SIN00|| S/N88|| SN0 SW98 SW0 SW98 SW/9 SN0 SW88 SW98 NO|ld70SW19 SW0 SW0 SW98 SW00|| Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002. Sheet 19 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 9" Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002. Sheet 20 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 ============================= Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002. Sheet 21 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 0!"501-J Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 22 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 0 l 50/-| Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 23 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 24 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 O Cd r -- CO H CN -H Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2002 Sheet 25 of 25 US 2002/0154220 A1 US 2002/0154220 A1 Oct. 24, 2002 VIDEO STREAMS FOR CLOSED CAPTION is applied to a display device 106, Such as a television TESTING AND THE LIKE receiver, television monitor, computer display, or other Visual display, to produce test images 108 thereon. CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 0009 FIG. 2A shows an exemplary test image 200A APPLICATIONS generated on display device 106 during closed caption 0001. This application claims the benefit of the filing testing as Specified by the CEA R4.3 working group. Test dates of U.S. provisional application No. 60/284,600, filed image 200A has two associated video windows 202 and 204, on Apr. 18, 2001 as attorney docket no. SAR 14428PROV, where the closed caption content is rendered over Video and U.S. provisional application No. 60/284,601, filed on window 202, and video content representative of the closed Apr. 18, 2001 as attorney docket no. SAR 1437OPROV. caption content is displayed in video window 204. In test image 200A, the individual CC character blocks 206 are BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION represented by closed caption data encoded in the input DTV bitstream, while the rest of the display is part of the video 0002) 1. Field of the Invention data encoded in the input DTV bitstream. FIG. 2B shows the corresponding test image 200B when closed caption pro 0003. The present invention relates to video processing, cessing is turned off. Test image 200B of FIG. 2B is and, in particular, to testing the closed caption processing of identical to test image 200A of FIG. 2A, except that, instead televisions and other Video playback devices. of displaying CC character blocks 206 within video window 0004 2. Description of the Related Art 202, test image 200B shows the video imagery that would otherwise be overwritten by the CC character blocks. During 0005 Closed captioning (CC) refers to the display of closed caption testing, the observer determines whether alphanumeric characters over the Video content of a televi DUT 104 is operating properly by verifying that the closed Sion or other video signal when rendered on a display (e.g., caption characters in video window 202 match the video a television set or a computer monitor). Electronics Indus characters in video window 204. While the content in video tries Alliance standard EIA-608 specifies requirements for window 204 is intended to represent the CC characters, there embedding CC data into analog television Signals. In order is no attempt to represent those characters using the same to determine whether conventional analog television Sets are capable of proper processing of CC data, Special Sequences font or the same color as the CC characters. Nor is the of analog television Signals have been developed to Verify position of CC character blocks 206 in the test image proper closed caption processing with regard to Such char represented in the Video content. acteristics as the location of the CC window on the video 0.010 The closed caption testing specified by the CEA display, the individual characters presented in the CC win R4.3 working group for DTV bitstreams is directed to the dow, and the colors of both the characters (i.e., foreground Same types of characteristics as the conventional closed color) and the window itself (i.e., background color). caption testing of analog television Signals. 0006 The EIA-708-B standard specifies requirements for SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION embedding CC data into digital television signals (i.e., DTV 0011 Certain embodiments of the present invention are bitstreams). The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) directed to closed caption testing techniques that improve on R4.3 Television Data Systems Subcommittee Working conventional closed caption testing for analog and/or digital Group 1 on DTV Closed Captioning describes special DTV television Signals. bitstreams for testing the closed captioning interpretation of DTV television sets and other DTV decoder. 0012. According to one embodiment, the present inven tion is a data structure (and a method for generating Such a 0007 FIG.
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