Census 2016 Topic Paper Children 4-12 Years old in Greater Western Sydney By Barbara Beard, Social Research and Information Officer, WESTIR Ltd March 2020 Phot by Guduru Ajay bhargav from Pexels © WESTIR Limited A.B.N 65 003 487 965 A.C.N. 003 487 965 This work is Copyright. Apart from use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part can be reproduced by any process without the written permission from the Executive Officer of WESTIR Ltd. All possible care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained in this publication. However, WESTIR Ltd expressly disclaims any liability for the accuracy and sufficiency of the information and under no circumstances shall be liable in negligence or otherwise in or arising out of the preparation or supply of any of the information. WESTIR Ltd is partly funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice. Suite 7, Level 2 154 Marsden Street [email protected] (02) 9635 7764 Parramatta, NSW 2150 PO Box 136 Parramatta 2124 WESTIR LTD ABN: 65 003 487 965 | ACN: 003 487 965 Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 1 Regions .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Population ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Indigenous Status .................................................................................................................................. 12 Country of Birth .................................................................................................................................... 13 Top Ten countries of birth 2016 ....................................................................................................... 14 Place of birth of parents ................................................................................................................... 15 Language spoken at home ................................................................................................................ 16 Proficiency in English ........................................................................................................................ 16 Ancestry ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Family Composition .............................................................................................................................. 20 Relationship in Household ................................................................................................................ 22 Dwelling type ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Dwelling type – Change 2006-2016 .................................................................................................. 24 Tenure & Landlord Type ....................................................................................................................... 25 Rented dwellings – Landlord type .................................................................................................... 26 Usual address one and five years previously ........................................................................................ 27 Educational Institute Attending ............................................................................................................ 28 Home schooling .................................................................................................................................... 30 Childcare ............................................................................................................................................... 32 AEDC – Australian Early Development Census ..................................................................................... 34 Out of Home Care ................................................................................................................................. 37 Core Activity Need for Assistance ......................................................................................................... 40 Childhood Health .................................................................................................................................. 41 Mental Health ................................................................................................................................... 41 Immunisation .................................................................................................................................... 42 Hospital Admissions for Myringotomy (Gromets) ............................................................................ 43 Child Deaths .......................................................................................................................................... 45 Deaths of children known to FACS (now DCJ)................................................................................... 47 Child Safety in Cars............................................................................................................................ 48 Juvenile Crime ....................................................................................................................................... 49 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 52 Page 1 Regions Greater Western Sydney (GWS) is made up of the following 13 local government areas (LGAs): • Blacktown • Blue Mountains • Camden • Campbelltown • Canterbury – Bankstown • Cumberland • Fairfield • Hawkesbury • Liverpool • Parramatta • Penrith • The Hills Shire • Wollondilly GWS is also compared with data for Greater Sydney, Rest of Sydney, FACS Western Sydney District, FACS South Western Sydney District and NSW: • Greater Sydney and NSW are compiled from ABS boundaries. • Rest of Sydney is calculated by subtracting the totals of Greater Sydney with the totals of GWS. • DCJ - Western Sydney District (DCJ WS District) is made up of Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Cumberland, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Parramatta, Penrith and The Hills Shire LGAs. • DCJ South Western Sydney (DCJ SWS District) is made up of Camden, Campbelltown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Fairfield, Liverpool, Wingecarribee and Wollondilly LGAs. This paper also covers two additional LGAs, Lithgow and Wingecarribee, which are not included in GWS totals but are included in DCJ SWS & WS District totals. Statistical Areas – ABS geographical structures Statistical areas are geographic areas defined in the ASGS. SA1s are generally the basis of output for most data, the exception being some Place of Work destination zones and Usual residence one and five years ago. SA1s also serve as one of the building blocks in the ASGS and are used for the aggregation of statistics to larger Census geographic areas. SA1s build into SA2s which then build into SA3s which build into SA4s. SA1s cover the whole of Australia with no gaps or overlaps. Page 2 Map 1: GWS regions and additional LGAs of Lithgow and Wingecarribee Page 3 Glossary ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ACECQA Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder AEDC Australian Early Development Census (Formerly AEDI) AIHW Australian Institute of Health and Welfare AIFS Australian Institute of Family Studies AS Australian Standard ASR Age-standardised rate per 100/1,000/100,000 population BOCSAR Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research CDRT Child Death Review Team DCJ Department of Communities and Justice (formerly FACS) FDC Family Day Care GWS Greater Western Sydney LDC Long Day Care NAPLAN National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy NESA NSW Education Standards Authority NIP National Immunisation Program NQS National Quality Standard (Childcare) OOHC Out of Home Care OSHC Out of School Hours Care PHIDU Public Health Information Development Unit PSK Preschool/Kindergarten Care ROSH Risk of Significant Harm SA1 Statistical Area (see Regions for further explanation) SR Indirectly age-standardised ratio SUDI Sudden Unexpected death VPD Vaccine preventable diseases Page 4 Children 4-12 years Introduction This paper tells the story of children aged 4-12 years who lived in Greater Western Sydney and the outer LGAs of Lithgow and Wingecarribee in 2016. This period of a child’s life includes many events such as starting preschool, entering infants/primary school, moving into high school and shifting from being a highly dependent child, to becoming an adolescent with more responsibilities and the first steps of independence. These children live in different family situations, with varying family incomes and some may experience their own poor health or poor health of their parents or siblings. Many of these events play a part in shaping a child’s future. This paper aims to identify the situations and events that may
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