. 5 c THE 1tRRO~W7 HEAD 5TUDENf PUI)LICATION O~CENTRAL ~IG~ SCHOOL THE EAR AND EYE OP CENTRAL HIGH VOLUME38 FLINT, MICillGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1961 NUMBER ·11 Debaters Prepare fo-r Contest Wine, Arsenic, Two Victorian Ladies Debate students are apply· speaker m us t memorize his ing the finishing touches to declamation and give an oral Add Life to •Arsenic and Old Lace' their speeches this week for interpretation of it. To a gallon of elderberry two young lovers, Mortimer dent Union members and 35 the Spring Forensic Contest. Marquise Conation, Cheryl wine add one teaspoonful of Brewster and Elaine Harper, cents for Student Union mem· The winners of any part in Crawford, Lynn Rudner, and ars·enic, a half teaspoonful of and one has the makings of bers. Sandra Russell are entered In competition at the regional strycht:~ine, and a pinch of cy· the Central High School senior The play revolves about two contest will enter the District the interpretative reading con· anide. Stir with two mid· play, "Arsenic and Old Lace" kindly old ladies, Abby and Contest Tuesday, April 11, at test, which includes cuttings Victorian old ladles until done. by Joseph Kesselring. from plays, poetry, novels, Martha Brewster, who take de· Pontiac Central High School. When done, sprinkle with a "Arsenic and Old Lace" will light In poisoning lonely old Stanley White, debate coach, and short stories. rather crazy nephew, Teddy, be presented April 7 and 8 in men. The two ladi'es do not was chosen host for the region· who thinks that he is Teddy the auditorium of Central consider what they are doing al contest this year. It will be Roosevelt and Jonathan, an­ High School at 8:00 p.m. The as murder, but as a charity. Tuesday, April 25, at Flint other nephew, who looks like price for the performances Junior College. When Mortimer finds out I Coming ..... I Boris Karloff. Serve this to will be 75 cents for non-Stu· about his aunts' "hobby," he· In the original oratory con· April tries to protect them by blam­ test, the speaker must write 7-Sr. Play Performances ing Teddy for the murders. his own speech, which should 11·13-Muslc Assemblies- The plot thickens when J ona· consist of not over 1200 words, 2nd hour than, his friend Dr. Einstein, and memorize it. Representing 14-Jr. Couple Dance­ and a "cold companion" come Central in this contest will be Ballenger Field House for a visit, and find out about Zoanne Allen, Martha de Boer, 18-Student Union Petitions the aunts. Linda Kronlund, Sally Rath· bun, Diane Roth, Ross Wein· out The cast for the play is as 21-Band Orchestra Parents follows: stein, and James Klee. Concert Marie Jones, Sharon Lueck, Abby Brewster Carol Anthony Pat McGehee, and Roberta The Rev. Dr. Harper Rowe will compete for Central Robert Trop in the humorous reading con· Science Plan Teddy Brwester___ James Klee test. Sharon Lueck won the Officer Brophy_Victor Ruehle District Contest in this divis· Officer Klein ___ ._Jessie Dunn ion last year. Gives Credit Martha Brewster-Carol Stokoe The extempore speech con· Study science in the sum· Elaine Harper __ Linda Schultz test pertains to people, or mer? Yes. many students· Mortimer Brewster social, economical, and pollti· seniors and a few special jun· David Bullock cal events of significance. Les· iors-wlll attend the Summer Mr. Gibbs -------Dave Rieder lie Fitch, Diane Granger, Arn· Science Institute this summer. Jonathan Brewster The institute is at St. Olaf's Archie Ganus old Skulsky, and Darwin Allen Dr. Einstein_____ Robert Sirna will participate in this contest. College, Northfield, Minnesota. Carol Wolin, John Lossing, . St. Olaf's College is one out · Officer O'Hara ___ steve Miller and Rodney Young will com· of 157 colleges which are of· "CHARGE! Charge the blockhouse!" cries James Klee (aUas Lieutenant Rooney pete in the declamation con· fering a science institute dur· Teddy Roosevelt) a~ he acts his part of Teddy Brewster tor the Robert Trop test. In this division the ing the summer. senior play. Looking rather astonished Is Carol Anthony, who · Mr. Witherspoon Students apply by writing a plays the part of Teddy's aunt, Abby Brewster,_in "Arsenio and Donald Clark 500 wora theme why they Old Lace/' (Photo by Dave Rieder) Miss Jacqueline Kramer, would like to attend the insti· - English teacher who recently Students Finish tute. Their marks in school appeared in "The Cradle Song" and on the National Merit at Junior College, is the direc· Scholarship Tests also help Extra· Curricular Committee tor of th'e play. Pearl Marie Project Details; to determine who will attend. Hyche is student director. The students also need two recommendations from teach· Influences School Activities S·ci. Fair Opens ers. Students will be hurriedly From supplying buttermilk it is quite a choice one. Each Choir Obtains Some students, according to In the cafeteria to providing member Is picked by the com­ adding· last minute touches ability and need, are granted this week to projects entered megaphones for the Go-Go-Go mittee on the basis of leader· scholarships to the Institute. Club, the Extra Curricular ship, originality of ideas, and Classic Attire in Flint's Fifth Annual Science Part or all of the cost Is paid, Fair. The dates of the Science Committee is always working, ability to participate in a dis­ including medical expenses, to somewhat unnoticed by the cussion. These factors deter· Fair are April 13·18. 1 some students. For Assembly The beginning of the Science majority of Centralites, to mine the effectiveness of the The Summer Science classes make school better and more committee. Robes of laurel green fare· Fair will mark the end of a will last f o r eight weeks. long period of research and fun. With faculty, students, and Ion with the classic stole are These classes are In physics. The Extra Curricular Com· hard work for some Central mathematics. chemistry, and parents working together, the the new attire of the a cap· students. mittee, sponsored by Stanley Extra Curricular Committee pella choir. biology. The eight weeks are 0. Broome, Dean of Boys, and is a prime example of cooper· Sopho m o r e 'Pat Williams comparable to one year of col­ The stole is white with the will be exhibiting her project Miss Mabel Pinel, Dean of ation between the school and lege science. It may be used Instruction, is composed of the community. other side gold and they are on disinfectants, and Peter as college credit in any col· Houk, junior, has made experi· two sophomores, two juniors, reversible. The robes are eight lege. two seniors, a faculty member, ments w i t h animals to in· Other colleges participating inches from the floor. crease the human life span. and four pairs of parents. They were ordered about a in the Summer Science Con· Currently, the student mem· Music Depts. The judging of the projects ference are Michigan State, month ago from the Moore will take place Aprll14·15. The University of Michigan, and bers are: Barbara Lueck and awards program, one of the Darwin Allen. sophomores; Company, whose headquarters Central Michigan. Larry Helms and Jean Briner, Plan Shows are in Chicago. It is hoped most exciting parts of the Students may obtain furth· Science Fair, will be Satur· juniors; and Jill Comins, sec· Music will be the type of er information !rom Robert program available to Central that they wlll arrive in time day, April 15, at 7:30 p.m. in Shaw and Chester Henry. retary of the g r o u p, and for the music assemblies April the I.M.A. Auditorium. The Thomas Lawrence, seniors. students April 12, 13, and 14. speaker for this program will The faculty member is Napo· The music department of Cen· 12, 13, and 14. be Dr. Harold Rodes, presi· · May 3 marks the day of leon LaVoie, athletic director. tral High will be presenting The old robes which have dent of General Motors Insti· the Student Union elections. The parent members are: both vocal and instrumental been in use for about ten years tute. On this day, the Student Dr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips. types of entertainment. Each were sold to Longfellow Jun· The many awards available Union officers for 1961·62 Dr. and Mrs. Gurdon Guile. of the three shows will feature ior High School so the choir to winners of the Science Fair will be elected. and Mr. and Mrs. John Mac· an hour's worth of entertain· sang without robes at the make the hard work and Petitions will be distribu· Arthur, the committee's chair· ment from the choir, glee Music Benefit Concert. The struggle to finish well worth· ted on April 18, and all of men. The fourth pair of par· clubs, band, orchestra, and profits from the sale of the while. First prize in the high them must be in by April ents will be chosen soon. various soloists and ensembles. robes went towards the ·eost school division will be a $l000 21. Any sophomores inter­ . 'file Extra Curricular Com· Each day's performance will of the new robes. · scholarship sponsored by the ested in running for vice mittee· is one of the most im· be different and will depend The choir and glee club are I.M.A.. and second prize a president should see Miss portant organizations for in· on the length and type of num­ selling candy to enable both $500 scholarship sponsored by Mabel Pinel for a petition fluencing changes in our after bers in each show.
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