Destination Management of Urban Cultural Heritage Tourism from Perspectives of Stakeholders: A Case Study of Jakarta Old Town, Indonesia Cecep Rukendi A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration in Hospitality and Tourism Management (International Program) Prince of Songkla University 2011 Copyright of Prince of Songkla University Thesis Title Destination Management of Urban Cultural Heritage Tourism from Perspectives of Stakeholders: A Case Study of Jakarta Old Town, Indonesia Author Mr. Cecep Rukendi Major Program Hospitality and Tourism Management (International Program) Major Advisor Examining Committee: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh&KDLUSHUVRQ (Dr. Aree Tirasatayapitak) ( Dr. Therdchai Choibamroong) hhhhhhhhhhhhh&RPPLWWHH Co-advisor ( Dr. Tatiyaporn Jarumaneerat) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh&RPPLWWHH (Dr. Pornpisanu Promsivapallop) (Dr. Aree Tirasatayapitak) The Graduate School, Prince of Songkla University, has approved this thesis as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Business Administration Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management (International Program). hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (Prof. Dr. Amornrat Phongdara) Dean of Graduate School ii ºÉ°ª·¥µ·¡r µ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µª´¦¦¤Ä´«· ¦¸«¹¬µÁ¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµ¦³Á«°·Ã¸Á¸¥ ¼oÁ ¸¥ µ¥ÁÁ¦¼Á· ­µ µª·µ µ¦´µ¦µ¦¦·µ¦Â¨³µ¦n°Á¸É¥ª ®¨´­¼¦µµµ· eµ¦«¹¬µ 4 ´¥n° Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµÁ}®¹ÉÄÁ¤º°Ã¦µ¸ÉÁnµÂn¸É­»ÄÁ°Á¸¥Â¨³Á}Á¤º°°µµ ·¤ °ÁÁ°¦r¨r°ª¸¥»Ã¦¸É¤¸­µ{¥¦¦¤Â¨³µ¦ªµÂÁ¤º°¸ÉÄ®n¸É­»(Gill, 1993; Hajjar, 2008)Á¤º°¸ÊÁ¥Á}«¼¥r¨µ¦´µ¨°µµ·¤ÁÁ°¦r¨r¨³Åo¼Îµ®Á} ¡ºÊ¸É¦³ª´·«µ­¦rÃ¥¦»µµ¦rµ¦³Á«°·Ã¸Á¸¥´ÊÂne1970 ¨³Åo¦´µ¦¢g¢¼Á} ®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µª´¦¦¤Á¤º°Äe2006 µ¦«¹¬µ¸Ê¤¸ª´»¦³­r¸É³ª·Á¦µ³®rµ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µª´¦¦¤ Á¤º°µ¤»¤¤° °¼o¸É¤¸­nªÁ¸É¥ª o°Ã¥¤»nÁo{´¥®¨´ °µ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¦ª¤6 {´¥ÅoÂn®¨nn°Á¸É¥ªµ¦Á oµ¹­·É°Îµª¥ªµ¤­³ªÁ¡ÁεÁ¸É¥ª·¦¦¤Â¨³ ¦·µ¦°ºÉÇ(Buhalis, 2000)¦ª¤¹µ¦ª·Á¦µ³®r­·Éª¨o°¤£µ¥Ä¨³£µ¥°Â¨³µ¦¤¸­nª ¦nª¤ °¼o¤¸­nªÁ¸É¥ª o° µ¦«¹¬µ¸ÊÄoª·¸µ¦ª·´¥Á·»£µ¡®¨µ¥ª·¸Ánµ¦­´¤£µ¬rÁ·¨¹, µ¦­´¤£µ¬r¹É æ­¦oµÂ¨³µ¦¦³»¤¨»n¤ µÁ¨È¹Éª·¸µ¦«¹¬µ´¨nµªÁ}µ¦¦ª­°­µ¤Á­oµ ° ªµ¤nµÁºÉ°º° ° o°¤¼¨¸ÉÅoµ¼oÄ®o o°¤¼¨¦ª¤¹µ¦Äo§¬¸µ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ªÂ¨³ §¬¸ °¼o ¸É¤¸­nªÁ¸É¥ª o°Äµ¦ª·Á¦µ³®r o°¤¼¨¤£¼¤·Â¨³ o°¤¼¨»·¥£¼¤·Â¨³µ¦ª·Á¦µ³®r» Â È »°n°Ã°µ­Â¨³°»­¦¦ µ¦´µ¦Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµÅo¦´µ¦¦´¦»®¨´µµ¦¦³µ«Á}®¨n n°Á¸É¥ª¼¦µµ¦Â¨³µ¦´´Ê®nª¥µ¸É¦´·°Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµÃ¥Á¡µ³Á¡ºÉ°°Îµª¥ ªµ¤­³ªÄµ¦¦³­µµÂ¨³ªµ¤¦nª¤¤º°¦³®ªnµ¼o¤¸­nªÁ¸É¥ª o°Äµ¦´µ¦¡ºÊ¸Éµ¦ ´µ¦Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµÅo宨¥»rĵ¦¢g¢¼¦ª¤3 ª·¸Á¡ºÉ°¦´¦»»£µ¡{´¥ ®¨´ °µ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¦ª¤6 {´¥´¸Ê1)µ¦¢g¢¼oµµ¥£µ¡2)µ¦¢g¢¼oµ ­µ´Â¨³3)µ¦¢g¢¼oµÁ«¦¬·­´¤Â¨³Á«µ¨ iii »Â È °Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµº°µ¦Á}Á¤º°°µµ·¤ °ÁÁ°¦r¨r°ª¸ ¥»Ã¦¸É¤¸­µ{¥¦¦¤Â¨³µ¦ªµÂÁ¤º°¸ÉÄ®n¸É­»¹É­µ¤µ¦¹¼´n°Á¸É¥ª´Ê ´n°Á¸É¥ª£µ¥Ä¦³Á«Â¨³´n°Á¸É¥ªnµµ·Ä ³¸É»°n° °Á¤º°¸Êº° µ °»¤µ¦r¦nª¤µµ¦Á¤º°Â¨³µ¦ÎµÃ¦Â¦¤µ¦¡´µ°¥nµ¥´É¥ºÅ¦´Äo¤nŤn¤¸ µ¦Îµ®¦³¥³Áª¨µ °Â¡´µ­n¨Ä®o¤¸Ã¦Â¦¤ÎµÁ·µÄµ­nªÁnµ´Ê°µ¸Ê ªÃo¤µµ¦n°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µª´¦¦¤Ä¦³´µµµ·¦³´µ·Â¨³¦³´o°·Éº° Á}ðµ­Äµ¦¡´µ¡ºÊ¸ÉÁ¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµÂ¨³µ¦¸Éεª´n°Á¸É¥ª£µ¥Ä¦³Á« Á¡·É¤¤µ ¹ÊÂnεª´n°Á¸É¥ªnµµ·¨o°¥¨´Ê­µ¤µ¦¡·µ¦µÅoªnµÁ}°»­¦¦oµ µ¦´µ¦ µ¦¢g¢¼Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµ´ÊÂne1970 y 2002 ´ÊŤnn°¥Åo¦´ªµ¤¦nª¤¤º°µ¼o¸É¤¸ ­nªÁ¸É¥ª o°µ¦¢g¢¼¼¦³Åo¦´µ¦ÎµÁ·µ¦µ®nª¥µ¸É¦´·°Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµ Ánµ´Ê{®µ¸ÊÁ· ¹Ê­ºÁºÉ°µµ¦­ºÉ°ªµ¤®¤µ¥®¨´ °¡ºÊ¸ÉÄ®oÁ}­´¨´¬r °µ¦¨nµ °µµ·¤µ¦¤¸­nª¦nª¤ °°r¦°µ­µ­¤´¦¤¦µª´¦¦¤Â¨³¦³µ¦Ä¡ºÊ¸ÉÅo Á¡·É¤ ¹ÊÁ}¨Îµ´®¨´µ¸É¤¸µ¦¢g¢¼Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµÁ}®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µ ª´¦¦¤Äe°¥nµÅ¦Èµ¤µ¦¤¸­nª¦nª¤ °£µÁ°¥´¤¸o°¥ÁºÉ°µ¨»n¤ ´n°Á¸É¥ªÁ}´n°Á¸É¥ª£µ¥Ä¦³Á«¸É¤¸Îµ¨´ºÊ°Éε¸ÉŤn­µ¤µ¦­¦oµÎµÅ¦Ä®o´»¦· µÄ®nÅo ÄÁºÊ°oµ¦«¹¬µ¸Ê­¦»ÅoªnµÁ¡ºÉ°Ä®oµ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µª´¦¦¤ ¦³­ªµ¤­ÎµÁ¦ÈÃ¥Á¡µ³Ä¦· °¤¦°µµ·¤µ¦´µ¦ÎµÁ}o°¦³°oª¥ µ¦ªµÂ¸ÉÁ®¤µ³­¤®nª¥µ¡·Á«¬¸É¤¸°Îµµµ¦­ºÉ°ªµ¤®¤µ¥¤¦Ä¦·Ä®¤nµ¦Îµ 榤µ¦n°Á¸É¥ª°¥nµ¥´É¥ºÅÄo¨³µ¦¤¸­nª¦nª¤ °»£µ­nª¼o¤¸­nªÁ¸É¥ª o°Ä» ¦³´ µ¦ª·´¥¸Ê°µÄoÁ}ªÁ¸¥Á¸¥­Îµ®¦´µ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µª´¦¦¤ °ºÉÇÃ¥Á¡µ³Ä¦· °¦³Á«¸Éε¨´¡´µÂ¨³»®¤µ¥¨µ¥µµ¦n°Á¸É¥ª¸É¡´µÄ ¦³¥³Á¦·É¤o °µ¸Êµ¦«¹¬µ¸Ê°µÄoÁ}Á¦ºÉ°¤º°¦³»o£µ¦´Â¨³£µÁ°¦ª¤´Ê ´ª·´¥Äµ¦ª·´¥Á¸É¥ª´µ¦¦·®µ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µª´¦¦¤°ºÉÇn°Å ε­Îµ´µ¦´µ¦Â®¨nn°Á¸É¥ª,µ¦n°Á¸É¥ª¤¦µª´¦¦¤, µ¦¤¸­nª¦nª¤ °¼o¸É Á¸É¥ª o°,Á¤º°Ã¦µµµ¦rµ iv Thesis Title Destination Management of Urban Cultural Heritage Tourism from Perspectives of Stakeholders: A Case Study of Jakarta Old Town, Indonesia Author Mr. Cecep Rukendi Major Program Hospitality and Tourism Management (International Program) Academic Year 2011 ABSTRACT Jakarta Old Town is one of the oldest cities in Asia and the largest Dutch colonial city with architecture and design planning outside Europe (Gill, 1993; Hajjar, 2008). It was former Dutch colonial government centre and has already stipulated as a preserved historical site by the Special Administrative Province of Jakarta, Indonesia, since 1970. Furthermore, it has revitalized as main urban cultural heritage tourism destination in 2006. This study plans to critically analyze the management of the area as an urban cultural KHULWDJHWRXULVPGHVWLQDWLRQIURPVWDNHKROGHUVuSHUVSHFWLYHV7KLVVWXG\IRFXVHVRQWKHv$uVwRI tourism destination management practices (Attractions, Accessibility, Amenities, Available Package, Activities, and Ancillary Services) (Buhalis, 2000), internal and external environment DQDO\VLVRI-27DVZHOODVVWDNHKROGHUVuSDUWLFLSDWLRQ The multi-method qualitative research approach is applied in this study through in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews, and a small group meeting; these three form a triangulation of data from informants. The management of the tourism destination and the stakeholder theory are used to analyze both primary and secondary data with content and SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats) analysis. The management of JOT is considered to have been improved after it was declared as one integrative destination and since the establishment of the Technical Implementation Unit Management of JOT as a special office to facilitate coordination and cooperation among VWDNHKROGHUVWRPDQDJHWKHDUHD7RLPSURYHWKHTXDOLW\RIPDQDJHPHQW$uVWRXULVPGHVWLQDWLRQ components, the JOT management conducted 3 revitalization strategies, these are 1) physical revitalization, 2) institutional revitalization, and 3) economic, social, and events revitalizations. v The main strengths of JOT area is the fact that the area is the largest Dutch City outside Europe with early Dutch architectures and town planning that attract domestic and international visitors. While the main weaknesses of the JOT management are there is no political will and implementation of sustainability program. The master plan also does not have road map with timeline, so it causes some piecemeal programs only. Moreover, the main opportunity to develop JOT area is the fact that there is a trend of cultural heritage tourism both in international, national, and local level. Furthermore, the phenomena that number of domestic visitors has been increased, but the number of international visitors has been decreased are can be considered as threats. In heritage restoration of JOT from 1970 y 2002, there was passive participation from other stakeholderszrestoration was only conducted by the Special Administrative Province of Jakarta. This problem occurred due to the main interpretation of the area as a symbol of colonialism. The participation of heritage volunteer organization and host population increased to be self-mobilization and functional participation since the JOT area is revitalized as an urban cultural heritage tourism destination in 2006. However, participation of private sectors are still lacking because the profile of visitors are still dominated by low level domestic visitors who do not produce profits for big business. Primarily, this study concludes that in order to have a successful urban cultural heritage tourism destination---especially in the context of colonial heritage---management must include appropriate planning, special institution authority, reinterpretation of the heritage, sustainable tourism program implementation, and the participation of all levels of stakeholders. This research can be seen as a benchmark for the management of other urban cultural heritage tourism destinations, especially in the contexts of developing countries and early-growth stage tourism destinations. This study might also serve as a stimulus for the public and private sectors; also for tourism researchers to further research on management of urban cultural heritage tourism destinations. Keywords 7RXULVP GHVWLQDWLRQ PDQDJHPHQW 8UEDQ FXOWXUDO KHULWDJH WRXULVP 6WDNHKROGHUVu Participation, Jakarta Old Town (JOT). vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ever since I have known that Jakarta Old Town (JOT) is the largest Dutch City outside of Europe with early Dutch architecture, and that it has transformed from a preserved heritage site into a new product of urban cultural heritage tourism in Indonesia, I have been interested in researching it for my thesis.
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