2013 Total Compensation Report

2013 Total Compensation Report

CITY OF DEKALB Report date: 6/1/12 thru 5/31/13 Last Name First Name Title City Insurance Allowance Longevity/Bonus Wages including OT Grand Total Vacation Days Sick Days Ackland Jeffrey Patrol Officer $6,133.26 $800.00 $812.00 $84,091.07 $91,836.33 24 12 Adamson Todd Firefighter/Paramedic $14,440.75 $733.37 $250.00 $56,169.15 $71,593.27 2 12 Alexander Jeremy Info & Tech Director $18,519.17 $0.00 $0.00 $88,547.76 $107,066.93 22 12 Alva Ana Office Associate I $1,179.63 $0.00 $0.00 $3,813.36 $4,992.99 12 12 Anderson Matthew Water Technician $18,983.42 $550.00 $840.06 $93,135.60 $113,509.08 17 12 Anderson Michael Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $253.50 $90,743.52 $110,587.26 11 12 Anderson Michelle Human Resources Director $18,519.17 $0.00 $0.00 $71,806.58 $90,325.75 27 12 Andrus Brian Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $1,161.75 $82,187.60 $102,939.59 18 12 Awe Dawn Account Technician III $18,983.42 $0.00 $1,772.52 $51,080.10 $71,836.04 27 12 Baker David Alderman $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,400.00 $5,400.00 Bauling Michael Project Implementation Engineer $18,519.17 $0.00 $0.00 $88,300.99 $106,820.16 22 12 Becker Carrie Telecommunicator $12,975.69 $275.00 $0.00 $36,272.47 $49,523.16 20 12 Begovich Regina Crossing Guard Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $393.97 $393.97 Bell Ashley Aiport Line Service Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,475.78 $8,475.78 Benthusen Allison Patrol Officer $1,115.39 $0.00 $0.00 $9,472.00 $10,587.39 11 12 Besler Linda Telecommunicator $18,983.42 $550.00 $290.95 $65,330.40 $85,154.77 20 12 Biarnesen Curt Police Corporal $13,471.42 $800.00 $1,741.50 $98,461.70 $114,474.62 34 12 Biernacki Mark City Manager $7,077.79 $3,741.84 $10,000.00 $180,181.99 $201,001.62 22 12 Birtell William J. Info & Tech Technician $18,983.42 $550.00 $2,243.24 $90,208.34 $111,985.00 27 12 Blanken Eric Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $724.75 $95,202.71 $115,517.70 16 12 Boldt Joshua Patrol Officer $6,389.51 $800.00 $500.00 $80,149.76 $87,839.27 24 12 Bollow Brian Patrol Officer $18,884.13 $800.00 $1,241.00 $94,347.32 $115,272.45 29 12 Brantley Christopher Public Works Maintenance $18,983.42 $550.00 $470.98 $58,616.42 $78,620.82 17 12 Brown Phillip Patrol Officer $18,884.13 $800.00 $740.50 $82,944.97 $103,369.60 24 12 Burke Jared Patrol Officer $6,133.26 $800.00 $838.00 $98,290.72 $106,061.98 24 12 Burke Juanita Telecommunicator $6,482.56 $0.00 $747.72 $28,261.48 $35,491.76 42 12 Burton Jacob Aiport Line Service Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,137.69 $11,137.69 Busby Fred Patrol Officer $18,884.13 $800.00 $2,424.00 $82,445.45 $104,553.58 39 12 Cahill Joseph Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $1,584.25 $85,196.95 $106,371.44 19 12 Caldwell Jillian Telecommunicator Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,556.61 $23,556.61 Callahan Michael Telecommunicator $18,983.42 $550.00 $263.29 $78,559.25 $98,355.96 20 12 *Insurance amounts are for current eligible employees. ** Vacation/Sick days are based on per shift (ie. Fire-1 day=24 hrs, Police-1 day =8 hrs) CITY OF DEKALB Report date: 6/1/12 thru 5/31/13 Last Name First Name Title City Insurance Allowance Longevity/Bonus Wages including OT Grand Total Vacation Days Sick Days Carani James Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic $18,350.38 $800.00 $1,510.50 $110,012.15 $130,673.03 18 12 Christensen Eric Skilled Maintenance $18,983.42 $550.00 $2,363.18 $90,801.77 $112,698.37 27 12 Clark Joseph Public Works Maintenance Seasonal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,994.67 $7,994.67 Cleveland Thomas ADPW-Airport/Airport Manager $18,519.17 $0.00 $1,774.39 $88,552.13 $108,845.69 22 12 Conley Thomas Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $542.75 $109,434.31 $129,567.30 16 12 Costliow Jonathan Police Sergeant $18,214.89 $800.00 $2,037.25 $105,688.52 $126,740.66 39 12 Cox Anthony Battalion Chief $17,985.62 $800.00 $1,555.00 $111,286.35 $131,626.97 19 12 Cruz Steve Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $912.50 $95,000.15 $115,502.89 16 12 DeLille David Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $667.75 $92,150.68 $112,408.67 16 12 Densberger Anthony Patrol Officer $18,884.13 $800.00 $1,156.50 $82,500.03 $103,340.66 29 12 Dickson Brian Transportation Planner $7,077.79 $0.00 $0.00 $57,630.19 $64,707.98 17 12 Diedrich Jennifer Economic Development Coordinator $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $64,690.83 $64,690.83 22 12 Domina Dionetta Crossing Guard Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,084.36 $6,084.36 Dorf Kyle Engineering Aide Trainee Seasonal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,826.88 $4,826.88 Duehning Jessica Patrol Officer $6,133.26 $800.00 $704.75 $94,521.04 $102,159.05 24 12 Durham Heide Telecommunicator $14,045.52 $550.00 $530.93 $63,917.07 $79,043.52 32 12 Eaton Doug Info & Tech Technician $18,983.42 $550.00 $1,661.64 $81,454.49 $102,649.55 27 12 Ehrke Keith Detective $18,884.13 $800.00 $951.75 $95,598.73 $116,234.61 29 12 Erickson Lynnea DSATS Intern Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,010.53 $12,010.53 Eriksen Patrick Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $360.75 $91,415.89 $111,366.88 16 12 Espiritu Rodolfo Assistant City Manager $13,707.94 $2,245.08 $0.00 $102,953.02 $118,906.04 15 12 Espy Joseph Police Corporal $5,997.85 $800.00 $1,276.75 $96,718.92 $104,793.52 24 12 Espy Mark ADPW-Operations-Maintenance $18,519.17 $0.00 $0.00 $97,676.35 $116,195.52 27 12 Fabro Elizabeth Patrol Officer $6,133.26 $800.00 $1,118.50 $93,775.04 $101,826.80 24 12 Faivre Bryan ADPW-Utilities $13,707.94 $0.00 $0.00 $96,941.31 $110,649.25 27 12 Faivre Pamela Community Services Officer Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,275.94 $12,275.94 Farrell Scott Police Corporal $18,671.34 $800.00 $1,536.75 $101,358.63 $122,366.72 34 12 Faulhaber Donald Fire Captain $18,206.32 $800.00 $1,546.75 $107,301.37 $127,854.44 19 12 Felten Ryan GIS Intern Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,621.92 $1,621.92 Ferrigan Kevin Patrol Officer $18,884.13 $800.00 $1,627.75 $90,462.00 $111,773.88 34 12 Finucane Bill Alderman $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $415.44 $415.44 *Insurance amounts are for current eligible employees. ** Vacation/Sick days are based on per shift (ie. Fire-1 day=24 hrs, Police-1 day =8 hrs) CITY OF DEKALB Report date: 6/1/12 thru 5/31/13 Last Name First Name Title City Insurance Allowance Longevity/Bonus Wages including OT Grand Total Vacation Days Sick Days Fisher Joseph Firefighter/Paramedic $19,856.09 $800.00 $0.00 $59,990.25 $80,646.34 4 12 Flattum Steven Airport Line Service Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,643.07 $9,643.07 Fore Jason Firefighter/Paramedic $19,856.09 $800.00 $0.00 $67,120.14 $87,776.23 5 12 Freeman Gary Skilled Maintenance $14,045.52 $550.00 $2,132.42 $79,873.61 $96,601.55 27 12 Freeman Sean Firefighter/Paramedic $18,790.24 $800.00 $1,493.25 $79,370.76 $100,454.25 19 12 Fritz Keith Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic $18,350.38 $800.00 $1,037.25 $105,775.85 $125,963.48 18 12 Gallagher Brendon Alderman $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,984.56 $4,984.56 Gates Aaron Patrol Officer $18,884.13 $800.00 $769.75 $93,959.82 $114,413.70 24 12 Gates Amber Crossing Guard Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,997.04 $2,997.04 Gautcher Brett Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic $18,350.38 $800.00 $991.00 $101,126.42 $121,267.80 16 12 Gerace Daniel Community Services Officer Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17,780.78 $17,780.78 Gilmore Barton Battalion Chief $17,985.62 $800.00 $1,895.50 $127,461.18 $148,142.30 19 12 Grunwald James CBD-Maintenance Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,266.49 $14,266.49 Guthrie Thomas Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic $7,037.10 $800.00 $1,677.00 $94,345.68 $103,859.78 19 12 Guzinski Geoffrey Patrol Officer $18,884.13 $800.00 $704.75 $92,511.19 $112,900.07 24 12 Haacker James Police Sergeant $18,214.89 $800.00 $1,826.00 $99,407.05 $120,247.94 24 12 Halsey Carol Telecommunicator Part Time $6,075.37 $550.00 $3,366.34 $111,146.25 $121,137.96 Harms Mary Jo Legal Assistant $7,077.79 $0.00 $0.00 $55,296.12 $62,373.91 22 12 Hart Brenda Administrative Associate $7,077.79 $0.00 $0.00 $48,220.58 $55,298.37 22 12 Hauman Susan Cashier Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,719.09 $12,719.09 Hedin Brittany Telecommunicator $2,359.26 $45.84 $0.00 $11,176.46 $13,581.56 0 12 Hernandez Edward Public Works Maintenance $14,045.52 $550.00 $470.98 $67,074.40 $82,140.90 17 12 Hernandez Riippi Mary Account Technician I $18,983.42 $0.00 $2,150.86 $45,590.29 $66,724.57 27 12 Hicks Eric Fire Chief $18,519.17 $800.00 $0.00 $118,183.52 $137,502.69 27 12 Higgins Tammey Administrative Associate Part Time $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $31,124.31 $31,124.31 Hiland Derek Principal Planner $18,519.17 $0.00 $0.00 $74,267.68 $92,786.85 15 12 Hiland Patricia Account Technician III $14,045.52 $0.00 $2,760.16 $54,538.27 $71,343.95 27 12 Hoadley Wesley Deputy Police Chief $18,519.17 $800.00 $0.00 $106,281.18 $125,600.35 27 12 Holiday Lisa Police Sergeant $18,214.89 $800.00 $2,170.50 $112,593.74 $133,779.13 39 12 Holuj Matthew Firefighter/Paramedic $6,751.77 $800.00 $0.00 $70,470.93 $78,022.70 5 12 Hopper Susan Account Technician I $14,045.52 $0.00 $1,791.00 $45,590.28 $61,426.80 27 12 *Insurance amounts are for current eligible employees.

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