Students gear up for “Super Tuesday” Luke Garrison Weekly Staff Writer or many Gustavus stu- dents, the 2008 presiden- tial election will be the Ffirst chance to have a voice in choosing our nation’s leader. For Minnesota and 23 other states, the selection process be- gins with a caucus or primary on Tuesday, February 5: “Super Tuesday.” However, unlike in years past, this February 5 will hold special importance for Min- nesota and the country. Once little more than an exercise in futility, this year’s caucus will have a major impact on both parties’ choices for president. Both Democrats and Republi- cans are locked in a horse race where any candidate could grab the nomination. This year also holds great potential to make national history, as Ba- rack Obama, son of a Kenyan and a Kansan, and former First Lady Hillary Clinton vie for the Democratic nomination. Caucusing simply means to MCT CA M PUS go out in support of a candi- Barack Obama, above, is in a close primary race with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for president. Minnesota will make it’s voice heard on Feb 5. date. In Minnesota, each level of the caucus selects delegates nesota resident can go to either at St. Peter High School for the elections take person power eryone to get out and caucus to go on to vote at the next level the Republican or Democratic two main parties, and although and require lots of time and en- on February 5, for the reason and those people are ultimate- caucuses, but not both, and the caucus is during Touring ergy on some medial tasks, and that you are rooting for your ly the ones who vote for the vote as well as try to become a Week, students can also caucus college students do that very favorite candidate and because candidate that gets the state’s delegate at the precinct level. in their home precincts. “Stu- well with great energy and it’s a great way to participate in party endorsements. Any Min- Gustavus’ local precinct is dents play a huge role because enthusiasm,” Assistant Profes- our democracy,” said Shutrop. sor of Political Science Alisa Not only will the caucuses Rosenthal said. decide who will appear on the Battle for delegates Co-Chair of the Gustavus ballot, but the delegates will Caucus Both Numbers States holding a primary or caucus on Feb. 5: C Adolphus College Democrats also vote for party platforms GOP/DEM P P Primary Republican Sophomore Justin Martin be- and party endorsements for only Pledged Mass. CV Convention lieves student involvement in United States Senate candi- Republicans GOP Democratic delegates 43/93 at stake elections is essential. “I think dates. Junior Political Science Delegates only C P it’s immensely important from major Conor Bennett is a local on Super Needed to Mont. C N.D. C P the standpoint of how do we, caucus coordinator for Demo- Tuesday nominate Conn. C 25 26/13 Minn. N.Y. 1,029 1,191 27/48 as college students, show that cratic Senate candidate Al Fran- Idaho 38/72 101/232 there are issues we care about, ken. “It’s all about doing what 18 whether it be anything from I love,” said Bennett, whose P N.J. P Total delegates 2,380 P C Ill. 52/107 our life on campus such as text- objective will be to get enough P P 57/153 Utah Colo. book prices, or outside of that delegates chosen who will vote Calif. 36/23 C Kan. Mo. Del. P 43/55 32 to lower taxes or better funded for Franken at the state caucus. 170/370 58/72 Tenn. P 18/15 P 52/68 schools. For anything, we as Any student can go out and P P Okla. P Democrats Dems W. Va. students have to show politi- caucus on Super Tuesday, but if Ariz. N.M. 38/38 Ark. Ala. Ga. P CV 53/56 18 cians that college students care you won’t be around St. Peter Delegates 26 31/35 45/52 72/87 Needed to on Super about those issues,” Martin for Touring Week, find your lo- nominate P Tuesday said. cal caucus location at the Min- 2,025 1,678* CV Chair of the Gustavus Adol- nesota Secretary of State’s web- Alaska 26/13 phus College Republicans site at caucusfinder.sos.state. Junior Carla Shutrop, shares mn.us for both parties. Total delegates 4,049 *Democratic totals do not include “super” delegates, who may have announced support for a candidate but are officially “unpledged” Martin’s sentiment. “It could Source: AP NOTE: Colorado and Minnesota hold non-binding straw polls Feb. 5 as part possibly be a once in a lifetime Read: “How to choose a Graphic: Kansas City Star © 2008 MCT of their caucuses, RNC officially says the delegates are “unbound” or unpledged opportunity. I encourage ev- candidate” on page 6 Page 2 The Gustavian Weekly January 25, 2008 NEWS Published weekly on Fri- Letters to the Editor can WEEKLY Safety and Security Report day, except during academic be sent to LettertotheEdi- Weekly Safety and Security Report for January 13-19, 2008 breaks, by the students of [email protected]. Gustavus Adolphus Col- If you are interested in Tuesday, 01/15, lege. publishing an ad with THE Two students in Sohre Hall were each cited with a drug and alcohol Subscriptions are avail- GUS T AVIAN WEEKLY , please violation. able from THE GUS T AVIAN contact our Ad Manager, WEEKLY , 800 West College Ben Smith at admanager@ Wednesday, 01/16, Ave., St. Peter, MN 56082 gac.edu. for $40 per year. Single cop- THE GUS T AVIAN WEEKLY is Someone vandalized the Pittman Hall third floor lounge window. Estimated re- ies are available on campus published 25 times through- placement cost $420. for free. out the 2007-2008 year: Sep- Additional copies are tember 14, 21 and 28, Octo- Friday, 01/18, available for a nominal fee ber 5, 12 and 19, November Safety and Security responded to a medical assist call at the Lund Center. and can be obtained by con- 2, 9, 16 and 30, December 7 tacting THE WEEKLY office. and 14, January 18 and 25, Crime Prevention Tip of the Week: Opinions expressed herein February 22 and 29, March are not necessarily those 7 and 14, April 4, 11, 18 and If someone is threatening you through emails, text messages, phone calls, or in of the institution nor of its 25, May 2, 9 and 16. other forms- report it immediately to Safety and Security or the St. Peter Police student body. The Editors Department. Keep track of all incoming times and dates. If it is in printed form, assume full responsibility E-mail: [email protected] save them, print them and turn them over to proper authorities. Remember: You for editorial and unsigned Phone: (507) 933-7636 don’t have to deal with this alone. material. Fax: (507) 933-7633 THE WEEKLY CLASSIFIEDS 4 BR (2-bath), 2 BR or 1 BR Break Free! Live in your own house! 12 month lease for next year. Wanted: Coach Rent next year: one block from campus! All utilities in- fun energetic Legendary “Green Acres” 6 BR, 2BA, 2 Kitchens, Looking for a and cluded in the rent except lights, spacious 4 BR ($1320), 2 LOTZ of living space. Up to 8 people. person to coach a boys’ BR ($690) and 1 BR ($575) apartments. Appliances, heat, “Taj Mahal” of St. Peter, 4 BR, 2BA, 2 Kitchens, water & sewer included. Off street parking, on-site laundry Close to GAC campus, BIG yard for grilling. gymnastics team next year. facilities, deck with a beautiful view of the valley. 1118 “Gingerbread House”, 3 BR, 1 BA, w/loft. Big yard! South Washington Avenue Across from park for healthy exercise. “Club 169” Make it your address! 4 BR, Eat-in Kitchen, If interested please contact Melissa Lee at Xtra Room for study or entertaining, 1 1/2 car garage. Call Joyce for a personal showing (612) 306-0744. [email protected] Call: 507-382-0249 News Editor: Jacob Seamans News | Page 3 Serving for class January Interim Experience allows students to serve the community Kerry George Halberg, a member of the group. Weekly Staff Writer Taught by Assistant Professor of Religion Thia Cooper, members of the he Clothes, Food and Supplies JIE class Community Action and Social Drive, sponsored by the January Change were divided into three groups, InterimT Experience (JIE) course Com- and were given three topics to choose munity Action and Social Change, is from: homelessness, genocide in Darfur calling upon the Gustavus community and immigration. to donate unneeded items to the home- “When I choose service and advoca- less. cy projects, I look first at what the needs Advocates for Ending Homeless, the are of the community around here and student group who is organizing the then I try to match them to the course drive, is asking for clothes, winter gear, goals. The advocacy work addresses in- non-perishable food items, school sup- teresting questions about our responsi- plies, toiletry items or money to assist bility as global citizens and about how ALEX ST ASSEN those in the St. Peter area. Those inter- we define justice and charity,” Cooper Junior Sara Halberg and First-Year Andrew Moua, above, work in a kitchen to help feed ested in helping are also provided with said. area homeless. They are part of a January Interim class entitled “Community Action and the means to write a letter to a news- Members of the homelessness group Social Change.” paper editor or government represen- include First-Years Nadvia Davis, Kayla tative to express their concerns about Elbert, Andrew Moua, Justin VerMeer meals they serve, or it can go to the St.
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