Myanmar National Red List Training and Assessment Workshop Royal Naypyitaw Hotel 15-18 January 2019 Background The Myanmar National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2020 includes Target 12.3 “By 2020, a National Red List of selected taxa has been produced” and Actions 12.3.1 “Conduct Red List assessments for key taxa, with a particular focus on endemic species” and 12.3.2 “Hold training workshops to build capacity on application of the Red List categories and criteria”. In July 2017, in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation’s (MONREC’s) Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division (NWCD), WCS Myanmar, and WWF Myanmar, IUCN organized a 5-day Red List Assessor training workshop at the Forest Research Institute (FRI), Yezin, near Naypyitaw. 30 participants attended, representing organizations including the Myanmar Forest Department, WCS, WWF, FFI, Instituto Oikos, Myanmar Floriculturalist Association, Taunggyi University, Yangon University, Mandalay University, and Myitkyinar University. In addition to building national capacity in use of the Red List Categories and Criteria, this event was intended to initiate the process of developing a Myanmar National Red List. It was followed by the formal establishment of five National Red List Working Groups – focusing on mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, plants, and aquatic species, approved by the MONREC Minister. In July 2018, IUCN facilitated a second Red List workshop at FRI, Naypyitaw, again in partnership with NWCD, WCS Myanmar, and WWF Myanmar. This event consisted of three days of Red List Assessor training for 69 members of the Myanmar National Red List Working Groups (23-25 July), followed by two days of conducting national-level assessments of 71 reptile species with seven members of the Myanmar National Red List Reptiles and Amphibians Working Group (26-27 July). This event also included a parallel session on the 26 July discussing potential amendments to the list of species protected under Myanmar’s 2018 Biodiversity Law. In January 2019, IUCN continued to support the development of a Myanmar National Red List by facilitating a third Red List workshop in Naypyitaw, again in partnership with NWCD, WCS Myanmar, and WWF Myanmar. This event took place at the Royal Naypyitaw Hotel, and consisted of a one-day Red List refresher training (15 January), and three days of conducting national-level assessments of mammal species with 34 members of the Myanmar National Red List Mammals Working Group (16-18 January). Red List Training A total of 34 participants received a one-day refresher training in application of the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. This was considered sufficient training, as most of the participants had previously participated in at least one of the previous 2017 and 2018 Red List training workshops. These trainees were members of the Myanmar National Red List Mammals Working Group, and represented organizations including NWCD, FRI, WCS, WWF, FFI, Oikos, BANCA, Myitkyina University, Magway University, Kengtung University, Yangon University, and West Yangon University. Please see Annex 1 for a list of participants. The training was delivered by James Tallant (independent consultant) and Monika Böhm (Research Fellow, Zoological Society of London), both qualified IUCN Red List trainers with extensive experience delivering Red List training and supporting National Red List processes. The training consisted of a very condensed version of the standard IUCN Red List training curriculum, covering topics including: - introduction to the Red List; - the process of conducting a Red List assessment; - key terms and concepts; - the nine Red List categories; - the five Red List criteria and their application at the global level; and - applying the Red List categories and criteria to national contexts. 1 By the end of the training, all participants had practiced applying the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria to example case studies. Inevitably, some gaps in knowledge and understanding remained, many of which the trainers were able to address during the remaining three days of the workshop, alongside the national assessments. National Red List Assessments 34 members of the Myanmar National Red List Mammals Working Group spent three days conducting national-level assessments of mammal species, with the two Red List trainers available to answer questions, explain Red List concepts and terminology, provide advice, and review draft assessments. By the end of the workshop, a total of 43 draft assessments had been completed, including 11 species of primates, 10 species of carnivores, 10 species of bats, and 4 species of rodents. These 43 draft assessments constitute a significant proportion of the approximately 320 species of mammals found in Myanmar (of which 99 are bat species and 73 are rodent species). These draft assessments have been reviewed and edited (for language, clarity, etc.) by the Red List trainers, and submitted to the Working Group and workshop organizers. Please see Annex 2 for a summary of the draft results. In order to complete a Myanmar National Red List of Mammals, the following steps need to be completed: - finalize draft assessments started during the assessment workshop, completing any missing sections of the assessment forms; - complete distribution maps for all assessments conducted during the workshop (some have already been started); - compare the list of completed mammal assessments with the list of all mammal species found in Myanmar, and identify priorities for assessment; - draft assessments (including distribution maps) for mammal species not assessed during the workshop – this could be done by experts in their own time, or at a future assessment workshop; - arrange for all draft assessments to be reviewed by suitable experts, to confirm that important data has not been overlooked, and that the Red List Categories and Criteria have been applied correctly; - finalize assessments based on the reviewers’ input; and - publish final assessments in a suitable format (online, via a mobile app, and/or as a pdf or physical publication). In order to complete a comprehensive Myanmar National Red List of all major groups, the following steps are recommended: - complete the Myanmar National Red List of Reptiles (started during the 2018 workshop); - complete the Myanmar National Red List of Mammals (see above); - consider increasing national capacity for Red Listing by arranging for one or more Myanmar nationals to be trained as IUCN Red List trainers by the IUCN Red List Unit; - choose the next priority species group for assessment, and confirm the list of taxa to be assessed; - compile all available data on taxa to be assessed, populate assessment forms with background information, and draft distribution maps prior to the assessment workshop (this will greatly increase the number of assessments that can be completed during an assessment workshop); - organize multi-day assessment workshop, accompanied by refresher (1-day) training; and - produce draft assessments, review, finalize, and publish. 2 Annex 1. List of Participants No. Name Organization 1 U Win Naing Thaw NWCD 2 Dr. Khin Maung Swe Expert 3 Dr. Su Su Expert 4 Ms. Monika Bohm IUCN 5 Mr. James Tallant IUCN 6 Mr. Robert Tizard WCS 7 Mark Grindely FFI 8 Dr. Aye Mi San Yangon University 9 Dr. Thidar Oo West Yangon University 10 Daw Aye Yu San Magway University 11 U Maw Hpaw Bwe Myitkyina University 12 Dr. Aung Lu Myitkyina University 13 Dr. Moe Moe Khaing Kengtung University 14 Dr. Aye Aye Khaing Pakokku University 15 Dr. Myint Myint Than Mohnyin Degree College 16 Daw Khin Mar Myint FRI 17 U Ngwe Lwin FFI 18 Dr. Myint Thein Htoo Zoo & Gardens. Business Unit 19 U Myo Min Tun BANCA 20 Daw Khing Swe War BANCA 21 Daw Marget Nyein Nyein Myint WWF 22 U Toe Tet Zaya OIKOS 23 U Hla Naing WCS 24 Dr. Naw May Lay Thant WCS 25 U Than Zaw WCS 26 U Nyan Hlaing WCS 27 U Aung Htet Oo WCS 28 U Htet Akar Aung WCS 29 U Aung Ye Htun WCS 30 U Zarni Aung WCS 31 U Min Hein Htike WCS 32 U Kyaw Khaung Thant Zin WCS 33 U Ye Lin Aung WCS 34 U Htet Wai Aung WCS 35 Daw Theint Thandar Bol WCS 36 Daw Hayman Yanaye WCS 3 Annex 2 Summary of Draft Results Order Suborder Family Genus and Species Common Global RL Draft Name (ENG) Status National RL Status 1. Hoolock hoolock Western EN EN hoolock gibbon 2. Hoolock leuconedys Eastern VU VU Hylobatidae hoolock gibbon 3. (gibbons) Hoolock tianxing Skywalker - EN hoolock gibbon 4. Hylobates lar Lar gibbon EN EN entelloides 5. Trachypithecus Phayre's langur EN EN phayrei phayrei 6. Trachypithecus Shortridge's EN EN shortridgei langur 7. Primates Haplorhini Trachypithecus barbei Tenasserim DD VU lutung 8. Trachypithecus Dusky Langur NT EN Cercopithecidae obscurus flavicauda 9. (Old World Rhinopithecus strykeri Myanmar CR CR monkeys) Snub-nosed Monkey 10. Macaca fascicularis Burmese long- LC VU aurea tailed macaque, Crab-eating macaque 11. Macaca mulatta Rhesus LC LC Macaque 12. Rousettus Lechenault's LC NT leschenaultii rousette 13. Cynopterus sphinx Greater short- LC NT nosed fruit bat Pteropodidae 14. Cynopterus Lesser short- LC VU (fruit bats) brachyotis nosed fruit bat 15. Eonycteris spelaea Dawn bat LC LC 16. Macroglossus Long-tongued LC EN Yinpterochiroptera sobrinus fruit bat 17. Chiroptera Craseonycteris Kitti's hog- VU VU Craseonycteridae thonglongyai nosed bat 18. Hipposideros armiger Great roundleaf LC LC bat Hipposideridae 19. Hipposideros lylei Shield-faced LC VU (Old World leaf- roundleaf bat nosed bats) 20. Hipposideros larvatus Intermediate LC LC roundleaf bat 21. Molossidae (free- Tadarida Wrinkle-lipped LC LC Yangochiroptera tailed bats) (Chaerephon) plicata free-tailed bat 22. Panthera tigris Tiger EN CR 23. Panthera pardus Leopard VU VU 24. Clouded VU NT Neofelis nebulosa leopard 25. Asian golden NT NT Catopuma temminckii Feliformia Felidae (Cats) cat 26. Pardofelis marmorata Marbled cat NT NT Carnivora 27. Prionailurus viverrinus Fishing cat VU EN 28.
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