Appendix A: Summary Table of New Urbanist Land Development Regulations PART 1. MODEL CODES Model Codes Prepared By Status Electronic Information Envision Utah Model Codes and Fregonese Calthorpe Completed www.envisionutah.org Land Use Analysis Tools for Associates, Quality Growth, and Urban Envision Utah Planning Tools for Quality Growth From Policy to Reality: Model Minnesota Planning Completed www.mnplan.state.mn.us/SDI/ordinancestoc.html Ordinances for Sustainable Environmental Quality September 2000 Development Board Smart Code Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co Published 2003 www.municode.com/smartcode/about.asp Wisconsin: Draft of Model TND Brian W. Ohm, Approved www.wisc.edu/urpl/facultyf/ohmf/ Ordinance James A. LaVro, Jr., July 28, 2001 projectf/tndord.pdf and Chuck Strawser Smart Codes for Maryland’s Maryland Dept. of Housing Adopted June 1, www.op.state.md.us/ Smart Growth: Building and Community 2001 smartgrowth/smartcode/smartcode00.htm Rehabilitation Code Development Washington State: Model Code Washington State Completed, www.ocd.wa.gov/info/lgd/growth/ Provisions: Urban Streets & Community Trade and October 1998 publications/index.tpl Subdivisions Economic Development State of Maryland: Extensive set Maryland Department of Many publications www.mdp.state.md.us/planning/m&gnew.html of model codes and guidelines Planning complete, materials being added on an ongoing basis Model Development Code Otak for the Oregon Completed www.lcd.state.or.us/tgm/publications.htm and User’s Guide for Small Transportation and September 1999 Cities; Commercial and Mixed Growth Management and July 2001 Use Development Code Handbook Program Traditional Neighborhood Institute of Transportation Completed, www.ite.org Development: Street Design Engineers October 1999 Guidelines Appendix A: Summary Table of New Urbanist Land Development Regulations (continued) PART 2. STATE BUILDING CODES Building Codes Prepared By Status Electronic Information New Jersey Rehabilitation New Jersey Department of Adopted www.state.nj.us/dca/codes Subcode Community Affairs Maryland Rehabilitation Code Maryland Department of Adopted www.op.state.md.us/smartgrowth/smartcode/ Housing and Community smartcode00.htm Development 1 2 Codifying New Urbanism Appendix A. Summary Table of New Urbanist Land Development Regulations 3 Appendix A: Summary Table of New Urbanist Land Development Regulations (cont’d) PART 3. LOCAL REGULATIONS Application of Status as New Urbanist Local Government Title Prepared By Electronic Contact of 5/15/04 Capsule Description Condition Area(s) Covered Regulations Arlington, Virginia Columbia Pike Special Geoffrey Ferrelll Asociates; www.co.Arlington.va.us/forums/ Adopted February Directs mixed-use, pedestrian- and Infill, redevelopment 3.5-mile corridor, Parallel Revitlization District Dover Kohl & Partners; columbia/current; 2003 transit-oriented redevelopment of an designated revitalization Form-Based Code (CP-FBC); and Arlington County staff www.columbiapikepartnership.com urban corridor through a form-based code district Section 20 of the Arlingrton using regulating plan, building envelope County Zoning Oridnance standards, and architectural standards. Atlanta, Georgia Quality of Life Zoning Districts City Staff http://apps.atlantaga.gov/citydir/DPCD/ Adopted Four new zoning districts: neighborhood Infill; Reuse Rezonings to occur following Mandatory, Bureau_of_Planning/BOP/Zoning/ commercial, live-work, mixed residential collaborative process following Web_Pgs/zoning_districts.htm commercial, and multifamily commercial. between city and stakeholders mapping of The provisions for these districts address districts the relationship of the building to the pedestrian realm, parking, and other street elements. Austin, Texas Traditional Neighborhood District City Staff www.ci.austin.tx.us/development/ Adopted 1997 Creates a traditional neighborhood Greenfield (areas from Whole jurisdiction. Parallel (TND) Ordinance (Austin Code of ldc1.htm; development (TND) district and an 40 to 250 acres) Mapped at request Ordinances, Vol. II, Chapter 25-3) www.review.ci.austin.tx.us/tnd/ administrative process that may be of applicant and Criteria Manual defaulttnd.html requested by landowners or developers Belmont, Traditional Neighborhood District Duany Plater Zyberk with www.belmont.nc.us Adopted Public, civic, and shopfront Greenfield (areas Traditional neighborhood Mandatory North Carolina Ordinance (City of Belmont City Staff August 1995 design standards and provisions from 40 to 200 acres) development (TND) districts Regulating Ordinance, chapter 4-11) Burnsville, Minnesota Heart of the City District (Burnsville Dahlgren, Shardlow, and http:www.burnsville.org/government/ Adopted 1999 Establishes certain street types for the Infill Downtown Mandatory City Ordinance, Chapter 22-B) Uban Inc.; citizen steering plan/ord/specialuses.htm purpose of regulating building types, and Design Framework Manual committee; and city staff. land uses, and setbacks. Chattanooga, Tennessee North Shore Commercial/ Chattanooga-Hamilton www.chattanooga.gov; www.chcrpa.org Adopted Design guidelines (primarily Infill Area zoned in North Mandatory Mixed-Use Zone (Ordinance County Regional (online code not updated) March 1998 oriented to improving streetscape Shore Commercial/ 10717) and Commerical Planning Agency and public space design) to guide Mixed-Use Zone District Design Guidelines the review of projects proposals. Chesapeake City, Maryland User’s Manual and Design City Staff and Redman & www.chesapeakecity.com/towncoun.htm Adopted Zoning ordinance creates a traditional Full range of conditions Whole jurisdiction Hybrid Guidelines Johnson June 1999 neighborhood development (TND) district and a floating TND district for future implementation. Set of design guidelines supplemental to the design standards requirements. Columbus, Ohio Traditional Neighborhood City Staff and Duany www.columbusinfobase.org/eleclib/ Adopted Creates four traditional neighborhood Full range of conditions Whole jurisdiction. Parallel Development (TND) Article Plater-Zyberk elechome.htm May 2001 development (TND) districts and an (areas of two Mapped at request of administrative process that may be acres or more) applicant requested by landowners or developers (Continued on the next page) 4 Codifying New Urbanism Appendix A. Summary Table of New Urbanist Land Development Regulations 5 Appendix A: Summary Table of New Urbanist Land Development Regulations (cont’d) PART 3. LOCAL REGULATIONS Application of Status as New Urbanist Local Government Title Prepared By Electronic Contact of 5/15/04 Capsule Description Condition Area(s) Covered Regulations Concord, North Carolina Unified Development Freilich Leitner & Carlisle http:www.ci.concord. nc.us/udo/ Adopted Creates two traditional neighborhood Full range of conditions Whole jurisdiction. TND Hybrid Ordinance March 2001 development (TND) districts (no minimum area for mapped at request of (county-coordinated) that may be TND-infill district) applicant; TOD requested by landowners or developers, surrounding identified as well as creating a transit-oriented transit stations. development (TOD) district Cornelius, North Land Development Code City Staff www.cornelius.org Adopted Full New Urbanist code Full range of conditions Whole jurisdiction Mandatory Carolina October 1996 replaced conventional zoning Davidson, North Carolina Planning Ordinance Overlay Town Staff and The www.ci.davidson.nc.us Adopted Citywide ordinance focused on restoring Full range of conditions Whole jurisdiction Mandatory Lawrence Group June 2001 traditional development patterns Fort Collins, Colorado Fort Collins Land Use Code City Staff www.colorado.com/ftcollins/landuse/ Adopted June 2001 Conventionally formatted citywide Full range of conditions Whole jurisdiction Mandatory article1.htm ordinance including mixed-use neighborhood districts with provisions requiring minimum densities, some mix of housing types, and other New Urbanist features. 1. Gainesville, Florida Land Development Code: Traditional City Staff user.gru.net/domz/tnd.htm Adopted June 1999 Creates a taditional neighborhood Greenfield or major infill Whole Jurisdiction. Parallel Neighborhood Development development (TND) district and an (areas from 16 to Mapped at request of (Article VII, Division V) administrative process that may be 200 acres) applicant requested by landowners or developers 2. Gainesville, Florida Land Development Code: Traditional City Staff fws.municode.com Adopted June 1998 Overlay code works in combination with Infill Traditional City overlay Mandatory City Overlay District and Traditional underlying area zoning: the underlying district City Area Minimum Development districts remain in effect and are further Standards (Appendix A, Section 4) regulated by the Traditional City standards Gresham, Oregon Community Development Code: City Staff www.ci.gresham.or.us/departments/ Adopted May 2001 The whole code is transit, mixed-use, and Full range of conditions Whole jurisdiction Mandatory Land Use Districts and Plan cedd/dp/code.htm pedestrian oriented. It contains several sets Districts of provisions that implement these objectives regarding the specific characteristics of each type of zone and subzone. Hercules, California Regulating Code for the Central Dover-Kohl & Partners www.ci.hercules.ca.us; Adopted July 2001 Coding of building types corresponds Major reuse site 425 waterfront acres Mandatory for Hercules Plan www.hercules-plan.org with street type most subareas, parallel for one Hillsboro,
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